View Full Version : Miss California's Big Gob
May 6, 2009, 8:01 PM
Spotted these earlier 2 day.. we hav had a set 2 bout the daft cow already..NOW she has no excuse..she has set 'ersel rite in the line a fire..
S'ok 'er defendin traditional marriage.. but wtf is attackin it? Mean spirited is exposin 'er previous silliness an threatenin 'er no account stupid also gettin up an openin 'er big fat gob and goin on telly in a party ad denyin millions a otha peeps the rites heterosexual peeps take for granted... no naivety now.... daft cow...
May 6, 2009, 8:54 PM
We feel she has a right to her own opinion, just like you and us...your lack of allowing someone to express their own opinion shows you are no different then gay bashers...she never said anything negative towards gays...kinda sad that the community that wants their rights wants to take other's rights away...
May 6, 2009, 10:20 PM
We feel she has a right to her own opinion, just like you and us...your lack of allowing someone to express their own opinion shows you are no different then gay bashers...she never said anything negative towards gays...kinda sad that the community that wants their rights wants to take other's rights away...WTF? Fran didn't say she shouldn't be allowed to speak her mind. She called her a daft cow for her views but didn't say she couldn't speak her views.
Seems there are way too many people that still think that by disagreeing with someone you are trampling their rights. Grow up.
Long Duck Dong
May 6, 2009, 10:25 PM
what I found very interesting, is one of the sites that first hosted the pics... was the site of perez hilton..( not sure on name ) the judge that asked miss california, her views on gay marriage
sure miss california expressed her view... controversy as they may be.... but now its clearly starting to look like a witch hunt because miss california expressed her opinion.... and looking at the fact that it is the gay judge that was one of the first to host the semi nude picks on her own site....the same judge that asked the controversial question....... it seriously makes it look like a case of * say what we wanna hear, or we will fuck you over *
talk about a case of catty gay queen.....
May 6, 2009, 10:29 PM
I couldn't care less about Hilton. However, I feel NO sympathy for anyone that would make a commercial for a group that seeks to restrict the rights of others by spreading fear and disinformation.
M. Wolfe
May 7, 2009, 12:38 AM
S'ok 'er defendin traditional marriage.. but wtf is attackin it?
That's a very good point, but before that even, I'd ask for the definition of "traditional marriage."
Reason being is that it's not the 1 man plus 1 woman christian concept that we hear so much of at all. It has it's roots from way before Christianity had even been thought up as a property deal.
The "traditional" component of modern marriage is a farce, it's now just a custom.
May 7, 2009, 12:54 AM
what I found very interesting, is one of the sites that first hosted the pics... was the site of perez hilton..( not sure on name ) the judge that asked miss california, her views on gay marriage
sure miss california expressed her view... controversy as they may be.... but now its clearly starting to look like a witch hunt because miss california expressed her opinion.... and looking at the fact that it is the gay judge that was one of the first to host the semi nude picks on her own site....the same judge that asked the controversial question....... it seriously makes it look like a case of * say what we wanna hear, or we will fuck you over *
talk about a case of catty gay queen.....
And throw in misogynistic, and I'm there. You know. . .I hope everyone gets the right/meets someone to marry, but Perez Hilton for the way he treated her.
Speak On, LDD.
May 7, 2009, 1:11 AM
I had to giggle over some of the things they say in those articles.
"There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers."
Because obviously once gay marriage is allowed, straights won't be getting married.
"According to the group, the ad will call "gay marriage advocates to account for their unwillingness to debate the real issue: gay marriage has consequences.""
Yeah, like equal rights, people being allowed to marry the person they love, all sorts of bad stuff like that.
Not trying to be offensive, just found it funny. :)
May 7, 2009, 1:59 AM
She is entitled to her opinion, and I don't think the pageant committees should deny her title because she spoke her own mind. There is nothing wrong with that.
But now I think this girl is letting herself be manipulated by both sides. NOM saw an opening to use her celebrity to push their cause. They don't give a rat's ass if they showcase her as nasty and mean-spirited, as long as they get the publicity they are looking for. The other side is hitting back by trying to make her look like a slut and a hypocrite. I don't know why she is letting herself get caught up in this debacle. I think she is trying to prove a point, but she is getting destroyed in the process. She is in a position to do great things, either for herself or for the public good. She has really let herself become misguided.
They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. If she were smart, she would step back, take her newly gotten fame, and move on to bigger and better things. Unless, of course, she likes the taste of political infighting. Who knows, maybe she will be the next GOP vice presidential candidate.
May 7, 2009, 3:32 AM
WTF? Fran didn't say she shouldn't be allowed to speak her mind. She called her a daft cow for her views but didn't say she couldn't speak her views.
Seems there are way too many people that still think that by disagreeing with someone you are trampling their rights. Grow up.
Wy thank you luff 2 hav me honour defended by an luffly ole fashioned southern gennelman...:bigrin: Don do it 2 often me luffly..ya'll get a bad name.. tee an all..
.. jus wish peeps wudn take wot me sez as summat its not... its criticism a sum 1 for talkin cobblers... not an attempt 2 stop em puttin forward ther view howeva misguided...
May 7, 2009, 3:35 AM
what I found very interesting, is one of the sites that first hosted the pics... was the site of perez hilton..( not sure on name ) the judge that asked miss california, her views on gay marriage
sure miss california expressed her view... controversy as they may be.... but now its clearly starting to look like a witch hunt because miss california expressed her opinion.... and looking at the fact that it is the gay judge that was one of the first to host the semi nude picks on her own site....the same judge that asked the controversial question....... it seriously makes it look like a case of * say what we wanna hear, or we will fuck you over *
talk about a case of catty gay queen.....
almos agree wivya.. in fact did till she started 2 becum more vocal an very definately pikked 'er side... now she is jus an enemy ... an now hasta b prepared 2 reely take the flak:)
May 7, 2009, 5:17 AM
We feel she has a right to her own opinion, just like you and us...your lack of allowing someone to express their own opinion shows you are no different then gay bashers...she never said anything negative towards gays...kinda sad that the community that wants their rights wants to take other's rights away...
May I speak in support of Frances by backing up Allbi's post. I know her better than anyone, and can assure you that it is not her intention to stop people expressing their beliefs. However, anyone who makes comments on anything, no matter how important or trivial, she believes is fair game. She loves an argument as many on this site will tell you, and any who like argument by definition would be bereft if that argument was deprived them. Indeed, Ms Prejean would find an ally in Frances were anyone to try and take from her the right to make her case.
May 7, 2009, 5:47 AM
We feel she has a right to her own opinion, just like you and us...your lack of allowing someone to express their own opinion shows you are no different then gay bashers...she never said anything negative towards gays...kinda sad that the community that wants their rights wants to take other's rights away...
Prejean was probably set up by Perez, and I agree that it was not particularly tasteful in the way it was done, but it was not in any way taking away her right to speak her mind. She definitely has a right to her opinion, but she needs to be ridiculed for it. She absolutely DID some something negative about same-sex couples, she said she didn't believe they should have same rights as straight couples. That is without a doubt a bigoted and unethical statement and needs to be pointed out as such.
May 7, 2009, 9:53 AM
May I speak in support of Frances by backing up Allbi's post. I know her better than anyone, and can assure you that it is not her intention to stop people expressing their beliefs. However, anyone who makes comments on anything, no matter how important or trivial, she believes is fair game. She loves an argument as many on this site will tell you, and any who like argument by definition would be bereft if that argument was deprived them. Indeed, Ms Prejean would find an ally in Frances were anyone to try and take from her the right to make her case.
She's gorge an' brill an' betta than the pill
She's fun, flat tum an a bloody luffly bum
Says things so nice an defends my life
When silly daft buggers try stickin' in the knife..:bigrin:
Ta o gorge person.. remind me 2 return the fave as an wen....:):tong: U an Allbi wudnta been needed if the daft sods had read me openin 2 the second paragraph..wot don peeps undastand bout the expression "s'ok"?
May 7, 2009, 1:42 PM
WTF? Fran didn't say she shouldn't be allowed to speak her mind. She called her a daft cow for her views but didn't say she couldn't speak her views.
Seems there are way too many people that still think that by disagreeing with someone you are trampling their rights. Grow up.
My thoughts exactly.
May 7, 2009, 1:49 PM
Prejean was probably set up by Perez, and I agree that it was not particularly tasteful in the way it was done, but it was not in any way taking away her right to speak her mind. She definitely has a right to her opinion, but she needs to be ridiculed for it. She absolutely DID some something negative about same-sex couples, she said she didn't believe they should have same rights as straight couples. That is without a doubt a bigoted and unethical statement and needs to be pointed out as such.
Does she need to be called a bitch and a cunt? Does she need to have her personal life put on display?
There is ridicule, then there is out right ideological lynching.
Her ideas were wrong. She needs to be shown the error of her ideas, not drawn and quartered in the eyes of the public.
This hasn't changed her mind or the minds of those who think like her. In fact, it has made her more stubborn and enriched those on the other side. With the attention, she has a larger platform and more people are rethinking their stances. But hey, ridicule away and become exactly what our enemies say we are.
May 7, 2009, 1:58 PM
It seems, however, that the LGBT Thought Police are piling on her as hard as they can. I wouldn't be surprised if she is getting death threats.
May 7, 2009, 4:36 PM
It seems, however, that the LGBT Thought Police are piling on her as hard as they can. I wouldn't be surprised if she is getting death threats.
Don speculate Jamie.. mayb she is an mayb she aint.. compared 2 wot many gay, bi an trans peeps hav gone through, an r goin through she is livin in a bed a roses.... oppressed peeps throughout history hav had ther less than savoury elements an we r no exception.. wile me wudn condone it an indeed wud condemn, me bein parta that oppressed minority don haff gimme an undastandin a wy peeps get rite nasty bout that oppression..
May 7, 2009, 5:19 PM
Well, it Is her right to speak up for what She believes in. Not everyone has/have the open, honest and enlightened veiws that we in the LGBT, and Lifestyle community(s) have. Its her right to speak up on Her personal ideals, but the media has grabbed this and ran with it, making it a bigger deal than it really is.:rolleyes:
As usual, in the media circus, they have taken something and Completely torn it out of context just to grandize it, to make a media event bigger than it has merit For. In other words: Anything to stir up shit, and to make a buck. Plain and simple.
Dont sweat the small stuff, people. In a couple of weeks, people will scarcely remember it happened. Unless she continues to make a big deal out of it for further publicity.
May 7, 2009, 8:34 PM
Prejean was probably set up by Perez, and I agree that it was not particularly tasteful in the way it was done, but it was not in any way taking away her right to speak her mind. She definitely has a right to her opinion, but she needs to be ridiculed for it. She absolutely DID some something negative about same-sex couples, she said she didn't believe they should have same rights as straight couples. That is without a doubt a bigoted and unethical statement and needs to be pointed out as such.
what our point is the other side is just as bigoted in thier words, and actions...that is what we are attempting to say...the whole attack on anyone who does not agree with the GBLT rights is meet with extreme hate from them, and that hurts us more as now we are being it point was the attack on the LDS churches over the same sex law in Cali...the statements on the net and by the media are just as bigoted towards her lifestyle...
May 8, 2009, 2:59 PM
To give Ms California a break--I heard a story this morning on TMZ (of all places) while channel surfing on the tube---apparently when she was very young--her parents went through a long and nasty "California divorce"----they said the documents relating to the divorce were something like 7000 pages of material and it contained lots of talk that her dad had a male lover-----so if that is true---I guess she has a reason to dislike the notion of same sex marriage--not that he would have left his wife for a female "thing on the side!"--it just makes it worse I guess that he left his marriage for another guy.
May 9, 2009, 8:29 AM
She expressed an opinion, why is she now an enemy? Why does every faction in the world nowadays seem to need to have an agenda? I guess I don't get it and okay yeah I'm bisexual. I accept it, I enjoy it, I wouldn't change it. By no means am I self hating but frankly I don't believe the government is obligated to honor a gay marriage. I don't dislike anyone on these forums as far as I know...should I still be classified as the enemy? Better yet should militants in the community that has the agenda go out of their way to destroy my reputation? To make a long story boring...there is such a thing as the ability to be nice and discuss rather than just engage in complete hostility.
May 9, 2009, 8:49 AM
She expressed an opinion, why is she now an enemy? Why does every faction in the world nowadays seem to need to have an agenda? I guess I don't get it and okay yeah I'm bisexual. I accept it, I enjoy it, I wouldn't change it. By no means am I self hating but frankly I don't believe the government is obligated to honor a gay marriage. I don't dislike anyone on these forums as far as I know...should I still be classified as the enemy? Better yet should militants in the community that has the agenda go out of their way to destroy my reputation? To make a long story boring...there is such a thing as the ability to be nice and discuss rather than just engage in complete hostility.
BINGO...both sides of the issue of same sex marrage need to stop the hate
Long Duck Dong
May 9, 2009, 9:45 AM
its like I have said many times... the LGBT community are a big part of the problem..... we DON'T want same sex marriage.... we want the right to marriage for everybody regardless of race, creed, culture, gender or sexuality...... the moment we fight for that.... we will gain more allies as its a bloody site hardly to fight against a non defined ideal, like same sex / gay marriage......
the opponents to same sex / same gender marriage can't not fight against non conditional marriage rights for ANY person....without becoming seen as a biased / separatist / elitism group and not many groups want that it can hurt politically amongst other things....... its just a pity the LGBT community are too stupid to realise that... we are demanding same sex marriage...and we are creating the us verses them issue.... not our opponents....
any time you isolate a aspect of society... you create waves.... and thats what is happening.... we are giving the powers that be, the ability to fight against same sex marriage.... we are not forcing them to review the marriage laws and make them equality marriage between two consenting people.....
May 11, 2009, 7:58 PM
the LGBT community are a big part of the problem..... we DON'T want same sex marriage.... we want the right to marriage for everybody regardless of race, creed, culture, gender or sexuality...... the moment we fight for that.... we will gain more allies as its a bloody site hardly to fight against a non defined ideal, like same sex / gay marriage......
Ehhhhh?? Soz. Correct me if me is wrong.. don alla these things exist at least in jus bout every western country ya can name an mosta the othas... legal..above board..all save 1... the rite a 2 peeps a the same sex 2 do jus that..course ther r places wer its still a prob.. but wer it exists as of rite in law it happens an more an more every year... course ther remain lotsa objections from many peeps within each community in every country but its legal in mosta them an dus go on..but the increase in x religious marriage an race an culture each an every year r evidence that things r movin forward an thats triff... so stop talkin bollox Duckie... those who r not for us r agin us.. thats how it 2 those who r so worried bout those tryin 2 squeeze us bak inta the closet bein the enemy, ne 1 who oppose our wish for true equality on this issue r our enemy on THE issue.. not necessarily on a personal level, but certainly on a moral 1. So grow up an stop actin all wishy washy an tryin 2 b so bloody saintly... they hav NO qualms bout us bein the get real...
May 12, 2009, 12:54 AM
She expressed an opinion, why is she now an enemy? Why does every faction in the world nowadays seem to need to have an agenda? I guess I don't get it and okay yeah I'm bisexual. I accept it, I enjoy it, I wouldn't change it. By no means am I self hating but frankly I don't believe the government is obligated to honor a gay marriage. I don't dislike anyone on these forums as far as I know...should I still be classified as the enemy? Better yet should militants in the community that has the agenda go out of their way to destroy my reputation? To make a long story boring...there is such a thing as the ability to be nice and discuss rather than just engage in complete hostility.
I'm quoting this again because it goes so much further than most of the adversarial statements made here.
Long Duck Dong
May 12, 2009, 1:51 AM
mmm dark.... opposition to marriage amongst straight people exists as it on the grounds of arranged marriage / marriage between two opposing religions etc etc etc..... legally, they have the right to marriage..... doesn't mean they have the ability to marry....
my fight for people is beyond the LGBT... its for every man and woman.... the right to marriage and freedom to be married.....
sure there are a lot of different aspects to arranged marriage / marriage by religion / same sex / same gender marriage....some are illegal, some are forced, others are conditional.......
but still I go beyond that.... I fight for the right of transgender people to be legally recognised for their true gender ( the gender they see themselves as )..and that is recognised in marriage....
but I am serious in the fact that its a fight that I will never see, won.... cos the world is too diverse and different to allow it.....
so I will watch as groups like the LGBT community for the most part will say, we got what we want.... time for dinner and tv....... and I will sit here and think... we win in nz.... lets add our voice to the usa LGBT and give them a hand..... and hear silence.......
May 12, 2009, 3:00 AM
I'm quoting this again because it goes so much further than most of the adversarial statements made here.
If sum 1 opposes wot ya stand for an believe in.. an compromise is not poss.. wot else is ther? An on this issue ther can b no compromise... eitha ya can or ya cant..
May 12, 2009, 3:05 AM
mmm dark.... opposition to marriage amongst straight people exists as it on the grounds of arranged marriage / marriage between two opposing religions etc etc etc..... legally, they have the right to marriage..... doesn't mean they have the ability to marry....
.. but sumhow funnily 'nuff it keeps on happnin Duckie...
May 12, 2009, 3:43 AM
If sum 1 opposes wot ya stand for an believe in.. an compromise is not poss.. wot else is ther? An on this issue ther can b no compromise... eitha ya can or ya cant..
You respect can disagree w/o disrespecting them. All you do by disrespect is create apathy at best, enemies at worst. Look at the responses here. People are tiring of her, and those who seek to destroy her. "Lynching" this woman based on her ideology is not a solution.(BTW, Jamie, she IS getting death threats).
Compromise is possible.
In CA, a petition is circulating to confine the word marriage to the religious rite, but to allow for the full legal privileges to be conferred to all through a civil ceremony. That is called a compromise. And that is good enough for me.
Long Duck Dong
May 12, 2009, 7:29 AM
Compromise is possible.
In CA, a petition is circulating to confine the word marriage to the religious rite, but to allow for the full legal privileges to be conferred to all through a civil ceremony. That is called a compromise. And that is good enough for me.
we got that in new zealand... its called the civil union....identical in marriage in every way but the name... for people of all races, creeds and cultures, sexualities and genders ... to be legally joined in a union...and yes marriage is still the main form of union..... but as compromises go, it was brillant move, by a prime minister that only married cos it was good for her politicial image ( she married under pressure and duress ) has no kids... and is called helen clark....
strange how it took a person with no interest in marriage... to bring the rights of marriage to all nz'ers
May 12, 2009, 9:20 AM
You respect can disagree w/o disrespecting them. All you do by disrespect is create apathy at best, enemies at worst. Look at the responses here. People are tiring of her, and those who seek to destroy her. "Lynching" this woman based on her ideology is not a solution.(BTW, Jamie, she IS getting death threats).
Compromise is possible.
In CA, a petition is circulating to confine the word marriage to the religious rite, but to allow for the full legal privileges to be conferred to all through a civil ceremony. That is called a compromise. And that is good enough for me.
2cd rate marriage in eyes a society an the str8 compromise but shabby buy off.. so civil marriages of the past r no longa..they 2 will b 2cd rate marriages..or civil unions?? Cobblers..sure they will luff it.. even more peeps discriminated gainst an rites taken away.. wake up girl...
May 12, 2009, 10:50 AM
Respect bigotry huh?? yea..rite..sure me will...:(
May 12, 2009, 12:01 PM
2cd rate marriage in eyes a society an the str8 compromise but shabby buy off.. so civil marriages of the past r no longa..they 2 will b 2cd rate marriages..or civil unions?? Cobblers..sure they will luff it.. even more peeps discriminated gainst an rites taken away.. wake up girl...
Did you even read what the petition was achieving? It's the RIGHTS we get, the RITE the church keeps.
And isn't the RIGHTS what we want? It's the RIGHTS that give people the ability to visit loved ones. It's the RIGHTS that allow people to leave property.
The RITE is the words. The RIGHT is the paper that makes words bond. You need to wake up and realize that in fighting over a RITE, we lose RIGHTS.
May 12, 2009, 12:03 PM
Respect bigotry huh?? yea..rite..sure me will...:(
Yes, let's keep the cycle going. Disrespect them so that when it comes up again they'll have a ready made martyr to keep it off the books.
May 12, 2009, 12:28 PM
Way to go Donald for making the right decision by allowing Carrie Prejean to keep her title.
May 12, 2009, 3:50 PM
Did you even read what the petition was achieving? It's the RIGHTS we get, the RITE the church keeps.
And isn't the RIGHTS what we want? It's the RIGHTS that give people the ability to visit loved ones. It's the RIGHTS that allow people to leave property.
The RITE is the words. The RIGHT is the paper that makes words bond. You need to wake up and realize that in fighting over a RITE, we lose RIGHTS.
Jeez.. wot bout discrimination don u undastand?? Civil Union is certainly marriage in all but name.. no arguments from me on that..but by acceptin the difference in name we accept difference in status.. religies for sure.. an much a the civil het married community already consider it 2cd class.. course it isn.. but as long as it has a seperate is a seperate institution an wile law says 1 thing.. the hypocritical "moral majority" will continue nev 2 accept it for wot it is in reality..shud we care? Course we shud.. for it sets us apart... jus as the religie married often consider the civil not as well married as them cos the civil married wer not blesses in eyes of sum daft onmipotence by sum Holy Joe in a posh often snazzy suit.. many in both communites will an do think less a us.
True equality means absolute equality.. course we shud accept civil unions for now...its a huge move forward..but it can nev b the end a the war for total acceptance an equality in all things..even if they sed all civil unions wer now classed as true marriages.. we shud b bawlin an shoutin demandin the religious institutions accept all same sex couples for the blessing by ther God wich a religious cermony brings.. not cos me is a thin but as u well kno..but lots of us r... millions of us believe in a God an wan a religious marriage as a sign that they r truly accepted by ther peers AND ther God. Ne thin less is an affront 2 ther dignity an basic human rites.
Religious institutions do NOT own the word marriage.. an nor do shud they.. howeva much they think they do... 1 step at a time sure.. but thats not wot uve been sayin... we havta keep on an on till we r given zactly the same rites, religious an civil as the str8 community.. 2 do less is a betrayal of all of our by bein nice 2 the opposition.. the enemy.. is gonna get us absolutely zero.
May 12, 2009, 3:53 PM
Yes, let's keep the cycle going. Disrespect them so that when it comes up again they'll have a ready made martyr to keep it off the books.
*Taylor*Jeez taylor... am not sayin we shud do the cow in... jus don let 'er away wiv 'er crap an challenge 'er an 'er kind at every turn..stop bein so bloody wimpy..
May 12, 2009, 8:01 PM
I could honestly care less about this beauty queen... one, she did screw up and sign a contract saying she had never had any photos taken. She probably did this because she didnt want to be "outed" from the pageant, the same way people who are gay are outed from getting married.
Yes its a witch hunt, if the girl came out and said I think everyone should do as they please, they probably wouldnt have came out. BUT, she didnt and they did and now she should have to pay the same consequences that any other woman who competed in the pageant had they done the same thing. Had she been a lesbian and said I think gay marraige should be legal, one of the straight judges could have done the same thing to her. Here no there black is black white is white and she is still in the wrong.
Btw Dark... I could barely understand ya today... gotta give this lil redneck a break :) I know, I know but I lost my Dark to redneck dictionary and had to revert to hooked on phonics and it took me reading it three times out loud to finally get what you were saying hehe :)
May 12, 2009, 8:12 PM
Jeez taylor... am not sayin we shud do the cow in... jus don let 'er away wiv 'er crap an challenge 'er an 'er kind at every turn..stop bein so bloody wimpy..
You call treating someone humanly wimpy?
It's because they disagree with you. . .right. :rolleyes:
May 12, 2009, 8:16 PM
Jeez.. wot bout discrimination don u undastand?? Civil Union is certainly marriage in all but name.. no arguments from me on that..but by acceptin the difference in name we accept difference in status.. religies for sure.. an much a the civil het married community already consider it 2cd class.. course it isn.. but as long as it has a seperate is a seperate institution an wile law says 1 thing.. the hypocritical "moral majority" will continue nev 2 accept it for wot it is in reality..shud we care? Course we shud.. for it sets us apart... jus as the religie married often consider the civil not as well married as them cos the civil married wer not blesses in eyes of sum daft onmipotence by sum Holy Joe in a posh often snazzy suit.. many in both communites will an do think less a us.
True equality means absolute equality.. course we shud accept civil unions for now...its a huge move forward..but it can nev b the end a the war for total acceptance an equality in all things..even if they sed all civil unions wer now classed as true marriages.. we shud b bawlin an shoutin demandin the religious institutions accept all same sex couples for the blessing by ther God wich a religious cermony brings.. not cos me is a thin but as u well kno..but lots of us r... millions of us believe in a God an wan a religious marriage as a sign that they r truly accepted by ther peers AND ther God. Ne thin less is an affront 2 ther dignity an basic human rites.
Religious institutions do NOT own the word marriage.. an nor do shud they.. howeva much they think they do... 1 step at a time sure.. but thats not wot uve been sayin... we havta keep on an on till we r given zactly the same rites, religious an civil as the str8 community.. 2 do less is a betrayal of all of our by bein nice 2 the opposition.. the enemy.. is gonna get us absolutely zero.
Then lose your RIGHTS over desiring the RITE. I want a REAL solution, not a hollow moral victory. Civil Union or Marriage, as long as the rights and privileges are granted, all you are doing is bawling over semantics.
I, however, desire practicality over idealism... which can get you many, many places.
It is not betrayal to find a solution that gives us our rights, damn what the straights think ! Why SHOULD we care what people outside our community thinks of us?
Forcing someone to think a certain way is what we are trying to escape, isn't it? So forcing people into a new group think makes us into the tyrants we condemn. And if you don't understand it, you really don't have a handle on human nature.
It's becoming obvious that when someone else stands up for their beliefs (A trait you claim to respect), the moment they are opposite of become the very thing you hate: an intolerant creature incapable of compassion.
Revealing, I say.
May 12, 2009, 9:51 PM
Then lose your RIGHTS over desiring the RITE. I want a REAL solution, not a hollow moral victory. Civil Union or Marriage, as long as the rights and privileges are granted, all you are doing is bawling over semantics.
I, however, desire practicality over idealism... which can get you many, many places.
It is not betrayal to find a solution that gives us our rights, damn what the straights think ! Why SHOULD we care what people outside our community thinks of us?
Forcing someone to think a certain way is what we are trying to escape, isn't it? So forcing people into a new group think makes us into the tyrants we condemn. And if you don't understand it, you really don't have a handle on human nature.
It's becoming obvious that when someone else stands up for their beliefs (A trait you claim to respect), the moment they are opposite of become the very thing you hate: an intolerant creature incapable of compassion.
Revealing, I say.
*Taylor*Am pretty tolerant gal Taylor.. ya kno it an all.. but am not tolerant wen peeps try 2 deprive or stop peeps havin equality wiv othas.. wen peeps try 2 suppress rites wich all human beins shud hav.. that hun is bigotry goin on fascism.. cultural, religious, political.. an hav nev denied bigotry is summat about wich me has no tolerance has all those rites ya talkin bout.. but don hav the rite 2 call ne legal union tween me an Kate "marriage".. we cudn if we suddenly became religious, marry before our God cos they wudn allow it..... u of all peeps shud hav sum undastandin a wot bein deprived a that means 2 lotsa human beins... compassion since ya raise the matta.. compassion mayb for that gr8 hole in ther lives...
May 12, 2009, 10:36 PM
Am pretty tolerant gal Taylor.. ya kno it an all.. but am not tolerant wen peeps try 2 deprive or stop peeps havin equality wiv othas.. wen peeps try 2 suppress rites wich all human beins shud hav.. that hun is bigotry goin on fascism.. cultural, religious, political.. an hav nev denied bigotry is summat about wich me has no tolerance has all those rites ya talkin bout.. but don hav the rite 2 call ne legal union tween me an Kate "marriage".. we cudn if we suddenly became religious, marry before our God cos they wudn allow it..... u of all peeps shud hav sum undastandin a wot bein deprived a that means 2 lotsa human beins... compassion since ya raise the matta.. compassion mayb for that gr8 hole in ther lives...
All she has done is voice her opinion. She hasn't worked on a campaign or created legislation. She merely answered a question she was asked with as much tact and honor she could muster. There was no disrespect, no hate. Just disagreement. What would you have wanted her to do?
You admit to having all the rights...and you're raising hell over a word? That's straining out a camel for a gnat. That is all "marriage" is. It doesn't even stop you from calling marriage within YOURSELF. . .why are you letting the STATE box you in?
"Me of all people"?
May 13, 2009, 1:14 AM
I was thinking that maybe "The Donald" and his pageant org might have dumped the gal just because she was ill-advised to go and step into the political minefield that the same-gender marriage issue is----and that the pageant orgs want to have their contestants stay away from such issues--since there is some question as well as to the value of these sorts of events anyhow---personally---I would not have any problem if these beauty pageants would go the way of mom and pop stores on Main Street USA, many newspapers are on their way too and many other fading, past cultural icons are also facing--namely extinction!!!
Sure, she has the right to have her opinion about this issue and to express it--but since she does seem to have intelligence---she had to know it was going to cause a firestorm--and for that----I don't want to hear her whining about the legitimate criticisms she has received---I am sorry that she most likely also faced her share of very vile, nasty and frightening comments, messages and the like---but that is also the nature of things today--and for that--I largely blame the far right for the creation of this negative atmosphere that you cannot express your opinion on nearly any subject if you are in the public eye without being vilified--those on the right made an entire industry of personal attack---that is the business of people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, and many, many others.
I guess you do have to hand it to "The Donald" for sticking up for Prejean and keeping her---he very easily could have "tossed her under the bus" and booted her since her comments did create the degree of controversy they did, this thing is a big time "tempest in a teapot"----but really---it doesn't matter what this young woman thinks or says on the issue----I really feel it is the right and proper thing that our government will eventually come to allow universal same gender marriage---it might take time---but that is the way things do fortunately seem to go in this country for the most part----it may take time--but we do eventually get it right and extend fundamental rights to another portion of the population.
May 13, 2009, 5:31 AM
All she has done is voice her opinion. She hasn't worked on a campaign or created legislation. She merely answered a question she was asked with as much tact and honor she could muster. There was no disrespect, no hate. Just disagreement. What would you have wanted her to do?
You admit to having all the rights...and you're raising hell over a word? That's straining out a camel for a gnat. That is all "marriage" is. It doesn't even stop you from calling marriage within YOURSELF. . .why are you letting the STATE box you in?
"Me of all people"?
u undastand nowt do ya? o well..:rolleyes: tf for me hols....:bigrin:
May 13, 2009, 12:55 PM
The gay lobby seems to be creating the new McCartyism. Prejean dodged a bullet, but others in the entertainment industry will undoubtedly get the point that if you publicly disagree with gay marriage, you are risking being fired from your job.
Jul 9, 2009, 9:39 PM
u undastand nowt do ya? o well..:rolleyes: tf for me hols....:bigrin:
Look at those two, going on like an old married couple. Such a fabulous coupling too.
I don't quite see the need for any equality that DE demands. If society flung open its doors of welcome, without condition, to same sex marriage such marriages are still not equal. Mother nature makes that decision.
The desperate need that some have to wave their relationship above their heads like a banner is another thing that confounds me.
For me the provision of a stable environment for the nurturing of children is the sole purpose of marriage - and its only virtue.
All children need both male and female influences in their lives. Same sex marriages have to ensure this is provided.
DE has disappeared for a while. There should be an international campaign to get her back.
Jul 9, 2009, 9:48 PM
The desperate need that some have to wave their relationship above their heads like a banner is another thing that confounds me.That's not the issue. The right to decide that the one you love can be at your bedside when you die. The right to have the same benefits as het couples. These are just a couple of examples of the REAL issue.
For me the provision of a stable environment for the nurturing of children is the sole purpose of marriage - and its only virtue.Fine, take away the other benefits married people get.
All children need both male and female influences in their lives. Same sex marriages have to ensure this is provided.Saying it doesn't make it so. Show me a scientific study published in the last 10 years that supports your claim. There isn't one. In fact, recent studies prove that the gender and sexuality of one's parents has absolutely NO bearing on a child's development, happiness, sexuality or anything else you might care to bring up.
Jul 9, 2009, 9:56 PM
Uh, ok, azrael. Speaking pseudo-intellectual gibberish doesn't make anyone think more of you, btw. Just makes you look pathetic.
Jul 9, 2009, 10:01 PM
First, that was not an ad hominem attack. Look it up.
Second, more disjointed, meaningless thoughts don't make you look any more intelligent.
Jul 9, 2009, 10:58 PM
first....all she was doing was reciting a belief that she has. It was, im sure a very difficult question to answer considering your put on the spot and it was ask by a gay man himself. Wtf was the girl suppose to she kept to her guns and was honest about her opinion. now she is catching all the flack she can. Perez hilton need to shut the f up. and quit spreadin s***. So what if she had photos of herself? I bet he has got some somewhere as well. Crap i know i do. LOL. the point is....let her say what she has to say and let it be. It her opinion. I think we all forget that we have an opinion as well and it might not be easy to agree with but...we cant make them change and we cant bribe them into agreeing by posting pics.:2cents: