Jan 28, 2013, 12:48 AM
12525We have a beta version of the chatrooms for those of you who do not have Flash (IPads and IPhones). I have neither device so I can't test the pages myself. So I am looking for a tester or two or however many.
When you go to either of these two links below using an IPad or IPhone it should detect your device and load up the non-Flash chat (HTML5 and Javascript). It is very similar to the existing chat, just a slightly different appearance. And to be clear, it accesses the same chatrooms - so you are chatting with all the same users, just through a different interface.
URL1, Regular sized version: (regular site header and footer, including navigation menu)
URL2, Fullscreen version: (no header and footer and therefore no navigation menu)
You probably need to log into the site first, from the main page: ( otherwise it won't allow you into the chat.
If you are NOT using an IPad or Iphone please don't visit those urls and tell me everything looks fine for you, because you will still see the same old chat interface (because an IPad or IPhone won't be detected.) :)
IPad and IPhone users only, let me know if the links work and the interface works for you and looks okay.
Thanks in advance!
- Drew :paw:
When you go to either of these two links below using an IPad or IPhone it should detect your device and load up the non-Flash chat (HTML5 and Javascript). It is very similar to the existing chat, just a slightly different appearance. And to be clear, it accesses the same chatrooms - so you are chatting with all the same users, just through a different interface.
URL1, Regular sized version: (regular site header and footer, including navigation menu)
URL2, Fullscreen version: (no header and footer and therefore no navigation menu)
You probably need to log into the site first, from the main page: ( otherwise it won't allow you into the chat.
If you are NOT using an IPad or Iphone please don't visit those urls and tell me everything looks fine for you, because you will still see the same old chat interface (because an IPad or IPhone won't be detected.) :)
IPad and IPhone users only, let me know if the links work and the interface works for you and looks okay.
Thanks in advance!
- Drew :paw: