View Full Version : The mind's ability

Dec 6, 2010, 3:23 PM
I awoke this morning, remembering a staunchly straight roommate in the Air Force, who was into all kinds of things like the occult, hypnotism, mind control, and putting himself into trances.

He was telling me that he could make himself cum by putting his mind into certain conditions, using only his mind.

I thought he was a nut.........and he was in a lot of ways. But, one boring night, I talked him into showing me his ability to induce an orgasm with no touching, whatsoever.

He took a shower and told me to not say anything, just watch. He came back, then laid on his bed, naked, and closed his eyes.

I watched as he did nothing, but lay there, with his eyes closed; his cock began to swell. Soon, he was fully erect and his face began to blush, his cock swelled even more and I watched his balls pull up. Within minutes, he was erupting with an amazing gush of cum, some of it shooting over his head!

This video is an example what I saw!


Apparently, other men have that ability, too, as evidenced by the video. I've long known that some women have that skill. My GF has had many hands-off orgasms since we've known each other. I once knew another girl, who often had orgasms at concerts, too. Certain music could trigger it. No wonder she loved them so! However, no matter how hard I've tried, I've never duplicated this phenomena.

Anyway, thought I'd share this.......................

Dec 6, 2010, 6:47 PM
I also have heard of it... I can think myself to arousal, but not to orgasm. That stuff takes a very long time to master, and I am honest enough to admit that I frankly don't have the patience.


Dec 6, 2010, 7:10 PM
A few years ago, I was bound and determined to do a mind control orgasm. I tried many times. I would get very close, floating on a wave of pleasure, but never actually cumming. I even had full body involuntary trembling, kind of a full body orgasm. Still no actual cum juice.
After seeing the video, I am encouraged to get back into trying again. I will say, it was a lot of fun trying.

Anyone here had good luck with it?

Dec 6, 2010, 8:21 PM
Hey there "Realist"

Something else that can trigger an orgasm is a motorcycle, yep it'll do it. I have had it happen to me before, though I gotta admit that it's kinda "HARD" to ride and relax / concentrate at the same time, but still possible. First you gotta have whats called a solo seat that Harley Davidson used to install on their older motorcycles. This style that I'm talking about dates back to the 40's 50's and so on, also the "Police models" too. this style is a wide in the back saddle seat with a kinda rounded mound at the front, called a "horn" like a horse saddle has. All you gotta do is to sit forward on the horn of the seat, letting your balls hang off the front of the horn and the rounded part of the seat resting against the area that's directly behind / below your balls. I guess that a bit of adjustment here in this area will be needed to find your "sweet spot", and it helps a lot if both of the drive chains are loose, out of adjustment, and dry of oil so as to give the max vibration effect. :cool:

You do know that the older Harley Davidson's were also called "Milwaukee Vibrators"??? And the vibration that they could produce was the reason why!!! :rolleyes:

Anyway the female passengers can benefit from all this vibration too. Simply by placing something that's kinda hard and "banana shaped" in their undies and leaning forward while spreading your legs, and applying vibrating pressure to your "G-spot" while going down the road. Again, a bit of adjustment will be necessary to achieve your "sweet spot", but when once found, multiple organisms are possible.

I mean you can be cumming and going at the same time!!! I mean it's what I called getting sexersize while on your sexercycle!!! :cutelaugh

This is only possible on the older motorcycles, the newer cycles do not vibrate like the older ones did. Vibration can be a killer after ridding all day, it will really wear you out. The older Harley Davidson's were good for this, but the older, twin cylinder British bikes (Triumph, BSA's, Norton's ETC) were even better than the Harley's as far as the vibration goes. At about 60 MPH they would vibrate bad, bad enough to get a real good orgasm, quick. :impleased

Oh and also,,,,, pick a smooth road, nothing will kill a good trip quicker than a "bumpy road" :eek:

I gotta admit that this may be a bit off the original topic, but just as much fun never the less. :tong:

Your friend, :doggie:

Dec 6, 2010, 8:45 PM
I can sometimes cum on command. When I'm somewhat stimulated already, sometimes all my girl has to do is whisper in my ear "Cum", and I do! I have been known to cum by text. I would get a text that said cum, and I would. Guess it's just an aquired skill.....

Dec 6, 2010, 8:58 PM

I assume, since a few women I've known were more adept at achieving orgasms this way, that you are better prepared (mentally) to enjoy this phenomina! Until I found that video, my roommate in the service was the only male I ever knew, who could do it. So far, I've personally known two ladies who can do it on a regular basis.


I've tried, too...never got as close as you did, though. Don't give up. It seems like a really scintillating thing to experience!


I enjoyed your post, but that's not the same as a mind induced, or Cerebral orgasm. You're talking about using a very expensive vibrator!

I know a little about motorcycles as my first one was purchased with lawn-mowing money in 1954. (In those days, in Florida, you could get a license for a scooter, or motorcycle at 14, but you could not drive a car. There was a permit, though, but you had to have a mature, licensed driver with you, always.

My motorcycle was an olive drab military surplus 1941 Harley 45, that I paid $50 for. I rode it until I could get my driver's license for a car, in '56.

I've owned a couple of Beemers and some rice-burners, too. Loved 'em all, for one reason, or another.

Damn, I'm side-tracking my own thread!

Dec 7, 2010, 3:20 AM
Know what you mean Doggie.

The phenomenon was not limited to USA bikes. Before balancer shafts were fitted to Jap machines, even these could elicit the old "keep it at that speed response from the pillion passenger" as grip would tighten. The best perineum massagers for the driver encountered were the 2-stroke Kawasaki triples

I had a friend who decided that he would cutom build his engine on a Triton (Triumph + Norton amalagam) but got his calculations wrong. At some speeds his female passenger would be close on fainting from pleasure but at higher rpms there was danger from simultaneous driver orgasm and control loss through vibrating eyeballs and mushing of the brain.

Dec 7, 2010, 8:25 PM
Hephaestion!!! :bigrin:

:bigrin: :cutelaugh WOW Hephaestion I had forgotten about the old pillion pad!!! :bigrin: :cutelaugh ROTFLMAO!!! I am going to be laughing at the memory of that one for a while! :tong:
Here in the USA it was called a "P-pad"! I think that the brits invented it cause they first appeared on British bikes. I wonder what the original inventor of the P-pad had in mind, or even realized it's potential, when he invented it. When the Harley "chopper scene" hit real good in the US, the P-pad, for the passenger, and a small saddle, for the operator, was all the seating that a chopper motorcycle had! With a rigid frame, or a frame that had no rear suspension, it made for some very rough ridding, even painful, on rough roads. You just had to be tough back then. However, for a girl sitting on a P-pad, for her, on a smooth road, a motorcycle would become an "orgas-a-tron! :tong: And I think that I may still have an old one in my pile of old harley junk. Cannot remember for sure, but I do think that I do.

Anyway that does bring back the memories though! Yep the gals :girl: would lean over forward against you, tell you things like, lean forward some for me "please!!!", or stay in that gear / speed, then start digging in their claws, and "hanging on" to you tight :love:

Realist :bigrin:

That "flathead 45 cu-in Harley" that you had, did have one of those type of seats that I was trying to describe, or at least it originally came with one anyway. However I don;t think that the 45 Harley had enough motor to make the kind of vibration that was necessary to bring a person to orgasm. I at one time had an 1947 FL "knuckle-head" Harley that would do it, and I did it with that style of seat, which was called by Harley as a "solo saddle". If you sat just right, and rode at the right speed / RPM's, it would make you "Jizz in your pants" (remember that song?) :eek:

Shame,,,,, that even though I have several Harley's, none are capable of producing such an effect. Nor are they equipped with the necessary seating.
So,,,,,hummmmmm, got me thinking that, maybe ??? :rolleyes:

Your friend, :doggie:

Dec 8, 2010, 11:45 PM
I rank this up there with Ninjas who slow their heart beats down so you think they are dead and bury them then turn your back to smoke and they jump out of the half shoveled grave and rip your beating heart out and make you eat it sitting down on your finest china and thanking them for the meal before you die.

Dec 9, 2010, 12:36 AM
That's funny!

But, my old English teacher, Mrs Petering*, would have burned you to the ground, for that run-on sentence, Joe!

*Not a made-up name!


Do you think I could get more than $55 for a complete/running Harley 45, these days? (Even though it might not induce orgasms?) I made a profit...............I paid $50 for it, drove it nearly 2 years, then sold it for $55!

Dec 9, 2010, 11:55 AM
At one time--it seemed like I could cum like that--and I didn't have to even think about it. I sure did like to jerk off--I figured I might as well since my body seemed to have to get me off anyhow without me using my hands and only relying on the power of either hormones, youth and downright horniness---of course many such instances as this happened while sleeping--but I sure had some intense sexual dreams to go along with them---some of those--along with the orgasms that did result--were pretty intense--but I decided that if at all possible when the urge came to masturbate---I would go ahead and do it so I knew that I enjoyed the sensations.

It was fun to watch the guy in the vid do that. He is certainly a pretty hot guy.

I think that what you do talk about Realist is one of those examples of the amazing things that people can do when they set about to have more control over their mind and body---much like that new reality series "Stan Lee's Superhumans" where they find people who can do things that are beyond the limits of what we usually think humans can do.

Dec 9, 2010, 12:42 PM
Had a few bf's wiv bikes.. an luffly big bikes an all.. but it wos me x hubbie's late uncle who had a passion for restoring old motor bikes. he Had just finished restoring an old Norton something or other.. a huge ugly brute any way.. Brian was back home and I was down at his in the Lakes for a few days.. he got the brute going and asked me if I fancied a run 2 to Eskdale for lunch to see how she goes.. never one to refuse a free lunch on a glorious summer day I graciously accepted..

...an God.. by the time we had gone 3 miles I was tingling everywhere with the vibration of this monster 'tween me legs.. he opened her up to climb the Wrynose and from 'bout half way up I just about blew me head off. All the way to the top.. omg.. the agony an the ecstacy.. jus had 2 make him stop... which he did an I was in such a sweat an looked so silly I think he must have guessed.. wos just glad I had a full face helmet with a dark visor on cos dont think I could have looked him right in the eye then an the look on me lil face would def have given away the game.. he had a silly smirk on his chops anyway.. when we got to the pub at Eskdale I had to ask him not to open her up quite so much cos it was getting uncomfy (my story.. more like me wos feared a fallin off an lookin stupid..:eek:)..

.. but bein a right gennelman.. the daft old coot said nowt!:)

Dec 9, 2010, 1:08 PM
It's all in the mind, the greatest sex organ is the brain.

Dec 9, 2010, 1:38 PM

I've had some really intense encounters with lovers, where I thought I'd cum before contact was made, but I don't think that I've ever actually erupted before touching. (As a teen, I came very close, though) Other than wet dreams, I don't remember any.

I was seriously in love with another boy, in military school, and we became extremely aroused anytime we were within a close proximity. At 14, it seemed that I'd never get to spend enough time with him. But, regardless of how much I wanted him, I never had an orgasm without contact.

At 16, with my first real GF, I felt the same intense urges, but still, no premature orgasms.

Here's a situation that I only recently heard of:


................but this is a disorder, not an intentionally mentally induced phenomena.

Without too much effort I found this:


This is something that is very interesting to me, because I have witnessed it personally.

My GF has had many hands-off orgasms, while we were discussing sexually explicit subjects on the phone, while she was in bed 50 miles away, driving to and from work, and even at her desk at work! (I know, dangerous when driving, but she is a multi-tasker Par-excellence, she claims)

Rock Gardner says she has done this, too! So, apparently this really is more common for the ladies, than men.

I'm jealous!

Dec 9, 2010, 3:23 PM
And I'm NEVER speechless!

Dec 9, 2010, 5:15 PM
Ya, but have you found a "how to" guide yet ?

This would give me something to do while stuck in waiting rooms for reasons one or another.

Dec 9, 2010, 5:43 PM

I haven't found an "How to" manual, yet.

I asked my girlfriend how she does it. She says she can visualize her "fantasy of the moment" in her mind and put herself into a mental state, like it was actually happening! Telling me her thoughts makes it even more intense for her, too. She said she's been able to do that since she was a kid, so she's had a lot of practice!

Since I watched that video, I've tried a few times, but I guess my imagination is just not powerful enough.

I hope one of the guys can do it. I've gotten two emails from ladies, who said they've been able to cum like this, but no guys have.

Maybe Fran's right...maybe we are the LESSER MORTALS!

Dec 9, 2010, 5:51 PM

I haven't found an "How to" manual, yet.

I asked my girlfriend how she does it. She says she can visualize her "fantasy of the moment" in her mind and put herself into a mental state, like it was actually happening! Telling me her thoughts makes it even more intense for her, too. She said she's been able to do that since she was a kid, so she's had a lot of practice!

Since I watched that video, I've tried a few times, but I guess my imagination is just not powerful enough.

I hope one of the guys can do it. I've gotten two emails from ladies, who said they've been able to cum like this, but no guys have.

Maybe Fran's right...maybe we are the LESSER MORTALS!

In my defense, I'm easily distracted and already quite busy.


Dec 10, 2010, 12:10 AM
Several years ago there was an adult store owned by a most interesting woman. It was a very "hands on" kind of a store as you could touch, try on, any of the products that they sold before you bought them. Another great feature of the store was that it held classes on a wide variety of subjects...from How to strip for your man, How to light her fire, Blow Jobs 101. Well at one of the classes that I attended, the owner Kim told of how she could have an orgasm without touching herself. She said that one day she received a phone call from one of the best hospitals in Boston, saying that they somehow had come to hear of her abilities of self pleasure and would she be willing to participate in a medical study which would require her to manipulate herself in an MRI to orgasm then to have another without touching herself. She most graciously accepted. On the appointed day she came, she came and she conquered. Months later, when the project was completed, she was told of the background of the study. As it turns out it was a study by the National Institute of Health and was commissioned to study how the mind can control the body. It was done to work on the advancements for para and quadriplegics. So you never know......

I know for me...one lover used to love to tease me...he would not touch me, but he would play with himself and it would drive me wild and I would cum and gush all for the sight of HIM.


Dec 10, 2010, 12:34 PM
My wife and I have been "experimenting" with erotic hypnosis, she is either more open/receptive than I am or I'm better at inducing a trance because she is capable of reaching a deep level of trance and suggestibility while I haven't...yet. She can now have an orgasm most of the time when I command her to do so with absolutely no physical stimulation from me.

There are however a few limitations, she is too inhibited if we're in public, if there are people around she's not comfortable with and loud sounds or similar distractions also effect her ability to orgasm. She responds only to my command because that was how we chose to set up the suggestive trigger.

Other than using a suggestion limiting her response to only me and a trigger only we know the rest of the limitations are due to one rule in hypnosis. You can't be made to do something that you would normally be unwilling to do when not in trance. This can/does include subconscious fear or interest, Those you see on stage acting out as "chicken" often have a subconscious need to attract attention to themselves.

Her orgasms range from small quick reactions when I just walk up and hold her whispering in her ear to hugely intensified orgasms while making love. We have also used trance to free her from inhibitions and irrational fears/guilt associated with societal/religious indoctrination we all get from childhood to peer influence as adults.

The mind is indeed incredible and capable of all manner of things!!!

Dec 10, 2010, 12:53 PM
The mind is indeed a wonderful thing. I have also been able to have a "hands off" climax. It is quite powerful. I have had several Harleys and I have enjoyed the 500 pound vibrator between my legs. In fact, wear nice loose shorts, go commando and at 60 mph you get the most invigorating blow job imaginable. LOL Anyone interested in a e-meeting to experiment with this?

Dec 10, 2010, 1:10 PM
The mind is indeed a wonderful thing. I have also been able to have a "hands off" climax. It is quite powerful. I have had several Harleys and I have enjoyed the 500 pound vibrator between my legs. In fact, wear nice loose shorts, go commando and at 60 mph you get the most invigorating blow job imaginable. LOL Anyone interested in a e-meeting to experiment with this?

I have a Springer...maybe we should get together for a real time experiment! :bigrin:

Dec 10, 2010, 3:23 PM

Sounds like I have a new "hobby" to work on for 2011. LOL

Dec 11, 2010, 5:07 AM
I rank this up there with Ninjas who slow their heart beats down so you think they are dead and bury them then turn your back to smoke and they jump out of the half shoveled grave and rip your beating heart out and make you eat it sitting down on your finest china and thanking them for the meal before you die.

That requires an extreme power of will and discipline. Although people can affect their blood pressure readings by looking at the gauge. It doesn't help matters if you've done anything in the medical or e.m.s field and have an idea of the range expected. Controlling blood pressure and pulse could also allow bypassing tests for lies, at least on the surface.

Yes, I've brought my heart rate down before. It was no walk in the park to do. The trance like state you must enter requires all focus. And keeping that is difficult especially when the next thought is of returning to natural state. There's a reflexive and instinctual, "oh my gawd, what if I can't get back?!" That can blow your focus too.

I truly admire those whom have far greater focus than I. It is a blessing which curses me for lacking, lest I sit down and actually truly write, making a career from writing.

Dec 11, 2010, 5:37 AM
After reading this Kate and I decided we'd have a go. We lay silently thinking and concentrating and trying hard as we might to bring oursleves off by thought and the power of the mind.. eventually (after about 3 minutes) I started giggling and thought "what the hell??".. so we gave up and decided on the hands on approach... :bigrin:

Dec 11, 2010, 6:01 AM
Maybe the hero in Realist's link was training for government office. That is where a lot of mental masturbation goes on

According to folklore the washing machine has been a good friend when in need. When the women of the house insist on being left alone to do the washing one becomes suspicious especially when the high speed spinner has the same pitch as her voice in ecstacy. Is all that 'yes'ing really about being pleased with washing results?

The characters in the last paragraph are entirey fictonal. They have been used for the purposes of spinning a yarn and have nothing to do wiith cramp in the tongue.

What the hell, I'm off to play with my motorcycle and hammer action drill with its cushioned penetration attachment.

Dec 11, 2010, 8:35 PM
What the hell, I'm off to play with my motorcycle and hammer action drill with its cushioned penetration attachment.

:bigrin: Right on there Hephaestion :bigrin:

"LIVE TO RIDE AND RIDE TO LIVE" ,,,,, Is what I say!

Your friend, :doggie: