View Full Version : Whats the EARLIEST chat program do you remember using??
Apr 4, 2007, 1:26 AM
What is the EARLIEST chat program you remember using ??
What do you use NOW??
Old - PowWow & mIRC
Rarely but still have on Comp - ICQ & AIM
Now - Yahoo & MSN
Apr 4, 2007, 1:32 AM
Gateway chat, it was some chatroom program that I found in 1998, I never could find it again on the computer, it just disappeared, probably got deleted.
I used yahoo and have used yahoo since age 14. I also have used AIM(I used it alot back in high school), and msn (til it got hacked into, then I stopped for awhile) but I like yahoo the best
Apr 4, 2007, 1:44 AM
a BBS system, telenet, and a basic terminal program.
Apr 4, 2007, 2:13 AM
Prodigy Classic, where I met my darling hubby.
It's our 9th anniversary today!
Apr 4, 2007, 2:25 AM
Prodigy Classic, where I met my darling hubby.
It's our 9th anniversary today!
Congrats :)
Apr 4, 2007, 10:09 AM
Prodigy Classic, where I met my darling hubby.
It's our 9th anniversary today!
Well, congratulations Herbwoman. I hope that you and hubby have another nine and then another and then another.... and you know what I mean. :love: :rotate: :cutelaugh :bounce: :wiggle2: :love1: :love87:
I started with the old AOL and that was my introduction into some of the wierdest conversations I have ever had that I can remember.
Just downloaded Google Talk this morning and will try that for awhile.
Everyone have a good day.
Apr 4, 2007, 1:13 PM
The first chat room that I had found was some kind of chat room that was "off the net" as I recall--you had to basically get off the internet with alll the colors and such and the typing on it was not like we see the backgrounds today.
They had all kinds of rooms dealing with all kinds of topics but if you went into them--no matter the subject matter--the people who populated those rooms were apparently old line users of the net prior to the way it is now--and if you were someone new to the net like most people were---they were very mean to you---
As I recall--the way you got on was to exit Windows and log on the old DOS Shell part of the Windows operating system--this was the very early 1990s.
I had also found this great chat site called Webchat Broadcasting System---
It was a great chatting site--it had hundreds of chat rooms that dealt with all kinds of subjects-at the time I was going through my pagan/wiccan phase and had found a great community in that group and then I also found rooms relating to "bisexual curious" and did begin to chat with bisexual/bisexual curious people and did meet someone via that site.
The way the site was set up was so cool--you could do things with the system in terms of customizing your look each time you chatted that no other place for chatting has even come close to replicating.
It is my understanding that Mark Cuban owned the site Cuban went on to own some big sports team--one of the NBA teams I think--and he sold it to a company then known as ABC/Cap Cities--that was the conglomeration of Captial Cities Management-one of those 90s era mega corporations that sprung up due to quick mergers and acquisitions---and the ABC television network.
That company soon got bought by Disney and when Disney took things over they decided they would try to take lots of things to the net. They developed
ABC/Cap Cities had pretty well left WBS alone and all was fine--in fact they did some nice upgrades that allowed for even more uploading of cool things and there were no restrictictions on topics or the like.
When Disney bought things they immediately started scaling back the site--they shut down many of the rooms that had anything to do with sex and the pagan/wiccan chat room had restrictions put on it--you could no longer load pics on it and it restricted avatars and such--I guess the good folks at Disney did not like religions other than Christian-Jewish---
Then when they started Go--the chat room was melded into other things they had going--and there was lots of promotional stuff for the different things Disney had like the parks, the movies, the televison network and also ESPN which was also part of that empire.
Eventually, all of those "improvements" killed the site---
I wish I had some big money--I would go start up a web site to replicate that site as best as possible.
Apr 4, 2007, 5:06 PM
Long before the internet Delphi and as I recall also Purdue had very rustic chat areas. It was more like email but then back in those days we thought a 300 baud modem was super fast and you could never fill a 20mb hard drive. ICQ was the originator of the modern type chat systems and they made a fortune.
Apr 4, 2007, 5:27 PM
ICQ and AOHell, 4.0.
Apr 4, 2007, 6:00 PM
yahoo messenger, that is the only one that i use i even used it back in the day when it was slow as hell lil bit
Apr 4, 2007, 6:17 PM
I had an Apple IIe in the old days - no hard drive, just two of the large old floppies - those were the days when floppies really were floppy. There were various chat programs - Compuserve had one as I recall and I remember having online chats with folks in Australia which I thought was so cool at the time. The Delphi came along and I used that for a while but I had to move to a PC from my Apple for business reasons and I lost interest in online chatting.
Apr 4, 2007, 6:48 PM
Something on a Vax, no idea what the hell it was called many moons ago.
Apr 4, 2007, 6:56 PM
Mike - The original Delphi was out two or three years before COMPUSERVE. When things started opening up Delphi went under as COMPUSERVE, GENIE, PRODIGY, AOL etc started to spawn. I worked for both AOL and COMPUSERVE (before AOL bought them out). They both put themselves under bi not listening to their members.
Apr 4, 2007, 7:34 PM
I first used WOW, an unlimited service that was owned by Compuserve way back in 1996. Then it was AOL.
Apr 4, 2007, 7:47 PM
This is really going back. To 1987, in fact. In the UK, the forerunner to the Internet was something called PRESTEL. I used to belong to a gay closed user group on it. As I recall, the chat facility was called Daisy Chain. It was primitive by today's standards (receive speed 1200 baud; send, 75 baud) but we thought it was wonderful.
but that's my name!!
Apr 4, 2007, 9:02 PM
I think it was a CP/M based program similar to the Unix "talk" program. Pre GUI and still in use today. We didn't have internet, we just connected computers in a wan over phone lines.
ATM I use msn and google talk, though because I don't usually use Windows I can't use google's own software so I use Gaim which doesn't currently support the voice call/message feature :(
Apr 5, 2007, 12:45 AM
KBBS in LA around 1992 I think...
Apr 5, 2007, 2:23 AM
Prodigy Classic, where I met my darling hubby.
It's our 9th anniversary today!
Happy Anniversary!!
and my wife and I wish you two many more to come :)
Apr 5, 2007, 3:31 AM
I only started using the internet 2 years ago so MSN was my first.
Apr 5, 2007, 7:09 AM
back when i met flex, i used icq which was the first chat program.... now she doesn't let me use any.
Apr 5, 2007, 8:39 AM
lol .for a couple that claim to have so much integrity, you are certinaly under the thumb.
Apr 5, 2007, 9:28 AM
I used good ol Web TV and went to Talk City. I believe that was in 1999.
Abbey Road
Apr 5, 2007, 12:01 PM
I`ve only just started using the net, so this is my first one. I`m a bit rusty on computers & the net & chat rooms & not really sure how to use them. :( :bibounce:
Apr 5, 2007, 6:54 PM
lol .for a couple that claim to have so much integrity, you are certinaly under the thumb.
truly? when did i in fact claim to have so much integrity? i remember encouraging integrity.... i seem to have missed the part where i claimed to have it all together....??
Apr 5, 2007, 7:49 PM
lol .for a couple that claim to have so much integrity, you are certinaly under the thumb.
so easy to make a judgmental statement about a situation you know NOTHING about, isn't it?