View Full Version : RIP - Christine Daniels / Mike Penner

Mar 28, 2010, 6:20 PM
This article in the LA Times


Daniels said that becoming a woman had been a matter of survival. "At some point, the gender dysphoria reaches a pitch so excruciating, the transsexual will barter anything and risk everything, just to have a chance at a future, any kind of future," she wrote in a Times review of transgender-themed films.

Paul Oberjuerge, then a sports columnist for the San Bernardino Sun, was in the crowd. "I hate to be judgmental about these things, but Christine is not an attractive woman," he wrote on his blog, noting that Daniels had a prominent Adam's apple and stood more than 6 feet tall in wobbly heels. "It seemed almost as if we're all going along with someone's dress-up role playing. . . . "

Daniels was wounded by such criticism -- and by comments from other transsexuals who faulted her for an excessive interest in dresses, jewelry and other outward trappings of femininity.

As the year wore on, Daniels grew estranged from the Los Angeles transsexual community, complaining that she had become a fundraising tool. At one gathering, she spoke of how supportive the Los Angeles Times had been, only to be confronted by someone who insisted that this didn't reflect the experience of most transsexuals.

Daniels told Amy LaCoe, her transsexual friend, that she had ruined her marriage and made a mess of her life. LaCoe insisted that Daniels stay with her for a couple months. "She stared at my bedroom ceiling for a long time," LaCoe said. "She had stopped caring about herself."

Daniels stopped taking hormones and began getting rid of the physical trappings of Christine, LaCoe said, giving the jewelry and shoe collection to friends, donating the wigs, carting the clothes to Goodwill. In a matter of months, the whole identity had been banished.

About 5:45 p.m. on Nov. 27, Penner entered the apartment office to deposit two envelopes in the outbox -- payments to Verizon and a credit card company. Three hours later, neighbors found him slumped in the front seat of his 1997 Toyota Camry in the underground parking garage. The windows were fogged, and a vacuum hose stretched from the exhaust into the passenger window.

RIP MIke / Christine

Mar 28, 2010, 7:48 PM
The search for happiness is heartbreaking. A tear falls for her.


Mar 28, 2010, 8:00 PM
That is so sad. My condolences for her family and the GLTB community who knew and loved her..:(
RIP Darlin. May you finally be who you were meant to be.

Mar 28, 2010, 8:12 PM
What an awful, tragic story. Why is the world so reluctant to allow us to be who and what we wish to be? To live as we wish to live without being so hurtful. Until a very few years ago my knowledge and awareness of the trans community was next to zero. I had my own conceptions, many of which were simply wrong. Marie and several others on this site were instrumental in opening my eyes to the reality of being trans.. I find this such a waste of a human life.. one simply trying to be..

Mar 29, 2010, 2:32 AM
I sat here reading that story and I felt like crying. A person searching for themselves and getting very little support from EITHER side. My personal belief about suicide is it is the last fuck you to anyone who cared about you. But I find myself not blaming Christine/Mike at all in this case. It's tragic and heartbreaking and I think the world lost a unique person.

Mar 29, 2010, 4:21 AM
Omg, the poor girl.


I know the feelings she had, those of betrayal of trust and hope. Nothing hurts like that and so I weep for her and what she lost.

Long Duck Dong
Mar 29, 2010, 5:50 AM
unfortunately, I see this type of bs amongst the lgbt community a lot

while the case of christine is different to most of us, its reflected in the way that we are so judgemental of our closeted kin, the ones that are out and vocal, the ones that are not * supportive * in marriage, and the ones that are *supportive * in marriage
and how we should be all supportive of the lgbt... yet, be blind to the issues that not just the lgbt face, but society as a whole

there is no *set Image * of lgbt is.... yet we try to enforce it on others per our own view points.... as we seek to make things conform to our points of view

christine learnt the hard way, that all too often people are not accepting of us cos we do not fit their image of *right *.... and unfortunately, realised that they never could, they were christine, not some moldable person ..... and that even their own kin, wanted christine to fit the image of right, not the person that is christine

R.I.P christine....

Mar 29, 2010, 6:53 AM
Good looking as male or female. Tragic.

Mar 29, 2010, 7:00 AM
"Why is the world so reluctant to allow us to be who and what we wish to be?"

Unfortunately, the world has been programmed and conditioned to believe different is dangerous. It's one of those facts of life I class as yet another brick wall. An individual can do naught to change it. Continuing to worry and be frustrated over it, leads to ruination. Again I'll say, let us evolve.

Void hugs MD on his way back to navel gazing. "Sorry she's gone honey. One day the bastards will realize we're staying, and then no more abasement." Void wanders along muttering something about seashells and cotton candy.

Mar 29, 2010, 7:02 AM
"Good looking as male or female. Tragic."

Aye, that it be.

Mar 29, 2010, 3:17 PM
I used to think that God never gave you more than you can handle, and that suicide was an unforgivable sin. But I know better now. He does make mistakes and quite often does give a person more than they can handle in life. Suicide could be his way of correcting an error and calling you home to rest. I do understand that now.

Peace to her soul.:(

Mar 29, 2010, 9:24 PM
Methinks the paucity a replies shows hus wot peeps on this site think of a huge tragedy...:(