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Sweet Desire
Jul 5, 2010, 3:16 PM
I really enjoy casual encounters with strangers. I get a thrill out of the surprise, those early tentative moments when you're not quite sure what's going to happen.

What do others feel about such encounters?

Jul 5, 2010, 4:21 PM
As do I me luffly.. usually.. cos yas rite.. ther is summat bout a 1st meetin wich can tingle.. diff convos.. diff attitudes from those ya kno as ya search out subconciously wot makes each otha tick an find the meetin often goin off at tangents ya nev expect.. sumtimes course meetina stranger can b a trial.. had a few a them an all.. an ya jus don click.. ther summat bout them u don take to or summat bout u they dislike.. mosly meetins wiv strangers r jus a ver casual an brief thing an ya nev c or ver often thinka them gain.. but such encounters in ther own way conribute 2 who ya r an help broaden ya life's experience in sum small way..

..every 1 we kno we met for a 1st time.. often those meetins wer brief an often ya nev expected 2 meet 'em gain.. but it dusn always work out that way.. cos often ther is a reaquaintance.. a 2cd meetin wich leads ya both on 2 a lifetime friendship as close as ne otha.. for sum possibly even luff an a partnership of passion an romance.. sumtimes a lifetime of pain an sadness.. even conflict.. but thats the gamble we take in life wen we speak 2 peeps.. casual meetins may start as jus that.. but they may not end ther.. am quite gregarious an generally enjoy the company of peeps.. even those me meets, speaks 2 an leaves nev 2 c ev 'gain.. not always..but enuff 2 kno ther r many me wud like 2 kno betta an the sad thing is that me nev will..:( but sum.. jeez.. 1ce wos 2 much...:tong:

Jul 5, 2010, 4:41 PM
...always enthralled at the first encounter, not knowing where this will lead and what will be discovered...

Jul 6, 2010, 2:34 AM
I did the gay sauna thing for a while and there WAS something pretty exciting about scoring with someone I didn't know, and there was something really liberating about it, knowing that we could do whatever we wanted and nobody need ever find out, but in the end I gave it up because I'm not very good at keeping it at the casual level - I kept falling for people I'd fucked once or twice, and then I'd see them on the street or at a club (or once even at my workplace) and they'd pretend like we hadn't shared something really intimate, and it just tore me up :(

Jul 6, 2010, 2:47 AM
Me likes casual. Me doesn't like diseases. The fear of one keeps the fun of the other in check.

Jul 6, 2010, 4:02 AM
Since Sweet Desire didn specify sexual encounters ther wos me quite deliberately not goin down that route.. silly ole me.. :rolleyes:

Jul 6, 2010, 4:10 AM
I didn't read sex into the question either. We all like to flirt.

djones makes a very relevant point.

Jul 6, 2010, 4:28 AM
I didn't read sex into the question either. We all like to flirt.

djones makes a very relevant point.


Its not that I didn't read sex into the question Heph.. I instinctively did as it happens.. its just that I pondered it, and found myself unsure of quite what she was asking, I decided to answer in the way I did. And flirt? My God Heph.. flirting makes the world go around...

djones is a very relevant point..if we are talking casual sexual encounters.. but we're not are we? We are nice innocent people with very unmucky minds aren't we?:)

Jul 6, 2010, 11:34 AM
Oops my bad - yep, dirty mind, guilty as charged.


As for just meeting strangers, yeah, I'm a pretty sociable person and I love talking to new people - I've done the speed dating thing a few times just to chat to as many people as possible, rather than out of any real desire to 'find' someone. It's fun :)

I don't look for relationships with every guy or girl I meet though - if it happens it happens, but I'm just pleased to meet people and I expect to be friends with everyone until they say or do something that indicates we might not be able to be (I guess we all do that though, right?)

Jul 11, 2010, 12:36 PM
I use to enjoy them. That was in the 70's early 80's. It was exciting going to a adult theater find a guy that wanted a blow job suck him off then he would leave never knowing who he was. Now you have to be carefull oh how I miss the 70's.