View Full Version : Thanksgiving Thoughts

Nov 20, 2006, 11:45 PM
For all the dear and wonderful people who have come to call Bisexual. com home.

I know that many of you do not reside in the United States of America, so kindly indulge me in this tribute to Thanksgiving- a holiday celebrated here. It has long been thought that we need to set aside a day of the year to give thanks, or to be thankful for what we have in our lives. And here we do that, we celebrate Thanksgiving. A day typically spent with family and friends around a bountiful table in homage to our past. I think we should be thankful throughout the year.

I guess I have been spending much time lately thinking about the simple joys in life and how often we take those pleasures for granted. Also, how often they can be taken from you in a moment. We have so much to be grateful for that it is often overlooked and nearly forgotten in this hectic world we live in. Today I was given a gift, a gift of time. It was inspired by a man, a man who is serving in Iraq, away from his loved ones. One who cannot because of his sense of duty be with his family and friends. He made a gift to us by making Bill and I take time out of our day for each other. Who would have guessed that a simple gift of an hour of time could mean so much? It gave us pause. Gave us time to reflect upon the graces that have been bestowed upon us. Paramount among them are the many friends whom we have had the privilege to meet on this site. People who have indeed changed our lives. Enriched our lives and encouraged us to be better people. Shown us what it means to love and to be loved.

Time is such a precious commodity. For many, it is something that is limited. Having met so many wonderful people, both in person and on line, I consider myself a very lucky lady. From the first days we introduced ourselves on line to the people we have met in person, oh so many of you have made an impact. Friends, lovers you are all here and I for one am so grateful and feel blessed that you have come into my life. Life is, or can be a wonderful journey, a trip made better by the friends you meet along the way. I have taken the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference in the world. Our memories are the souveniers of lifes journey, let us fill our book of life with tomorrows memories today.

Enough of my rantings, I guess in my poor attempt to enlighten people, I just want you to go and be thankful for all the people who make a difference in your life. Time is but a scant treasure that is fleeting. Be thankful and be glad.


Nov 21, 2006, 12:21 AM
Thanks to you as well Onewhocares. A very beautiful reminder of the goodness that lies within :)

Ambi :)

Nov 21, 2006, 12:47 AM
Most of us don't truly appreciate what we have until it's been taken away. I challenged people last year and I do so again this year to do any type of Random Act of Kindness (RAK) over the holiday season and throughout the year to show people they matter.

I'm so thankful for finding this site. I have made some very dear friends, (even those of you I only know by screen name), and miss those that no longer come here regularly or at all.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving here in the U.S. and those that aren't here you are welcomed to celebrate with us.


Nov 21, 2006, 1:05 AM
I learned something. Thanks for the info. I had thought the mass slaughter of turkeys was to commemorate wiping out the native people here. My bad. This year I will give thanks for people whose knowledge of history makes up for my lack.

Nov 21, 2006, 3:58 PM
Just wanted to add that I too think you need to make time for you family and friends, but most importantly, make time for your spouse. Often the time two of us spend together is rushed with obligations of work, children, family and friends. We must not forget the one we love the most. My New Years Resolution is to pay more attention to my soulmate-think I will start now.

Thank you ALL for welcoming me to this site. Happy THanksgiving.


Mrs. Taz
Nov 21, 2006, 4:19 PM
someotherguy, the first thanks giving ever was with pilgrams and indians together they celibrated and had a good time as friends and family. we are going to my parents house for thanks giving dinner and then that night we are having super here at home with friends, I/we are gunna be stuffed I think,not just the turkey this year lol. HAPPY THANKS GIVING everyone. I am also very thankful that I am spending this thanks giving with my husband. Last year he didnt want to go to my parents house and his grandma we didnt think was having a dinner or nothing but when I came home he had been there for dinner, so am thankful he was not totally left out.and to the one who said some of us have time limited here on earth, we all have a limited time on earth its just that most of us dont know when our limit is.

Mrs. Taz
Nov 21, 2006, 4:21 PM
HEY, just a thought, we should have a thanks giving room for a few days or atleast that one night and everyone tell eachother what all they are thankful for.........let me know what ya think. :)

Nov 21, 2006, 7:47 PM
I learned something. Thanks for the info. I had thought the mass slaughter of turkeys was to commemorate wiping out the native people here. My bad. This year I will give thanks for people whose knowledge of history makes up for my lack.

Where are still here...We are still plentiful...We have learned to live with our guests and have adopted many things from them as they have from us...We are still here and for that, I give thanks... :paw: :paw:

Nov 21, 2006, 11:14 PM

Thank you most admired one.


Nov 22, 2006, 2:22 AM
Thank you Belle for your thoughts.

Today I am thankful for the wonderful people that I have met on this site. Some have become life long friends...and I suppose that I am thankful for the technology that brought us together....Go Al Gore...LOL

Today, I will be with my chosen family but my heart will be all over the country and all over the world.

ur ever luvin

Nov 22, 2006, 7:32 AM
Thank you, Thank you Belle and everyone on this site. You have all become family to Flounder and I...some MUCH closer then others but we are all still a family here.

I will give Thanks this holiday for all the many yrs. that I had with my dad. All the wonderful memories that we will cherish always. Knowing that he is no longer suffering and can now again do the things he's always loved to do. It will be a hard and sad day but for some reason his journey in life took him to a new home and for those of us left here on earth...it's a struggle but one we must accept! :angel:

May you all have a joyous Thanksgiving surounded by the ones you love! :grouphug: