View Full Version : First bisexual ad I ever found...

Dec 19, 2010, 6:42 PM
Well, this seems to be interesting. I found this TV Ikea advert (apparently is in German, or maybe Swedish... I dunno) in the "Flexuality" blog that was linked to this site in a couple of threads, and I was quite thankful to see a portrayal of a bisexual (especially of a man) in it. However, I think it was quite not the best way to handle it, since it has a stereotype on it that is applied (and quite wrongly) to much bisexuals in real life: That we are unable to faithfully commit to our partners and will be always chasing after everyone we consider minimally attractive. However, apart from this,I found the ad to be quite well made (the actors are attractive enough, and both the girl and the guy seem to be enjoying their interactions together). Well, here it is, hope you like it, and well, if you would like to speak your mind about it, go on, it would be nice to have the opinions of everyone :)


Dec 19, 2010, 9:47 PM
Fun Ad ! has everyone seen this one - had been banned in Italy ? :http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/17/renault-lesbian-car-ad-ba_n_798226.html

Dec 20, 2010, 4:54 PM
Fun ad, thanks for posting. Enjoyed it.
