View Full Version : 8 awesome inches!

Feb 3, 2014, 12:21 PM
How did I not know this winter storm was coming to the Northeast??
I watch the news. I read the newspapers.
Somehow it snuck up on me.

But......if this storm had been 24 hours earlier......Met Life Stadium is about 20 miles from here.
The NFL owes Mother Nature big time!

Ok, I'm going to look for a shovel and begin digging out.
I gladly accept volunteers to help;)


Feb 3, 2014, 12:26 PM
Try living in MN! We keep getting the Arctic jet stream down here! Since Dec, we have had 6 days above zero! And many were 10 below and colder! Wimdchills of 60 below, plus the snow! This winter sucks donkey dick!

Feb 3, 2014, 1:52 PM
How did I not know this winter storm was coming to the Northeast??
I watch the news. I read the newspapers.
Somehow it snuck up on me.

But......if this storm had been 24 hours earlier......Met Life Stadium is about 20 miles from here.
The NFL owes Mother Nature big time!

Ok, I'm going to look for a shovel and begin digging out.
I gladly accept volunteers to help;)


Would if could. Enough I'm able to piddle here through our 4-8 inches. *sighs, shaking head*

Feb 3, 2014, 2:05 PM
would you blow me in the snow if I brought my snow blower ?? ;);)

Feb 3, 2014, 2:25 PM
newly, I'm Jersey born and bred and I like it here.....when I think of MN I think cold and snow...ALOT of snow. And then I like Jersey even more!

Void, it's ok...I actually only have one shovel. I'd feel guilty standing in my warm living room looking out the window watching you shovel. I know, I know...my compassion is honorable.

NJ, how about a counteroffer...you come over and snow blow my driveway....I'll pay for the gas...and you can soak your aching muscle in the hot tub. I'll even throw in all the hot coffee you can drink.


Feb 3, 2014, 2:36 PM
newly, I'm Jersey born and bred and I like it here.....when I think of MN I think cold and snow...ALOT of snow. And then I like Jersey even more!

Void, it's ok...I actually only have one shovel. I'd feel guilty standing in my warm living room looking out the window watching you shovel. I know, I know...my compassion is honorable.

NJ, how about a counteroffer...you come over and snow blow my driveway....I'll pay for the gas...and you can soak your aching muscle in the hot tub. I'll even throw in all the hot coffee you can drink.


Indeed a tempting offer..... ;)...

Feb 3, 2014, 3:27 PM
That hot tub sounds lovely, but a bit far away for me tonight... We just had a couple sloppy, wet, heavy inches here... wish I had a nice hot tub to relax my aches...

Feb 3, 2014, 3:27 PM
If you wear that jersey like your pic, I don't care if it is 3 feet deep, I will shovel it, take you up on the hot tub offer, the coffee and let me gaze uppon your lovely breasts as I pray for more snow to shovel out of your driveway

Feb 3, 2014, 4:43 PM
This is Peyton Manning. I have hacked into the account of JohnnyEASY. As you all know......I did not have the best of games. Therefore.....since I am nearby,
and I need some comforting, I will personally shove Miss BI~his sides driveway......even if it is a mile and a half long.......all UPHILL!
Afterwards.....because I have some sore muscles, I will ask if it is okay to use the $1 millon dollar champagne filled hot tub.
There will be NOT physical contact between bi~hs~sde and myself........for two reasons:
A) Based on geography, she is probably a JETS fan.......
b) I lost the game.......I am NOT worthy!
Please hand me the shove!
Peyton Manning

Feb 3, 2014, 5:00 PM
4_Oral, you 100% had me......I was gonna wear the Mets jersey, soak with you in the hot tub, give you coffee and let you gaze. But then....I read you'd pray for more snow. Even THESE breasts aren't worth more snow!

I need a vacation to a warm island. And some fun with a different kind of 8".


Feb 3, 2014, 5:14 PM
Peyton Manning?!? What have you done with handsome, funny, thoughtful, intelligent, wealthy, quirky and well hung Johnnyeasy??
You get a shovel but you do not get into the hot tub.

Mr. Easy gets into the hot tub. And anywhere else he wants into as well!

~D~ <--------Jets fan!

Feb 3, 2014, 5:45 PM
I don't shovel snow, so I guess I am out of luck. How about a ride to Florida and you can see Mickey Mouse?

Annika L
Feb 3, 2014, 5:58 PM
JohnnyEasy...we need help shoveling too! I'm sorry to say we don't have a hottub...just an oversized tub that fits 2 comfortably...we'd have to find a way fit three of us in. :tongue:

Feb 3, 2014, 6:35 PM
Oh man, I don't want want more snow either but your breasts make me say crazy things. They would make great ear warmers. Tell you what, after I shovel the snow, we soak in the hot tub, have the coffee and gaze upon your beautiful breasts, I will personally drive you to the airport so you can jet off to a warm tropical isle and let the sun kiss your beautiful naked body.

Feb 3, 2014, 6:36 PM
After I'm done there, maybe I could head over to Annika L's place and dig them out. We could make us fit in the tub

Feb 3, 2014, 7:12 PM
It's been cold in Florida, too! I had to wear a long-sleeve shirt last week!

Feb 4, 2014, 1:35 PM
I feel for you, snow and cold starts getting really old about now. Here in the northwest, it's been cold but too dry. I can see the ski hill from here but it just looks like a big rock. I used the broom to clean the 1" of snow we got yesterday. Gonna be a long dry summer.

Feb 4, 2014, 2:28 PM
*Wiggling eyebrows at BHS* I'll help warm ya up when ya come back in, Darlin. Oh get yer minds outta the gutter, Gentlemen. I'll have either hot coffee ready, hot tea, or a nice glass of Baily's cream gently warmed, and chocolate cake..:} And if she needs a hot bath to warm her up further, I aint tellin' Ya'll! lmao
Silly Cat

Feb 4, 2014, 4:17 PM
But......if this storm had been 24 hours earlier......Met Life Stadium is about 20 miles from here.
The NFL owes Mother Nature big time!


I bet the Broncos wish it had been.........

Feb 5, 2014, 8:18 AM
*reads about all this hot tubbing, wanders along to go build a large traditional ohotho (Japanese hot tub)*

Feb 5, 2014, 8:33 AM
So I woke up this morning and it looks like a herd of free-range zambonis attacked the development early this morning. Now if I only had a pair of ice skates (and a decent sense of balance and physical coordination).

For some strange reason all of the sudden I feel like a newscaster - "Quite a bit of ice out there, another big storm on the way this weekend, I'm not wearing any pants - film at 11.."

Feb 5, 2014, 8:49 AM
A least that last part was interesting, Elian! The ice and cold, not so much.

I lived in snowy-cold places, most of my working life, but it's so nice to go places without worrying about sliding off the road into a huge snow drift, or busting your ass on the way to the mailbox!

Stay warm, folks!

Annika L
Feb 5, 2014, 10:13 AM
I'm not wearing any pants - film at 11.."

I start to get scared when I see "I'm not wearing any pants" in proximity to 11". :tongue:

Feb 5, 2014, 10:31 AM
Well, I once met a man who we shall call "Mr. Horse" who scared me a little .. it's sort of like watching a train wreck - sometimes you just can't look away..

it was a spoof of the little teasers that late night news puts on TV - see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHzWBLHAbFg

..the other line that was pretty good was: "Moscow in flames, missiles headed toward New York. Film at eleven."

..sorry, the Kentucky Fried Movie contributed to my somewhat warped sense of humor at a young age..it would be completely non PC and inappropriate now but it was written by the same guys who wrote "Airplane" while they were more or less still in college.

Feb 5, 2014, 12:10 PM
I am doing the "snowbird thing" by spending the winter down here in Florida---as Realist said---it has been cool down here for Florida. We had an almost two week run of nearly totally sunless days--but finally we have had three days of sunshine now--even though it doesn't clear till around noon thanks to heavy fog.

I was supposed to go back north to Ohio this week to do some medical stuff-in fact right now I would have been at the GI unit at my VA center undergoing a colonoscopy. Thankfully I looked at the weather and decided against the trip----because they are really getting it this week up there.

What really did it was that mess that happened in Atlanta last week---I was going to be heading up there late last week and they still had abandoned cars out on the interstates that day I would have driven thru in the Atlanta metro area thanks to the storm that hit them.

This weather really is something else.

Feb 5, 2014, 12:34 PM
I loved KFM, elain! "Convert! The church is changing!"

btw, its windy here in S Tx. A blustery 50 degrees! BRRRRRRRRR

Feb 5, 2014, 4:06 PM
Mother Nature is a bitch!
Snow this morning followed by freezing rain.

I'm taking my sore shoulders and aching back over to Cats campfire, nurse a shot of Fire Ball whiskey and engage Void in some conversation. Maybe we'll prank phone call Elian....because speaking with E would make Void happy. DEFINITELY gonna prank call Fzmr9t.....because he's in 50 degree Texas.

After I'm all warmed up from the fire and sufficiently buzzed I'm gonna get plane tix to FL for me and Mr. Easy. We're going down South and we're gonna show up on a Realists doorstep. Wonderfully warm sunshine and two wonderfully warm gentlemen. It's all good.
And we aren't coming home until the daffodils bloom!

*sigh*. Reality is that I have to shovel. Again.

((((((( ~D~ )))))))

Feb 5, 2014, 4:34 PM
I love every point of your thoughts and travel plans. Unfortunately - the snow shovel awaits me as well blocked only at this moment by the guy with the truck who has to plow the driveway so I can even get to the damn car. And it grows darker by the moment. Damn.

Feb 5, 2014, 5:29 PM
Sorry BHS, here in the Hudson Valley we got over 10" of snow. No hot tub here , just sitting in front of a big old fireplace with a roaring fire , a glass of Makers Mark Bourbon on the rocks topped w/ a splash of triple Sec.

Feb 5, 2014, 5:40 PM
Come to Florida and let your frost bite heal!

I'm not much of a cook, but I've got a nice lake to fish in, and plenty of room!

Feb 5, 2014, 10:32 PM
*Chuckles lecherously* C'mer Darlin. I'll warm ya up when I gets through massaging your back and shoulders..lol...>:}
Seriously folks, please be Verry careful back there, no matter Where ya'll are at. I worry about you guys where the weather is hitting the hardest. :( Miss Belle, Justcurious, and so many others..sound off now and then, let us know how you are..:}
Yer Cat.

Feb 6, 2014, 4:59 PM
It's February it is qupposed to be cold and snowie. We had 28 inches last last week in 48 hours, have four feet on the snow stake out back. The skiing is great, finally a real winter.

Feb 6, 2014, 5:15 PM
you should come down to texas...

Feb 6, 2014, 5:46 PM
For some strange reason all of the sudden I feel like a newscaster - "Quite a bit of ice out there, another big storm on the way this weekend, I'm not wearing any pants - film at 11.."

*reads, rereads ... raises an eyebrow, growls* Hurrhm ... no pants he says ... yummy he says ... hehe.