View Full Version : New Year... new me?
Jan 1, 2011, 9:23 AM
I say this every year to myself, i'll lose weight, be more organised, try to have more fun in life in general.
but i don't no if it'll all work. i came into the new year as expected, rather drunk and trying to stand up in my heels, not the best of starts to a new year.
but I want to make this year better.
lets just hope i have the will power for it all.
Jan 1, 2011, 9:28 AM
Sometimes, Confused, we have to fall down, get up, then try things over and over again.
A fellow soldier once told me (when he was drunk) "I've been down so long, that down seems like UP!"
If you really want something bad enough, you will achieve those goals. Keep trying!
I hope you're successful this year! Good luck!
Jan 1, 2011, 3:32 PM
you sound full of doubts. forget the words 'try', and 'hope', tell yourself 'do' or 'don't'. i came to a point in my life where i was just not happy. i had a well-paid job, money in the bank, no love life and couldn't raise a smile. i thought, well, if i keep doing what i'm doing, i'm gonna get the same results. so i made a firm decision and did the complete opposite. i accepted invitations i had previously turned down, i quit my job, sold my house, moved to another state that i had loved on holidays with no accommodation arranged (yeah, i was a real planner, meticulously) - a true leap of faith. and guess what? it worked out. the man of my dreams was the bus driver who 'picked me up' (how corny but true). i don't own property at present, but those that do are shitting bricks with the economy. i have a job that doesn't pay as well, but is deeply rewarding. it's scary at first til you get in a habit of doing it, then it's fun. so maybe for the new year, take a month out, and do the opposite. you may be surprised. a month may become a year, you will be a happier person from just making up your mind. welcome to 2011!
Jan 2, 2011, 4:03 AM
A very wise man told me once "Dont try, DO"
Good words to live by/bi, Hon. :}