View Full Version : being bisexual and get married.... sighs....

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2010, 8:17 AM
lol , I want to make it clear simply sharing the viewpoints i have been told by others as I take a serious look at my own impending doom.... I mean getting married ...... and I am not endorsing my opinion or my views as right for any other people other than me and my partner......

I am a bisexual and at some stage in the future, I will get married..... something I have never done..... I have been engaged, just never married.... I think it has a lot to do with the whole ball and chain thing lol......

anyways... I am not one to form a opinion and assume..... I base my opinions around a lot of feedback, life experience and others experiences.... and its forever changing.......lol

but one area I am coming back to, time and time again... is being bisexual and married......

lol I am the type of person that is monogamous by nature, and I respect the fuck out of my partners...... so I have never been the type of person that is interested in poly relationships, multi partners, cruising etc........ thats not to say that I have not helped others do it and offered advice..... I have just never had the interest in that type of thing myself....... and I have had a number of offers over the years ......

the 3 main types of feedback i have had, are similar to what I have seen in the forums...... but the feedback is from people around me in real life, not just in the forums.....

1) I am bisexual, I have rights, my partner has no right to deny me the right to be bisexual and express myself sexually......

just to be clear, my partner is open to the idea of another male, not another female and is interested in using toys and feeldoes with me...... but I will look it from the point of bisexual rights versus partners rights.....

my partner has the right to ask me to commit to her and her alone as the foundation of the relationship..... and I have the right to say yes or no..... in the same way I have the right to say babe, I am bisexual I would like to have other lovers as well as you and she has the right to say, no she can not cope with that.....
she is not denying me the right to be bisexual, nor forcing me to be monogamous..... I made the choice to commit to her and her alone while she made the choice to embrace me being bisexual

2) monogamy is a centuries old rule that needs to be gotten rid of......

roflmao sure, if both partners are fine with open relationships, the monogamy is a non issue...... if one partner wants monogamy and the other doesn't, you can either compromise or not..... if both want monogamy, its a non issue...

monogamy is a dirty word to people that want the security of a relationship and the freedom of the single life..... and yet for many people, monogamy is meaningless, they just want each other in a relationship and they are content with that... freedom of choice
why try and change others lives, when its our own lives where the issue exists....... do not try and remove the right of choice in others lives, please

3) never marry a hetero female, they never understand......

roflmao, BULLSHIT..... I know a number of hetero ladies in open relationships that understand their bi partners better than some bisexuals understand bisexuality.......

I am blessed in the fact that my partner understands my bisexuality well.... and we are working thru the different aspects of it and the issues it can bring up..........

lol.... out of all the issues with being bisexual, dealing with depression, having a hetero partner, struggling with coming to terms with married etc.... I thought there was no issue I could not resolve between me and my partner...... but, ladies and gentleman.... this is proof god has a sense of humour when he created bisexuals

you are in bed, the mood is right, you are making love...and suddenly your bisexuality kicks in with a boot like a stallion on steroids........
you have your partner in your arms, your tongue so far down her throat that you are dammed near licking her ass.....and you get that desire to feel a partner of the same sex, with their arms around you and their parts against you.....and you being the meat in the sandwich

jesus fuckin christ..... if there is anything that can really fuck up love making... thats it..... cos you are making love with ya partner, not interested in a bloody orgy......

sure my partner could grab the trusted old strap on and go to town on my ass.... but I want to be the one deep in my partner and feeling her arms around me, holding me.......sighs......

its like the craving for mc'd's when you have just pigged out on a sunday roast and have no room for more..... and you get that bloody craving right as your belly dammed near bursts........

seriously, god, I thought curses were plagues and politicians.... not that bloody itch I can not scratch........

so one day.... I talked to a friend then spoke to my partner.... and said, fuck this, we are getting a life sized teddy bear, with a goddam strap on..... and I am gonna scratch that itch...... lol......

who knows it may work, it may not...... but I am gonna dammed well try.....lol


so it appears that generally people is not supportive of bisexuals in monogamous relationships with hetero ladies.....and all the other opinions......

but I draw inspiration from a number of forum members that have been / are married to hetero partners and in monogamous relationships..... as that is proof to me, that with a lil work, a lil compromise and a lot of love, bisexual relationships with hetero ladies can and do work........

but I have to ask.... specially the bisexuals with hetero partners in monogamous relationships...... how the fuck do you * stratch the itch * in the middle of love making and did you ever manage to stratch it at all

Oct 14, 2010, 9:20 AM
only comment is... getting easier to say, mmm?

Oct 14, 2010, 10:15 AM
but I have to ask.... specially the bisexuals with hetero partners in monogamous relationships...... how the fuck do you * stratch the itch * in the middle of love making and did you ever manage to stratch it at all

Very little you say Duckie is exclusive to bi/hetero relationships.. it applies equally to all other kinds.. hetero/hetero no less so.. "scratching an itch"? Thats something that has to be worked through whoever you have a relationship with and whatever their sexuality.. it even applies to open relationships within all sexualities... "I fancy him," says she, "and want his body".. "What? That bastard.. fuck who u like but go near him and we are through!!".

If we commit monogomously, we have accepted that scratching that itch is a non starter.. and in the midst of lovemaking? Christ.. if love making is so good then who needs to scratch an itch? I accept that I've wished for something and someone else during lovemaking.. but that it is cos it has hardly been stunning.. vary and satisfy the pash, then its the last thing on my mind!!!

I have done the "grass is greener" thing.. it has at once been wonderfully joyous and sometimes awfully painful for some.. me too. Apart from once, most of the pain has been that of others because of my refusal to commit in any way shape or form and because I adored my lifestyle and became all too often bored with the same. I am not necessarily talking cheating here, and in the main in fact am not, but it does apply.

Now I am a gay woman married to a bisexual one.. I have itches to scratch as does she. We have simply accepted that they shall have to remain an annoying and sometimes gnawing irritation.. but I can count on no hands how often I have wanted to scratch in the middle of making love with her..

Oct 14, 2010, 1:09 PM
lol Ya'll just be happy, no matter what you decide and you'll be fine. You'll come up with a happy medium soon enough. Love to ya both.:three:

Oct 14, 2010, 1:52 PM
All I can say is good luck and work out the parameters before you exchange rings. Once you take those vows, most believe that they are carved in stone and leave no room for flexability.

I realized that after 20 + years of monogamy, I could no longer do it. I discovered a part of me that was missing, and I found how to fix it. And no, it's not just fucking another man, it was having the emotional closeness, love and affection that I was missing and needed badly. Now I can have that. I don't want the hook up things at all, just one man. And now I do. All three of us share each with the other, mind, body and soul, and it is working for us.

But God as my witness, I never went looking for this scenario, and if you asked me a couple years ago about this, I'd have said you were nuts.

Oct 14, 2010, 5:48 PM
Mmm... I thought from what we discussed you and her had reached a decision about any possible itches. I could be wrong, been known to happen many a time. Just ask any of my exes. :tong:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2010, 5:49 PM
lol my 3 fav posters.....lol

yeah, you are the 3 main people that I take inspiration from as proof of the way things can work......

@ darkeyes..... you remind me of the monogamous partner with the bisexual.....the way you address the fact that you still have desires yourself.....as well as your bi partner...... and thats something that is a reality in relationships, both partners have desires, not just the bisexual person......
be they the les/ hetero / gay or bi monogamous partner of a monogamous bisexual

its something that is overlooked with the * I'm bisexual, I have needs * threads..... and you rise some good points

@cat, ...lol I love you.....lol..... you bring the * happy with your bisexuality and comfortable with it * aspect to being bisexual.... and bring a warmth and love to the way you talk about being intimate with lovers as well as a sense of respect and consideration......

I lack the emotional range of normal people.... but you bring it to life for me in what you say

@ mikey....lol we have crossed swords in the past...... but you really stand out to me...... you are what I would seek to be if I was not able to remain monogamous..... and I have followed your story with interest... to me you are proof that not all bi males need casual lovers, and that a open long term relationship is possible and can work.......

yes I fear failing in a marriage with DD..... failure in marriage is something I can not handle as I am seen too many marriages fail cos one partner puts themselves before their partner.........
looking at you three....... helps me feel more secure that I can side step if I have to... and with DD's support which I have already....... it gives me more trust and faith in marriage and helps me believe that we can get tho the issues we can not resolve before we get married

Annika L
Oct 14, 2010, 6:07 PM
All I can say is good luck and work out the parameters before you exchange rings. Once you take those vows, most believe that they are carved in stone and leave no room for flexability.

I realized that after 20 + years of monogamy, I could no longer do it. I discovered a part of me that was missing, and I found how to fix it. And no, it's not just fucking another man, it was having the emotional closeness, love and affection that I was missing and needed badly. Now I can have that. I don't want the hook up things at all, just one man. And now I do. All three of us share each with the other, mind, body and soul, and it is working for us.

But God as my witness, I never went looking for this scenario, and if you asked me a couple years ago about this, I'd have said you were nuts.

I think Mikey is right on here. I believe what vows of fidelity are all about *really* (regardless of the words said) is promising that you won't do anything that makes your partner uncomfortable...that you won't violate any agreements between the two of you.

I have been monogamous with my partner for 24 years. I cannot say that this will always be; there is a pressure I feel inside that may eventually overcome my resolve to "simply not scratch that itch". If I reach such a point (as it sounds like Mikey did), then as he did, I will involve my partner in the decision to expand our "circle of intimacy"...and our agreement will change accordingly. And in that case I pray that I may be as successful as he has been so far in finding an arrangement that works so well. I find his situation inspiring.

But as Mikey says...such an "alternate arrangement" was never my intent when my relationship began. I felt strongly about monogamy, and was quite convinced that as long as we were together, I would be able through sheer will and respect for our relationship to endure any cravings for anything I didn't have. But time is long, and my experience is that the state of being bisexual doesn't change, and it asserts itself slowly...but it asserts itself.

Best wishes to Fran, Kate, LDD, and DD. Life with itches, however, may not remain so simple. May your strength endure.

Oct 14, 2010, 6:20 PM
Failure in marriage is something we all fear, but LGBTQ people have more cards stacked against them. Just remember to work things out beforeh and and try to be flexible with the rules. People change over time, ALL PEOPLE do.

And thx for the props LDD. We argue, but we always resolve things. That's how us guys do stuff, blow off steam, then get down to the real issue. I'm right and you're wrong!!!!!

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2010, 6:33 PM
hugs annika..... another of my fav posters.....lol.....

when I look at you, I see a lady in a marriage lasting more than the 7 year itch....... I know of 9 couples that have lasted longer than 20 years, and I have lost count of the many, many marriages that have failed......

my own mother has married 3 times, my father once and ever again, hes been single ever since the divorce ( about 34 years ), my step father has married 3 times....
my older sister has never married, my younger sister is not married.....

currently I have never married, but I have no plans to follow in the footsteps of my parents and stepfather......

DD's parents have lasted 40+ years and counting..... her grandmother married twice.... 19 years first time, 20+ the second..... DD's first marriage lasted 10 years........

both of us are not interested in short term, we wanna do the * til death do us part, or until she strangles me in bed for farting too much *...

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2010, 6:46 PM
lol mikey, we are flexible, I can get DD's legs right up...... oh wrong flexible......

lol I am more inflexible than DD... which is ironic considering that bisexuals are meant to be more flexible......

DD was the one that offered a compromise and I was the one that said no, I don't want other people.....but it is something that is nagging in the back of my mind......

Oct 14, 2010, 7:14 PM
lol mikey, we are flexible, I can get DD's legs right up...... oh wrong flexible......

But the question is, how high can she get your ankles? :tong:

Oct 14, 2010, 7:18 PM
High enough to hook into these lovely bondage cuffs, anymore questions?

Oct 14, 2010, 7:47 PM
looking at you three....... helps me feel more secure that I can side step if I have to... and with DD's support which I have already....... it gives me more trust and faith in marriage and helps me believe that we can get tho the issues we can not resolve before we get married

awww Duckie..nev knew ya cared... tee hee..

We all fear failure Duckie me darlin'.. in woteva we do.. espesh summat as serious as marriage.. failed once.. but dont intend 2 this time.. but who knows just wot life has in store?? An wile we r aware of just how unpredictable a marriage can be, just like everythin else in life.. we don't lie awake at nite frettin or stressin bout it.. we take each day as it cums wile plannin for the long term.. we talk an laff an luff an nev give 2 much thot of failure.. stressin bout wot mite b and/or mite happen in the future undermines wot is.. we look forward wiv optimism an a determination not 2 fail.. its no secret.. we r not perfectly suited 100%.. we hav differences.. we have needs wich neitha of us can fulfill for obvious reasons... but as ne relationship wich involves 2 peeps of diff sexualties, we reckon we r as close 2 perfect as we can b.. an that how we feel bout each othas an our commmitment 2 each otha.. we will b jus dandy..:)

Oct 14, 2010, 7:53 PM
Best wishes to Fran, Kate, LDD, and DD. Life with itches, however, may not remain so simple. May your strength endure.

Awww ta Annika.. nope yas rite.. it is not an will nev b simple... but reckon we hav wot it takes 2 get through... am not the same girl me wos a few years 'go.. an even much more recently.. the itches r still ther but reckon am now finally ready 2 deal wiv it, an if me may borrow a Holy Joe expression, keep Satan behind me...:tong:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2010, 9:19 PM
mental issues such as depression are only barriers in the minds of people that let them become barriers..... ask void dweller..... he knows....

mental illness is not a restriction to many mentally ill people, its a enhancement as our way of thinking is outside of the square....so we are more in tune to uniqueness and we often do not conform ourselves to the social norms of society....

I am mentally ill, yes, but its mental illness that helps me deal with 2 years of patient waiting while most normal people would have found somebody else....
mental illness stops me feeling alone when my partner is not with me, as I am already alone and have been for 40 years, so I do not feel the longing and solitude that affects normal people....
I also lack envy, jealousy, regret and other emotions that can cripple a normal person......

so yes, i fear failing in the marriage, but I have the tools there already, to work harder with my partner to make it work....... if more people had the tools I do, maybe more marriages would last........

Annika L
Oct 14, 2010, 10:04 PM
hugs annika..... another of my fav posters.....lol.....

when I look at you, I see a lady in a marriage lasting more than the 7 year itch....... I know of 9 couples that have lasted longer than 20 years, and I have lost count of the many, many marriages that have failed......

Thank you, LDD...but to clarify your vision, I am partnered with a woman, whom I cannot legally marry.

But it is indeed a partnership that has lasted well over 3 times the 7-year itch...although I must add that the itch has only become particular strong in the last 7 years. And not over any particular person (hence, it's not the kind of thing where I just need to shut someone out of my life and all will be well).

I agree with your referring to bisexuality as a curse...at least it is if one is inclined to try to be monogamous.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 14, 2010, 10:15 PM
lol over here if you are in a long term relationship of more than 3 years, you are classed as married.... and I seen no difference between a long term relationship and marriage......only the signing of the death cert.... I mean marriage documents......lol

DD has the better understanding of marriage than me....... I see it as the signing of pieces of paper so the government can work out how much they have to give to you or not ( we have tax and subsidy benefits for married people )

to me a hand binding is what would be more valid.... as a handbinding to me, is a commitment stronger than marriage.... its a promise, a vow, a oath, that if either of us was to fall or falter, the other person would support them and hold them as long as needed..... and its a vow til death.....there is no divorce option if DD wants to trade me in for a better version of male lol..... I would still be honour bound to help her regardless.......

unfortunately handbindings are not classed as a form of marriage here...... tho being handbound as part of a marriage ceremony is possible, but you still have the meaningless paper work lol......

with handbindings I have a understanding of what I need to, can do and should do as a partner..... with marriage tho... its not there so I have no real understanding of what I need to strive to achieve with and for DD

Oct 14, 2010, 10:26 PM
LOL, I sound like a greedy wench but I want it all. I want the common and the uncommon, I want to share everything with you, LDD, as we are one. I love you

Oct 15, 2010, 12:33 AM
I wish you both happiness and success in your upcoming marriage. Having written that,

1/ When was the last time that you felt this urge while making love with a woman that you had "an itch" to be with a man? I personally have never felt that while in a relationship with a woman and in the midst of making love to her. (it came when not making love to her) It seems unusual to me if you actually are in love with the person that you are making love but if it has happened to you, ok.

2/ You are blessed with several things having been resolved.
a/ You have disclosed your bisexuality and your potential mate states that she accepts your bisexuality.
b/ your potential mate has offered you the option of bringing a man into your love making(if I understand what you wrote).

3/ You may have some issues to resolve
a/ Your understandable focus on monogamy and this urge to scratch your itch seem to be contradictions. Your potential mate has offered you a solution but you are not comfortable with the solution. This is inside you to be resolved. It would seem that you will be able to resolve it though should the itch happen. You seem to have an open supportive relationship. If the itch strikes(hopefully while not making love to your wife) will you not be comfortable discussing this with her?
b/ Without knowing too much about your relationship off of this site, I know that you spent three or four months together but most of your relationship has been while you are physically apart. Somehow, I suspect more issues may arise from this change in your relationship. I'm sure that you have found a way to re assure yourselves though that it will work.

Again, may you both be happy together for the rest of your life.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2010, 2:01 AM
having a itch I can not scratch.... doesn't change the fact I am monogamous by nature.... I am not brainwashing or conforming to social norms..... i just simply do not do well with multiple partners and I am not into casual sex.....

to answer the question as to why it happens with a female..... its cos I am bisexual.... both aspects of my twin spirited nature hit at the same time, so I want to be the * meat in the sandwich *.......and the last time it happened ???? during the times I made love with DD when she was here in NZ..... and she is the only person that brings that dual aspect out in me......

hence I have referred to it as the one issue I can not resolve...... but it appears that tenni and sodom tend to be of the option that there is no issue, just go off with males.......and that would solve the issue.....

well guys.. thats why I posted that doing that would just cause more issues for me as its not in my nature to have multiple partners, and I do not care for or enjoy casual sex........ your solutions would not work for me......

I can not help but wonder if you both were ever married and if so, why it failed....

Oct 15, 2010, 2:33 AM
It boils down to what a man can do, and what a man can't do.

If you are monogamous by nature, then it's really not an issue, right? If you are wired for monogamy, then the gender of your S.O. isn't an issue. You have the same itches to be scratched as any other person who is monogamous, and you deal with them in the same fashion.

The great thing is that you are marrying a fantastic lady who, should you say 'let's find a third' would let you (and if I read correctly, would share with you). I can tell you that, though I have limited experience, sharing a man with Mrs. Pasa is FAR more enjoyable and comfortable than playing alone. It took our relationship to a whole new level.

Count your blessings. Most bi men don't have it so good. :) Hugs and blessings to you both.


Oct 15, 2010, 2:36 AM
Couple things....it was early on when we were still in the early stages of our relationship that I told him I would be okay with him having a male in his life but I would cut his balls off if he looked at another female. His response was that a male would cause him go out of control and with his dysthimia being in balance is what matters to him.

The reason I bring this out in him is I am the only one he has ever really loved and that makes him want to share everything with me.

He has been open and honest with me at every stage of the relationship and the times when we have honestly discussed having a third for certain scenarios the rules HE set forth were so strict that no one could meet them so we began to look at the teddy bear with a dildo option.

I am amused that people think he means he needs to go sleep with someone, he is just asking if anyone has experienced the itch. Several posted that yes indeed they had the urge even if not in the midst of having sex and that they are able to remain true to partners.

Right now we are as in touch as if I was actually there, we voice for several hours every night. We talk about our days and our problems and help each other resolve any issues that crop up. There are times we sit on voice and are saying nothing but it's like a quiet night at home with him playing his game and me reading a book or whatever and when something needs to be said we say it.

Our relationship will not change when I get back there and honestly the handbinding he wants and doesn't fear is more restrictive than the marriage I have in mind LOL.

Oct 15, 2010, 4:55 AM
Our relationship will not change when I get back there and honestly the handbinding he wants and doesn't fear is more restrictive than the marriage I have in mind LOL.

OOO Darlin' darlin'.. don mind a lil a that kinda hand bindin mesel.. spesh if allied 2 havin me feet strapped an all...:bigrin::rolleyes:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2010, 5:56 AM
It boils down to what a man can do, and what a man can't do.

If you are monogamous by nature, then it's really not an issue, right? If you are wired for monogamy, then the gender of your S.O. isn't an issue. You have the same itches to be scratched as any other person who is monogamous, and you deal with them in the same fashion.

The great thing is that you are marrying a fantastic lady who, should you say 'let's find a third' would let you (and if I read correctly, would share with you). I can tell you that, though I have limited experience, sharing a man with Mrs. Pasa is FAR more enjoyable and comfortable than playing alone. It took our relationship to a whole new level.

Count your blessings. Most bi men don't have it so good. :) Hugs and blessings to you both.


lol yeah the hard part I have found was while making love with her, a couple of times I got the overwhelming desire to be fucked hard by a male while I was in DD...... that was the itch I could not scratch.... and a issue I can not resolve......

apart from the fact I have no fuck buddy on speed dial..... it was also a very intimate time for us....and having a 3rd person would have broken the mood and turned it into a fuck fest.......

but I agree.... nothing with DD involved.... its one of the rules I have.... DD is involved in, knows about and gets to see and be a part of everything ( how involved in the sex would be her call only )
and that was a rule I put up before we really even talked about threesomes and open relationships lol

to my knowledge there is not a aspect of bisexuality we have not talked about in depth and in regards to the relationship..... but its like building a house, it all looks good on paper, the construction and final touches can be a totally different matter.......and that stuff we will deal with when she gets here for good.......

Oct 15, 2010, 8:37 AM
"hence I have referred to it as the one issue I can not resolve...... but it appears that tenni and sodom tend to be of the option that there is no issue, just go off with males.......and that would solve the issue.....

well guys.. thats why I posted that doing that would just cause more issues for me as its not in my nature to have multiple partners, and I do not care for or enjoy casual sex........ your solutions would not work for me...... "

Actually, I don't think that I offered such a solution nor did I write that you should have sex with men at all. Sorry, if I gave you that impression. I think that if you do have sex with a man it will cause you great stress to the point that you will be shattered. What I did write that I thought that you would be able to discuss it with your partner. So, we actually have a rare agreement.

If you have not had sex with a man or another woman at this point in your relationship, I doubt that you will. I'm a bit surprised that you even state that you have a strong desire to have same sex. I do not recall you discussing a desire to have same sex intimacy until this thread.

What you reject is that I see issues once you spend real time with each other over a period of a couple years. I hope not. Have you considered living togeher for a year or two before legally marrying?

Oct 15, 2010, 4:32 PM
Tenni, I'm not getting off the plane and getting hitched. It just doesn't work that way in NZ. No matter how much documentation we have proving a relationship I still have to be there for awhile before the powers that be will let us get married. Just in case it's one of those scenarios where I am just getting married to be able to stay in NZ. Unless I win the lottery and go over there with 2 million in a bank account I will need to be there four out of five years in order to apply for permanent residency.

The marriage to me is something that I need to settle with my dad. He needs to know that his baby girl is okay and taken care of, he doesn't understand things like the handbinding and de facto partnerships, he understands marriage and knows that means I am fine with LDD. That I won't be calling in the middle of the night going I can't take it anymore get me home. That was a part of why I proposed to LDD. There are alot of other factors involved in why I want marriage and LDD knows them. Some are hard to express and he has to read between the lines so to speak. To him it doesn't matter if he gets married or not, to me it does. And he has agreed to do this because it is important to me on levels that are just not easily described.

We have been together for two years, we face at least another year, maybe more before I can actually purchase a ticket to get back. We are comfortable with the wait and happy with the stories, the voice chats, the phone calls and the sharing of love.

Oct 15, 2010, 5:22 PM
Thanks DD
That makes sense. As I wrote, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together.

Oct 15, 2010, 6:19 PM
If you don't mind me asking DD and LDD what were the scenario or rules for the 3rd man that LDD set forth that no one could ever meet?

DD-Are you going to take kitty to NZ too when you move there?

The rules are between us, but the most important that I will share, was that whoever would treat me with respect and not a piece of meat.

No, I will not be taking either of my pets to NZ when I move as it wouldn't be fair to them. They would have to be quarantined for quite awhile after I arrive and the long trip would not be good for either of them. Not the cat and not the German Shep/Rottweiler mix I have. The animals will either be taken care of my parents or given to others to love as I have loved them.

Oct 15, 2010, 6:20 PM
Thanks DD
That makes sense. As I wrote, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together.

Welcome, Tenni and thank you.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2010, 6:44 PM
If you don't mind me asking DD and LDD what were the scenario or rules for the 3rd man that LDD set forth that no one could ever meet?

the rules I made:

1) no strangers...... absolutely no strangers, we need to be 100% sure the person will cause no issues and that requires knowing the person long term

2) its not wham bam thank you maam type sex..... friends first, and we go from thru

3) no sex without DD there, watching, knowing everything that is going on, and we both agree to it happening

4) we exhaust every option before we allow a 3rd person in

5) no married people, no people in relationships, only people that are single, and interested in more than just being a fuck buddy

6) DD is treated like shes their partner, not a female to fuck.... respect for DD beyond all else..

7) somebody that can tell us what they want, over coffee.....

8) somebody that is bisexually secure.... or a gay male that is not judgemental of LGBT.....

9) must love cats, my cats rule the house and deserve respect too.....

10 ) must enjoy using toys and be open minded.....

11) must be fine with a woman making the rulings and stating the terms....

DD rules.....

1) total honesty, nothing is hidden, everything is open.....

as it stands now.... there is only two people I would even consider..... a gay male who I have known for 20 odd years, and a female that is also a very close friend ........

Oct 15, 2010, 7:34 PM
DD rules.....

1) total honesty, nothing is hidden, everything is open.....

Well Fuck! You're doomed before you even start. Don't bother.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2010, 7:37 PM
lmao...... :tong::tong::tong:

looks at mikey and the way his life is better now.......lol.....

Oct 15, 2010, 8:44 PM

Oct 16, 2010, 11:10 PM
Giggles and thinks it's good that Mikey didn't say "Toupee"