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  1. The Doctor is In - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The truth was that we were all some very nasty critters. Voracious cock suckers and with a lack of refraction in those early days, we could suck and fuck each other for long periods of time before dicks just refused to get hard again by that I mean it would be an hour or more before dicks could get hard again. And while I loved being sucked and love to fuck my friends, I realized that I liked - loved - being the one to do the sucking and the one being fucked in my ass. It wouldn't be for a few more years before guys weren't so... versatile as we were in our younger days and while I still got fucked a lot - and sucked even more dick - it was disappointing to run into guys who didn't want to fuck me and no matter how much I'd beg them to... and, yeah, sometimes, I would beg big time for him to stuff his dick in my butt and cum inside me.

    Sometimes we'd skip the game-playing and just ask, "Do you wanna do it?" but there were still some times when we'd be sitting around thinking and talking about what to do and someone would say, "Let's play Doctor!" - and I was all for it. My god... I was such a slut back then! Sometimes we'd literally flip a coin - if we had one - to see who would take what role first... but a lot of times, I'd just volunteer to be the patient first and I'd want to "hurry" through the testicle test, spend just a little time getting my temperature taken orally, and get right to having my temperature taken rectally... so I could zone out and revel in the nasty feelings of having another boy fucking me and shooting his sperm into me... and repeating as necessary.

    And depending on where we happened to be - likely in one of the many abandoned apartment buildings we'd claimed as our club house - the isolation would lend itself to dicks being sucked repeatedly and asses being fucked and creamed. And to have more than one "doctor" put his thermometer in my butt? Sheer heaven and during summer, my god, there were a lot of days when I'd be on my way home and still have spunk leaking out of my butt and/or my stomach would be growling because all of the sperm I had consumed and the only real thing I worried about was one of my parents looking at me and asking me if there was anything wrong with me or I didn't look okay to them.

    And maybe they knew; I kinda thought that they did and just didn't say anything even though I got to learn that, sometimes, when they'd tell me to go outside and don't get into any trouble, that could have also meant to not get caught having sex - with anyone. I don't know and I guess at this point in my life, it doesn't matter.

    Shit... even when my brother and I got busted in the act, the beating I expected to get never happened... and I thought there were two possible reasons. One was our mother was so mad that beating me would have resulted in some very serious injuries... or she had known it all along and even getting caught in the act, beating the shit out of me would have served no real purpose.

    But before that eventful day, we played "Doctor" and with disturbing frequency...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. The Doctor is In - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I can't begin to explain how exciting it was to know what was gonna happen when someone wanted to play "Doctor;" the only thing more exciting, for me, anyway, was playing "House" with a girl and one I knew would say, at some point, "We should try to make a baby!" Even more fun when it "just made sense" to taste the place where the "baby" was gonna come out and kinda like playing "Doctor" with a girl. So much fun to lick, suck and kiss her down there and she squirming and giggling and telling me how good it made her feel and just being patient while waiting for her to let me know she was ready for us to "make our baby."

    And, you know, sometimes that had to be done several times before the stork would bring us our bundle of joy... just sayin'.

    Sometimes, we'd play a short "pick 'em" game to see who would be the doctor or patient first... and a lot of times, I'd just volunteer to be the patient so that the doctor would play with my balls and state that my ding-dong was fine since, um, it would be very hard and sticking up. Then it would be time for the doctor to stick his thermometer in my mouth... and, I figured out many years later, that moment alone would cause me to have an orgasm running all through me as I did my best to "hold" the thermometer in my mouth and it would take a lot of moving around to make sure it was in the right place and I'd know when it was because my doctor would say that he was gonna do it... and my mouth would get flooded with salty-sweet sperm. But the exam wouldn't be over; I just had to wait a few moments before he could put his thermometer in my butt.

    And once it was in there, I was in heaven. I just loved feeling the doctor's weight on my back, feeling his dick moving in and out of me; so comforting and, sometimes, I'd just zone out and the only thing I was aware of was his dick deep in my butt and his body against mine. I'd sometimes feel his dick shudder, get a little bigger... then the squirting would happen and it was so damned good that, sometimes, I didn't want him to stop shooting his stuff into me. And even when he eventually did, sometimes, I didn't want him to take it out - just keep in there until it got hard again - and shoot more stuff into me.

    I was telling my protege, the guy I'm mentoring in things bisexual, about those moments and he said, "Damn - you were one seriously nasty critter!"

    Yeah, I was...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. The Doctor is In - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Sometimes, conditions were such that only taking one's temperature orally was the only way it could get done, depending on where we happened to be and all that. Thinking back to those moments, we just seemed to understand that it didn't take a long time to insert one's thermometer into someone's mouth and, uh, squirt in the "candy" and that we could do that pretty much anywhere we could be out of sight for a few minutes.

    And because I had become totally and completely hooked on sucking dick, I loved it when the "doctor" would insist that my temperature be taken, pull out his thermometer, and stick it in my mouth; the "rules" said that one did not grab the thermometer and put it in your mouth; as the patient, your job was to open your mouth and let the doctor put it in. I recalled this... and starting laughing again to think about how serious we were about the rules of the game... while doing something that broke all of the rules.

    We'd gotten slick about wanting to play the game and when we were around adults who would probably beat the shit out of us for talking about sex - then take us home so our parents could beat some more shit out of us. We'd say something like, "I'm not feeling good - I might need to see the doctor..." and we all knew what that meant and the reply was usually like, "Okay... well, let's go see if we can find one!"

    Realistically, we weren't as slick as we thought we were; I was sure that any adult who might have overheard us knew what we were talking about. Sometimes if we were overheard, an adult would give us a funny look and sometimes we'd get a look that wasn't funny... like they knew what we were talking about doing and were okay with it. And by okay, well, maybe I need to explain that a bit more.

    It wasn't that the adults didn't know we were playing games and "experimenting" on each other with this sex thing - they knew; the thing was to never get caught doing it and sometimes, they'd even warn us not to get caught by saying something like, "You boys go on somewhere and behave yourself and don't get into any trouble..." which lead me to believe, when I looked back at those early days, yeah - they knew we were having sex with each other and those words really meant, "Don't let us catch you doing it!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. The Doctor is In - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It is with a modicum of embarrassment to say that I - we - played "Doctor" a lot. As I sat and thought about this, I felt myself grinning and shaking my head trying to remember - or figure out - what part of this sex-fueled game I liked the most. Being the patient and getting to the temperature taking part was so much fun since I got to suck dick and get fucked - and the former patient proved that his testicles were just fine and dandy and as evidenced by the mouthful - or butt-full - of spunk I'd wind up getting.

    It would be hilarious to be lying on my stomach, the "doctor" has his thermometer in my butt and moving it around and I'd asking him - and by ritual - if I was gonna be okay. Depending on the "doctor," he might tell me I'm very, very sick so more time taking my temperature was needed or, as one "doctor" told me, "You'll be fine in a couple of minutes..." and right before he shot his stuff into my butt.

    And he was right - I was fine! But, um, sometimes, I was still "sick" and required more temperature taking.

    Since I was the first among us to shoot sperm, I found myself taking a lot of temperatures and a lot of my patients were very eager to get the "candy" afterward because, as we all knew, when a real doctor finished checking you out, a piece of candy or a lollipop was always given. Sometimes, in our game, we'd run to the store - if we had a few pennies - and get some candy just for that purpose which helped to get the taste of the baby making stuff out of one's mouth.

    I was laughing to myself to recall how ingenious we were coming up with this idea... while seriously thinking that we really and probably hadn't done anything that the many guys who played the game before us hadn't already done and figured out; it still amazed me that we did figure it out.

    I decided that I really enjoyed being the patient more than being the doctor. Not that it was bad to use my thermometer on a patient, mind you, but I had learned how comforting it was to have another guy's thermometer in my butt, feeling it moving around inside me, hearing him making "sex noises" (and trying not to laugh) - and then feeling his stuff shooting into me. Even better was when there was more than one "doctor" who wanted to make sure the first "doctor" properly took my temperature.

    It was, by far, the most popular game among us guys... and I sucked a lot of dick, swallowed a whole lot of sperm, and got fucked. Our game of "Doctor" would often take hours to play even in the one-on-one mode since we could shoot our stuff and recover to go again in mere minutes. One session with one of my favorite "doctors" found me getting fucked four times in a row since my "doctor" just wasn't sure that my temperature was okay - and I hadn't thought it was, either. Of course, in all "fairness," he had to get his temperature taken four times as well since, um, it seemed he was just as "sick" as I had been before I'd been deemed to be "cured."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The Doctor is In - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Being the constantly horny kid that I was turning out to be, having the game suggested would get me all tingly and excited, whether I was gonna be the doctor or the patient although, in all fairness and honesty, mostly everyone took a turn being the doctor and the patient because, you know, being able to use your thermometer to take someone's temperature is just as much fun as having your temperature taken.

    It was difficult being the doctor, trying to be serious about the exam and temperature taking when you're giggling with expectation over what's about to happen; it was also difficult trying to play the role of the "sick patient," too. Eh, sometimes, the exam part - fondling a guy's balls and having him cough would take longer than the few seconds it actually took. As an aside, I had asked my mom, who was just beginning her career as a nurse, why the doctor would do that and she explained that he wanted to make sure that both of my testicles had dropped down - very important, she told me - and that I didn't have a hernia... whatever the hell that was. So many the guys I hung around with (and had a lot of sex with) didn't know this but now I did so, um, yeah - when I was the doctor, it was important to make sure my patient's testicles - and who knew that was what balls and nuts really were? - had dropped down although, it is to note that none of knew if someone's testicles had really dropped, let alone why it was so damned important.

    I did find out that if your testicles had dropped, you were well on your way to be able to shoot the baby making stuff... and even if a guy was, well, it just made sense to make sure they had dropped, right? So very exciting to be aware that, a little later in our development, the proof that a guy's testicles had properly dropped would arrive when he used his thermometer to take your temperature.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The Doctor is In - Part I

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]It was, hands down, my favorite childhood game to play. In my older years, I'd think back to those days, look at the games we played and how many of them were a prelude to having sex. Playing "House" with a girl would, eventually, lead to sex since, you know, that's what mommies and daddies do - but not always. Group games like Hide and Seek, Army, Cowboys and Indians, were good venues for having sex; if playing Hide and Seek and there were a couple of kids you couldn't find, well, they were probably off somewhere doing it.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Army/Cowboys and Indians would often go from the classic bad guys fighting the good guys (and kids saying they weren't "dead" when they really were) to the taking of prisoners who'd be "tortured" for information. Ah, the torture was rather nice most of the time![/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]But playing Doctor? Usually one on one, mostly with another guy and, well, you can probably imagine how much fun it would be for "the doctor" to give you an exam before using his thermometer to take your temperature. And while, for real, having a real doctor show up at your home - yeah, they really did make house calls - and fondle your balls then tell you to cough - and then shove a rectal thermometer up your butt - well, shit - that wasn't a whole lot of fun.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]But when one of your male friends wanted to do that? Oh, yeah - way too much fun... and made for even greater fun since, um, kids weren't supposed to be having that kind of fun yet... or at all. So, "let's play doctor!" turned into being a codeword for "let's do it to each other" and when I was thinking about this late last night, I wondered how we just seemed to know that this was a sex-game and a game with no other purpose. I also thought about how we'd be careful not to let any adults hear us bring up this game and I thought that we instinctively knew that an adult would instantly put 2+2 together and know we were talking about sex.

    And, probably, because they had played "Doctor" when they were kids. Never fails to amaze me how we learn about sex.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Losing it to the neighbor lady! Part One.

    I had just turned thirteen when I took a job cleaning windows, floors, and unpacking newly arrived product at Maureen's Sweetgirl Shoppe on Main Street. It was a dream job. Not only was Maureen beautiful, so were the two other sales women who worked for her. My unpacking new product involved removing dresses, blouses, hosiery, and underwear from their shipping boxes and laying them out of a counter where one of the sales girls would arrange them and put price tags on them.

    One afternoon I was rubbing a pair of nylon panties over my lips and face, while with my other hand I massaged my hard cock under my jeans, when Maureen came into the stockroom. In my excitement I had not heard her. I jerked my hand from my jeans and dropped the panties on the counter. Maureen stood there grinning at me. "Do you like women's underwear? Does it make your pee-pee get hard?"

    I was too embarrassed to answer. She said, "I'll talk to you after work."

    At five o'clock the shop closed and the salesgirls left. Maureen told me, "I'll give you a ride home." Rather than take me directly home she drove to her own house, two blocks north of our house on Sixteenth Street. "Come inside," she said. "We'll talk there."
    It was a large house with three bedrooms. She lived alone. My mom had told me that Maureen was divorced and her house and money had come from her ex-husband. I thought he must have had a heck of a lot of money! Inside, she said, "Follow me," and led me to the largest bedroom. She said, "You sit on the bed while I get comfortable." Slowly and carefully she began to undress, laying her blue dress, and pink slip on a chair. Then she unfastened her hose from her pink garter belt, slipped off her high-heels, and put each foot on that chair to remove her hose. Finally, while my cock seemed to have grown twice its regular size, she unfastened her bra, dropped it on the chair, and stooped to remove her panties. My eyes went wide as I stared at her small pert breasts and only slightly hairy pussy. With a teasing grin she said, "This is what you think about when you fondle panties in the store, isn't it."

    I gulped, "Y-yes."

    "Now let's get your clothes off and let me see your pee-pee. I can see it's making an awful big bulge in your jeans. It may not be a tiny little pee-pee at all." With her helping, I had all my clothes off inside of a minute. She put her hand on my cock. "My, this [I][B]is[/B][/I] a nice one. I won't call it a pee-pee anymore. You climb up onto the bed with me, honey." She lay back and pulled me up between her legs. "Now put that nice cock right in my pussy, honey. Come on now." Putting her arms around my back she pulled me down and into her, and then she put a hand behind my head and kissed me, bring her hot tongue into my mouth for my first french kiss.

    I kept trying to fuck her faster and faster, but she would say, "No honey, slow down, go slow and deep, slow and deep. We have plenty of time and I believe we will do this a whole lot more---certainly on every day after you come to work." She grinned. "Actually, you're doing just fine. Slow and deep,now. Isn't this better than fondling panties and thinking about it?"

    She must have had a secret radar that told her I was about to shoot my cum She said, "Now just stop, Honey, you need to rest, and there is something else I want you to do. Take your cock out now and scoot down a little ways." When I did she said, "Now lick my pussy. Look at the top of it and you will see a piece of skin that looks something like a little cock wearing a hood. Lick deep inside my pussy and now and then flick your tongue on that little cock. We call that darling little thing a clitty, and gives us great pleasure. It will make me cum, too, and you do what I tell you to do and pretty soon you will make me cum. Then after that we'll fuck some more and I will let you cum."
    She directed me how to eat her pussy and how often to lick and tease her clitty, until eventually she shuddered and called out, "Oh, Honey, you're just terrific . . . oh! oh! ohhhhh!" Then she pushed my head away.

    We lay quietly a few minutes before she said, "Now fuck me, darling, and cum yourself. Shoot your wonderful cum deep inside me." It didn't take long, either, not as excited as eating her pussy had made me. I had never felt anything so grand!
    She took me to the bathroom, washed my cock for me, sucking it from time to time, and sent me home. She said, "You're do to work day after tomorrow, Wednesday. You'll be there at three, won't you?" When nodded shes aid, "Good. We'll do this again after work Wednesday"
  8. Oh, Wow! - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The next morning, wow, it was very weird because once the three of us got up, washed and dressed, and headed for breakfast, if I hadn't seen what I saw, I wouldn't have believed that those two had been fucking; they both acted like nothing had happened overnight and, well, that made sense once I thought about it. They were both so totally cool about it that I felt a little jealous again but I really didn't understand why.

    We got sent outside and I couldn't wait to see if my friend was going to say anything about last night and to my surprise, he didn't say anything! Oh, man - I wanted so very much to tell him that I saw everything they did - and I almost did but thought that he might tell me. But he never did and I never mentioned that I saw them doing it to each other. Shit, after what I'd seen? I wanted to do it with him so bad it wasn't funny but I couldn't bring myself to ask him if he'd want to - and I still don't know why I never asked him. Just the same, I found myself looking at my friend in a very different way; I couldn't understand why he never wanted to do it with any of us, why he would just up and leave when we'd start to do it when, clearly, he was no stranger to doing it with boys.

    I thought - knew, really - that it was a big secret even though I knew of a lot of brothers in the neighborhood who were doing it to each other - but you just never talked about it. I just thought that he didn't want any of the rest of us to know he liked to do it with boys and that he was doing it with his brother... and it "killed" me to be running around with him for the rest of the day, knowing what he'd done and he was still acting like nothing had happened.

    It was so sensual. So erotic to have watched them really make love instead of fucking each other silly and like most of us would do with each other. I'd seen guys sucking dick before... but these two? It made me realize how beautiful it could be to watch guys suck dick, something I'd never thought of before last night. Neither of them had been in a hurry and the word "tender" kept sticking in my mind, even after my friend and I parted ways and I went home, still hot and bothered, and still confused about why my friend never wanted to do it with any of the rest of us.

    I couldn't see him or his brother and look at either of them the same way again. I knew their secret and as badly as I wanted to tell the other fellas, I never did. But I always wondered if they really knew I was awake... or they really believed I was asleep. I never found out either way and more so when, a few weeks later and after I'd come back from summer camp, I got surprised to find out that we had moved out of the neighborhood I'd grown up in and was now living in the projects and on the other side of town.

    And I've never seen two guys having sex in such a beautiful, loving way again.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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