View Full Version : Guys, how do you prepare for anal sex?
Apr 7, 2007, 1:11 PM
Ok, I haven't been with a guy yet, however my wife and I have used some toys.
Anyway I was wondering how other people prepare and clean themselves out, or is a little "dirt" just expected as part of it. We even go so far as to put condoms on those toys to speed up cleaning.
I try to go, just before we play, and use baby wipes before applying lube, but during I've had the feeling that I really need to go again and become distracted and self conscience but it feels good at the same time.
Just wanted some tips, and to know what to expect when we find the right person for the real thing.
Thanks in advance. This site rocks!
Apr 7, 2007, 2:33 PM
Dan Savage recommends warm-water douching beforehand, that is to prompt a very thorough bowel movement, but dislikes chemical enemas like the classic Fleet. My understanding is that too-frequent use of enemas (or douching, presumably) can eliminate organisms from your colon that you need in order to stay healthy, but that occasional use does no harm. Interested to hear others' views....
Apr 7, 2007, 3:19 PM
I prefer a disposable enema. Actually, I only irrigate the lower part of the colon. Not going for a complete program here... only rinsing the part that's engaged in anal sex.
Clean outside well and you're ready!
Apr 7, 2007, 3:23 PM
We're kind of superclean freaks when it comes to this part of sexual play. Here's what we do to prepare: We try and make sure we've had a bowel movement at least once that day and then give ourselves an enema (showering thoroughly both before and after). We use the basic kits you can find at walmart (comes with a bag, a tube and a plastic pinch) and do an entire bag's worth (in 2-3 parts). Be careful about how much water you use because your kidneys will absorb it and then you'll have to pee intermittently throughout the play. There are websites that can tell you various things to use to help clean you out, etc - just be careful as some are just laxatives and will make things 'messier'. And try to avoid salt if possible. It'll reduce the amount of water your kidneys absorb - but it also typically burns when expelling.
As for the sensation that you've got to use the bathroom during play - that happens. The body is generally used to that being used as a particular type of exit, so it can take several experiences to get used to that, calm your mind/body down and then be able to set it aside so you can simply enjoy yourself doing what you're doing.
There can occasionally be some 'dirt' involved simply because of the nature of the beast, but as big fans of lube, we use a lot and never really have more than the occasional light issue. We also prefer to use condoms on the toys (and ourselves) for the sake of easier cleaning/santizing later.
Apr 7, 2007, 4:09 PM
Think loose thoughts. HA!
Apr 7, 2007, 5:15 PM
Thanks everyone.
Apr 7, 2007, 5:44 PM
I try to go, just before we play, and use baby wipes before applying lube, but during I've had the feeling that I really need to go again and become distracted and self conscience but it feels good at the same time.
I always feel like I have to poop, piss, and cum, all at the same time. I actually love that feeling and look forward to it every time.
As far a cleaning goes, I use a reuseable enema and flush with plain water until i'm expelling clear water.
Good luck and have fun!
Apr 7, 2007, 6:08 PM
This suggestion may seem odd, butt....why not find a partner first and discuss it with him? You are thinking of you only. It takes two as we recall. Find him, discuss it then go for it. Everyone has different likes. It sounds to us like you are on a fantasy trip. :2cents:
Apr 7, 2007, 8:08 PM
Interesting comment from welickit. there actually anyone who prefers to enter a full colon? and if so, is that someone you'd want to be having sex with? Maybe that's unfair, but my instinctive reaction was, Ick!
Apr 7, 2007, 8:29 PM
I'm not into anal sex at all but I've heard from hardcore bottom friends that you shouldn't douche with water or anything at all since it takes away the natural mucus lining of the rectum and it can actually increase your chances of STDs.
Just empty your bowels, wash with soap and water, and you're fine.
Apr 8, 2007, 3:13 AM
Thought I'd add my :2cents: ....I am always cleaning myself thoroughly as I never know when the urge will hit me to have anal sex. I love it when I do and want the person enjoying me that way to experience it without the smell, dirt, etc....this can't be helped on some ocassions unfortunately. When I prepare, I always clean by inserting fingers with soap deep and as far as I can go several times during the entire time I shower. I spread the cheeks wide and rinse thoroughly several times also and again and again wash with soap and rinse. This usually does the trick. When I step out to play, this gives me confidence so that the person who might also want to rim doesn't have to worry and I don't a result, I am relaxed and am able to enjoy the experience completely. All the other suggestions about having a bowel movement, enema etc are all helpful as well of course and I make it a point of not eating anything until either right after I'm done having sex or right before engaging in it as this allows plenty of time before the food has had a chance to make its way into the lower part of the digestive system. Also, and this is logical of course, avoid gas producing foods....have a great time and relax.
Apr 8, 2007, 3:58 PM
We agree 100% biwords. Neither of us would want to go for it with someone full of shit either. Whether it was their ass that is full of it or their mind. Still pays to discuss it with your partner.
Apr 8, 2007, 4:04 PM
My ex wanted to try that but he hurt me so we never did it again.
When I told a female open-minded friend of mine, she said the problem was he was trying to just shovel his thing in which was NOT the way to go.
Knowing I have never had anything back there, she said "The proper thing to do would be gentle, start with something much smaller like a finger.... it would take time"
I did tell him and he decided I was just making excuses. Oh well.
Apr 8, 2007, 10:10 PM
Warm water enemas
Not to much water just enough to clean out the lower section of the anal canal. done multiple time until the water comes out clean.
Now this water would ideally be saline (what your tears are made of)
Adding a small amount of salt to regular water will fix this diffrence.
What the saline or salt water does is allow you body to absorb any excess water,excess water can make a hell of a mess.
Two -three hours before the act will insure a good clean time for all.
Apr 9, 2007, 7:48 AM
I usually just bend over !
Apr 9, 2007, 4:57 PM
Here is what works for me. But first you need to know that the smell of shit turns me off ---- fast. What turns me off faster than smell is to actually see it especially when it is stuck to certain heads (although there are other shit heads that are funny). When I take someone anally and I hit something in the anus that is shitty, I lose my erection.
So in order for me to enjoy anal sex everybody has to be clean, clean, clean! I have anal sex fairly regularly and my partner is well endowed (long and thick), the point of that is this: if it is real big then whatever is inside is coming out if the intercourse last for more than ten minutes and is vigoris.
Enema's are a bad habit that lead to tearing and other problems. However in a pinch and on an occasional basis I will use them, but have to be careful because there can be a delayed (messy) reaction with enema's.
That leaves diet, diet, and diet. I make sure that I get the right amount of fiber each day so that I have one major bowel movement per day, that leaves me clean, clean, clean. As long as I stick to my diet then I find anal sex very enjoyable. Also cleaning the outer and the imediate inner daily and right before with a moisturizing soap is a good habit as well.
Hope that helps someone
Apr 10, 2007, 7:39 PM
I have used a warm, soapy water douche or over-the-counter enema.
Even with this type of prep, you still may encounter a little "scat".