View Full Version : Recommendations: Good background porn (bi or otherwise) to background foursome... ?

Jan 10, 2009, 9:34 PM
Hi folks,

I know this good porn thing gets brought up from time to time and that ultimately tastes differ but I have a specific need for quite specific people and maybe someone out there can help...

We are getting together with another couple in a few weeks (everyone bi) and I'd like to find some good background porn to set the tone. Criteria are these:-

There is an erotic element to the action (thinking (wo)mans porn if you like)
The participants are young, real, attractive and genuinely into the action (i.e. no himbos and no tired-looking pros pushing the boat out a little further for $$$s)
There is imaginative variety in the sex explored.

I would love to find the video equivalent of Anais Nin with a bit of male-male sex thrown in as well but I've never seen anything like it. Some of that BiMaxx stuff is almost OK but they're a bit polished and formulaic.

All recommendations welcome.


Jan 10, 2009, 11:02 PM
I can see where your trying to go with this and unfortunately i've never come across any porn like that either. I wish you the best of luck in trying to find it and simply ask if you do come across something this rare could you let me know where to get it as well!;)

Jan 15, 2009, 1:29 AM
If you can find it (why it is rare I have no idea):

Mile Bi Club

My favorite porn EVER. Not a lot of romantic stuff, but all the actors are seriously into what they're doing, there's at least one real, screaming, female orgasm, and the second half (a HUGE orgy scene) is one of the hottest things I have ever witnessed.

Again, it is, for reasons I do not understand, rare. Look long (:rolleyes:) and hard (:bigrin:) for this oh-so-hot porn.


Jan 15, 2009, 10:31 AM
Mile Bi Club is available at tlavideo.com. They have several bi movies, in lots of different styles.