View Full Version : Morning Radio Jocks Encourage Violence Against Transgender Children

Jun 4, 2009, 1:11 PM
Did anybody else hear about this? I'm horrified not only what these guys said, but at the seeming lack of concern or response by the radio station.


I only heard about it because I stumbled across this at the Huffington Post after reading something else

Jun 4, 2009, 1:59 PM
Amazing...absolutely amazing...
I feel bad for anyone who has to be raised by that

Jun 4, 2009, 2:12 PM
God, I shouldn't have listened to this in the morning . . . it's going to depress me all day.

I have no idea how Dawn managed to stay there, though I'm glad she did, as the only voice of reason- I would have punched them both and walked out, period.

I just don't even know where to begin. It's so ridiculous how he started off the whole thing about how much he researched allergies to get his opinion on them, but there was nothing- no research, no examples, nothing- to support his beliefs. There are some people who have made incredibly logical cases against transsexuality, citing their own patients (mind you, I still think they're wrong), and I would have been interested to hear a good back-and-forth on that. This was none of that- just blatant hate.

The more I hear about radio, the less I believe anything good has come from it . . . it's every other day that there's some scandal somebody said. It's like when you get a couple of men in a studio, it just happens- and the presence of a woman sometimes helps (like in this case), but more often than not she just laughs like "You guys are so crazy and extreme!" and never challenges them.

I want to be more angry and righteous and mad as hell, but all I feel right now is just sad, like we're never going to overcome this huge avalanche of transphobia.

I missed the "apology" (I can't imagine it being a very good one) that was supposed to air this morning . . . will they it up later for us to listen to?

Jun 4, 2009, 2:15 PM
[B]How in the world can someone make derogatory remarks at Children!??? They have a tough enough time dealing with everyday life and pressures and the situation they already have, let alone having some callous assholes doing stuff like this to them. No child should have to go thru that bullshit, let alone one who is already perhaps and confused and trying to cope with their lives. :( Lord dont get me started.
The station should be Deluged with calls and complaints to the Head Broadcasting office of that particular station, and Made to be given a public apology. :2cents:

Jun 4, 2009, 6:50 PM
Depressing indeed, especially when you consider the amount of teen suicides in the queer community.

One statistic has it that GLBTQ youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide. These types of attitudes certainly dont help with that situation.

In addition transgender youths are more likely to run away from home and start working as prostituites, acquire a drug habit, and contract STI's, than their straight counterparts. (http://www.genderadvocates.org/Tyra/TYRARisk.html)

Still it is way better to transition when young and the younger the better in my humble opinion. The sooner one can socialize in the correct gender the better off they will be latter in life.

Jun 4, 2009, 7:41 PM
[B]How in the world can someone make derogatory remarks at Children!??? They have a tough enough time dealing with everyday life and pressures and the situation they already have, let alone having some callous assholes doing stuff like this to them. No child should have to go thru that bullshit, let alone one who is already perhaps and confused and trying to cope with their lives. :( Lord dont get me started.
The station should be Deluged with calls and complaints to the Head Broadcasting office of that particular station, and Made to be given a public apology. :2cents:
Cat Hey Cat Honey,Makes you wonder if he has Kids,how "WELL ADJUSTED THOSE KIDS ARE".. Makes you wonder don't it!!! SICKENING

Jun 5, 2009, 2:08 AM
WOW! That is terrible, that there are still people out in the world that are that mean. But actually there are lots of people that are even mean'er than that. I am remembering the Matthew Shepherd incident right now. :disgust: Incidents like that make me MAD AS HELL :mad: Even though they are only only using words. We all know that words will never physically hurt you. But if you are a kid, that is different cause kids have not yet learned to cope with or let things like that go past them. And if they are the trans, effeminate, girley boy type then they are really catching hell from everwhere! No wonder that they are in constant depression. But all kids need to feel accepted / wanted by other kids, grown-ups, parents. Me just guessing but the less acceptance a kid has, the greater the mental storm they will have. All kids need to have a TRUSTWORTHY parent, kinfolk, grown up somebody to coach them through their issues without confusing, or intensifying their problems, whatever they are. Cause life for them will seem too tough enough allready.

That is why I am a strong advocate of learning self control / defense. I am not talkin about rewarding violence with more violence, I am talkin about being able to defend yourself and prevent violence from coming to you. That is why I also say learn self control. In other words if trouble comes your way, your able to step aside, you let your so called opponet make the first move, after that it's your move!!! Even though you feel like slapping them so hard that it "shakes their whole family tree". I still will tell you to just let then go, they really aren't worth the trouble. (remember what I said about self control) I can't say that if Matthew Shepherd was decent at self defense then that would not have happened to him,,, but I will say that he would have went out of this world leavin plenty of evidence. Another nice thing about learning the "Martial Arts" and / or self defense is that after practicing, and a lot of exercise later. You will feel better, and a lot looser. You will gain a lot of freedom of movement, a lot quicker on the reflexes, ETC.

Dammmm let me off this :soapbox: about learning to defend yourself. Wouldin't it be better if you could take care of yourself instead of waiting for there to be some sorta law to protect you, which is stupid cause you still will have to have somebody there with you to enforce that law!!! Yep , better off learning self defense and just takin care of yourself. Trust me you really don't want the law around anyway, cause they are really NOT YOUR FRIENDS!!!

Now in defense of learning self defense can be found in a statement told to me by a wise old indian guy, that said to me.
"He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day"

Your friend, :doggie:.......:flag3:

Jun 11, 2009, 7:58 PM
They spent three hours discussing it this morning, and it's incredible . . .

For me at least, they've done good and made it right. The show was nuanced and complex and respectful (a.k.a. the complete opposite of the first show), and, perhaps most importantly, they brought in real trans people and trans advocates who actually know something about transsexuality- people who are educated, who have both firsthand and secondhand knowledge. And, as always, being in the same room with someone who is normal, healthy, kind, and smart has a way of making it impossible to dehumanize them.

If you want to listen to it, you can do so here (http://robarnieanddawn.com/newsite/index.html).

Jun 13, 2009, 3:40 PM
I should probably start by saying that I haven't listened to the original program and, to be honest, I have no intention of doing so as it would probably make me absolutely furious. I think that anyone who picks on transgender children is the worst kind of bully imaginable.

Thankfully, I was never bullied for being transgender (crossdresser) when I was a child but the fear of how people might respond forced me to keep it mostly hidden for years and I reckon that this probably still has had a lasting effect on me. Though, since mostly coming out about it and reading about it I feel much more at peace with what is an integral part of me which I accept and enjoy.

What these radio hosts fail to understand is that people don't choose to be TG no more than a person can choose their sexuality. Bashing someone for just trying to express who they are is terrible and in the case of TG people, society is certainly guilty of this. I've mentioned this article ("Until society has their way with them" by Gabrielle Hermosa) before but it really is a brilliant explanation of how society can damage TG people: http://www.mycdlife.com/2009/03/until-society-has-their-way-with-them

The fact that there is very little help available for TG youth is quite shocking, most people are quite ignorant about the whole issue and programs like this radio broadcast really don't help things, god knows how much suffering those irresponsible radio hosts have caused.