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Oct 15, 2006, 3:35 AM
I'm just curious to know does anyone else have moments where you bisexuality creeps into your dreams? I recently had a dream that I thought was rather interesting, only if I could figure out what it might mean, if it means anything. If anyone is good with understanding dreams feel free to give your thoughts. :tong:
My dream:
I was at this lady’s home helping her do some plastering on the walls. I could tell that she was a bit interested in me and I was a bit interested in her too but felt rather inexperienced in her presence. She noticed my slight uneasiness and did her best to make me feel comfortable. Things got rather touchy feely between us and we ended up sleeping together. The following morning I left her home relieved. It was my first same-sex encounter.
Later while walking down the street I ran into a male friend who has had this thing for me for the longest. Even though I always thought he was a nice guy I could never actually see myself being more than a friend to him. He stopped me and we talked. He took my hand into his and wouldn’t let go. He kept trying with all sincerity to show me how great of a guy he was but I just wasn't interested in him romanticlly. Finally he let me go and I went on my way. I entered into this large corporate building and headed to the elevator. I was dressed in professional business attire and on my way to a meeting. When the elevator doors opened there was an attractive young lady already inside. She smiled at me as I got on and I said hello. I pressed the button for the floor I was heading to. While doing so I could see from the corner of my eye that she was watching me. In a soft voice she asked “What is that scent that you have on?” I told her and she replied “It smells really nice.” The elevator stopped. We were both getting off at the same floor. I let her go before me. As she walked away she turned around and smiled back at me. We held the gaze for a moment and then headed in our separate directions. I walk to a door at the end of the hall. I open it and enter into this large office with this huge cherry oak desk. Standing behind the desk is this tv actress. She greets me with a friendly smile. Immediately we begin to discuss my business proposition. (Apparently I’m working on some movie deal with her.) Throughout the meeting I sense subtle hints of flirtation from her. She turns out to be a rather nice woman and we hit it off. The meeting ends with a successful business deal and me going on a date with her. That one date turns into another which turns into a casual romance (nothing too serious). But one afternoon while coming from her office we run into this movie director we both know. She notices from the way that he and I look at each other that there is something going on between us. He then realizes that something is going on between the actress and I. At that moment they both turn to me and tell me that I have to choose. Instead I walk away and decide to take the subway home. While waiting a elderly couple next to me start arguing. Over hearing their argument and really wanting them to be at peace with each other, I butt in and try to mediate the situation. I sat there and explained to the woman her husband’s point of view in a manner that she could understand as a woman. Then I explained to her husband his wife’s point of view in a manner that he could understand as a man. Doing so helped them to reach a point of agreement. They held each others hands, kissed and thanked me for the help. They walked away in peace with each other. I continued to wait for the subway. As I did I felt a great sense of peace come over me.
End of dream.
Oct 15, 2006, 4:00 AM
Are we talking about daydreams or just nighttime dreams. I have lots of daydreams that turn into stories of fantasy...
I guess I didnt really answer your question did I?
Yes, on occasion. :tong:
Oct 15, 2006, 5:24 AM
Well, gentlepen - I think you're dealing with a decision you *think* you need to make, but in reality you're happy to be where you are. You're comfortably able to deal with both sides of your sexual nature as it is, and are hesitant when confronted about a preference.
And I'm sure that is something that you may have already read into it.
Does my bi-ness come into my dreams? Probably, but I can't give any specifics. I'll try to pick up on some in the coming weeks. Thanks for the assignment.
Oct 15, 2006, 7:29 AM
I'm what is called a lucid dreamer. When I dream I'm aware, even though I'm asleep. Some of my dreams are sexual (both bi and str8). When I get under the blanket I'm able to call up a past dream and play with it. Sometimes it's sexual. But for the most part, it's about my life. Are there any other lucid dreamers out there who understand? :2cents:
Oct 15, 2006, 8:20 AM
I'm what is called a lucid dreamer. When I dream I'm aware, even though I'm asleep. Some of my dreams are sexual (both bi and str8). When I get under the blanket I'm able to call up a past dream and play with it. Sometimes it's sexual. But for the most part, it's about my life. Are there any other lucid dreamers out there who understand? :2cents:
Yes, however it either goes horribly bad and I yell aloud one way or another...or it is so steamy I wake up overly extended and sore from rubbing my hips against the mattress... :tong: :eek:
Oct 15, 2006, 10:56 AM
There are times when I've been stressed because of my sexuality that I've had same-sex dreams. I think it's my subconscious' way of reminding me that everything is okay.
In my most recent dream, I woke up to see that I had become a hermaphrodite, yet I still had a vagina. So of course the first thing I wanted to do is see if I could please myself...and I could :bigrin:
I consider that to be a dream dealing with completion and becomming integrated within myself.
Have I had bisexual dreams? Sometimes :)
Oct 15, 2006, 11:31 AM
I will preface this by saying that you are always your own best interpreter. They are “your” symbols and what one symbol may mean to me, may be different in its meaning to someone else. Your dream is very vivid and there can be many different ways to interpret the data without having had the dream myself. There are also many schools of though about dreams. I recommend a journal to anyone trying to understand their dreams. Over time it shows us so much about the inner workings of what lies within and can give you insights that no psychic can touch.
The first part of your dream shows areas of conflict that seem to center around desire and attraction. You mention the initial discomfort with the sexual feelings while engaged with the first woman in your dream but, as she makes you feel more comfortable, enough trust is established to move forward and actualize the desire. You also make mention that the next morning you feel relief and that it’s your “first” same sex experience. What I see is conflict and resolution with a hands on approach. I would interpret this as a area you’re still working on.( You plaster the wall together,) Repair and renovation might translate into an area dealing with a part of yourself, where you might feel improvement is necessary and, you’re in the process of trying to improve that area.
You meet the guy on the street but there’s no romantic or sexual attraction despite his desires to make it more than what it is. You are friendly to the male energies within you but they seem to lack the depth and excitement that spark arousal at this point. The conflict here might lie between your concepts with what’s expected in terms of traditional roles that men have played, or continue to play in your life and, what moves you at a deeper level. You are able to break away from his grasp and categorically place in where he fits comfortably into your life. You call it as you see it and move accordingly but you still are trying to bring together the fragments that create the duality within. This I believe demonstrates the conflict and nature that many of us who are bisexual find ourselves having to deal with. We struggle to make sense of this duality in order to integrate our selves.
You enter a large building which may represent a broader view of yourself and you ride an elevator to a higher floor. You are both women in the elevator and the dream offers you the opportunity to glance at yourself as both the observer and the observed. You are attracted to yourself and by this I mean your femininity. Elevators are transitional devices and you are transitioning to a higher level within this broader view. It may be a matter of becoming more comfortable with who you are at different levels of perception.
The remainder of the dream has you being asked to decide between a male in an authority position ( the director) and an actress the object of your desires. You refuse to choose and leave( unresolved) which puts you now at a subterranean level in the subway trying to resolve the same problem between the older man and his wife. You are successful in making each character understand the other’s point of view because, you do understand ….. yet you remain waiting in this lower level for another transitional device to take “you” to another place. There are parts you that have resolved this duality and there are parts of you that are still in conflict. The positive aspect about this dream Gentlepen, is that you continue to work at resolving these inner conflicts, and they are being worked on in a safe environment that allows no harm to yourself or others.
Do I have dreams where my bisexuality manifests?
Nope...never...Nada....No way! :bigrin:
Ambi :)
Oct 15, 2006, 5:54 PM
I've had VERY vivid dreams where I've had het sex, gay sex, and bi sex. I even had a lucid dream recently where I had a mmf 3 way.
Oct 15, 2006, 6:30 PM
Wow - AMBI -
That's pretty good. I was thinking along the same lines, but didn't really have the words. Good job.
Does any of that make sense, gentlepen?
Oct 15, 2006, 6:31 PM
I too have had dreams that were sexual in nature. A good many of them were with women and some were with men and some were even with a couple. I do remember that the dreams were very vivid and felt (can you actually "feel" in a dream) in my mind very real. My biggest problem is that as more time goes by after I have awakened, the harder it is to remember the actual details of the dream. But I do know that I have had them and that I did enjoy the contents of the dream.
Oct 15, 2006, 6:37 PM
I have lots of dreams that I remeber about lots of stuff and I day dream alot. I sometimes have dreams where I kno I'm dreaming and other times I dnt.
I've had dreams where I'm having sex with a girl (for some reason it was in my garden and she was wearing a blue dress)
I've had dreams where I have sex with a boy. I have had alot of dreams where I am a guy having sex with a grl or a guy having sex with a guy. Its weird I have alot of those worryingly.
oh I have these strange dreams where I'm after this person I want to have with (any gender) and we keep having to hide and run and stuff and i always wake up before I get to the sex frustrated and cross. what the hell is up with that??
I love dreaming and thinking and talking about dreams.
Oct 15, 2006, 8:35 PM
Oddly me don have 2 many dreams bout me sexuality. Not as such. Sumtimes usually wen me most down. Dus dream bout those me most close 2 a lot but even then not allus sexual in fact rarely. Dunno wy, dunno wot it means but don worry me eitha. Did hav 1 few weeks go wen we wos jus walkin in country holdin hands we kissies an we cuddles an rude bits.. hardly excitin an titillatin but it did give me the feelin of bein luvved an wen me wok up me felt ace! They sez in dreams we don smell ne thin but me did smell subtle sweetness of her scent an it wos soooo scrummie. Dull for u mayb but wosnt for me! Thank Christ wosnt a guy or me wudnt have woke from the ming! hehehe. Soz guys. Fran duz luv a dig at ya! S'only fun. :bigrin:
Oct 15, 2006, 9:32 PM
You know i did have a dream once where i had to choose between a girl and a guy. And i did pick! Does that mean i have to turn in my Bi card? :rolleyes: Both of them were very comely, but i like the soul of the guy best.
I occasionally force myself to have dreams on a certain topic. Often times they are lucid dreams.
One dream freaked me out because i'm certain it was a past life memory. I was a little boy, maybe 8 years old in a school of little boys. And we all had just recently got the same hair cut. All shaved except a circle of hair on the top which we wore long. I just remember that my head itched and what a pain it was to comb the top hair everyday. I was asian. If anyone knows what this means, do tell.
Oct 15, 2006, 9:37 PM
I dont really know what that is but I feel the same way...I always have dreams Im having sex with a girl or having sex with a guy....just depends on the mood I am in.....Ive had this for years and cant make sense of it....
Oct 15, 2006, 10:10 PM
You know i did have a dream once where i had to choose between a girl and a guy. And i did pick! Does that mean i have to turn in my Bi card? :rolleyes:
I occasionally force myself to have dreams on a certain topic. Often times they are lucid dreams.
One dream freaked me out because i'm certain it was a past life memory. I was a little boy, maybe 8 years old in a school of little boys. And we all had just recently got the same hair cut. All shaved except a circle of hair on the top which we wore long. I just remember that my head itched and what a pain it was to comb the top hair everyday. I was asian. If anyone knows what this means, do tell.
I had that dream where I had to pick and I picked both, but ultimately went with the guy.
Lorcan, it sounds like the dream where you were a little boy takes place in a buddhist country.
Oct 15, 2006, 11:41 PM
Wow Ambi, that was a rather insightful interpretation. I never really take that much time to figure out my dreams. It's like walking into a thick forest and trying to correctly identify one plant, tree or bush from another. But I have to andmit that it was a reoccuring dream (three times) of being pursued by Jennifer Lopez that woke me up to the true nature of my sexuality. (Yeah, I've been crushin' on her since Money Train :bigrin: ) So I pay more attention to my dreams especially if there are reoccurring themes. For me, I just think it's interesting that I can be rather oblivious to aspects about myself in real life and it requires dreams to get me to wake up.
Oct 16, 2006, 1:30 PM
I've had a strange dream of this sort lately. I guess it's not surprising, I only came out to my parents and my sister a few months ago and so I still think a lot about it, but it was still a weird dream.
I was in this room with a lot of people all drinking beer, and my brother was there and for some reason my dad was talking about bisexuality, like some kind of lecture or something, and then he asked if anyone was bisexual and I yelled 'I am!' and everyone cheered. I know exactly what my dream meant, because my brother doesn't know I'm bi yet and I've been worrying loads about it. He's coming home soon, and I can't think of a way to bring it up. It's not the sort of thing I can bring up just like that, we're not as close as we used to be and I've put it off before, so I can guess my dream was my subconscious telling me to get on with it and say it!
Oct 16, 2006, 4:25 PM
It was one of those evenings which would turn into party nights when the four of us (couple friends, me and my wife) would gather for dinner, a few drinks, dancing and most of the time ending up with glorious wife-swapping sex.
Unfortunately this one night the wife of our friends had her time-off-of-the-month, so we tried to fill up the gap with more drinks and dance.
At one point I decided to just lay down on the floor. Within seconds my erotically charged wife jumped on top of me, sort of like in a 69 position. Even though we were fully clothed, she started to kiss my already fully erect cock through my pants, while I've lifted her skirt up and hungrily tried to find with my tongue a way under the edge of her panties to her juicy pussy.
She reached back with her hand, pulled it aside and excitedly glanced at our friend. I don't believe it was too much of an invitation, but he did not waste even one second, dropped his pants and quickly on his knees right behind her.
I don't think I was ever more excited in my entire life, including my very first ejaculation.
They were wildly fucking right above my face. I was exposed to all....the smell, the vision and even the sound.
I came and came and came without stopping!!!!!!
And that is when I woke up from my dream.
Turned to my side, looked at my wife for 30 years, sleeping in complete peace.
At least in my dreams she is a wild, sexy tiger!
This was an actual dream and I had a hard time explaining the mess!
yoyo :cool:
Oct 16, 2006, 5:45 PM
Its not exactly a recurring dream because it does always seem to change ever so slightly but it always involves the same girl, but somehow as it progresses I always have this feeling of deja vu. I do know the girl but only by sight in real life and we have never even spoken and yet somehow it is as if the contents of the dream really occurred. A friend recently interpreted the dream as one of events from an earlier life but I cant say that reincarnation is something I put much store in. It does always involve me on my stomache and the very nice act of having my back licked and backs of thighs stroked, something I am extremely open to but from then on there is always a subtle change in direction from the previous dreaming.
Oct 16, 2006, 7:16 PM
Its not exactly a recurring dream because it does always seem to change ever so slightly but it always involves the same girl, but somehow as it progresses I always have this feeling of deja vu. I do know the girl but only by sight in real life and we have never even spoken and yet somehow it is as if the contents of the dream really occurred. A friend recently interpreted the dream as one of events from an earlier life but I cant say that reincarnation is something I put much store in. It does always involve me on my stomache and the very nice act of having my back licked and backs of thighs stroked, something I am extremely open to but from then on there is always a subtle change in direction from the previous dreaming.
Dunno bout reincarnation Sam babes....sounds mo like an unfulfilled wish hun!Tee hee. Ne 1 me knows? hehe :bigrin: