View Full Version : What's up with all the cock sucking?
Nov 2, 2019, 1:09 AM
As I read these forums I'm noticing a trend. Many of them are focused on sucking dick and just sucking dick. I realize this is a bi forum but it's like every other post is how many sucked, where, what when and why sucked. It seems like it's an issue that's limiting the topics. What about all the other fun stuff like.... Docking, frontting, trains, mutual masterbation, jerking off in a co workers coffee, taking from behind, taking more than one, hang out naked before or after, stranger at the gym, that stranger you found in the basement, couples... Of you identify as bi the world can be a kinky place, even for us married guys. Let's hear stuff other than just dick sucking. We can do better.
Nov 2, 2019, 4:22 AM
For some of us sucking cock is one of the ultimate pleasures...for me, nothing better than feeling a nice clean hard one building in my mouth...and when it shoots...a nice load of cum in back of mouth or down throat is ultimate reward. But nicest part is you can give a great blow job quickly and most anywhere.
Yes, I enjoy full blown sex with guys the body contact, kissing, feeling a nice cock fuck me in the ass...again, not much better (except again, I do so love sucking)...but so many times there is just not time or place to do full I'm always grateful for the nice hot load in my's all good.
Nov 2, 2019, 9:51 AM
Its all I have to talk about. Since its all i do. lol
Nov 2, 2019, 1:56 PM
Start a few threads, I'm sure a few will answer.
Nov 2, 2019, 2:23 PM
As I read these forums I'm noticing a trend. Many of them are focused on sucking dick and just sucking dick. I realize this is a bi forum but it's like every other post is how many sucked, where, what when and why sucked. It seems like it's an issue that's limiting the topics. What about all the other fun stuff like.... Docking, frontting, trains, mutual masterbation, jerking off in a co workers coffee, taking from behind, taking more than one, hang out naked before or after, stranger at the gym, that stranger you found in the basement, couples... Of you identify as bi the world can be a kinky place, even for us married guys. Let's hear stuff other than just dick sucking. We can do better.
from my perspective, sucking is the most erotic and the most fun, so it calls for the most discussion. It does not hurt that it is my passion.
IF you want other subjects, start the discussions, there is always someone that will be more than willing to respond.
Nov 2, 2019, 2:29 PM
Collectively, we talk about a lot of those same things you mentioned but cock sucking is probably the #1 thing to do and more so if, as an individual, that's all you're really into so it makes sense to talk about it and in every aspect imaginable. Not only do the guys who do suck dick get to share their thoughts and experiences, all of the guys who haven't done this yet can learn from us who do - what we like about it, don't like, personal preferences, etc.. Finding the ton of other conversations is fairly easy - just click the link that says "Recent Threads" and with some patience, you can see every post that has been made, covering numerous subjects that have nothing to do with sucking dick.
Or, as someone said, start a topic that interests you more than sucking cock - and just as you did!
Nov 2, 2019, 9:52 PM
it seems cock sucking is the main thing men like to do or have done to them
Nov 3, 2019, 2:33 AM
Being a Bi sexual means just that Bi, I not only enjoy sucking dick but also get to play with women as well. It’s all about making them feel good and well as yourself knowing you did your job.
Nov 3, 2019, 10:45 AM
it seems cock sucking is the main thing men like to do or have done to them
Exactly. Been on both ends. It's the most.
Nov 4, 2019, 8:19 AM
Nothing stopping you from starting on conversation about on of those other activities.
Nov 9, 2019, 2:33 AM
alot of guys just love sucking off other guys or love it the most. i get that. yes it's hott. :) but like u i would like to read about more too. personally i would like to read more about activity with women. (so i do appreciate the beautifull women thread! :)
mike r
Nov 9, 2019, 7:34 AM
the guy who started this thread acts like cocksucking is a crutch for the is not.
Nov 9, 2019, 8:29 AM
Ok, I'll add my two cents here, something different than cock sucking: I completely agree with the other person posting that often there isn't the time to go "full on", so sucking dick is quick. For those of us who are married, kids, stable hetero life,'s enough of a challenge just meeting up with a bi guy, let alone finding the time and space to be intimate. On the other hand (no pun intended), we all masturbate, and I haven't seen anyone post here on riding a dildo when masturbating. When I have enough time, I lube up my dildo and anus, straddle the toilet seat, and very gently and gradually sit myself down on the dildo...eventually, it passes in comfortably, then the fun begins, with me stroking my cock, while I rock back and fort, another hand massaging my chest and squeezing my nipples HARD! The build up to come is incredible, the cock is relatively softer from the dildo being up the ass, and with the anus dilated, you can't appreciate contractions, but when you come..oh what a wonderful release...the jizz just "spills" out of you, and if you're rocking on the dildo and deriving pleasure from the nipple squeeze, you feel waves of pleasure all over your body!
Nov 9, 2019, 8:49 AM
Nice description swami. I too like to ride a dildo while I JO but if I could be sucking someone's cock at the same time that would be great.
Nov 9, 2019, 11:27 AM
Thanks thankful you’re on this site as a couple: no doubt that negotiating the logistics of “riding and sucking” at the same time is somewhat easier if your partner is involved. :)
Nov 10, 2019, 8:48 PM
I wish there were more threads about fucking, because I want to receive anal sex. Would love to hear opinions from others who want it or want to give it.
Nov 10, 2019, 9:26 PM
Hey John 1971, I too would like to receive anal sex from a man. My wife pegs me with a strap on, which I love, but to have a real cock in my ass would be awesome. I would also like to share her with another guy, she likes anal also so both of us guys pounding her pussy and ass would be the ultimate fuck for me
Nov 10, 2019, 9:34 PM
I wish there were more threads about fucking, because I want to receive anal sex. Would love to hear opinions from others who want it or want to give it.
I want to both give anal and receive anal, eventually. Still enjoying oral for now, but mostly receiving.
mike r
Nov 11, 2019, 7:25 AM
cocksucking is not a failure of imagination....
Nov 11, 2019, 9:34 AM
My experience just seemed to be so convenient, there were times we had lots of time and spent a long time edging each other but many were thirty minutes or less. I’ve been searching for what people ball bro job hookup sites, I haven’t found any, any clues.
Nov 11, 2019, 12:13 PM
As I read these forums I'm noticing a trend. Many of them are focused on sucking dick and just sucking dick. I realize this is a bi forum but it's like every other post is how many sucked, where, what when and why sucked. It seems like it's an issue that's limiting the topics. What about all the other fun stuff like.... Docking, frontting, trains, mutual masterbation, jerking off in a co workers coffee, taking from behind, taking more than one, hang out naked before or after, stranger at the gym, that stranger you found in the basement, couples... Of you identify as bi the world can be a kinky place, even for us married guys. Let's hear stuff other than just dick sucking. We can do better.
I think because a lot of bisexuals like myself are interested only in cocks. I think cocks are absolutely beautiful. Nothing more I'd rather do than taste and feel another mans cock in my mouth and then swallow his cum. Maybe it's because I have an oral fixation, but everything else out there seems pretty tame compared to sucking dick.
Sucking dick is pretty clean, it's quick, tasting another mans cum is extremely intimate, and it's immensely pleasurable for both parties. I think it's talked about so much IMO because it's the best sex act between two people.
Nov 14, 2019, 11:13 AM
I love to suck, I love to BE sucked. I also like to get rimmed and fucked.
There is certainly a noticeable overage of bottoms (anally at least) out there for sure. Lots of guys I meet simply want to suck and get sucked but the number of tops who want to actually fuck is very low as far as I have seen...and people that simply eliminate anal play in it's entirety is certainly frustrating....Personally, I consider myself "vers", but I make clear I prefer the bottom bunk when it comes to anal at least 75% of the time. When or if things get really hot I've topped men and certainly fucked women anally and vaginally, usually as part of a MFM bi threesome.
Nov 15, 2019, 12:28 AM
The site has digressed to a bunch of 9th graders talking in the locker room. Everyone here seems everyone here is cheating on their wives trying to see who can pass the worst bug onto her. I keep expecting the site to be gone but it has not... YET.
Nov 15, 2019, 11:40 AM
Sucking cock is what I like to do most with men. No problem with that.
Nov 15, 2019, 3:18 PM
More, please!
Nov 16, 2019, 1:03 PM
I've had a wonderful week. Got to fuck the wife 3 times, got to suck feeder #1 3 times and feeder #2 twice. Great week!
Nov 17, 2019, 4:39 PM
I am a big believer that everyone alive has something in their own mind or within their own personal experience of pleasure that really, really turns them on sexually. I think it's important to explore and discover and find and embrace that "something" as a means to help understand who you are as a sensual-sexual-erotic human being. Treat it like a journey.
Nov 17, 2019, 7:00 PM
My comment standing I just want to add, I WOULD LOVE TO SUCK A COCK
Apr 12, 2020, 3:09 PM
I agree with most here - sucking cock is great GREAT and it's also the easiest to accomplish without a lot of planning/access to a safe place to fuck/risk etc.
Also getting to suck a nice cock and getting to swallow a nice load of cum is wonderful thing!
Apr 12, 2020, 3:56 PM
A long time ago now, a guy looking for his first time asked me why a lot of guys wanted to suck dick for their first time and I told him that it was "easier" and less scary than having a hard dick trying to get in their very tight and virgin asshole. Well, for some. I told him that in my experiences to date, cock sucking was, again, the #1 thing that gets done; it doesn't take a whole lot of time to do it, it can be done almost anywhere and at any time, and there's no preparations to be done before the fact except maybe hitting the crotch with some soap and water if and when available.
"I thought guys would want to fuck more," he had said and I told him that, true enough, a lot of guys prefer fucking over sucking... but that doesn't change the fact that cock sucking is a big deal kind of thing. Told him that I knew of guys who had two questions: What's it's like to suck dick and what's it like to be fucked... and usually in that order. We here on the forum talk about almost every aspect of M2M sex that comes to mind... but cock sucking still has the place of honor. I even talked to a guy the other day from Johannesburg... and the first thing he asked me about was sucking dick and why it's so attractive.
Because it is... and that's why we probably talk about that more than we do anything else.
Apr 12, 2020, 4:06 PM
Uhhh?? It’s fun and I love it?
Apr 12, 2020, 7:00 PM
As I read these forums I'm noticing a trend. Many of them are focused on sucking dick and just sucking dick. I realize this is a bi forum but it's like every other post is how many sucked, where, what when and why sucked. It seems like it's an issue that's limiting the topics. What about all the other fun stuff like.... Docking, frontting, trains, mutual masterbation, jerking off in a co workers coffee, taking from behind, taking more than one, hang out naked before or after, stranger at the gym, that stranger you found in the basement, couples... Of you identify as bi the world can be a kinky place, even for us married guys. Let's hear stuff other than just dick sucking. We can do better.
i agree, there's more to life than sucking dick. explore your partner what does he like, share some emotions w/each other, hugs more....
Apr 13, 2020, 12:15 AM
I will admit, I really love sucking dick. It's one thing I love to do and could do almost every day. But I will say that lately I've been very curious about having someone inside of me. I've never done that, but I've been thinking a lot about it. But sucking dick is something I could do for hours. Nice and slow.
Apr 13, 2020, 2:56 AM
For some, all they want is to suck cock and are not interested in any other fact such as anal and there appears to be far more men active than women.
Apr 17, 2020, 8:18 AM
To me sucking became more about control and enjoying myself and getting what I wanted. When I allowed them to fuck me it was messy and quick most of the time. I’d love to try some of the mentioned acts like cock docking And a few other things. There are also some other topics I’d like to talk about but am nervous to put out there.
Apr 17, 2020, 9:41 AM
To me sucking became more about control and enjoying myself and getting what I wanted. When I allowed them to fuck me it was messy and quick most of the time. I’d love to try some of the mentioned acts like cock docking And a few other things. There are also some other topics I’d like to talk about but am nervous to put out there.
Sounds like you need to meet a better class of top. I love taking my time and changing positions a couple of times during a good fuck to draw out the experience.
Apr 19, 2020, 10:37 AM
suck em first then get ass creamed