View Full Version : I can not ejaculate due to an enlarged prostate and Rapaflow!
Apr 12, 2012, 5:18 PM
I can not ejaculate do to Rapaflow. I am looking for ways that I can ejaculate and still take Rapaflow.
I know that I can go off Rapaflow for a bit to get an ejaculation, but I would like to stay on the medicine.
I might have to be like Peter North and start eating a whole lot of celery!
Are there any other suggestions on this topic?
Apr 13, 2012, 12:06 PM
Here's one; listen to your doctor and no one here.
Apr 14, 2012, 12:23 PM
Even though the medicine you are taking has its negative side effects--in this case you surely want to follow the direction of your doctor or doctors----dealing with prostate issues is not something to be trifled with, if your prostate is enlarged you are at more risk of developing prostate cancer and even though treatment for that cancer is nearly always successful these days---you can still die from prostate cancer.
We do have to get used to the fact that as we get older--we are going to not be able to do things like have sex as we did when we were young.
The one thing that is pretty clear when it came to the human body----for most of our history--people didn't live all that long---and now that we do--we find out the parts of the body that weren't "built for the long haul" like the prostate.
As hard as it is for you---you are just going to have to take your meds and to deal with loss of sexual performance and that in your case--you may never be able to ejaculate ever again--because I I know plenty of older guys who are no longer able to once prostate problems crop up.
One thing that future generations do have to look forward to if we don't totally blow the house up----there are medical researchers who say that with the things they are working on---in the future they will be able to have our own bodies do things like make new organs, tissues, etc and when your heart, eyes or prostate give out---they do a procedure and you will grow a new one.
Apr 14, 2012, 12:41 PM
Talk to your doctor about other meds and therapies, but DO NOT take ANY advice on here to be medical gospel. You don't have to tell your doc WHY you want a different med. Just tell him you are having side effects and you were wondering if there was something else that would help you and not have the side effects.
Your doc and you are the ONLY ones who know the whole situation and who can make medical decisions.
Apr 16, 2012, 3:10 AM
make sure to take your meds as you should and if one dont work, try another, you may find one to take care of that prostate and let you ejulacte again. i am lucky that i still ejaculate quite a bit for a man of my age and i never get inside of my woman that i dont ejaculate and it still runs out of here so i know i dont have that problem but if i start even a hint of not ejaculating i will start talking to a doctor about the prostates....believe me i know what you are talking about fustrating that you cant ejaculate when you are in her or him whichever may be the case but make sure to take your meds as prescribed.
R. R. Wayne
Apr 16, 2012, 8:33 PM
Follow what your doctor says. I take Flowmax and can't ejaculate. But I can still enjoy the sensation of ejaculating. So now I have all of the fun and none of the mess. I am in my early 70s so I am quite happy that I can get hard and still cum, just no ejaculate. But, amazingly I still get some pre-cum.
Apr 16, 2012, 8:54 PM
So the big question - if you can't ejaculate, is there still a refractory period? When I was 12 I used to be able to masturbate and orgasm several times in succession, not so after my body developed to the point of producing I have to rest..
Apr 17, 2012, 1:14 PM
I am the same. No ejaculation but orgasms are even more intense and go on longer. Pretty good trade off. Also no mess so I can come anywhere!!
As to experimenting I would always say ask your doctor. I was once asked which medication I would like by my GP. My answer was you are the expert not me. If you promise not to do my job I promise not to practice medicine. Leave it to those who really know.
Enjoy the new sensation.
Apr 20, 2012, 6:49 AM
I also have an enlarged prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy, or BPH). I take Terazosin for it. Terazosin is also used for hypertension. In fact, it was developed for hypertension and they discovered that it helped with BPH. Most of the drugs used to treat BPH cause either ejaculation problems or problems with achieving/maintaining an erection (some can cause both problems). Terazosin does not cause the ejactulation or erection problems, HOWEVER it may not be a good medicine for you.
As others have said here, check with your doctor. He/she will know what is best for you.
Randy from Pa
Apr 20, 2012, 9:20 AM
Hi Im a prostate cancer survivior.I've had surgery to remove my prostste and lyph nodes,I was stage 2.I also had prior problems with ejaculation and erections.Also just finished 7 weeks of Radation of that area. My strong sugguestion would be find a compente Uroligist to help you through this,DO NOT take any medical advise from here, only from a medical professional. And when did have your last physical? DRE...PSA checked? My best advise is to see a Uroligist soon. Dont put it off. A survivior and concerned friend.