Sep 18, 2013, 8:03 PM
So, I have a story to tell about me "Transitioning Into A Lesbian" :). Even though, I am Bisexual, that I am gradually transitioning into becoming a Lesbian ((iHeart Vagina :))). As I mentioned, I am "mainly" into females, extremely attracted to them sexually, and open-minded in engaging into a new lifestyle.Unfortunately, I haven’t came out the closet yet; until, I am truly a "Lesbian." Likewise, I will update everybody about how it went when the time comes. Honestly, I have been attracted to females ever since I was in Kindergarten. For some I'd reason, I always had a curiosity for females including childhood experimenting. I shared my very first kiss and cunninlingus experience at an early age. I remembered, playing house with my best friend ((NOT my “First” girlfriend)). Next thing I knew, we started kissing, she went down on me first and of course, I did the same. Afterwards, I discovered that I loved how it felt and how comfortable it made me feel to be attracted to the same sex. Ever since then, my attraction for females has very much grown stronger. Openly speaking, I am NOT afraid to admit that I am a sucker for attractive females((whether Lesbian or Bi)), I admire females like men do, and I am never hesitate to pleasure a female ((iHeart Cunninglingus)). Honestly, I definitely do have wet-dreams over gorgeous women. Even though, I’ve mentioned in a “Blog” that I have curiosity towards interracial relationships ((with guys)) and etc. Instead, I am engaging more towards having Lesbian interracial relationships. But hey, I’m always willing to be acquaintances with you ((Guys)) and nothing else. As long as, your respectable about me being a Lesbian :tong:.