View Full Version : Girl Wiv a Big Gob...

Oct 2, 2008, 5:16 PM
:eek:Gonna shut me gob!!! Been 'ere since almost day 1 afta Drew opened up site.. but thats not the point.. few lil stats for yas all 2 mull ova...

No.of members:88,040
No.of Posts 2 forums:110,885

No.of posts by lil opinionated tart:3,467 (3,468 now)
% posts by a4sed opinionated lil tart: 3% (or thereabouts...maths not me strong suit)

God wotta big gob me has... mayb me shud shurrup an give sum 1 else a chance...

Ta Naggy for makin me feel like me don hav a life...:eek::(

Oct 2, 2008, 7:05 PM
:eek:Gonna shut me gob!!! Been 'ere since almost day 1 afta Drew opened up site.. but thats not the point.. few lil stats for yas all 2 mull ova...

No.of members:88,040
No.of Posts 2 forums:110,885

No.of posts by lil opinionated tart:3,467 (3,468 now)
% posts by a4sed opinionated lil tart: 3% (or thereabouts...maths not me strong suit)

God wotta big gob me has... mayb me shud shurrup an give sum 1 else a chance...

Ta Naggy for makin me feel like me don hav a life...:eek::(


no gobstoppers for you frannie...

all the good things you have to say make up for so many's lack!

Oct 2, 2008, 7:10 PM
I second that!:cool::bigrin:


no gobstoppers for you frannie...

all the good things you have to say make up for so many's lack!

Oct 2, 2008, 7:11 PM
'tis all gud!

Oct 2, 2008, 7:58 PM
Even more shocking is considering the hiatus you took after Louise was born. Geesh, ya serial yacking Brit.

Keep it up, we love to hear from you. :tong:

Oct 2, 2008, 8:33 PM
Kisses Frannies Gob. Keep up the good work Babygirl ;]
Yer Cat

Oct 2, 2008, 10:35 PM
Frances, Frances, Frances...what would WE, yes WE this site, do with our our darling? Keep up the posts and the inspiration to us all.


Oct 3, 2008, 5:41 AM
I did not tell her to stop posting, but merely pointed out just how much she does post. Compared to anyone else, Frances is a little prolific. Trying to stop her doing her thing is like trying to stop time.

Oct 3, 2008, 5:48 AM
Trying to stop her doing her thing is like trying to stop time.

Not me that can make time stand still o gorge naggy person....:tong::)

Oct 3, 2008, 1:27 PM
LOL In my Lifestyle groups a person that posts a great deal is called a "Postie Ho" I am very proud to say that I am a Postie ho!
So Frannie, you keep on posting as much as you like. It just means your have things to say and are passionate about your views.
Like I say in the writing groups I moderate, "Write On!" lol:bigrin:
Yer Cat

Oct 3, 2008, 8:18 PM
:eek:Gonna shut me gob!!! Been 'ere since almost day 1 afta Drew opened up site.. but thats not the point.. few lil stats for yas all 2 mull ova...

No.of members:88,040
No.of Posts 2 forums:110,885

No.of posts by lil opinionated tart:3,467 (3,468 now)
% posts by a4sed opinionated lil tart: 3% (or thereabouts...maths not me strong suit)

God wotta big gob me has... mayb me shud shurrup an give sum 1 else a chance...

Ta Naggy for makin me feel like me don hav a life...:eek::(

Now that's a good one Fran....... We all know that's it's a physical impossibility for a woman to keep their gobs shut for any given time :rolleyes:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Oct 3, 2008, 8:33 PM
Now that's a good one Fran....... We all know that's it's a physical impossibility for a woman to keep their gobs shut for any given time :rolleyes:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Methinks I hear Fran's good ol' cleave coming out of its box to be sharpened...;):tong:

Oct 3, 2008, 8:42 PM
oh c'mon, you have some of the best, and often the most provoking posts. heck, you often have the bravery to put into words the things that really need saying sometimes that the rest of us may shy away from or tip-toe around.

Keep em up Girl:bigrin:

Oct 3, 2008, 8:56 PM
Now that's a good one Fran....... We all know that's it's a physical impossibility for a woman to keep their gobs shut for any given time :rolleyes:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:
aresole...but a luffly arseole....:tong: cheeky sod an all.... :bigrin:an men r ratha perfect? yea...rite..sure they r... Aussie??? sort 'im.....

Oct 3, 2008, 8:59 PM
oh c'mon, you have some of the best, and often the most provoking posts. heck, you often have the bravery to put into words the things that really need saying sometimes that the rest of us may shy away from or tip-toe around.

Keep em up Girl:bigrin:

awww druid..me dus try...sumtimes the world needs its bum kikked...dus me bit 2 try an make sure it gets it an all...:bigrin:

Oct 3, 2008, 9:01 PM
Methinks I hear Fran's good ol' cleave coming out of its box to be sharpened...;):tong:

...an wen it cums 2 chookie an is lip..that may well be true gfbiguy! tee hee.... but dus luff the ole fart for all that!!!!!

Oct 3, 2008, 9:14 PM
...an wen it cums 2 chookie an is lip..that may well be true gfbiguy! tee hee.... but dus luff the ole fart for all that!!!!!

I know yas do, and we does luff ya, ya luffly tart! ;)tee hee:tong:

Oct 3, 2008, 11:47 PM
:eek:Gonna shut me gob!!! Been 'ere since almost day 1 afta Drew opened up site.. but thats not the point.. few lil stats for yas all 2 mull ova...

Hmmmm, you have about 4 months on me... and 100X as many posts...

But if everyone posed like I do there would be some really empty forums.

Some people I've seen on other boards have over 15,000 posts in less time than either of us have been members here. So don't feel bad!

Oct 4, 2008, 3:46 AM
Darkeyes does seem to be the intellectual fraud and poseur when it comes to politics, history, and political systems that don't work! ;)

She's quite the daft little cunt and only claims to have read books by Marx and Engles when called out on it because she really hasn't!

Little does the complete moron wanker of a Scot know that if she were living in a Socialist/Communist state she'd be imprisoned in a labour camp for being a dyke! Look at what they do to GLBT people in places that have been under Socialist/Communist rule such as China, S. Korea, and the former USSR!

Communism and Socialism have blatantly failed everywhere they've been tried even in the UK during the 1960s!

She also types like a daft teenager on a text message system and acts like a spoiled little brat when shot down in arguments and tries to even further confuse the person she's debating yet failing with more text that's better suited for a mobile phone.

Don't even bother replying to a complete idiot like her!


Oct 4, 2008, 7:22 AM

Mayb chookie me luffly.. but its a view.. lukky for me not every 1 such an arshole as 'im or me wud b in rite trubble...:bigrin:

Oct 4, 2008, 7:48 AM
if bisexual.com was a cosy British pub, Darkeyes would be the one in the corner surrounded by a crowd of a noisy but entertaining gang of funloving drinkers bantering and you'd think to yourself I'll be over in a minute once I get my drink because its part of the character of the place that I share.....

Oct 4, 2008, 8:42 AM
if bisexual.com was a cosy British pub, Darkeyes would be the one in the corner surrounded by a crowd of a noisy but entertaining gang of funloving drinkers bantering and you'd think to yourself I'll be over in a minute once I get my drink because its part of the character of the place that I share.....
Gorrit in 1 MrPuk tee hee...life is bout fun .. an now..am off inta town on an 'orrible wet an windy day 2 meet me m8s in pub..for a giggle an a natter an then off 2 Tynecastle for serious stuff.. the Jambos playin Killie .. only fun then if we cum up trumps..tee hee.. :bigrin: cya

meteast chick
Oct 4, 2008, 11:29 PM
Looks like Drew to the rescue again deleting trolls nasty lil comments again! Good job!

Frannie...fuck em.

Oct 5, 2008, 7:55 AM
Looks like Drew to the rescue again deleting trolls nasty lil comments again! Good job!

Frannie...fuck em.

God Rache...not ta!!! Ratha die... o..ya means a metaphorical fukkin...tee hee.. ne time...:tong::bigrin:

Oct 5, 2008, 7:59 AM
...am off inta town on an 'orrible wet an windy day 2 meet me m8s in pub..for a giggle an a natter an then off 2 Tynecastle for serious stuff.. the Jambos playin Killie .. only fun then if we cum up trumps..tee hee.. :bigrin: cya
the b fore match natter an an giggle wos fun...pity the game an result wer so poopy...:eek::(

Oct 6, 2008, 10:12 AM
Ya hav an IQ 2 lower?? ooo nice...aint u the lukky 1... tee hee:bigrin::tong:;)

Oct 6, 2008, 5:59 PM
Just read the comments from DavidC.


For me Dark Eyes is easily the most tantalising, formidable and compelling character on this site. Without her it would be a safe, flat, tepid place to hang out.

Even if you disagree with her you can appreciate her passion and her charisma. She has great strength, great vulnerability and a flash of swashbuckling egotism.

But with your style DE comes conflicts like those with DavidC. You won't get them if you shrink back.

But I know you won't do that and characters like him will get quickly cut down to size when the try and challenge you.

I've joined the Iceni of the 21st Century and DE is our all new cleaver waving Boudicca.

Chop, chop, DavidC!!

Oct 6, 2008, 7:27 PM
I just dont know what Ive done to deserve you S. I am no more anything than any number of at least equally skilled and thoughtful people. There are those with whom I agree and those I love to cross swords with... at least one of whom I am extremely fond, I know you take great pleasure in trying to ridicule. I am not immune to ridiculing people when I think the situation dictates it to be necessary...Trollie DavidC being a case in point... I have vulnerability just like any other human being and probably have more ego than most.... a grievous vault of which I am aware, attempt to curb and yet find it an extremely difficult feat to manage as successfully as I would wish..... Strength? I have my strengths as does every one else, but am not that strong particularly. I can stand on my own two feet and argue for what I believe not because I have strength, but because to maintain my self respect that is what I must do and because it is right and just.... others do quite the same thing often from a different moral, idealogical or political standpoint, and are as equally if not more eloquent and clear thinking than I can ever hope to be..

I kid and laugh with and am usually nice about people, as well as chide and take the mickey and often sound un-nice.. but those who know me know the truth of it....like anyone else I make errors of judgement in many things I do, but I hope I cannot be accused of sycophancy. It is a trait I detest in others and would be horrified to find it in me. We have sparred and we have had a laugh S, but I find the flattery sometimes a tadge embarrassing, and wish you would cut it out. If I disappeared tomorrow, the site would go on and flourish and as time goes on my absence would be hardly felt... though there are those I love dearly who I know would miss me as much as I would certainly miss them. It is the way of the world. This site does not need me.. if anything it has always been the other way around..and if my need has lessened over the last year, my need to know .com remains vibrant,relevant and a support to its membership and the community at large of whatever sexuality does not diminish..

Oct 7, 2008, 5:18 AM
I just dont know what Ive done to deserve you S. I am no more anything than any number of at least equally skilled and thoughtful people. There are those with whom I agree and those I love to cross swords with... at least one of whom I am extremely fond, I know you take great pleasure in trying to ridicule. I am not immune to ridiculing people when I think the situation dictates it to be necessary...Trollie DavidC being a case in point... I have vulnerability just like any other human being and probably have more ego than most.... a grievous vault of which I am aware, attempt to curb and yet find it an extremely difficult feat to manage as successfully as I would wish..... Strength? I have my strengths as does every one else, but am not that strong particularly. I can stand on my own two feet and argue for what I believe not because I have strength, but because to maintain my self respect that is what I must do and because it is right and just.... others do quite the same thing often from a different moral, idealogical or political standpoint, and are as equally if not more eloquent and clear thinking than I can ever hope to be..

I kid and laugh with and am usually nice about people, as well as chide and take the mickey and often sound un-nice.. but those who know me know the truth of it....like anyone else I make errors of judgement in many things I do, but I hope I cannot be accused of sycophancy. It is a trait I detest in others and would be horrified to find it in me. We have sparred and we have had a laugh S, but I find the flattery sometimes a tadge embarrassing, and wish you would cut it out. If I disappeared tomorrow, the site would go on and flourish and as time goes on my absence would be hardly felt... though there are those I love dearly who I know would miss me as much as I would certainly miss them. It is the way of the world. This site does not need me.. if anything it has always been the other way around..and if my need has lessened over the last year, my need to know .com remains vibrant,relevant and a support to its membership and the community at large of whatever sexuality does not diminish..

Having said what I did earlier you don't half talk some twaddle at times DE. Others equal to you? Nonsense.

Anyway I should take your point about sycophancy and give it up.

I'm sorry you didn't appreciate my support for you. Not that you need it - you have plenty of supporters.

Trudging off....

Oct 7, 2008, 10:23 AM
Our Fran with a big gob? No. Is it possible?;)

Much luv

Oct 7, 2008, 8:20 PM
... an u can shurrup an all...:bigrin: