View Full Version : Biphobia

Mar 16, 2009, 11:43 AM
bollocks to these wankers.

X-Posted with permission from BiNet USA News and Opinions: News, Essays and Editorials by & for America's Bisexual Community from a post by Estraven a Mod from the Westchester Bisexual Group

First, there is a tragically (mis)named website called "Broadening Our Gay Unity: For A Better Tomorrow" whose Mission Statement talks about "the prospective, tragic threat, duplicity and danger of the "B" in LGBT, exposed." If you join the Guest Book, it is full of hateful messages about bisexuals such as "BI RHYMES WITH LIE AND DIE", and also quoting the discredited Bailey research.

A member of NYC's long running discussion group for bisexual and bi-friendly people BiRequest contacted the website, only to receive this response:

"SHAME ON YOU. Bisexuals are maintaining hetero-privilege and collaborating with the homophobes while simultaneously enjoying the gay lifestyle. Female bisexuals are attention seeking heterosexuals, while male ones are just self-denying homosexuals too afraid to fully acknowledge their true orientation. Bisexuals are actually closeted gay people who wish to appear heterosexual. Bisexuals want to undermine the GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT. BI IS A LIE . . . . . BEWARE OF THEIR VILE, HOMOPHOBIC AGENDA!!!!"

Though we are all staunch advocates of Free Speech and the 1st Amendment, we also believe the old adage that another person's freedom to swing their arms ends when their fists are in danger of connecting with our nose or in this case the "Bi, Lie, Die" thing et. al.

The website is on a free web server, and the webhosts state that they have a policy against ". . . the defamation of others . . . and offensive activity". Click here for the form for reporting offensive content. If the hosting service gets enough complaints, this offensive site may be shut down or at least forced to amend their public threats.

The same people also seem to have a YouTube page It is not clear whether or not someone can be removed from YouTube, but if he gets enough posts that male bisexuals are NOT confused gay men, and female bisexuals are NOT attention-seeking straight women, eventually he might listen.

Secondly, The Tyra Banks Show (a Warner Bros. Television product) has a Poll about whether or not bisexuals exist (Yes ANOTHER one!). The votes and commentary are running in our favor on this one, at least, but Tyra Banks and her corporate handlers need to hear that the very existence of such a poll is offensive - as one person astutely points out, "it's like asking if biracial people exist."

Please Click Here to Vote and Voice your opinion on "Bisexuality Real or Bogus" and while you are at it you may want to mention to her boss at Warner Bros. Television that your life is NOT subject to the whim of a on-line popularity contest and lastly alert the good folks at GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) so that they can bring appropriate pressure to bear on the show and corporation also.

And as usual, if YOU find an instance of biphobia or bisexual erasure do not keep it to yourself - if you SEE something, SAY Something!

Mar 16, 2009, 11:51 AM
Biracial people exist?!?!:eek:

I'm still not quite understanding why there has to be a label for everything anyway. If you choose to label yourself then that is your business. Otherwise, why can't people just take things as "oh you find that person attractive? Cool" and the fact that they are the same sex as you or not doesn't matter. Why can't people just find other people attractive...period!

I find sexuality to be one of the dumbest things to be discriminated about and to discriminate about. It's really quite pointless...I find it to be a unnecesary battle, like racism...

Mar 16, 2009, 12:14 PM
bollocks to these wankers.

X-Posted with permission from BiNet USA News and Opinions: News, Essays and Editorials by & for America's Bisexual Community from a post by Estraven a Mod from the Westchester Bisexual Group

First, there is a tragically (mis)named website called "Broadening Our Gay Unity: For A Better Tomorrow" whose Mission Statement talks about "the prospective, tragic threat, duplicity and danger of the "B" in LGBT, exposed." If you join the Guest Book, it is full of hateful messages about bisexuals such as "BI RHYMES WITH LIE AND DIE", and also quoting the discredited Bailey research.

A member of NYC's long running discussion group for bisexual and bi-friendly people BiRequest contacted the website, only to receive this response:

"SHAME ON YOU. Bisexuals are maintaining hetero-privilege and collaborating with the homophobes while simultaneously enjoying the gay lifestyle. Female bisexuals are attention seeking heterosexuals, while male ones are just self-denying homosexuals too afraid to fully acknowledge their true orientation. Bisexuals are actually closeted gay people who wish to appear heterosexual. Bisexuals want to undermine the GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT. BI IS A LIE . . . . . BEWARE OF THEIR VILE, HOMOPHOBIC AGENDA!!!!"

Though we are all staunch advocates of Free Speech and the 1st Amendment, we also believe the old adage that another person's freedom to swing their arms ends when their fists are in danger of connecting with our nose or in this case the "Bi, Lie, Die" thing et. al.

The website is on a free web server, and the webhosts state that they have a policy against ". . . the defamation of others . . . and offensive activity". Click here for the form for reporting offensive content. If the hosting service gets enough complaints, this offensive site may be shut down or at least forced to amend their public threats.

The same people also seem to have a YouTube page It is not clear whether or not someone can be removed from YouTube, but if he gets enough posts that male bisexuals are NOT confused gay men, and female bisexuals are NOT attention-seeking straight women, eventually he might listen.

Secondly, The Tyra Banks Show (a Warner Bros. Television product) has a Poll about whether or not bisexuals exist (Yes ANOTHER one!). The votes and commentary are running in our favor on this one, at least, but Tyra Banks and her corporate handlers need to hear that the very existence of such a poll is offensive - as one person astutely points out, "it's like asking if biracial people exist."

Please Click Here to Vote and Voice your opinion on "Bisexuality Real or Bogus" and while you are at it you may want to mention to her boss at Warner Bros. Television that your life is NOT subject to the whim of a on-line popularity contest and lastly alert the good folks at GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) so that they can bring appropriate pressure to bear on the show and corporation also.

And as usual, if YOU find an instance of biphobia or bisexual erasure do not keep it to yourself - if you SEE something, SAY Something!

None of the links came across. Could you re-post the links?

Mar 16, 2009, 2:01 PM
No, so sorry, this is absolutely not true about my wife and I, especially me.

"........while male ones are just self-denying homosexuals too afraid to fully acknowledge their true orientation. Bisexuals are actually closeted gay people who wish to appear heterosexual. Bisexuals want to undermine the GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT."

I can't possibly see myself as a "self-denying homosexual(s) too afraid to fully acknowledge (my) their true orientation"

That would mean I have to give up licking pussy??? No Damn way!!! Not in this life time!!!

Yes, get us the correct links. Time to stand up and be heard.

tg Shannon
Mar 16, 2009, 2:48 PM
Well, How bout that, sounds like they are turnnin into the haters they hate the most, bottom line is everybody has their own thing , if ya dont like it, dont assosiate with them, but dont knock others for what they like, sounds more like jelousy because like my tag says, being bi means I can stick my hand down anybody's pants and be happy with what I find, and they cant do that.:2cents:

Mar 16, 2009, 3:49 PM
The site's link is:


The owner also has a YouTube site:


To complain:



Mar 16, 2009, 4:11 PM
:eek2: How horridly hypocritical can people get??? Some days it's just not worth getting out of bed

Mar 16, 2009, 4:22 PM
Just looked at that sorry excuse for a website :disgust: Some of the comments about bi people in the guestbook are terrible and I am tempted to post my own rant... sorry.. opinions about their site on their guestbook but it would probably get taken down and it would be a waste of my time as I would probably recieve nothing more than abuse from the other inhabitants of the site.

It is pretty shocking how some of the people on this site think about bisexuals, I mean the most biphobic things I've heard before I read this site were a few comments from people either trying to "convince" me that I am "completely gay" (I'm more gay than straight but I'd be a fool to ignore my straight side) or saying things like "bi now, gay later". Although, I think that the misinformed and hateful words of a few ignorant fools on that small and insignificant site are unlikely to cause too much harm. Nevertheless, as the old saying goes "the only thing that allows evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing", so I'll report it [even though I ususally feel a bit dodgy about reporting stuff].

It's really stupid how some small and extreme elements of communities seek to alienate the people who should be their closest allies. It's exactly the same with some feminists who moan about trans people without realising that many TG people support feminism/gender equality etc...

As for the televised poll about bisexuality, I don't know whether to laugh at it or whether to let out a long sigh of annoyance.

Mar 16, 2009, 11:46 PM
I read a couple of entries on this garbage of a site and couldn't read anymore - my blood pressure was climbing and my B/P meds can only do so much. I don't want to stroke out! How monumentally sad that people who are gay actually beliieve, spew and buy into this utter bullshit! You'd think that they'd be the most understanding of all "groups" for lack of a better word. I have a friend who is like a brother to me who is 100% Gay to the core - the thought of having sex with a woman makes him shiver. Yet he fully supports my bisexuality. He doesn't understand how I am attracted to women - but he knows the discrimation I face as a bisexual man and a man who is in a M-M relationship and offers me support and understanding. Why can't the entire gay populace look at it that way? Why are we such a threat? Because we have the best of both worlds? I just find it sickenly ironic that this group out of everyone holds these facists thoughts! Scary!!! Just my :2cents: LW

Mar 17, 2009, 1:10 AM
We don't even have the 'best of both worlds'. In what I've found out, we're the most hated group out there. People like this asshole need to be taught a lesson - theres no other way that they will learn.

*sigh* When will the intolerance and hate end? Anyone know of any good activist sites for combating this kind of shit?

Mar 17, 2009, 1:47 AM
Who cares what they think about us?

i don't care what people think. until they vote.

Mar 17, 2009, 2:56 AM
A relationship - is a relationship, whether it is totally gay, bi- or hetro. For some fool to "flame" that anyone that's not gay or hetro is wrong. What's this twit saying, be gay or be st8??? Unless I'm TOTALLY wrong, to breed it requires a Male/Female combination of some type. Otherwise, all gay males would die off, all lesbians would die off... A rant and rave against Bi- just doesn't make any sense... unless this twit is trying to say that all people into bi' is a lie. I'm thinking that's his platform, that bi's a lie you can ONLY be gay or st8 is a falsehood. Better than that .. it is an.. Acck!!!

Just another twit having a website that provides mis-information and mis-direction to achieve what that twit wants, push out their trash. You can read and believe the website, if you want. In actually - it's nothing more than a cyber-garbage dump..

just my thoughts

Mar 17, 2009, 4:54 AM
Oh great, I already had so little free time and now I find out I have to start undermining the gay rights movement too. I’m already exhausted from all my work for the gay agenda. :(


Mar 17, 2009, 10:10 AM
I'm just happy to see plenty of people on that guestbook actually defending bisexuality, or if they don't agree with it they at least have the attitude of "oh well, live and let live".

Mar 17, 2009, 1:13 PM
Who cares what they think about us?

We shud if we eva wanna b accepted as equals wiv the resta the planet an accepted as wot we r as of rite.. ifya don care ya stay isolated an therfore always ther 2 b picked on a hav the bigots win.. idea is 2 fit in 2 humanity not stay outside..not on ne terms but on terms acceptable 2 who an wot we r.. cos thats wot we r.. is a parta humanity.. for betta or worse...

Mar 17, 2009, 1:28 PM

Although no one will listen when you explain the truth. Yes, we can have either sex. Just because we CAN have them... doens't mean the best of both worlds. More often then not (and this site is proof) bisexual individuals become very confused about who they are; what sex to go after, what they really feel. Some even go so far as to try to deny their feelings... The REAL TRUTH is bisexualism is REAL and REALLY HARD!



Mar 17, 2009, 1:45 PM

Although no one will listen when you explain the truth. Yes, we can have either sex. Just because we CAN have them... doens't mean the best of both worlds. More often then not (and this site is proof) bisexual individuals become very confused about who they are; what sex to go after, what they really feel. Some even go so far as to try to deny their feelings... The REAL TRUTH is bisexualism is REAL and REALLY HARD!


:bipride:Am a bit of a rarity Ash hun..neva did find me bisexuality particularly difficult.. it jus wos..an went through mosta me teen years an adult years luffin it.. thats cos me wos brot up by 2 parents who as me has sed b fore in these forums.. told us that we shud b who an wot we wanna b an wot we r.. not wot society an the world thinks we shud b.. but do kno jus wotya mean cos hav seen lotsa peeps struggle wiv ther sexuality, who if they had parents like mine, and/or society wos much more all embracin a all sexualities.. it wud b a non issue.. bisexuals wud jus b a sexuality among many.. wiv different degrees an tastes in ther bisexuality jus like str8 or gays hav diff degrees an tastes wivvin thers.

.. am not bisexual now.. me partner is but she is a lost cause.. tee hee..:bigrin:(tho she sez same bout me...:eek:).. least don thinka me sel as such (well.. still hav a lil hankerin for a lil moonlite sonata wiv Johnny Depp.. but we all hav probs:().. seriously tho..am a gay woman an am neitha proud or (me hopes) boastful bout it..jus wot me is.. no moren that.. an thats how we all shud b.. so far the world don let things b that way.. but given time it will.. the way things hav moved in the last haff century show we well on the way..

.. but hun havin sed alla that...life is hard.. growin up is an maturin cos ther so much we havta learn an deal wiv an few of us can do it easily.. best we can do is our best..:).. but not bein wot society calls the norm.. can make it so much more diff for the likes a u an so many othas who neva had the kinda luffin care an open upbringin by 2 (str8)parents who don hav a prejudiced bone in ther body that me an me bro an sis did an sadly all 2 few othas in this world..

Mar 17, 2009, 1:50 PM
Am a bit of a rarity Ash hun..neva did find me bisexuality particularly difficult.. it jus wos..an went through mosta me teen years an adult years luffin it.. thats cos me wos brot up by 2 parents who as me has sed b fore in these forums.. told us that we shud b who an wot we wanna b an wot we r.. not wot society an the world thinks we shud b.. but do kno jus wotya mean cos hav seen lotsa peeps struggle wiv ther sexuality, who if they had parents like mine, and/or society wos much more all embracin a all sexualities.. it wud b a non issue.. bisexuals wud jus b a sexuality among many.. wiv different degrees an tastes in ther bisexuality jus like str8 or gays hav diff degrees an tastes wivvin thers.

.. am not bisexual now.. me partner is but she is a lost cause.. tee hee..:bigrin:(tho she sez same bout me...:eek:).. least don thinka me sel as such (well.. still hav a lil hankerin for a lil moonlite sonata wiv Johnny Depp.. but we all hav probs:().. seriously tho..am a gay woman an am neitha proud or (me hopes) boastful bout it..jus wot me is.. no moren that.. an thats how we all shud b.. so far the world don let things b that way.. but given time it will.. the way things hav moved in the last haff century show we well on the way..

.. but hun havin sed alla that...life is hard.. growin up is an maturin cos ther so much we havta learn an deal wiv an few of us can do it easily.. best we can do is our best..:).. but not bein wot society calls the norm.. can make it so much more diff for the likes a u an so many othas who neva had the kinda luffin care an open upbringin by 2 (str8)parents who don hav a prejudiced bone in ther body..

Fran I'm with ya, I was lucky enough to be some of the few who has not had a hard time with my sexuality.

Unlike you, however, I'm never going to be gay lol

Mar 17, 2009, 1:57 PM
Fran I'm with ya, I was lucky enough to be some of the few who has not had a hard time with my sexuality.

Unlike you, however, I'm never going to be gay lol

s'ok..me not prejudiced..;) we all diff Riss.. as it shud b..... bout that invite... tee hee ;):bigrin:

Mar 17, 2009, 2:16 PM
well i give you guys props! :) for me it was not a problem to tell my mom and my good friends... but being public about it, ppl make fun of what they don't understand. and telling the rest of my family .. well... they still don't know. (my mom n dad n brother only... ^.^")


Mar 17, 2009, 2:32 PM
Ya hav 1 gr8 advantage Ash hun.. yas a girl.. a dead yummie 1 from ya pic.. amazin how society accepts from girls, espesh yummie 1's, wot they won from guys wen it cums 2 sexuality.. not every 1 but lotsa peeps.. mens homo an bisexuality is much less accepted than womens in the eyes a the world.. wen me came out (at 14) lotsa family wer aghast.. an school m8s an otha m8s 2 a gr8 degree..family friends an even jus noddin acquaintances.. but mosly it wos accepted an me got few probs..not sayin me didn get hassle or aggro cos me did.. but not so bad life wos unbearable or particularly hard.. now 15 years on the world knos..an ya kno wot? No 1 gives a hoot.. family, friends, workm8s, fellow students.. mos thinka me as gobby, tartie, sumwot crankie an tetchy, a lil vain, an opinionated.. but they mosly jus acceptin a me as who me is.. not sayin every 1 likes me cos they don.. but mosly it nowt 2 do wiv me sexuality.. its cos me is all or summa those otha things or for sum otha reasons me face don fit.... :)

Mar 17, 2009, 2:49 PM
s'ok..me not prejudiced..;) we all diff Riss.. as it shud b..... bout that invite... tee hee ;):bigrin:

Fran, you're invited to come and try me out anytime :tong:

Mar 17, 2009, 3:17 PM
Fran, you're invited to come and try me out anytime :tong:

Just don't bring Bacardi Frannie!!! LMAO!!! Howwwllllll! LW

Mar 17, 2009, 3:19 PM
Just don't bring Bacardi Frannie!!! LMAO!!! Howwwllllll! LW

Once she meets me she might NEED the Bacardi Wolfie haha.

Mar 17, 2009, 3:38 PM
Just don't bring Bacardi Frannie!!! LMAO!!! Howwwllllll! LW

Wudn dream of it Wolfie..bottle a Courvoisier def an a few bottles a red plonk mayb..but not nev Bacardi.. tee hee:tong:

Mar 17, 2009, 3:39 PM
Once she meets me she might NEED the Bacardi Wolfie haha.
*giggles* Will stik 2 me cognac an plonk Riss...:bigrin: an don mind sharin eitha... :tong:

Mar 17, 2009, 5:19 PM
*giggles* Will stik 2 me cognac an plonk Riss...:bigrin: an don mind sharin eitha... :tong:

OOO cognac...and you share! You know the way to a womans heart haha.

Mar 19, 2009, 10:03 AM
OOO cognac...and you share! You know the way to a womans heart haha.
Has been known... tee hee..;):bigrin:

Mar 19, 2009, 3:09 PM
The site's link is:


The owner also has a YouTube site:


To complain:




Pretty much

Mar 19, 2009, 9:15 PM
Oh, wait,...

This is a bi site? Shit........

I was sure this was the website for areospace and Nasa stuff.

My bad.

Mar 19, 2009, 10:58 PM
Oh, wait,...

This is a bi site? Shit........

I was sure this was the website for areospace and Nasa stuff.

My bad.

Oh dear, sorry for the confusion ;)

Mar 20, 2009, 4:09 AM
Its sad, Euroboy11 talks about his Greeting the Storm site like its some huge thing, but the site itself is pathetically small. It also lost the user 'wall' that was there at once point.

Mar 20, 2009, 4:22 AM
I was coming here to complain about about this guy. I have a biphobia video on YT and I got three idiotic comments from him. The first two are the same one in the OP and the third was him chanting "Swipe the "B" out LGBT!"

I blocked him and let it go for awhile but after seeing BiNet's blog and two video blogs about this guy I decided to take action by reporting him. I urge everyone to do the same. He is violating the TOS and driving everyone crazy.

Mar 20, 2009, 4:26 AM
Yeah, the only reason why Euroboy11 is worth the expenditure of our very valuable time is that so many people believe what he is saying about us.

Mar 20, 2009, 5:53 PM
People are funny. They think they have black and white nailed down and they don't. I've have a gay buddy who thinks Bi's are gay and in denial. I disagree.

We like both. Why is that so hard to see? Some people like cats and dogs. Some people like ice cream and chocolate.

Don't know why the gays gotta hate....

Mar 20, 2009, 6:20 PM
Unless I am missing something, the guestbook is no longer there.

However, I did report the phrase on the 1st page ("the prospective, tragic threat, duplicity and danger of the "B" in LGBT, exposed." ) as something that I find offensive and hateful.

Mar 20, 2009, 6:29 PM
I actually reported them too, which i don't normally do..
...but I made an exception...

Mar 21, 2009, 11:48 AM
"SHAME ON YOU. Bisexuals are maintaining hetero-privilege and collaborating with the homophobes while simultaneously enjoying the gay lifestyle. Female bisexuals are attention seeking heterosexuals, while male ones are just self-denying homosexuals too afraid to fully acknowledge their true orientation. Bisexuals are actually closeted gay people who wish to appear heterosexual. Bisexuals want to undermine the GAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT. BI IS A LIE . . . . . BEWARE OF THEIR VILE, HOMOPHOBIC AGENDA!!!!"

The whole paragraph is bull shit. Seen it before on Youtube, repeated by a moron (as if the word is strong enough for this disgrace) named euroboy, whome I labeled out loud as E-urinboy. That butt hole also used the ryme. Repeateing and not listening, and makeing themselves look dumb in the process. "BI IS A LIE! NOW GO DIE!" Four or more times in one message. This person has replied to a couple of Biphobia videos in Youtube.

Privilege my $%^! :mad: Hideing who you are, and burrying your feelings, even denying them then is NOT PRIVILEGE! I'm not a closeted lesbian, I'm a closeted bisexual! Even though a couple of us have boy friends and love them, we still have to duck and hide how we feel about women around our own relatives and loved ones! I know my father hates gays, and my mother acts like anything gay equals "slept like a tramp with the same sex" (cept for my sister) And this You only are gay or straight. Is basicaly saying that everyone on earth chooses who they find sexualy attractive. Nobody chooses their attractive tastes.

Might I even add how stupid it is on both ends? on my mother's end, people believe all gays chose to sleep with someone else to realise they were gay. :rolleyes: They act like being gay is all based on sex with the same gender. Yet, there they go with the idea that everyone is hetero, and you are still heterosexual even if you don't sleep around. 'sigh'

This biphobia in from gays and lesbians is the same thing! To them, gay people are gay regardless if they go to bed or not. Yet they hate all of us because we "sleep around like whores and cheat at the drop of a hat". Oh it's always gotta be someone else's fault right? Just like these boys I meat online who get rejected ONE TIME, who then want to hate all females as if they were the same thing. Not like these people will acknowledge the real reasons for seperation. Not like they will ever think "is it something I did wrong", "do they feel I'm not their type"? And WE are the ones taking the easy way?! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

SO I have to say, SHAME ON YOU all who hate, period! You are the ones who should be ashamed! You are the real disgrace to a movement toward a peacefull future. We all want the same thing! To be accepted and understood, and the fact that we like the same gender ourselves, I feel we are a benifit to the community, not the opposite. Heterosexual and homosexual comes together with our orientations, and yet you want there to be fighting, hate and discord. Disgracefull. You want the message "let us love who we love. love isn't wrong, it's nature" to be accepted, then stop hateing people who want the same dam thing!

And as usual, if YOU find an instance of biphobia or bisexual erasure do not keep it to yourself - if you SEE something, SAY Something!

Did it, and I will do it again when I notice it. Hate is for whimps who can't cope with life. If someone is letting off hate manors, they need to be told.

Mar 21, 2009, 4:39 PM
SO I have to say, SHAME ON YOU all who hate, period!

After seeing this point I had to say this. E-urinboy (going to use your nickname) actually said "I don't hate." I didn't reply to that because I don't see a point in replying to anything he says but that just made me go "PFFFTTT" out loud. Anyone with half a brain can see that he just radiates hate. I actually believe he is a repressed bisexual.

Mar 21, 2009, 4:41 PM
F@#K them people on that site. We are people,not bi,gay or straight but PEOPLE! Don't label us. :bipride:

Apr 5, 2009, 7:29 PM
Just want to let everyone know the good news. Eurinboy has had his account deleted.