View Full Version : Coming attractions: Newest trailer for the new Star Trek film

Mar 10, 2009, 10:59 PM
Newest and baddest yet, trailer for the upcoming new Star Trek film:


Mar 10, 2009, 11:39 PM
and hre it is on YouTube for those who dont want to deal with Quick time:


Mar 11, 2009, 12:58 AM
Argh. :soapbox: I had to turn it off. At least, the sound. I already know waaay too much about the plot and that trailer revealed too much. Which is weird, considering how much of a nut JJ is about secrecy.

I'm in the shot with the cadets in Starfleet Academy, that big sweeping panoramic shot. Unfortunately, I'm on the "Spock side" and the shot cuts before you see me. Poop. Too bad, because, in my uniform with my hair and make-up professionally done, sweet Kahless, I looked like a billion sexy bucks.;)

Please, please see the movie. The more money it makes at the old box office, the better my chances are at getting invited back for Star Trek XII. :bigrin:

CLASS OF 2254! Woo-hoo! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Mar 11, 2009, 12:35 PM
I'll do my part. Funny thing, on the Sci-Fi boards there is a split between those who think that JJ is raping their childhood and those who believe that this is the only way to attract newer fans from a wider audience. Based on my experience with my 16 year old I have to say I'm now in the latter camp.

Mar 11, 2009, 12:51 PM
H8ed..an h8 Star Trek evrythin... always hav..amazin how the future guddies, alien or human or humanoid, reflect 'merican values..an the future baddies, alien, human or humanoid reflect wots bad in resta the planet.. amazin'.. but unsuprisin...

Mar 11, 2009, 1:27 PM
"James T. Kirk was a great man... but that was another life"

Makes me wonder what the fkk is going on with THAT ONE!!!

I'm digging the previews... though I'm with the rest of the true Trek fiends that this is taking our collective childhoods and flushing them in the W.C.

But they did their job and got me intrigued.

Mar 11, 2009, 2:40 PM
Great trailer, but I'll wait 'til I've seen the movie to make my mind up. :)

Mar 11, 2009, 6:32 PM
CLASS OF 2254! Woo-hoo! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:
Just curious, but is that officially the year that scene is set?

Mar 11, 2009, 9:54 PM
"James T. Kirk was a great man... but that was another life"

Makes me wonder what the fkk is going on with THAT ONE!!!

I'm digging the previews... though I'm with the rest of the true Trek fiends that this is taking our collective childhoods and flushing them in the W.C.

But they did their job and got me intrigued.
Rumor has is that a particualr bad guy goes back and screws with history and creates an alternate time line from whenceforth all new Trek will spring from. That way we have the last 40 years of history and the powers that be take trek off into a new direction.

Mar 11, 2009, 11:02 PM
Just curious, but is that officially the year that scene is set?

According to the official James Kirk bio that IS canon, he graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2254.

However, since this movie is a 'reboot' and, without giving any details away, some things are different in this slightly new continuity, particularly with Kirk's backstory.

We were all working under the assumption that we were the Class of 2254 and nobody told us otherwise. But, I'm going to wait and see before I get my Academy tattoo. It would so suck to get the date wrong on that one.

Mar 11, 2009, 11:05 PM
well I was never really into star trek, but this looks pretty damn cool. If this is a new beginning for the series, I like it. Also, anyone know who's doing the music for this movie? Sounds a lot like Hans Zimmer...

Mar 12, 2009, 1:49 PM
According to the official James Kirk bio that IS canon, he graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2254.

However, since this movie is a 'reboot' and, without giving any details away, some things are different in this slightly new continuity, particularly with Kirk's backstory.

We were all working under the assumption that we were the Class of 2254 and nobody told us otherwise. But, I'm going to wait and see before I get my Academy tattoo. It would so suck to get the date wrong on that one.
Yeah, I was wondering if that would be established, or if this would be yet another of the changes. Guess we'll find out soon.

You're a lucky git though. I would have loved to be an actor on that set. :)

Mar 12, 2009, 2:51 PM
This is gunna be great! I wanna see the new X-men movie too. Hey Volty, the offer to buy the sodas if you buy the popcorn is still on! lol:tong:

Mar 12, 2009, 3:11 PM
This is gunna be great! I wanna see the new X-men movie too. Hey Volty, the offer to buy the sodas if you buy the popcorn is still on! lol:tong:

Sure--if I can get a line of credit to buy the sodas!!! Have you seen the prices the move theaters want for the goodies these days?????:eek::eek:

I guess that is how the movie houses make their money---they really don't get anything from the ticket prices---that all goes to the movie distributors and movie studios!!!

I do have to say--I am looking forward to seeing this flick----I am just going into it with the idea of "Star Trek--wow--this is cool idea for movies and TV since its a new one!!"

I expect--like they did with the new Battlestar Gallactica---about the only thing this "Star Trek" will have in common with its predecessor---is the name--everything else is new---and you can't say "improved" since they are so different----I just hope the new movie is a well done story--has some great SFX effects and all of that.

Mar 12, 2009, 8:26 PM
I expect--like they did with the new Battlestar Gallactica---about the only thing this "Star Trek" will have in common with its predecessor---is the name--everything else is new---and you can't say "improved" since they are so different----I just hope the new movie is a well done story--has some great SFX effects and all of that.
Apples and oranges. WHile this is a reboot of sorts, it's still tied to the previous incarnation. NuBSG is a completely different show. Whereas this isn't really. :)

Mar 12, 2009, 10:42 PM

I am so going to see this movie opening night.

Mar 13, 2009, 11:51 AM
For one possible reaction to the next trek film I present this:


Mind you it is NSFW.

Mind you I will not be held responsible for your reaction and / or any damages that may occur.

Mar 13, 2009, 7:05 PM
Ive never laughed so hard!!! TY buddy.