View Full Version : Chatting
Jan 22, 2008, 4:27 PM
Last time I was in the chat room dib4u asked me if I could speak. I was at the time exploring the various whistles and bells contained therein. I was miles away when dib4u asked me. I sometimes like to sit and listen, a lot can be learned by just keeping quiet and listening to other people. I got into the habit because of many verbal battles I was involved in, where i could not get a word in and was continually interrupted. In other words I was involved in a monologue. This type of one sided conversation has always frustrated me, So forgive me if i'm unduly quiet sometimes. I also have difficulty typing, so my words are slow in appearance. also, I sometimes cannot think of anything to say.
Anyone ::got any thoughts about the art of conversation?
Jan 22, 2008, 4:36 PM
Awww hun, i only asked you to come and talk cause i saw you on the site before and wanted to talk.
If you find that the main room is too much, then maybe ask someone to p2p, but then not everyone does that.
Aww i dont bite, so maybe next time your in chat we can talk?:bigrin:
Jan 22, 2008, 6:53 PM
Awww hun, i only asked you to come and talk cause i saw you on the site before and wanted to talk.
If you find that the main room is too much, then maybe ask someone to p2p, but then not everyone does that.
Aww i dont bite, so maybe next time your in chat we can talk?:bigrin:
Don't believe her, she DOES bite....and nibbles too :tong:
Just talk when you feel like it Ian, no pressure. Hope you will continue to join us.
Jan 22, 2008, 7:55 PM
Ian--you can do anything you want--chat or no chat--often I am a chatterbox and sometimes I come in and say nary a word---it just depends on my mood, who is online chatting and the topics of discussion.
Don't feel any pressure to do anything you do not care to do--and if you just want to come in the chat room and not say much--that is fine--or if ya want to type up a storm--go to it!!!
Jan 22, 2008, 10:11 PM
Ian-Honey, I think Dib was probably trying to get you to speak up and to make you feel more at home in chat. :} I know we sometimes get to going a little fast and furious, but its all in fun. Just pop off with a remark here and there, and we'll bring you right in. And when you feel comfortable, just join in on the conversation.
So, dont be afraid to come on in, have a seat, bring a munchie to share, and watch the fun and crazy goings on with us. :}
Jan 22, 2008, 10:16 PM
sometimes when my fingers get dyslexic and I am just wanting to hang out, listening is a good thing. Other times I find myself having a long chat and being too talkative. It's all good!
Please hang out with us and talk/type/chat when you feel like it.
Jan 23, 2008, 12:16 AM
Chat CAN be very just sit back and jump in when you are comfortable...We're always happy to see new chatters!
Jan 23, 2008, 7:07 AM
Awww hun, i only asked you to come and talk cause i saw you on the site before and wanted to talk.
If you find that the main room is too much, then maybe ask someone to p2p, but then not everyone does that.
Aww i dont bite, so maybe next time your in chat we can talk?:bigrin:
Thanks for your reply. I fully realized your intentions when you asked me if I could speak, and fully welcome it. It's good having someone who encourages others to speak. Thanks I thought it warranted a reply and would help to get to know each other better.
"At least mine go off with a bang" The Gingerman by J P Dnnleavay :tongue:
Jan 23, 2008, 8:02 AM
Chat CAN be very just sit back and jump in when you are comfortable...We're always happy to see new chatters!
It can also be at times, a very boring and seemingly unwelcoming indulgence.
No harm to anyone who loves it; but I prefer 1:1 off-site conversation (via messenger) tremendously myself. It's wonderful to just sit back and conversate with enough room to include more of who you are on a personal level. Chatting for me is just too, well- "cliquey(?)" and two-dimensional.
Besides you have more options to enchance socialization as well. You can chat, exchange picutures/photos, links to things of common intrest, cam, and voice...
Jan 24, 2008, 1:09 PM
It can also be at times, a very boring and seemingly unwelcoming indulgence.
No harm to anyone who loves it; but I prefer 1:1 off-site conversation (via messenger) tremendously myself. It's wonderful to just sit back and conversate with enough room to include more of who you are on a personal level. Chatting for me is just too, well- "cliquey(?)" and two-dimensional.
Besides you have more options to enchance socialization as well. You can chat, exchange picutures/photos, links to things of common intrest, cam, and voice...
You have made a valid point, however, I have found that plenty of 1 to 1 conversations end up as monologues and people still interrupt. I'm glad to hear that you have a favourite way of conversing. If there is a good dialogue created in conversations that I am involved in, I enjoy it whether it be within a group or 1 to 1.