View Full Version : Confused....

May 2, 2009, 5:45 AM
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well. Anyhow I have a little bit of a confusion problem. I'm 18 almost 19 now, and up until I was about 16 I always considered myself straight, but then when I was 16 I was in a locker room changing and I noticed this other guy in the locker room, he had a very attractive figure and I caught myself "checking him out". I was very aroused for a while after that, but that was my only homosexual instance I had up until just the last couple of months. Now, lately I've been craving a relationship with another guy but here's the catch, I'm only attracted to men when I either am having a day where I'm excessively h*rny or engaged in some sort of sexual activity. Also one more thing, a few days ago I was talking to a male friend of mine and he sent me a link, which I had no clue where it lead to, and he told me it was an article. So trusting his words I clicked on the link and it was a picture of his penis while it was up, within a few seconds of this I had an erection myself, however I do not find him attractive in any way.

Anyhow, I would like some advice on what the community thinks is going on with me. Am I just having some hormone issues or am I becoming bisexual? Thanks everyone!

May 2, 2009, 10:59 AM
First, welcome to the site. Lots of good folks here.

Second, take a deep breath and slow down and relax. You are discovering things about yourself that you didn't know or experience before. If you insist on using labels, you are probably bicurious.

If you have a mm experience, and enjoy it, and want to try it again, you are, if you insist on labels, bisexual.

You are not the first to go through this, and will not be the last. It is about who you are. Be safe, have fun. :)

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 11:33 AM
I'll just add this to dave's post, mm meant Male-Male incase you didn't get it.

Anyhow, I wouldn't think too much about that link. I can't imagine why he did it, maybe he thought it would be a good prank, maybe he wants you, I don't know and it's not worth thinking about with so little info.

Your response is the important thing. You are attracted to other guys ot a degree, alongside your heterosexuality. That's fine, and it's plenty common. Don't let it bug you.

If you come to a point where you want to fulfil your desires, "go nuts" as they say. Although, there's not much more I can tell you, what you should do ought to be determined by what you feel you want. If you want a relationship with another guy, you should go for it, if not then there is not point. Stick with what you are comfortable with.

And a great big Welkommen from me too, by the way. These boards are a really cool place.

May 2, 2009, 11:58 PM
There's one more thing you might want to consider....

You're in high sexuality prime of life for a male. At this stage of your life, nearly *anything* can and will bring on arousal.

Studies have proven that the sight of an aroused male can make even confirmed hetersexual males "stand at attention" simply because of the overt sexuality being expressed.

If I were you, I'd just enjoy being 18 and in the prime of life. Enjoy what comes your way and worry about labels after you've checked out life some more.

M. Wolfe
May 3, 2009, 2:17 AM
There's one more thing you might want to consider....

You're in high sexuality prime of life for a male. At this stage of your life, nearly *anything* can and will bring on arousal.

Studies have proven that the sight of an aroused male can make even confirmed hetersexual males "stand at attention" simply because of the overt sexuality being expressed.

If I were you, I'd just enjoy being 18 and in the prime of life. Enjoy what comes your way and worry about labels after you've checked out life some more.

That's a very good point. Stop worrying about it and give it some time, things will get clearer in your 20 - if you still want to be ravaged by another guy then you might start to think about being bisexual.

May 4, 2009, 4:18 AM
Thanks guys, I'm just going to "take life as it comes" as the expression goes. If the opportunity presents itself to me I'll act on how I feel then, until then I just won't worry about it. Thanks again.