View Full Version : For those of you who knew Angelena

Dec 19, 2009, 7:38 PM
To the old school folks,
Although you may already know, Angelena was killed on a Mass. Hwy a few months ago. She and I met here some five years ago. One year ago today,and some three years of living together, during a Christmas town event (under the Christmas tree in front of a couple hundred people) I slippled a ring on her finger. She accepted. I've never been more happy in my life.

However she's gone now. Killed by a 22 yo DUI driver. Those of you who knew her, and me, aare encouraged to give me a shout if you choose. I've trulely been blessd to have shared a life with her. You can contact me at
(805) 579-9412), if you feel the same way. Drew, please post this at the top of the page as long as you can.


Dec 19, 2009, 7:49 PM
Sparks,I am so sorry too hear of your loss.I never got too meet her,but i am sure she was a wonderful person. And it is allways a Tragedy when we lose one of us from our little Family.. My condolenses too you Sparks...

Long Duck Dong
Dec 19, 2009, 8:05 PM
I did not know her... but that doesn't mean that her memory should be forgotten

I have a saying * those that have passed, are only truly gone, when the last memory of them is forgotten by the last person that can remember them *

hugs sparks and I hope that your post is a reminder to people in the site and outside of it..... for gods sakes, if you are drinking, don't drive.... you can take our dearly loved ones from us....and in this case, one of our family.....

Dec 19, 2009, 9:52 PM
Oh Sweetie, I'm so sorry for your loss. Angelina was such a sweet soul. I hope she didn't suffer. My heart goes out to you.

(((((( Sparks ))))))))) Hope you are ok.

Dec 19, 2009, 11:43 PM
y'know, it really sucks when you finally find that puzzle piece that absolutly completes your life, and some irresponsible piece of sh!t takes it away . i am saddened by your loss, dont mourn her passing , celebrate her life. its brings a bigger meaning to her life, and your union. when one passes in New Orleans, its a celebration of life that happens.....and thats a good thing. peace to you, your family and her family. and may that 22y/o P.O.S. NEVER KNOW ANY peace or freedom.

Dec 20, 2009, 4:13 AM
Just in case not everyone knows...Angelena was also Nightmove on here. http://main.bisexual.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=139162
Bachus started a thread after her death and many have reponed.


Dec 20, 2009, 6:12 AM
To the old school folks,
Although you may already know, Angelena was killed on a Mass. Hwy a few months ago. She and I met here some five years ago. One year ago today,and some three years of living together, during a Christmas town event (under the Christmas tree in front of a couple hundred people) I slippled a ring on her finger. She accepted. I've never been more happy in my life.

However she's gone now. Killed by a 22 yo DUI driver. Those of you who knew her, and me, aare encouraged to give me a shout if you choose. I've trulely been blessd to have shared a life with her. You can contact me at
(805) 579-9412), if you feel the same way. Drew, please post this at the top of the page as long as you can.


I am so sorry for you, and everyone elses loss. Nobody deserves this. Rest in peace for Angelena. I'm playing a song just for her. I wish there was something we could do to easy your pain, but we can't. This just sucks.

Dec 20, 2009, 7:18 AM
Commiserations on your sad loss. Hope she did not suffer. Better 5 years than none at all. Courage for the future.


Dec 20, 2009, 8:44 AM
I, like everyone else feels for your pain, Sparks, and am able only to imagine what you are going through. When my partner walked away from me several years ago my heart broke and only that enables me any inkling of that pain. For me I had the joy of getting back together, but it breaks my heart that you can never do that.. not in this life anyway. Heph is right.. that 5 years of joy can never be taken from you and the memories will remain. Those who have never loved know not what they miss. She was truly blessed in having you as her partner, lover and friend.:)

Dec 20, 2009, 8:49 AM
I send you my deepest sympathy and healing energy as you go through this time of loss.

Dec 20, 2009, 11:28 AM
Yes!...having loved, for however a short a time, is better than having never loved at all. The loss is bitter because of it, but the memories are still sweet, yet. I know!

Dec 20, 2009, 1:46 PM
Sparks, I am so sorry for your terrible loss. Peace be with you. Just remember that she has gone on before you to prepare a home where you will both be together, in love forever.

Dec 20, 2009, 1:57 PM
I can't even imagine what it must feel like to lose the person that you planned to have as your partner. My heart goes out to you and all who knew and loved her.

Dec 20, 2009, 3:12 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss.

Dec 20, 2009, 10:13 PM
My sympathy to you Sparks. It is a blessing that you met and appreciated your time together. You made each other's lives better.