View Full Version : Interracial

Dec 10, 2006, 4:35 PM
One of the things that really makes me horned is seeing a hot couple of different nationalities.this is just so hot.

Dec 10, 2006, 5:46 PM
I agree! I have never been in an interracial relationship, to be honest though, I am kind of intimidated by it. I am white and I would love to be in an interracial relationship, and I love seeing interracial couples and their families, I just feel like people of other races are more attractive and wouldn't be as attracted to me, but only because I am white. Is that crazy to think?? Recently, I just met someone that is Puerto Rican and he says that woman are actually more attractive to him when they are white. I was amazed.

Dec 11, 2006, 12:53 PM
For me it just adds some mystery, they are physically different than I so it's more exciting. But for me, it also depends on their sex. I'm white myself and I love black men and asian women. But asian men generally aren't really my thing.

In the end though, it really depends on the person. There's lots of white men and women who I find attractive too. :bigrin:

Dec 11, 2006, 1:53 PM
I agree! I have never been in an interracial relationship, to be honest though, I am kind of intimidated by it. I am white and I would love to be in an interracial relationship, and I love seeing interracial couples and their families, I just feel like people of other races are more attractive and wouldn't be as attracted to me, but only because I am white. Is that crazy to think?? Recently, I just met someone that is Puerto Rican and he says that woman are actually more attractive to him when they are white. I was amazed.

I beleive this,My father is a white Canadian and my mother is a brown Brazilian.I guess that is why I like it,if the whole world did maybe we wouldn't have so many problems going on.-Hound

Dec 11, 2006, 5:24 PM
hmm, interesting. Interracial has never really done anything extra for me.

Dec 11, 2006, 9:49 PM
Interracialness (is that a word?) can be hot, but I'm kind of weird about it. I'm mixed-race myself, and I love love love white boys, but I hate black guys. (That is, in a sexual way.) But with women, race doesn't matter as much.. I find Asian ones the hottest, but there's no race of women that I find unattractive. For these reasons I get happy when I see a black woman with a white man, especially because it's a lot rarer than the other way around. I think race matters a lot less in same-sex relationships, though..

Dec 12, 2006, 2:19 AM
hmm, interesting. Interracial has never really done anything extra for me.

same here.
I mean, I've been attracted to people of different races than I am but that was based on the whole person or what I could tell about them.

Dec 12, 2006, 7:54 AM
I was raised not to see race in anyone and in the ways that count I never have. People are people the world over and colour mean nothing to me. Certainly there are in what we refer to as race, things we prefer from one "race" to other races, but in the end there is only one "race", the human race. The more modern expression is ethnic group or ethnicity. There are differences in people dependant on where there origins lie, whether it is skin colour, appearance, hair type and colour, build or colour of eyes, size of penis and so on. And of course culture, which is a man made thing anyway.

I dont any longer have a free and easy sex life, having committed myself to one person, but have not been an innocent in the past. When selecting a sex partner I have never looked at ethnicity of the person, merely considered, am I attracted? Do I fancy a good time with him or her? Is he or she nice? It has usually worked out ok, but some were less than satisfactory, and thats a risk we take. Several experiences were with non europeans and the differences I noted were more to do with care, experience, tenderness, energy and imagination just as was the case with my own "race". Appearance is our choice, whatever colour or "race" our partner may be. We all have our likes and dislikes, but these should not be based on "racial" grounds but on what our heart and mind tells us is attractive to us.

Dec 12, 2006, 8:01 AM
I've only had sex with one black female years ago but I've always wanted to suck a black or Indian or asian cock at least once.

Dec 12, 2006, 10:22 AM
I'm afraid that my penis is a racist :(

Dec 12, 2006, 11:09 AM
I'm afraid that my penis is a racist :( dont say much for the owner then does it?

Dec 12, 2006, 6:12 PM
I find all races attractive male and female.

Dec 12, 2006, 6:49 PM
dont say much for the owner then does it?

Heh. Good point. :cool:

Dec 12, 2006, 7:16 PM
I pity those who have racial barriers. How horrible that would be.

Dec 12, 2006, 10:44 PM
I was raised not to see race in anyone and in the ways that count I never have. People are people the world over and colour mean nothing to me. Certainly there are in what we refer to as race, things we prefer from one "race" to other races, but in the end there is only one "race", the human race. The more modern expression is ethnic group or ethnicity. There are differences in people dependant on where there origins lie, whether it is skin colour, appearance, hair type and colour, build or colour of eyes, size of penis and so on. And of course culture, which is a man made thing anyway.

I dont any longer have a free and easy sex life, having committed myself to one person, but have not been an innocent in the past. When selecting a sex partner I have never looked at ethnicity of the person, merely considered, am I attracted? Do I fancy a good time with him or her? Is he or she nice? It has usually worked out ok, but some were less than satisfactory, and thats a risk we take. Several experiences were with non europeans and the differences I noted were more to do with care, experience, tenderness, energy and imagination just as was the case with my own "race". Appearance is our choice, whatever colour or "race" our partner may be. We all have our likes and dislikes, but these should not be based on "racial" grounds but on what our heart and mind tells us is attractive to us.

Good 1 Sam. Everyhuman bein is different an jus how we see them shud b with the eyes of the prospective luvver not the eyes of the bigotted fool.

Dec 13, 2006, 2:31 AM
all men suck...regardless of color.....

Dec 13, 2006, 2:53 AM
all men suck...regardless of color.....

That's odd - It's been my experience that str8 men don't suck :eek: - Dave

Dec 13, 2006, 3:10 AM
I was raised not to see race in anyone and in the ways that count I never have. People are people the world over and colour mean nothing to me. Certainly there are in what we refer to as race, things we prefer from one "race" to other races, but in the end there is only one "race", the human race. The more modern expression is ethnic group or ethnicity. There are differences in people dependant on where there origins lie, whether it is skin colour, appearance, hair type and colour, build or colour of eyes, size of penis and so on. And of course culture, which is a man made thing anyway.

I too was raised to judge a person by what is in their heart and mind, not by the color of their skin, national origin, religion, ect... However, I don't see anything wrong with liking or prefering some differences over others. For instance, I love flowers, but I like tulips more than roses. I am a white male and I love women, but(from an astheic point of view) I prefer asian women. As for men, I think latin guys are really hot. - Dave :three:

Dec 13, 2006, 2:18 PM
I think interracial can be hot too! I'm white and have mostly been with white women, but I did have a "fuck buddy" or FWB with a young black lady about 10 years ago and that was a very special relationship (if you want to call it that) to me. For one thing, she was a "squirter" and I loved it and after we were all fucked out, spent and wasted and lying side by side, it was so beautiful, the contrast of our black and white bodies... I also love asians...both women and men!!! I would like to get with a sexy black man and a sexy hispanic man (both at the same time would be good!) and would like one or both of them to be uncut...I've never tried that either!

Dec 13, 2006, 2:26 PM
I feel that everyone is entitled to the right to have and express there own opinions. That being said I personally think that it is wrong for those of you who have come down on the more racists authors on this page, just as you have the right to your belief, they have the right to there's, how dare you all come down on them for having a different view than you.

I personally have no problem with other races, I especially have found american indian and mexican men very attractive, but preferr my woman pale. I could never see myself with a person of african american decent or arabic and the like though. :bibounce:

Dec 13, 2006, 7:47 PM
I feel that everyone is entitled to the right to have and express there own opinions. That being said I personally think that it is wrong for those of you who have come down on the more racists authors on this page, just as you have the right to your belief, they have the right to there's, how dare you all come down on them for having a different view than you.

I personally have no problem with other races, I especially have found american indian and mexican men very attractive, but preferr my woman pale. I could never see myself with a person of african american decent or arabic and the like though. :bibounce:

I dare.. I bloody dare 2 come down on racists, jump on them from a great height..pour scorn and loathing on their jaundiced bigotted misguided and yes evil beliefs and opinions, not because it is a different opinion to my own but history shows us that where people are quiet, where people stay silent when evil is spread, all suffer. The rise of Hitler in the 20s and 30s of the last century is the prime example, where huge swathes of the population stayed silent as the evil of nazism permeated through society, and the anti nazis poured scorn on for being rabble rousers and troublemakers and mere "communists". We all know what happened after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor in 1933, and the chaos and tragedy which ensued over the next 12 years.

I am very glad Tripdoli that you have no problem with people of other races. But I do have a problem with your tolerance of the intolerant and intolerance itself. I dare oppose nazism wherever I find it. Race prejudice is but a small facet of that sick and perverted ideology, but Christ what an important and insidious part. I dare. I shall continue to dare and shall struggle till my dying day against any ideology which preaches such bigotry.

I do not accuse all racists of being evil, for quite patently not all are, but of being products of their life conditioning,and hope to persuade them of the error of the views they hold. However should I fail in this, the evil of racism and its kin National Socialism are much too dangerous to be allowed to be given the opportunity to prosper by me or any other anti racist staying quiet.

I remind you Tripdoli, it was not only the "lesser" races which nazism tried to eliminate, but it was not overly fond of gays and bisexuals either, and hundreds of thousands were slaughtered in the gas chambers of the death camps and many thousands more experimented on by the nazi doctors and scientists, and God knows how many more murdered in the streets or just simply disappeared. So I dare speak out, I dare fight and try to destroy the evil I find yes even on this site. I dare criticise where I feel people are sleepwalking through dangerous times, and I dare to criticise everyone who defends the right of any to propound any evil and pernicious intolerance. I dare to attempt to smother and suppress any preaching of racist bigotry.

I dare to defend what I believe in, and all the peoples of humanity who have the right to live their lives in peace without being slaughtered and harrassed simply on the grounds of race. How dare you defend the right of racists to free speech when by their actions they surrendered that right for themselves.

Dec 13, 2006, 8:00 PM
One of the things that really makes me horned is seeing a hot couple of different nationalities.this is just so hot.

I have been there twice (with women only) and man, is it ever great! I am not sure what the attraction is here. Perhaps it's the flirting with the uncommon or the perceived taboo of interacial, but it's a recipe for very satisfying moments.


Dec 13, 2006, 8:06 PM
i am a white guy and my first passionate kiss was with a chinese girl. it was a long time coming.. i was 24! but it was tons of fun. it sorta put the stamp on the the beginning of my first relationship.. didn't last very long though.. cultural differences in values really seemed to play a role.

but yah, i've always been attracted to oriental women.. not quite sure why..

i've also dated a black woman. but that wasn't serious.

but here in my city, so much multiculturalism.. interracial is not uncommon at all, in fact it's very common.

Tx Bi guy
Dec 13, 2006, 8:34 PM
For some reason, I really like the way big black cocks look. I want to try one out and see if it is as good as I hope it is. I would love to watch a big black guy have his way with my wife. I want to be with a black woman, at least once, just to see if there is any difference or not. I have had my chance with a few hispanic girls, but never followed through. I am gonna have to try again:)

Dec 13, 2006, 9:34 PM
For me, it seems to be the contrast of light skin against dark skin that fuels the turn-on of watching interracial sex. I love watching interracial sex, but have never had the opportunity to be in an interracial relationship, but I have always fantasized abouit going to bed with a Mexican lady.

Dec 14, 2006, 10:11 AM
Well excuse me Darkeyes if I have touched a nerve with the idea that everyone is entitled to the RIGHT to have and express there own opinions. I personally feel that you are a hypocrite who has read way to many books and possibly has some form of hero complex. Either that or you may have been picked on a lot in school. But either way nice RANT, it kept me reading lmao. :bigrin:

Dec 14, 2006, 11:33 AM
I'm a WASP, but for a period of time in my life (about 10 years) I was intimate only with black men and women. There was a special passion in black people that I found very sexy and attractive.

One particular black guy I spent some time with was very special....he was 100% gay, very affectionate, a great kisser and his cum tasted like fresh cream. I often wonder where he is now.

Race is no longer a factor in my attractions. I find personality the most sexy quality in another person.

Dec 14, 2006, 4:39 PM
I am in a bi-racial marriage, have bi-racial children and caucasion, in my past have dated different races and greatly enjoyed their company.

I grew up in a racist family, but was never like them. I don't care about the color, I care about the heart and mind and soul of a person. Not to knock anyone else's choice, I just feel happier not being superficial.

Dec 14, 2006, 4:58 PM
hmm, interesting. Interracial has never really done anything extra for me.

Me either. People are people... their "hot" or not status with me isn't based on the color of their skin.


Dec 14, 2006, 8:03 PM
Well excuse me Darkeyes if I have touched a nerve with the idea that everyone is entitled to the RIGHT to have and express there own opinions. I personally feel that you are a hypocrite who has read way to many books and possibly has some form of hero complex. Either that or you may have been picked on a lot in school. But either way nice RANT, it kept me reading lmao. :bigrin:

You cheeky gett! You did touch a raw nerve of that you can be certain. But my "rant" as you call it was an angry criticism of people like you who would allow those who preach racial hatred and bigotry free reign of those opinions. I do not accept that any who preach hatred of any human being or beings has any right to the freedom of speech to expound that loathesome creed.

If you bothered to digest anything I said you will have gathered why. If it is your opinion that freedom of speech can be allowed at ANY cost, then I pity you. What I was doing was warning you and any others like you that there exist inherent dangers in doing so, and that by sitting back, staying silent, and racists suddenly are in such a position of strength, we shall all be threatened. Nazi Germany I used as the most extreme example of the ultimate penalty of adopting your attitude. If you are so thick and stupid as not to see that then I have absolute contempt for you and all like you.

If staying true to my beliefs, and arguing against racism, and for responsible freedom of speech is being a hypocrite then hypocrite I am, but then maybe you should read up on what the word means, and justify your claim. You neither know me or anything about me, but read books? yes I do. And yes a lot of them. Obviously by your pig ignorance it isnt something you can be accused of, unless of course you get stuck into Superman comics.

Nor have I a hero complex, though there are people in history I do admire and respect for what they did to further the human condition. However I have never been blinded to their faults and respect and admiration does not equate to hero worship, but if you mean that I wish to be heroic think again, for I am merely an ordinary human being who has values and beliefs which I live by as best I can, but am flawed like any other human being, and it wouldnt be the first time I havent lived up to those values, and no doubt I shall fall by the way again in the course of time.

I will say though, yes I was picked on at school, or more accurately, being little, people thought I was an easy target, but it didnt take them long to discover that being little didnt mean I was soft. I have several things going for me. I am bright, and I am not stupid. Nor am I prepared to be walked over without a fight. In good old scottish terms I am a moothy cow, and by use of a few well timed words and phrases intimidate those who wish to bully.

It is nice that my RANT as you called it kept your interest. Maybe you should have asked yourself why I wrote it in the manner I did. I could how dare you on literally every sentence and utterance you made. Or I could stay silent and allow you and people like you to sit back and allow racists to do and say what the hell they like. I choose not to. I choose to argue and fight with every sinew for my beliefs. The fact that you choose to sit on your fat arse and allow them to get away with their evil shite by allowing them freedom of speech without responsibility is the act of the contemptable idiot who probably thinks the state will protect your nice cosy way of life without you having to do a damn thing other than cast a vote very few years or so. Thats of course if you can even be prepared to get up out of bed and do that!!!!

What a bloody shock life has in store for you and your ilk!

Here endeth the lesson! Spelt R a n t 2.

Dec 14, 2006, 8:48 PM
If you have no problem with any race as far as friendships, work and so on, but you do have a preference for a certain skin type as a lover is that really bigotry? Is it racist or is it a personal preference like saying you are turned on more by redheads, blondes or brunettes, tall or short, slender or meaty, male or female, etc? Perferences can alter if you meet the right person.

Dec 14, 2006, 9:15 PM
If you have no problem with any race as far as friendships, work and so on, but you do have a preference for a certain skin type as a lover is that really bigotry? Is it racist or is it a personal preference like saying you are turned on more by redheads, blondes or brunettes, tall or short, slender or meaty, male or female, etc? Perferences can alter if you meet the right person.

Actually agree wiv ya Rana entirely...me riginal post on this thread said summat 2 that effect in brevity. Was agreein wiv Sam's argument ther . Ne thin subsequent (me alleged rant an follow up) was me gettin irritated by idiots who wer talkin through ther arse if thats wot u referrin 2. luv ya. x

Dec 14, 2006, 9:23 PM
First & foremost, I like to be able to have a good mental, emotional & spiritual connection with a person. Whether it be friendship or relationship. This is important to me. If, though, I was going by physical alone, I'm especially attracted to those who are black, Asian & Mediterranean. This goes for both genders. I'm a white woman.

Dec 17, 2006, 2:03 PM
...The rise of Hitler in the 20s and 30s of the last century is the prime example, where huge swathes of the population stayed silent as the evil of nazism permeated through society...

I think we're getting too excited about this. I just don't find black guys attractive physically. Are gays and straights sexist?

Dec 17, 2006, 2:42 PM
I am in a bi-racial marriage, have bi-racial children and caucasion, in my past have dated different races and greatly enjoyed their company.

I grew up in a racist family, but was never like them. I don't care about the color, I care about the heart and mind and soul of a person. Not to knock anyone else's choice, I just feel happier not being superficial.


I have dated many races, not because of their race, but because i liked the person.

But i do have an irrational visual preference for black hair. Can't explain it.

Dec 17, 2006, 2:44 PM
For me it is all about preference. I am friends with people of many ethnicities and colours. I have made love with white women and men, black women and men, and Asian and Latin men. I have not yet been intimate with an Asian or Latina woman but I am definitely open to it.

Over time, I figured out my preferences, what rocks my world and what doesn't. Generally white men do not do that for me. Actually, make that *other* white men, for that is who I am.

I've always celebrated diversity in all its forms and it's an integral part of my activism. If I prefer certain things outwardly and inwardly in my lovers and play partners, that is what it is.

Dec 17, 2006, 6:40 PM
Actually agree wiv ya Rana entirely...me riginal post on this thread said summat 2 that effect in brevity. Was agreein wiv Sam's argument ther . Ne thin subsequent (me alleged rant an follow up) was me gettin irritated by idiots who wer talkin through ther arse if thats wot u referrin 2. luv ya. x
LOL Sweetie, I wasn't referring to you in particular. Was just a question. I'm bi-racial and bi-sexual so I have a lot working against me already, so needed some clarifications.

Dec 18, 2006, 9:25 AM
I love to suck black men. Its my favorite

Dec 18, 2006, 11:13 AM
i love black, both men & women they are very sexy to me. I especially love pleasuring a nice black cock, that is my biggest turn on.

Dec 18, 2006, 9:59 PM
Kara and I have a gay friend that is African-American. We've both thought...."Man, if he were only bi....in a HEARTBEAT!!" Alas, he bats only for the one team. But the fantasy lives on..

Dec 19, 2006, 2:48 AM
I'm mixed myself 75% haitian and 25% dominican. Race doesn't matter to me if I'm feeling that's all that matters and if your feeling me even better.

Dec 19, 2006, 6:53 AM
My late wife was Chinese/Porteguese/English/Dutch/Black... 5ft tall, 105 lbs with an oval face and thick wavy black hair, small breasts and a cute ass that she loved getting fucked....still 9 years after her passing she is my ideal for a sexual partner....I have yet to meet another woman that I was so sexually compatible with. May she rest in peace.

Dec 19, 2006, 11:25 AM
Iv always wanted to be with a hispanic or Indian for some reason!!!! Im mixed with west-Indian..... :bigrin:

Dec 19, 2006, 12:08 PM
To Darkeyes:

LMAO!! Freedom of speech is the reason you are able to go on these rants of yours in the first place, and yes I do believe that freedom of speech SHOULD be PROTECTED at ALL COSTS, because once you start telling people there not allowed to say one thing, it ends up leading to a whole mess of control issues. EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS!! So I'm sorry if you are so closed minded that you think that you can bind an entire world of there freedom of thought and speech.

Oh and by the way, I'm not fat I only way 123lbs lol, and I rarely sleep because I work and go to school, lol, but nice attempt at an insult though. LMAO!!:wiggle2:

Dec 19, 2006, 6:52 PM
I'll rather stick to subject than to talk about racism. That's totaly diferent subject than this one.

When i was professional elite photomodel, i had that honor to meet and simply admire to black women which came from some African countries.
Simply they are gorgeous and it's such pleasure to watch them (lust is no included in that).
I simply admire to the beauty and strenght of all kind, and what really bothers me on this topic is that people often talking about sleeping with some Indian, black men or women or whatever.
Heeeeeeello.......it's not everything in having direct sexual contact with someone.
I rather stand aside and simply admire to all kind of beautiful things that some other races have.
Lust and sexual desire, at least for me is something else, something totaly intimate and too personal.

Star Gazer
Dec 19, 2006, 7:38 PM
I have no problem with interracial relationships.

I am a white male and have had one black male lover. I have never had a relationship with a black woman, and would consider one in the right situation.

I have had one fling with a Latin man, not sure where he was from, he was hot.

Now I am in a friend with benefits with a white woman and we have a great relationship.

Dec 19, 2006, 10:38 PM
I like to see any couple who is obviously in love, they can be caucasion and 90 or interacial or any combination just as long as they are happy because it makes me feel good to see others happy.

Dec 19, 2006, 10:56 PM
If you have no problem with any race as far as friendships, work and so on, but you do have a preference for a certain skin type as a lover is that really bigotry? Is it racist or is it a personal preference like saying you are turned on more by redheads, blondes or brunettes, tall or short, slender or meaty, male or female, etc? Perferences can alter if you meet the right person.

I am not into celebrity worship but I will use a few hear describe the type of person I may find attractive, as you can see by my list I am about a 5 on the ole kinsey scale.

I am not a racist except for that tiny kernal that we all have to fight with due to human nature. I sometimes find myself attracted to specific types of people, it could be a voice (Trace Atkins) or a certain look (John Stamos' character in wedding wars, never been attracted to him before but I love his current look) or what really does it for me is a tall clean cut black guy, preferably bald and muscular.

Dec 19, 2006, 11:36 PM
I've been with Black and White and a Asian men and women, they all have had good points (and some bad), I am with a blackman now. The color of skin doesn't matter as long as the person is clean and groomed. I do admit a leaning towards redheads (it's a weekness I have) but if a person doesn't have a commanding personality they can be any color and I am not aroused. If they have a personality and the ability to hold an intelligent conversation before getting in bed they will get my engine idling so high I don't like to wait. the sexiest part of a partner to me is the gray matter.
:2cents: Jim

Dec 19, 2006, 11:47 PM
I could never see myself with a person of african american decent or arabic and the like though. :bibounce:

But your boyfriend has a flattish nose his lips look quite full and his complexion looks quite tanned for a caucasian. These are typical physical triats of black people. He looks as if he may have black in his family in the past at some point or possibly asian, with those mildy almond eyes.
His decent may indeed be quite mixed with the racial groups you have indicated. :2cents:

Dec 19, 2006, 11:52 PM
lmao, nope, he's caucasion, native-american, and irish.

Dec 20, 2006, 5:25 PM
i love black, both men & women they are very sexy to me. I especially love pleasuring a nice black cock, that is my biggest turn on.

There is def. something about a big black thick cock that just gets me all hot and ready!
I agree with you totally!!

Dec 20, 2006, 6:40 PM
Wow. This thread has gone alot differently than I expected.

And Trip's posts are just....funny....

Dec 20, 2006, 6:54 PM
Well, as the black male half of an IR couple I can say that skin-color has more to do with people's personal sexual preferences than most folks think.

As for the folks who say they can be friends with other races, like them, see them as equal, etc, but can't be with one physically - whether you mean it or not, that only translates to people outside your race as one way: We are not equal. Plain and simple and take that as you will. How would a blonde feel in a room full of brunettes when people start saying that blondes are nice and okay people but wouldn't bring one to bed (especially when social programming barely less than a century old was used to tell everyone that Blondes really aren't as worth while)? And, being part of a BBW couple, it can be somewhat likened to being fat in a world not geared toward bigger people. When you make such grand statements about people being okay in one sense for you, but not in another it's never going to go over well; especially not in an ever increasing (somewhat agressively) tolerance-oriented world enviornment. However, freedom of speech is there for a reason and like any other adult when I hear someone say something I don't like, I can choose to ignore and be away from said person. If someone says they think I'm nice, but could never 'bring me home', I'll blow them off because that makes me feel like they are a part of something that thinks something in me is bad/wrong/shameful and as a result aren't in place that I want to be a part of in any way. In all truth, if they can feel that way and say something like that, it makes me question their personality, judgement and upbringing as a whole. For good or ill, it just does.

However, there's also the other side of that coin. People who make too big of a deal out of the color of my skin. First, the fact that I'm married to a white person at all brings us scrutiny from both sides that we've some how sold out or betrayed our race. There's also the fact that I'm not under-endowed by any means, but I am under 8". That maye be TMI, but we get tired of people approaching us under the assumption that I've got a basketball court's worth of cock to be slinging around and want to stick it into every white woman we come across. It affects my wife, too, because people assume that since she's with me she just wants to jump on every black cock that comes our way - the bigger the better. We've been in seriously awkward situations where people just can't understand that we have a rather standard but firm size limit.

There are ups and downs to the interracial thing, but it's exotic and lots of people like exotic. What makes the difference is where you draw your lines. We tend to prefer heavier playmates when the time comes, but that doesn't mean we're gonna judge someone as inferior just because they don't have some weight to them. Our biggest, main and foremost concern is always the person themselves and that we remain open to any potential that may work its way toward us.

Dec 20, 2006, 7:40 PM
Life is too short to let society's judgments hold you back.
The two GREAT loves of my life were "minorities." A girl I was engaged to was a Black, Playboy bunny and the gods fucked our lives up by giving her inoperable brain cancer and losing her fight back in '85. The second GREAT love was the kindest, sexiest, most loving, Thai man I've ever known who lost his life to aids.
Again, go ahead and pursue life BUT don't OVERdo things that'll cut it short.

Dec 21, 2006, 9:35 AM
To Darkeyes:

LMAO!! Freedom of speech is the reason you are able to go on these rants of yours in the first place, and yes I do believe that freedom of speech SHOULD be PROTECTED at ALL COSTS, because once you start telling people there not allowed to say one thing, it ends up leading to a whole mess of control issues. EVERY HUMAN BEING HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS!! So I'm sorry if you are so closed minded that you think that you can bind an entire world of there freedom of thought and speech.

Oh and by the way, I'm not fat I only way 123lbs lol, and I rarely sleep because I work and go to school, lol, but nice attempt at an insult though. LMAO!!:wiggle2:

Not at the expense of human dignity and suffering they dont...not at the expense of encouraging hatred they dont. With freedom of speech comes responsibility. Not sure quite how much you either understand or wish to about any of this. I think you will find that your freedom of speech is already curtailed in law. And closed minded I am not, except when it comes to the preaching of hatred of any kind against human beings on grounds of race creed or religion. Maybe you are prepared to take the risk of allowing hatred to be preached unfettered, and I do think you have the right to argue that point of view..but not the hatred per se. Not quite sure how much you either understand or wish to about anything I have said or think, but that again is your choice.

Im glad your not fat, not that it matters, for people have the freedom to be fat or any other shape or size.. the fat arse jibe was not meant as insult though it may be taken as that I suppose, but is an example of British colloquialism which you obviously do not understand! You may attempt to belittle what I say and believe that is your choice, but only hope that time doesnt allow your skinny arse to be bitten by the intolerance and hatred you are prepared to allow people to spread!

Dec 21, 2006, 9:37 AM
I think we're getting too excited about this. I just don't find black guys attractive physically. Are gays and straights sexist?

and that is your choice.. the argument is not about what we find attractive..but why.. and that is important and reason to get excited about.

Dec 21, 2006, 11:52 PM
So anywayz... lol It's rather obviouse that we're both stubborn and arguing about this isn't going to change either of our points of view.:banghead:

So get on with your bad ass kilt wearing self:soapbox:, and I'm gonna go do my thang.:stoned:

Lisa (va)
Dec 22, 2006, 2:55 PM
My initial response was going to be towards arana's words on how preferences change. Still, to this day I believe that the average woman is more 'appealling' than the average man, but that does not mean I don't love my husband totally with my heart, soul and body. If asked physically what the ideal man would be, it wouldn't be him I described, but as commonly said you can't judge a book by it's cover (and glad I didn't).

Then I read diamonds response. Man did it have me thinking. I try to think and live by accepting folks as they are, and consider myself very nonjudgemental. I'd like to think I would not disclude a partner based solely on the color of his/her skin. My confusion exists in the fact that if skin color is the basis for attraction, is that any different than exlusion based on color.

My opinion that the beauty of being individuals is that we are all different with different likes and dislikes.


hugs n kisses

Dec 22, 2006, 5:29 PM
So anywayz... lol It's rather obviouse that we're both stubborn and arguing about this isn't going to change either of our points of view.:banghead:

So get on with your bad ass kilt wearing self:soapbox:, and I'm gonna go do my thang.:stoned:

Stubborn 2 a fault.. Men wear kilts.. me don wear a kilt tho me duz look rather yummie in me wee tartan numbers of which I hav a few... thought of guys wearin them don bear thinkin bout... (shivers). Mind u they cudnt..ther arses r 2 fat! An those nobbly hairy legs??? gross! An my arse (ass being a donkey) is rather cute!!

Dec 22, 2006, 7:08 PM
lmao, nope, he's caucasion, native-american, and irish.

Are you 100% sure?


Dec 22, 2006, 8:01 PM
I think we're getting too excited about this. I just don't find black guys attractive physically. Are gays and straights sexist?

In the main thats fine..but ever tried 2 analyse wy? And yes many gays are sexist as are str8s.. many gays r anti bi as r straights... wonder of them have ever tried 2 analyse wy?

Dec 22, 2006, 8:03 PM
LOL Sweetie, I wasn't referring to you in particular. Was just a question. I'm bi-racial and bi-sexual so I have a lot working against me already, so needed some clarifications.

Ya cud b from Mars an green an bug eyed wiv 17 legs an 4 heads an fancy babel fish.. me wudnt care..me still luvsya!

Dec 30, 2006, 2:17 PM
One of the things that really makes me horned is seeing a hot couple of different nationalities.this is just so hot.
Just to be a PIA about terms here, nationality isn't the same thing as race. Now that we have that sorted out, on to my opinion.

Why don't black people get white freckles? That always puzzled me.

I was raised by politically progressive white radical liberals and had friends of all different races as well as nationalities growing up. It took me a lot of hard work to overcome that so I could develop my own prejudices. So far I have had sex with white, black and Hispanic men, and white and Indian women. I was not choosing by race, or excluding any others intentionally. It's pretty much take-what-you-can-get around here. I was going to make up a list then try one of each, but was informed that is in poor taste, although I don't see why. I try to keep in mind that it's our differences that keep us from all being the same.

Dec 31, 2006, 7:29 PM
and that is your choice.. the argument is not about what we find attractive..but why.. and that is important and reason to get excited about.

Choice? So does a gay man choose to find men attractive or a a straight man choose to find women attractive?

You suggest that it is worth getting excited about why I find pale skin more atractive than dark skin. Would it not be just as mundane as a discussion concerning blondes v. brunettes?

Jan 2, 2007, 11:20 PM
I admit I'm one of those whose preferences run interracially. I love white men/women... It's alot of reasons why. Oddly enough it wasn't the skin contrast that turned me on. Some white girls can be crazy kinky and ask you to do things that make you say... :eek: uhm... :tong:
And some white guys... some of ya'll are just a wierd breed of cocky with a dash of neieve that makes me want to take you by the hand and say, come and let Taylor show you EVERYTHING.

Not every single one is like that, but I can definately say some.


Jan 3, 2007, 11:55 AM
As a white English guy I'd say that I'm all in favour of interracial interaction! Had a black gf a while ago and find black women very attractive. Also been with a couple of oriental guys but not a black guy although I would love to.

So from an aesthetic point of view I'm all in favour and I would say, seeing beyond the skin colour, they were all very nice people.

Jan 3, 2007, 6:55 PM
Im in a interracial relationship and matter of fact thats the only type of relationships ive been in. Im white woman who have only been with blk and latino, I have never been with my own race. :)

Jul 22, 2014, 8:37 AM
A black cock fucking a white ass is my biggest turn on, even more after I got fucked by a huge black guy atleast 100 times in a year when I was 16, it was amazing, that just fueled my lust

Jul 23, 2014, 4:15 AM
I'm white,my wife is black,my last girlfriend was Hispanic, the one before that was blond,the one before that was crazy.Present male friends are white,but have been with black guys,guess I just love people.

Jul 23, 2014, 3:09 PM
Sammie -

I was raised the same way as you were. But I also have an intense attraction for cute dark skinned black men who are very well hung. Racial hangups don't have to get themselves mixed into sex and a person's sexual desires. Unless a person allows that to happen. For me it's 100% pure physical sexual lust and 0% racially related in any other way. Everyone loves a big black dick!!!!

Jul 23, 2014, 5:09 PM
I've had sex with a black woman and a 1/2 black 1/2 puerto rican girl (who was SUPER hot) and also given head to one black man. Good times all around.

Jul 23, 2014, 6:16 PM
I have been with Asian women in my long past history. My wife on the other hand has had sex with for more partners than I but has kept it to white guys. I suggested several times to think about finding a colored male that was hung to find out how sex with them would be like. She refused. I am now thinking about finding a hung colored male to try myself for some pleasure to see how it would have been like back then.

Jul 23, 2014, 8:06 PM
I am a white male who is married to a white woman. That being said, the great love of my life was a black woman that I spent 2 wonderful years with. If I had better luck, I would be PROUD to say that I am married to a beautiful black woman. I am also a bisexual male and if the chance to spend time with a gay or bi black man ever presents itself, I am sure that I will enjoy that very much also. Racism is a disease that needs to be cured, not condoned or excused. Good sex with a member of any race is a beautiful thing to be enjoyed and remembered. That is if you are a member of the human race.

Jul 24, 2014, 4:55 AM
I like mix race couples. The differences in interests and emotional make-up, also flesh, interest me greatly. I used to date a Cuban, slightly differently cultured than my own black-Cuban self and there ain't been no better.

Jul 24, 2014, 11:06 AM
Black on white (only) but that scenario, with my "imagination" playing the role of the white (receiving) ALWAYS gets me hotter than a M-Fer !

Jul 24, 2014, 3:29 PM
A fondness for males of the darker persuasion is a kink my wife and I both share. We like sharing, especially cocks. We especially like black male bottoms and switches, any volunteers?

Jul 24, 2014, 6:08 PM
I've dated three black men -- was with one for three years and almost married him. I have a fantasy of having an orgy with partners (male, female, and otherwise) of different races/ethnicities:

- Middle Eastern
- South Asian
- East Asian
- Pacific Islander
- Native American
- Latino/a
- Black or African
- Caucasian (anyone with a sexy accent welcome)

Oct 23, 2014, 1:30 AM
I don't discriminate as I love all ages, sizes and colors and I have a special place in my heart for black guys. Just something about the contrast of my white skin against the dark skin of a black guy.

Oct 24, 2014, 12:23 PM
Don't know if interracial full on sex does anything special for me, but I do find black cocks oddly beautiful... Even if it's not a really big cock...

Oct 24, 2014, 1:31 PM
I am a Caucasian man and have my own preferences with women that are Caucasian. I love and have gone out with them all, but a natural redhead would lead my choices, blonds would be second then brunettes (my wife was brunette). I have a very broad base of friends of all races, but sexually I am more turned on by African American women more than African American men and have a few other sexual preferences. I like shaved women but prefer trimmed men, usually do not like people that are too pushy or too submissive, am very attracted to feminine transgender individuals, not as attracted to most feminine men and do not play with people who have significant others that are not aware of me. There are also times that I have met someone and toss all of my preferences out with the exception of partnered people. I know many who are not attracted to me as well. I got told recently by someone that I was attracted to that I wasn't doing it for them and I try not to take it personally when it happens. We are all different and more attracted to some than to others. I am not racist yet I cannot explain why some people turn me on more than others and figure most cannot either.