View Full Version : an awesome night with a friend... in chat room

Jul 15, 2006, 8:12 AM
scorpio9 hears music with a smooth beat build up . . . . he looks around . . . . . . . . .
scorpio9 bows . . .smile to Gleeky . . ."may we dance . . .?
Gleekybaby giggles and curtseys
scorpio9 gathers her into his arms . . .and they/we begin . . . . . .sliding . . .stepping . . . . .turning . . . . .
scorpio9: . . the walls fade away . . .the stars start to show . . . . .
scorpio9 murmers . . ." you look beautiful tonight."
Gleekybaby giggles and thanks scorpy .... stepping and turning with him
scorpio9 doesn't notice . . and neither does gleeky . .that the floor has faded away . . .they are stepping on stars . . .catching each footstep . . . . . .
scorpio9 and gleeky hear the heavens call . . .sing . . . mmmmmm and they dance on . . . . . .
Gleekybaby continues to dance with scorpy ...... listening to heaven calling
scorpio9 turns Gleeky . . she spins away . . .just their fingertips touching . . then she spins back into his arms . . .mmmm and they flow on . . . . .
Gleekybaby looks scorpy in the eyes dancing away with him
scorpio9 and Gleeky catch a comet tail . . .and slide on . . .and up . . . stardust streaming past . . . . .
scorpio9 sees her warm eyes . . . and the sweet freedom there . . . .and they both smile . . . . .
Gleekybaby smiles sweety dancing on the stars.... twirls around ..... then dances in his arms again
scorpio9 and Gleeky approach a galaxy being born . . .they start kicking it . . . rhythm so strong . . . mmmmm and they are so free . . . . . .
Gleekybaby dances the night away traped in his eyes
scorpio9 and Gleeky come close together . . .arms wrapped around each other . . . . .spinning . . .spinning . . . . feeling the heat . . . . . . .
Gleekybaby leans head on his shoulder savoring this moment
scorpio9 looks in Gleekys eyes . . .feels free . . . . connected . . . healed . . . . . . . and hold her mmmmm holds her . . . . . . . .
Gleekybaby smiles with her eyes holding scorpio close to her, feels safe.
scorpio9 takes a breath . . .along with Gleeky . . .the moment lasts forever . . .something that can never be lost . . . . . . . . . . . .
scorpio9 feels her body . . .head to toe . . .
Gleekybaby closes eyes adn hope this can go on forever.....
scorpio9 lets her step back . . .smiles . . . . and they begin to dance again . . . tracing their path back to earth . . . .
scorpio9 and Gleeky know this will last forever . . . .it's a tender, timless thing . . . . .
Gleekybaby and scorpio dances softly on the star back to earth.... twirls again and comes back close into scorps arms
scorpio9 and Gleeky know there is no up or down . . .just stars to step to and slide on . . . .and the warm . . .warm . . . .closeness of each other . . . . . . .
scorpio9 strokes her hair back . . . mmmmm such a lovely face . . .and . .and . . . mmmmmmmm He has to embrace her again . . . .mmmmmm
Gleekybaby continues to glaze into scorpio's eyes watchen his soul, feeling his intence softness when he moves her hair
scorpio9 feels touched . . .healed . . . . .
scorpio9 understand how precious you are . . . . . .how unique . . . . .
Gleekybaby knows from his touch he would never hurt her.... feels safe ....... yet strong from his intence softness.... continues to dance with him closely
scorpio9 sees that the stars are becomming bits of floor . . . feels gravity grow so slowly . . . put the experience in a safe place to savor again and again . . . . .laterthey feel different earthly music grow around them . . . waltze . . . .mmmmmflowing . . .salsa . . mmmm so sexy . . . . rock and roll . . mmm kicking it so free . . . . and still in touch
scorpio9 : moves in . . dragging his fingernails up Gleekys scalp . . .helping her head feel tingly . . .sweeping her hair back . . . .
Gleekybaby dances soeftly and tenderly with scorp as reqach the hard earthly ground
scorpio9 can't resist . . .and pulls her close . . . brushes her lips . . .honoring her sweetness . . . . .
Gleekybaby savours the moment and returns the kiss softly holding him close
scorpio9 holds her shoulders . . .slides down her back . . .embracing . .but not holding . . . . .
scorpio9 savors you . . . savors the moment . . . . . .
Gleekybaby closes eyes and feels the tenderness of scorps touch
scorpio9 wispers . . ."thank you . . .thank you . . . " "you're so good . . . . .
Gleekybaby smiles at scorp softly and kisses him once more as a thank you
scorpio9 is acutely aware of Gleekys body . . .her aura . . . her goodness . . . .
scorpio9 sighs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
scorpio9 also becomes more aware of the rest of the world . . . . but feels stronger . . .more peacful . . . . . . . .
Gleekybaby feel happy once again and pulls away a lil from scorp and hold his hand gently and curtseys
scorpio9: Thank you again Gleeky . . . ..
scorpio9 bows . . .and smiles . . . .
Gleekybaby: thank you very much scorpy
scorpio9: yes . . .thank you . . .it was spontanious . . .and special . . . .
Gleekybaby: it was enjoyable hun must do it again some time
scorpio9: yes . . . .when the time is right . . .we know we can . . . . .
Gleekybaby: yes!
scorpio9: . .and now I really really need to get my sleep . . . .4:30 here . . . .
Gleekybaby: sleep well dear scorpy
Gleekybaby: good night

Scorpio dnt me shy that i posted this, it means some thing special haha i know it was random but i loved it thanks so much for having some frun with me
love Gleeky

ps... this is not privert,it was done in the MAIN CHAT room where everyone could see, im mearly expressing my love for this site and for the friends that i have, its nothing sexual, its mearly a random good time with a friend. i treasure it so because it brought me up from a down night, i do believe i can post what i feel like on this site knowing that my friends apprechate me and know that i am happy and smiling.


Jul 15, 2006, 8:44 AM
Hun, no offense but does this really have a place in the forums?
A private message to those involved probably would have sufficed.


Jul 15, 2006, 11:22 AM
Excellent sis. It sounds like you two had an enjoyable night of fun. Scrorpion is truly a gentleman.

Glad he brought you out of a crappy down night. Watch out for his puppet shows. :) And yes it's great to be among friends here.


There was no reason for it to be private, either. Angie is purely a rare person expressing splenderous feelings. We should all realize, understand, respect our web based 'home town'.

It is here for us to share regardless of who we are. Some of us understand one another with a subtle welcome hearth in our hearts. Let me perhaps offer what I think sis said.

Thank you Drew & everyone for being here, we love ya! :)

Jul 15, 2006, 11:25 AM
What a lovely moment, you two are beautiful dancing around on the main floor :)

Jul 15, 2006, 12:40 PM
I am glad to see you smiling Sweetie. As you found out last night we are a honest and accepting couple. So I say if you wish to share how you feel about others on this forum GO FOR IT!!! It is nice to have people not afriad to openly say "hey, I get along with this person and I think they are special". It may just incourage someone who was afraid or hadnt had the chance to get to know Your friend (In this case Scorp..) to say hello next time.

Thank you very much for sharing part of your special time with us.

Jul 15, 2006, 3:18 PM

Thank you for a most wonderful post. How many of us would love to have an opportunity to share a most magical of evening. I can only speak for myself, and I would give anything to be the sole desire of another. You are most fortunate. Some of us can live through you a woman of a most generous heart and giving soul.

To SciFiJen, yes perhaps there may have been another outlet in which our fellow members of this site may have selected to share a moment, but it is just that a most special of moments that they chose to share with us. The easiest thing to do when you clicked onto this topic, and after viewing a tad of it and you were taken aback, was to click out of it.

It is my opinion, and mine alone, that if, in this very tragic and uncaring world you find a person with whom you can share a magical moment, then by all means share it. To then share it with those who have come to this site, to me, is a fortunate circumstance for us.

Gleeky, may your moment of magical footsteps with Scorpio be but one, in the many which I hope will come your way.


Jul 15, 2006, 3:46 PM
To clarify: I wasn't "taken aback" or offended by Gleeky's post. I just didn't see the point of it.

Yes, it's nice to express that you had a nice time and you enjoy the company of other people here. I could write odes to my love for JrzGuy3, I just have other avenues for it.

Didn't mean to seem bitter about it. I've just seen forums that are nothing more than reposting of chatrooms, which I don't feel serves a whole lot of purpose. (If I was looking for that, I'd go to the chatrooms.) I've nothing against your right to post it and I am certainly glad that this is a place where people are able to connect with one another; I just find that sort of thing better in moderation.

Just my :2cents:

Jul 15, 2006, 4:31 PM
I'm glad you had fun, and I hope you continue to. My experience with this site isn't that good but I'm glad yours is. That's all that need be said. :D

Jul 15, 2006, 5:14 PM
Hun, no offense but does this really have a place in the forums?
A private message to those involved probably would have sufficed.


I agree with you Jen. Thats all I'll say on that though. Wouldn't want to offend anyone.


Jul 15, 2006, 11:23 PM
I guess I'll add my thoughts on the "dance". It was a spontanious thing . . . we were caught up in the moment . . .and it was great . . . It lifted my spirits . . . and left me with a good memory . . .that night and the next morning . . . I didn't think it crowded any other chats . . . .
Gleeky is a sensitive, good person . . . and deserves a good time . . . .
I'm glad it happened . . .It's not a thing you can plan . . . . . And good thins should be shared . . . . .

Jul 20, 2006, 11:40 PM
hey Gleeky,
how could you do that I thought we had something going? lol you know I'm kidding with ya but glad you had fun that night in chat.


Jul 21, 2006, 12:06 AM
hey Gleeky,
how could you do that I thought we had something going? lol you know I'm kidding with ya but glad you had fun that night in chat.


Exactally what I was thinking Taz. But You know I am kidding though sweetheart (no stepping on toes here scorpio lol). Could I be jealous...perhaps a little. But thats only because I know what a kind, loving, beautiful, generous and honest (could go on forever) person you are....and thats why I fell in love with you. And I know that I am one damn lucky woman for you to love me back, so I am secure in that. Dance away my love...dance away (scorpio watch where those hands are...a little higher my friend and where is your personal space?) I love you Gleeky

Jul 21, 2006, 6:21 AM
hmmm....with both Scorpio and Confused leaving their own posts for Gleeky; shows me a few things.

Emotions expressed are wonderful.
Add a bit of humour to life and responses.
See things in the perspective and context of honesty.
Distance does not disolve trust.

Thanks for the display, it was special to see such maturity.