View Full Version : Wet and wild??
Jun 10, 2013, 11:17 AM
Hi everyone, so i could use some help... during intimacy with my long term boyfriend, we have a tendency to go rounds and rounds and rounds. He's the best i've ever had. That being said, more often than not, i can't seem to get wet enough (or dry up during). His foreplay is decent, i always want to have sex with him, and we have fantastic sex when i am moist, but sometimes i just can't seem to get wet enough. Any suggestions? i know there are lubricants and things like that, but i really don't want to make that a permanent solution. how can i fix this issue?
Jun 10, 2013, 11:26 AM
If your age is in your profile, I did not see it. If you are 40 or older, you may simply be reaching a point in your life where your body no longer lubricates adequately.
Don't sweat it : There are tons of great lubes on the market, and feel and taste great. If you are younger than 40, maybe check with your gyno, but it's a problem easily worked-around...
Long Duck Dong
Jun 10, 2013, 11:26 AM
I am not a lady.... lol.... but I have heard that for some ladies this can be a hormonal issue or some change is the body that changes the nature of the lubricant that a lady can secrete during foreplay and sex.... that smoking and drinking can cause dryness ( I did laugh at that one but there may be a lot of truth to it ) dehydration in the female may be another cause ... and the oddest one but apparently its true, a reaction to the males precum ( its rare as hell, a bit like the allergy to sperm )
personally I would listen to all the options and advice offered here, but I would also seek medical advice if its a new issue that is arising, just in case there is a underlying medical issue
Jun 10, 2013, 12:08 PM
I don't know your age, but I definitely agree that you should discuss this issue with your gynecologist. It is perfectly natural for women to experience moisture issues at a certain age, but even if you fall below that age, it can still be a hormonal issue. I understand your hesitancy to use lubricants on a permanent basis, but they really are very improved and they feel very, very natural. You can also try some over the counter vaginal topical ointments made specifically for this problem that contain natural ingredients like aloe and vitamin E or you can use creams that you insert vaginally, i.e. Replens, that claim to work internally to increase moisture for days at a time without hormone replacement. I would, however, avoid such lubricants like KY Warming Gel that advertise "warming" features. They can very often be quite abrasive and can create a burning sensation that is far from pleasurable. Feeling "hot" is one thing.....feeling like your vagina is on fire is quite another!! (Speaking from personal experience here LOL! :))
Good luck!
Jun 10, 2013, 11:10 PM
Hi everyone, so i could use some help... during intimacy with my long term boyfriend, we have a tendency to go rounds and rounds and rounds. He's the best i've ever had. That being said, more often than not, i can't seem to get wet enough (or dry up during). His foreplay is decent, i always want to have sex with him, and we have fantastic sex when i am moist, but sometimes i just can't seem to get wet enough. Any suggestions? i know there are lubricants and things like that, but i really don't want to make that a permanent solution. how can i fix this issue?
ballerbeauty my bf is the same. he'll go 4-5 times in a row twice a week no problem. i definitely agree about talking with a dr it could be lots of things. just wanted to say going again and again like that the more cum there is (from him) the wetter it gets and it stays pretty wet... thats a pretty fantastic natural lube. dont know if that would work in your case.
Jun 11, 2013, 5:16 AM
Forget the worry warts - some of us simply don't lubricate like others.
Just as everything is unique to a person - so your level of wetness is what it is.
NO BIG DEAL! You are not "failing" in any way. You're just you!!
A little lube goes a long way. Just accept you are what you are, make allowances and get on and enjoy the fun stuff.