View Full Version : For God' Sake..the sauce of it!!!
Apr 28, 2012, 1:42 PM
I have just freaked.. after over an hour of hunting high and low for a favoured biege dress for going out in tonight, my daughter swans in2 the computer room, looking very grown up, dolled up 2 the eyeballs and has on that very same dress.. not a "by your leave".. worse... she has on the very shoes I was going to wear with it.. but really.. I don't think the black stockings are the thing for a biege dress and told her so.. huffy cow then stormed off, went into my bedroom and found a pair of my very favourite cream stockings.. maybe I should have asked but I was too scared to find out what the devil she was wearing underneath!! I hope the lil cow's bf appreciates the sacrifice I've made for his date!!! And God help him if I find out he knows the slightest thing about her undies!!!!! God help him if Kate does... from me its earache, from 'er its much physical pain!!!
Now I know the lil so n so is growing up an its quite affected me... but not so much she is getting me suede jacket 2 wear as well!!!
Apr 28, 2012, 2:56 PM
My niece was 13, in March 2011...when I saw her at Easter this year, she was 22! (she looked it, anyway) Damn, they grow up fast!
Glad I didn't have kids, especially girls; I never would have gotten any sleep!
Apr 28, 2012, 3:46 PM
Now this is 1 reason I'm glad not to be a woman. All that 'what goes with what'
My sis already has to guard her costume stuff from my 7yo. She's off to Spain dressed as Marilyn Monroe in a few days with friends, and my girl has been to hers today making damn sure she gets the wig and shoes when she gets back.:bigrin:
I've seen the dress, and NO, she will NOT be getting THAT!:disgust:
Apr 28, 2012, 9:06 PM
Now I know the lil so n so is growing up an its quite affected me... but not so much she is getting me suede jacket 2 wear as well!!!
Been there done that!!! twice.
It's a bitch when your daughters start to wear your best clothes!
But it gets worse when you realise that they actually LOOK BETTER THAN YOU DO in them. That's the time you realise they're no longer little girls.
I also empathise with the undies question - sometimes ignorance is the best solution.:sleep: ....... along with the emergence of their sex lives. Think back Dark. How much did our Mums know what we did .........??????? (I didn't do a lot ....... but I did some.....) Let them come to you - keep the interrogations within reason but also keep the threats of cruel and unusual punishments on the table.
Then one day they leave and the initial sighs of relief are replaced with a feeling of loss. Cherish them while they're there Dark. They are precious.
Apr 28, 2012, 9:26 PM
Holy Moly.......that dude didn't even last 24 hours here.....wonder what he said, but can only imagine. I find it kind of funny, as a father, with both boys and a daughter. It is a riot to see how the mother and daughter interact as the daughter grows into a woman. The shock of the mother, the baiting of the daughter, the she's your daughter, deal with her action packed moments. It is the best drama and action comedy that only real life can offer. I find it also an approporiate payback for all those terror filled accumulated months of having to stymy myself when that time of month came to haunt me.
Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2012, 12:11 AM
lol fran.... imitation is the best form of flattery.......... tho it would be nice if the young un asked if she could wear your clothes first lol.......
.... btw I am looking forward to the day we hear about frannie the grannie and nana naggy
Apr 29, 2012, 2:35 AM
Fran dear - can't help you out with the daughter wearing your clothes.
But I guess you'll be getting the cleave out 'o retirement?
Doggie :doggie:
Apr 29, 2012, 2:48 AM
Lol. Fran. Gee, almost sounds like you might be a tad jealous as well?? lol.
That's what you get for having a daughter that is the same size as you. lol. As they get older, women are supposed to put on 5 or 10 pounds to prevent exactly this thing from happening. lol.
Hang in there fran. We still love you. But start worrying when she goes out on a date in a mini and thigh highs. lol.
Apr 29, 2012, 4:34 AM
Falcon.. just how long dya think my dresses r? Am not an ole grannie bag yet!!! An she wears any of me thigh highs an she is in deep doo dah!!! She is slightly tallern me now.. give it a lil wile it will be mummy Kate's kit she will b wearin'!
Doggie... zif I wud even think of unretirin' Cleave... but word 2 the gud.. 'cordin 2 Kate Cleave isnt retired..only havin a ver long holiday... so lads beware!!!!
Duckie... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but didn't think much of the tomato sauce stain I found on me dress this mornin.. an she is only just turned 14 Duckie... gimme a break wiv the grannie nany bit!!! She wudn dare!! She is a gud girl!!! Just like I was at 'er age... o rite...*breaks out in sweat*...
Inna.. in the last cuppla years the parade of young lads that have come an gone tell me that she is already growin up... they only last a fortnight or so at most... aaaahh kids r so fickle!!.. an she doesn't look better than me in my gear.... yet!! But soon.. soon... *sighhhhhh*
An Gear.. stop bein an ole fuddy duddy!!!..
Long Duck Dong
Apr 29, 2012, 5:53 AM
lol fran....... remember, my dear, the young uns are growing up a lot faster nowadays.... lol.... and when you hit my age, we age a lot faster too.... lol... enjoy the middle ground while it lasts......
the grandma and granddad stage is nice, you get to dote over the kids... and give them back at the end of the day..... its just being reminded that you are a grandma or granddad that is the rough part.....
pokes fran.... bit scary when its you being the parent, not the angelic young, miss if it was me dealing with a juvenile version of me, I would have two bits of advice for them.... 1) never be too much of a man that you can not back down at times.... 2) fight for what you believe in, but believe in walking away from the wrong fights... many fights can be fought without fists
Apr 29, 2012, 1:17 PM
lol fran....... remember, my dear, the young uns are growing up a lot faster nowadays.... lol.... and when you hit my age, we age a lot faster too.... lol... enjoy the middle ground while it lasts......
the grandma and granddad stage is nice, you get to dote over the kids... and give them back at the end of the day..... its just being reminded that you are a grandma or granddad that is the rough part.....
pokes fran.... bit scary when its you being the parent, not the angelic young, miss if it was me dealing with a juvenile version of me, I would have two bits of advice for them.... 1) never be too much of a man that you can not back down at times.... 2) fight for what you believe in, but believe in walking away from the wrong fights... many fights can be fought without fists
Have only 2 bits of advice mesel.. b true 2 thyself.. harm no otha.. o yea.. an' for the older.. try an cut out the tomato sauce on me dress in future!!! Some stains r a bugger to get out espesh if not wiped or rinsed out properly soon as they happen and left 2 dry!!
..and finally... back down hmmmm??? Now that lil bit of advice did give a rite giggle...