View Full Version : Hmmm I need smoke
May 3, 2009, 1:15 PM
I have NO idea why, but recently Ive been feeling anger towards someone on the site that I dont even know, havent chatted with, havent even had direct responses in threads with. They recently joined this site and to me it only seems theyre working on getting as many possible posts as possible for some reason. Ive also noticed them pointing out the most basic simple things on threads, which also makes me think they just want a lot of posts. Which usually doesnt other me at all, but the word TROLL just pops out in my face everytime see that name on a thread or the 20 threads they start per day.
I have no idea why this guy is making my skin crawl and my blood boil. *sigh* I see that name and think yep time for a smoke... Maybe Im too attached to the many regulars here who I have so become to respect and trust that Im unable to put up with this guy who appears to me as to be a bullshitter anyway so my defenses are up? Oh well, alright, Ive vented... :)
May 3, 2009, 4:14 PM
Wow, I don't know what they may have done ,but it is bothering you.. You may try bringing it up to them and maybe get their perspective on thnigs and find out whyit is bothering you so.
May 3, 2009, 6:52 PM
AndYouMake3, I think I know who you're talking about and what you should do is ignore it and maybe take a little walk instead of lighting a smoke... Don't let 'em bother you.... Unless its me,:eek:, then by all means, tell me what I'm doing that bothers you so we can come to an understanding ;) ... And me being who I am, I may just do it more for the hell of it... :bigrin: :paw::paw:
May 3, 2009, 7:21 PM
Wow, I don't know what they may have done ,but it is bothering you.. You may try bringing it up to them and maybe get their perspective on thnigs and find out whyit is bothering you so.
I would have to agree with Holmes - Maybe send them a PM and discuss it - If you see things from their perspective - it may take the edge off and no longer bother you. If the PM doesn't turn out well - then you can take a break when you see them... I think it's always better to talk about things. 90% of misunderstandings are miscommunication, that if discussed and cleared up - simply go away, along with the stress you're feeling. Just my :2cents: Wolfie.
P.S. Oh God! I hope I don't get a PM from you that it's me!!! LOL
May 3, 2009, 11:23 PM
Depending on what your smoking it might help. Michigan has that medical ok to smoke law now. Dam, it won't help me, my lungs would vote to stop working.
May 3, 2009, 11:30 PM
lol Instead of getting upset Babe, why dont you contact a couple of us "Regulars" and ask if they know said person and see if he/she IS a troll or not? Or, contact them outright and see what could be causing these feelings. Either way, why let someone have that much power to make you upset? :}
Dont read his posts, and just relax.;)
Big hugs Hon
May 4, 2009, 1:31 AM
Take tokes, not smokes!:stoned:
:love87: ~~, Vitt
May 4, 2009, 2:01 AM
Hmmm. On a similar vein, I've noticed that there's been a lot of threads that have nothing to do with any aspect of bisexuality, and I question whether this is the site for such topics.
I'm pretty new to this site myself, and one of the reasons I keep coming back is because it lets me see other people's perspectives on issues that relate to bisexuality. Issues that (for me) are rarely able to be discussed elsewhere. I was elated when I found out that a bisexual community actually exists, and I think this site is awesome! But if I came to this site for the first time now, instead of when I did, I'd see a bunch of threads that are just links to silly internet videos, and I'd have a hard time taking this site seriously. I mean, silly internet videos are great and all, but do they deserve their own threads on this site? That is why youtube lets you comment on the videos.
I just hope that people searching for a legitimate way to communicate about bisexuality don't get the wrong impression because they see that many of the threads have nothing to do with bisexuality.
Long Duck Dong
May 4, 2009, 2:22 AM
vegan I do not wanna sound rude or anything...we may be bisexual.... but we have interests outside of cock and pussy, snowballing and rimming and that is only so many times you can post threads about coming out, and threesomes and other bisexuality related stuff, before it becomes a bloody bore.....I do remember one stage where the main page had 4 threads about coming out, 3 about sucking cocks, 1 about snowballing... and 3 about lack of pics, where were the people that wanted to fuck... and why the hell are people talking about things and not talking about fucking and hooking up
personally I like the mix... as it shows people that we are bisexuals with lives... outside of the bedroom and the orgy.....the bisexuality is part of who we are... not who we are all the time......
May 4, 2009, 3:25 AM
Bravo Long Duck! Very well stated, Sugar. ;)
Life isnt Just about sex. People need fun, frivolity, and mental release too! Life cant be serious 24/7, humans need a bit of peace of mind as well as a sense of physical pleasure, too.
This site is like another I am a core member of, and I coined a phrase in there that I have began in here as well. That phrase and word is Family. We chat, we banter, and sometimes we argue. We vent, we cry, and we lend emotional support where needed, and we retain that friendship on and Off the site as well. That's what families DO. We share parts of our lives together, and are there for each other in good times and bad. That's just who we are. If you dont like all of the other stuff, then simply Dont Read/view it. It's that simple. We do talk about Bisexuality, but its not an all consuming need as it appears to be with some folks.
If a person needs sex in their lives 24/7 or needs to Talk about it 27/4, then that be some sick puppy. There's more to life, and life is meant to be Lived; that includes levity as well as sensuality. Peace of mind And pleasure of body is a good thing too.
My Humble :2cents:
May 4, 2009, 10:18 AM
People are either bitching about there being stuff other than sex on the forum or bitching about there only being sex on the forum. It's a situation that we're never going to win so oh well.
May 4, 2009, 11:19 AM
I feel as though what I wrote may be misrepresented. There's a lot more to being bi than just sex, and to infer that just posting threads on sex is what I meant is a bit of an oversimplification.
Don Karlos
May 4, 2009, 6:46 PM
What has happened to Free Speech
May 4, 2009, 6:52 PM
AndYouMake3, I think I know who you're talking about and what you should do is ignore it and maybe take a little walk instead of lighting a smoke... Don't let 'em bother you.... Unless its me,:eek:, then by all means, tell me what I'm doing that bothers you so we can come to an understanding ;) ... And me being who I am, I may just do it more for the hell of it... :bigrin: :paw::paw:
Nope its not you.... but hey, if you wanna bug me youre welcome to :)
May 4, 2009, 6:58 PM
Ive resolved the issue...
But on another note... Yes this is a bi site and yes also sexual. But as its been pointed out just because were bisexual doesnt mean we just talk about sex. Many of us have become friends and communicate through the threads, let each other know whats going on in each others lives and even occasionally post silly video links that have nothing to do with bisexuality. Thats the greatness that has been given to us by Drew with the site. The ability to be ourselves. Yes even when one of us bugs another. So pointing the troll finger on my part was probably wrong of me, its just how I feel about the situation. Doesnt mean this person has bad intentions, just means Im keeping my eye on them because yea, Ive become protective of my friends and family Ive made on this site.
So silly video links, jokes, sexual stories, problems, issues, pregnancies, marriages, its all a part of our lives and I do welcome it all. Sometimes its good to have a good laugh just as a good cry! :)
May 5, 2009, 1:37 PM
Nope its not you.... but hey, if you wanna bug me youre welcome to :)
Oh Oh...You may have opened a can of worms with me being allowed to bug you... LOL...
But I am happy that you have resolved the issue... Its great to be on a site that actually allows you to be yourself... I usually lurk in the dark here on the comments and in the chat room (when I go there) but its cuz I type to damn slow, but like you, I have come to be protective of some of those people that have known me throughout the last five years (minus one when I fell of the grid) especially when someone openly attacks another member here... Heres to diversity, both sexual and in our own personal lives... :paw::paw: