View Full Version : Am I BI or its just tht I dont get enough straight Sex,,,,

swarup parida
Oct 29, 2010, 6:17 AM
Hey frnd out here... Since a long time i have been thinking what has drove me to bisexuality as coz I was born and two three yrs earlier I was a straight guy.. But since my hook ups wid gals got lesser &lesser I started looking diffrnt ways of satisfying myself,, so i just wanna know whether I have wrongly turned towards bisexuality or is it sumthing which must have happened to me even if I got enougn straight sex????

Oct 29, 2010, 7:02 AM
I think there are probably those, who find it convenient to have sex with the same gender, just to have an easy orgasm. But, who better to answer this question other than yourself? You will probably have to look within yourself, to find the answer to this question. As many people as there are on this earth, there are probably that many answers for them being who they are.

A psychiatrist, or a psychologist, may help you find the answer, but ultimately YOU are the one who will have to answer this.

Oct 29, 2010, 1:51 PM
I agree with Realist and would add only that nothing but experience can give you the answers you seek. It can take years to sort this stuff out.