View Full Version : LGBT anti bulling video

Feb 25, 2012, 3:04 AM


Long Duck Dong
Feb 25, 2012, 7:51 AM
from the comments listed with the first video....

i was bullied for being gay, but that's not the reason i feel suicidal, its because I have a mental disorder know as bipolar, there are many disorders out there that make people more susceptible to suicide just because he was bullied because of being gay doesnt mean that was the reason, people with mental disorders usually hide all symptoms except from them self or until it become destructive to others and or themselves, nobody looks beyond the front cover!

philessexuk (http://www.youtube.com/user/philessexuk) 1 month ago

Feb 28, 2012, 11:02 AM
The second video was from last year. I wonder if this Michigan law is being challenged via the Michigan or US courts?

It seems to me that religious rights or freedoms should be interpreted as not requiring an individual to do something or provide a service that is against their religious beliefs. The other person would still have their own right to obtain that service somewhere or by another person. It does not mean that the person has the right to actively infringe upon another person's rights due to their religious beliefs. I'm not sure what "bullying" action would be legal in an adult situation based on other laws?

Then perhaps the question becomes if it is your religious belief that certain behaviours /people are wrong, do you have the right to discriminate against them? Do you have the right to not have to work or attend events with them present?

I would think that you do not have that right due to religious freedom as it interferes with other citizens rights. If the behaviour is deemed damaging or threatening to another citizen's safety etc. then that becomes another matter.

Feb 29, 2012, 7:19 AM
I agree with your premise. I don't think that a church should have to marry a same sex couple if it is against their ideology, because I know several denominations that would gladly do it if they legally could. However, I think bullying is a different matter, if you are causing direct harm to someone then that is different in my mind.

I guess I could have saved a lot of words in the OTHER thread by saying that if not love, then we all need to learn UNDERSTANDING and FORGIVENESS. You may NEVER convince certain Christian groups that same-sex relationships are valid but then at least they should read the scriptures more deeply and learn to forgive their brothers and sisters.

Building tolerance is hard work, you can't FORCE someone to stop hating through legislation. What we would like to see is laser-guided accuracy, but legislation and public policy are blunt instruments at best. Affirmative Action is an imperfect program, and discrimination against minority groups still exists, but it does work about half-way, and sometimes that - with the addition of social pressure is enough to make change.

Undoubtedly someone will challenge this law if it hasn't been done already.

Here are three of my favorite "It Gets Better" videos:




Someone else posted this other link a long time ago:


You may scoff at this campaign, but if young people are only surrounded by hate and they can't change those circumstances then they need a message to reach them from somewhere else. Young people have great imaginations, it may not be a big stretch for them to imagine that high school isn't the end of the world..at least if enough adults tell them that.