View Full Version : Straight Scoop...Pun intended...:}

Aug 1, 2009, 12:04 AM
Ok ya'll. My oldest daughter threatened to get a'hold of ya'll and tell you
herself if I didnt 'fess up..lol
Tomorrow night I go into the hospital for a sleep evaluation and a lung scan.
Its no big deal...they just want to check this bad lung, and to acertain if I
have sleep apena of not. Its all routine and I'll be back home Sunday morning
sometime. All they do is inflate my lungs with a Cpap machine, then Xray them to see how far the inflate. Also, they will test to see if I have sleep apnea, which means I'll be hooked up to a Cpap for the night. Electrodes and sensors and getting a blow job thru the nose...lol Its a good thing, so none of ya'll worry. Its no big deal. :}
I go in at 6:30 tomorrow night, and get out about 7-7:30 sunday morning. After heading to the store and possibly breakfast, I'll be home.
Talk to ya when I get back. ;):tongue::bigrin:
Yer Cat.

Aug 1, 2009, 2:48 AM

your not in the litter box yet so what's this "Straight Scoop"?:rolleyes:

Sleep apnea is real, I have it and have gone through all the tests. I've posted a link for those that wondered about what CPAP was


Get's frustrating waking up 5/10 times per night when others are totally zoned out. In the morning they're refreshed and you feel like a zombie. Sound familiar??

I don't even try to do the "good old 6/8 hrs of solid sleep" any more. Heck, a number of small solid naps do the trick. There is one minor problem... I'm awake a number of times when others are sleeping and then might be napping when those others are totally awake. Seems to work for me with the apnea thing. I'm no doctor and my doctors, that I went to, told me that's there must be something wrong with me since I couldn't sleep a solid 'normal' number of hours per night. They never found anything physically wrong with me. Luckily, they never went the mental route as a possible cause, there I might have been in trouble.:wacko:

Fortunately, I'm now retired from the day job and able to hit a couple zzzzzzzz during the day. Since then, no problems other than I'm awake when others are sleeping. Gives me a chance to talk to people on other side of this "blue marble" where it's still early day or mid-evening for them.

If your experience in the sleep center is anywhere close to mine. You'll probably be awake before any staff ever comes in to monitor you and fiddle with the cables, about 3 or 4 times at least. :)

Hopefully, your eval will ID a problem and you can get it corrected so you can once again do the 6/8 hr solid zone sleep. If not, at least you know that there's a number of us around that run on multi naps and are apt to be awake at seemingly strange times.....

Get a good breakfast after it's over - then maybe take a nap? You'll do great, so don't worry!


Aug 1, 2009, 3:38 PM
Thanks Baby. My ex had sleep apnea to the point of being Narcaleptic..:( His was the case of being so oyxagyn(sp) deprived that he'd fall asleep at stop signs, and once fell asleep on the LA freeway..scary stuff.
With me, I dont have all of the classic symptoms. I dont halt or jerk in my sleep, dont pause in my breathing and dont wake up frequently. And I dont wake up all head-achy like some apnea sufferers do. I Do snore, but thats from having my nose broken twice..:rolleyes:
I dont get drowsy or lethergic during the day, either. I can only take naps if I'm sick. :( I'm too hyperactive to plop long enough to sleep...LOL
This is mainly to check the capacity of my 'bad' lung, and to ascertain if I Do have apnea.
Cross yer fingers for me loves. It would be deeply appreciated.
And no...hopefully the Tech wont fall in love when he has to place those sensors on my ample upper frontages...LOL (Hush Tex!):bigrin:
Hugs Ya'll.

Aug 1, 2009, 3:51 PM
Hope it all goes well for ya Cat.

Aug 1, 2009, 4:16 PM
Ok ya'll. My oldest daughter threatened to get a'hold of ya'll and tell you
herself if I didnt 'fess up..lol
Tomorrow night I go into the hospital for a sleep evaluation and a lung scan.
Its no big deal...they just want to check this bad lung, and to acertain if I
have sleep apena of not. Its all routine and I'll be back home Sunday morning
sometime. All they do is inflate my lungs with a Cpap machine, then Xray them to see how far the inflate. Also, they will test to see if I have sleep apnea, which means I'll be hooked up to a Cpap for the night. Electrodes and sensors and getting a blow job thru the nose...lol Its a good thing, so none of ya'll worry. Its no big deal. :}
I go in at 6:30 tomorrow night, and get out about 7-7:30 sunday morning. After heading to the store and possibly breakfast, I'll be home.
Talk to ya when I get back. ;):tongue::bigrin:
Yer Cat.

good luck
sure everything will be fine :)

Aug 1, 2009, 4:17 PM
Best wishes Cat. Adequate, uninterupted sleep is key to good health, hoping you find it.

Aug 1, 2009, 4:22 PM
Hey Cat,I have gone thru the sleep testing my self,it is no big deal.They wire you up with electrodes and all that stuff,and its of too beddy bye time. Just relax and go too sleep. See you when you get back..;)

Aug 1, 2009, 5:01 PM
Awww cat, Gosh I hope that they figure it all out and can help ya hun. Can't be there with ya and be a snuggly for ya, but I will be there in spirit.. Good luck hun take care and (((((((HUGS)))))))

Aug 1, 2009, 8:28 PM
Oh my Cat, I hope everything goes ok.

Aug 1, 2009, 9:24 PM
Good luck with all your tests----even if you find you have sleep apnea--better to find you have it and get it worked on than not.

Good luck

Aug 1, 2009, 11:04 PM
Hope this helps you, Cat. Good luck, sweet lady!

Aug 1, 2009, 11:55 PM
Hi Cat,
Thanks for the heads up. Glad there are people that know you are involved in friendships here. I lost yet another person this evening to a car accident. Not a family member but a co-worker...and immediately I wondered...what if she had friends like I do, and they will never know what happened?

It's made me value you and others I have come to appreciate in such a short time. This chat room and forum have given me a gift that fills me.

I'm glad you're optimistic. I have become fond of your kindness and comfort...as well as respecting your boldness. I look forward to many laughs and special times with you in the rooms.

I hope you "passed" the test...I have two this week...(in school)...no bj's to my knowledge, up the nose or anywhere else. (Not scheduled anyway...lol)

Be well...Blessings

Aug 2, 2009, 12:08 AM
Best wishes on your test Cat. I sincerely hope everything goes well for you. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you, LOL.

Aug 2, 2009, 3:31 PM
I surely hope that everything is ok, and you can continue living a normal life.

Aug 2, 2009, 3:33 PM
I feel for ya Cat. At one point I thought I had sleep apnea. I hope all your news is good.


Aug 2, 2009, 3:48 PM
Good luck and god bless Cat!!! I know any time you have to have tests, it's a little scary. A couple of months ago, my doctor tested me for ovarian cancer because I had a hemoragic cyst on one ovary. Even though I knew it would probably come back ok, I was scared shitless. Just stay the strong beautiful woman you are and everything will be fine :)