View Full Version : Everyone here should be a bottom at least once

R. R. Wayne
Dec 9, 2011, 5:51 PM
I just had the longest schlong up my rectum and I must say I am very pleased with the outcome.

Sorry, it was not a 14 inch cock. It was instead a huge endoscope for my every three years' colonoscopy.

If you are of a certain age, this is something you should get. We have lost several good friends who were too "prissy" or too "shy" to even talk about anything involving their bowels.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 9, 2011, 6:07 PM
having watching my best mates father die cos of bowel cancer, I can not agree more.....

we are not immortal... only human... and I would perfer that people drift away in their sleep, than die in prolonged pain....

Dec 9, 2011, 6:11 PM
Friend of mine is having prostate trouble and they want to do a biopsy, they gave him the choice of a local anesthetic or actual sedation. Is the thought of rectal penetration so distressing to some men that they need to be sedated? I wonder how many get the local vs. the sedation?

hmm..I think more straight men might like anal play if they knew they could have multiple orgasms that way..

Dec 9, 2011, 6:40 PM
I was wondering what you were proposing Wayne...:tong:

I'm no bottom at all and one of the reasons is exactly what you post. I'm not arguing with anyone about this.

I put off getting a colonoscopy a few years back. In fact, I cancelled the appointment with the specialist at least once. My government provided free of cost a type of poop test for colon cancer. I took it and it was negative.

I had the colonoscopy procedure done(not being a bottom at all). The doctor told me that I had three polyps. I was confident that the results would be negative since I passed the poop test just a month before. WELL, when I went for the results, I was stage 3 precancer:eek:
The doctor told me that it would have been full fledged active cancer within eight months.

The day that I found out, I was shocked. I went home and paced on my patio with the words "they say that everyone has cancer in their body and it is just a matter of time. My time is now". I kept telling myself that I had cancer but I didn't have it. That was a very strange mind thought.

I was sent for another colonoscopy within two weeks to make sure. There was one small polyp. I was back for a two year check up and the doctor said there was only one very small polyp. He said that I will be back on the every five year colonoscopy check up. Now, I know though. Its there maybe..hiding.

Let's just say the preparation for the colonoscopy is more unpleasant than the procedure. I felt nothing for the procedure. I go out quick and come out of the anesthesia quick.

So, no one is putting anything in my butt other than a medical instrument. :tong:

Oh, the poop test detects active cancer and not pre cancer. It would have been two more years before I would have had another poop test. The cancer would be all through my colon or further by then. The poop test is easy but only good in some respects.

Yes, everyone should go for this procedure as they should get the finger fuck for prostate cancer. (a guy on the radio used the term finger fuck with regard to prostate cancer). :tong::bigrin:

We just came out of Movember for prostate cancer.

Dec 9, 2011, 7:16 PM
I agree with both concepts ........ (tho 14" may make the eyes water!!)

Dec 9, 2011, 7:30 PM
If you are of a certain age,
What age is that?

Dec 9, 2011, 9:14 PM
For normal healthy males, colonoscopy at age 50, every five years thereafter. I can't recall totally, but I want to say finger prostate checks when you hit 40 years old, annually, by a medical doctor. Of course, your lover may check more frequently thus enhancing your ability to come and squirt far.

Dec 9, 2011, 10:16 PM
Yes Worlds, you are correct.
I went to my doctor at age 41 for a checkup. I hadn't been in 5 years or so. He said "Ok. Time for everybody's favorite." And i heard the glove snap.
I don't give a flying f what anybody says, having someone check your prostate SUCKS!!!!!

P.S. I was fine, according to him. I said "Oh yeah? Let's see how fine you feel after someone shoves a ham up YOUR ass and feels around!"

roy m cox
Dec 10, 2011, 3:50 AM
i get colonoscopys and never had any problems and i don't mind getting them on a regular bases :bigrin:

Dec 10, 2011, 4:17 AM
Five months ago I had the easier sigmoidoscopy. It was only a about half an inch in diameter, but over 2 feet long. I got to watch the Video Screen throughout the entire procedure.

The most uncomfortable part was the beautiful, young medical student who performed the procedure. She was very professional, but I have to admit I was thinking about more than having her putting her equipment inside me. Wanted to talk about turn-about being fair play, but I held my tongue.

Two months later I had the colonoscopy to remove the polyps. They put me under; no choice.

Thankfully, the report came back negative.

Bottom line - as a well known comedian would say: "Get 'er done!"

Dec 10, 2011, 10:49 AM
I've been having them since I was in my early 40's (55 now), and because I have very mild colitis (it is in remission about 98% of the time), I am on the every 2 year plan.

The prep is the worst part, and the saline method is the easiest (shoot a frozen 2 OZ shot of the concentrate and then wait 2 hrs, poop for 2 more and it is over, go to sleep). If they want you to do the 'drink two gallons of slime' method, go elsewhere, it is almost torture.

The anesthesia they always give me is Diprivan (also known as Milk of Amnesia), and it is a good thing it is controlled.. I love it :bigrin: Going down is a grin and I wake up giggling (my wife thinks it is hysterical).

All in all it is painless, only mildly annoying (and that is only the prep) and there is a good chance I'll live longer because I go.

So, if you should, go...

Dec 10, 2011, 11:31 AM

I have a problem with any anesthesia and mobility afterwards. What I've found interesting is that they always seem to be varying the form of aneshesia. (sometimes it seems like a cocktale of drugs that they inject). I go out like a light. I wake up clear headed but my legs don't come back for six hours due to a neuromuscular injury..so that doesn't happen to almost all others.

The last time (a couple of months ago) I asked what was on the "menu" and they mentioned Propofol(of Michael Jackson infamy). They were talking about the case and what gossip had gone through the medical community about it. I recall it being "not yet news" info but I have forgotten now.

Who knew getting a colonoscopy could be "National Enquirer" fun.:bigrin:

Dec 10, 2011, 8:22 PM
yeah i get that done every 5 years plus i get a nice stiff dick ever once in a while

Dec 10, 2011, 11:13 PM
I just added this site to the biweb.

This site will give you all info on your colon and problems you might have.it is not just for cancer of colon.

Dec 11, 2011, 8:02 AM
You get one every 3 years? Have you had problems before? My insurance company only pays every 10 years ( soon to be every 5 since I am getting older).

Dec 11, 2011, 9:15 AM

The last time (a couple of months ago) I asked what was on the "menu" and they mentioned Propofol(of Michael Jackson infamy). They were talking about the case and what gossip had gone through the medical community about it. I recall it being "not yet news" info but I have forgotten now.

Propofol is the base drug name for the Diprivan (brand name) they give me every time. OMG that stuff is great! I have had it about 7 times (for colonoscopies and surgeries) and I pretty much don't mind whatever they plan to do to me, if they give me that stuff first.

Sorry that you can't enjoy it for the other issues, like I said, I am very glad it is controlled LOL

Dec 11, 2011, 9:56 PM
I had my first one a couple years ago when I turned forty. Luckily my gastroenterologist is very hot and we have a great rapport. She is very thorough too. After 20 minutes of her probing down there, I was ready to shoot my load. She said this was quite normal and if I had to, I shouldn't be embarassed, but I held on. I didn't want to look unprofessional. :( I got the all clear.

Dec 12, 2011, 9:19 AM
whenever I have been getting scoped, I was always sedated. I wouldn't know if I had a stiify or not. I do know that they try to reach the other end of your large intestine ( about 5' ) which I think might be ate the very least uncomfortable.