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  1. A Memory - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Of course, he swore us to silence; did he really think either of us was gonna say something about what just happened? And I'll admit to being disappointed when he stuffed his dick back into his pants and told us to go on about our business and telling his brother not to be late coming home... and that he'll see him later.

    And I just knew what he meant by that. The thing is that stuff like this happened all of the time between brothers and sometimes even sisters even though it wasn't supposed to. Even as I'm writing and sharing this memory with you, nothing unusual happened that day although, sure, the adult in me kinda frowns at it while accepting that it was what it was.

    We beat feet out of the house and made our way to one of the hideouts to talk about what had happened. I thought my friend was upset about being "made" to suck his brother's dick but he told me that he secretly always wanted to and he was mad with me because I got to drink his brother's stuff. Yeah, I know - crazy, huh? Other than that, he was quite happy about it and we settled in to suck each other off until neither of us could get hard again.

    Just another day in the neighborhood. I saw my friend the next day and he told me that when he got home, he sucked his brother's dick again and even got fucked, which he said he really liked and that his brother promised to do it to him more often and provided no one got suspicious or they got caught. I was happy for him... and totally pissed off that he got screwed and if you're wondering, no - I never got any of that dick again but not because I didn't want it in my mouth and ass.

    People think this is some pretty horrible shit and sometimes it is when it's forced but when it isn't? No harm, no foul, I won't tell if you won't... and no one would tell because getting some dick was just a good thing to do and who you got it from didn't matter a whole lot.

    Still just another day in the neighborhood...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. A Memory - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I guess his brother noticed I was... unhappy because he said to me, "Come on over here so you can get a good look!" Again, I blinked - and the next thing I know I had my face all up in the action and watching my friend working away on his brother's cock. My friend came up for air and his brother casually leaned his boner in my direction and gave me a "Well?" look.

    I blinked again - and his dick was in my mouth and he tasted really, really good, too. I thought that I was better than most of my friends at sucking dick and I was going to town on it, getting lost in the sheer nastiness of the moment and I was so into it that I missed something the older brother said to the younger one - but it didn't take long for me to find out what I didn't hear because the next thing I knew, my friend had my boner out and was sucking on it like his life depended on it.

    The older brother just kinda laughed and said that we were okay with him. I'm sucking away on him, my friend is sucking me and I shot my stuff into my friends mouth then his brother shot a whole lot of stuff in my mouth and I damned near choked trying to swallow as much of it as I could.

    "Damn, man, you're really good at sucking dick, ain't you?" he asked me. "Shit, I wish I had known that before now!" Then he said to his brother, who was still sitting next to me and looking very embarrassed, "Yeah, I knew you could suck a dick and you just proved me right!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. A Memory - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Again, I don't remember what my friend needed to ask his brother... but I do remember his brother catching an attitude about being bothered with something that he shouldn't have been bothered with... and all the while his long dick was still out and lying on his stomach. And I remember the moment when an idea popped into his head and only because I was looking in his direction. He told his brother that he could do... whatever the fuck my friend wanted to do - why can't I remember that? - if one of us would suck his dick.

    Dude even had the "nerve" to wave it at us as an invitation.

    I looked at my friend and he's looking at me; it was no secret between us that we both sucked dick - and now I remember what the question was: My friend wanted to know if he could leave the block and go across the street under the pretense of going to my house to play... when we really wanted to go to one of our hideouts and suck each other's dick!

    I knew I'd remember it eventually! We're still looking at each other and I'm not gonna lie: I very much wanted to suck that very big dick! Homey is sitting there, grinning and still waving his dick at us and said, "Well? How 'bout this? If one of you don't get over here and suck my dick, you're grounded and your boy there has to leave!"

    I have to say that, apparently, my friend didn't want to get grounded and, wow, I didn't know he could move that fast, either! It was like I blinked - and my friend was on his knees in front of his brother and doing his best to get as much of that dick in his mouth as he could. And, being honest, I was hopping mad that he beat me to it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. A Memory - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=verdana]My friend and I are transfixed, our eyes locked on this huge dick and I don't know about my friend but I could see his brother sneaking peeks at us and grinning because, as I figured out later, he was having fun putting on a show for us. I look at my friend... and he has a big wet spot in his pants and I kinda gasped to realize that he had shot his stuff in his pants! To be honest, I knew my own dick was harder than a rock and I was trying hard not to drool watching that long dick being stroked.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Homey said - to whomever he was talking to - "Hold on for a minute..." - then set the phone down and really started jerking on his dick... and looking right at us the whole time. He was still grinning and even laughed a little and I thought we must look really stupid to him sitting there with our eyes as big as dinner plates. But he stopped grinning and laughing and his hand was a blur...[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Then he shot his stuff. Oh, boy, did he shoot a lot of stuff! The first shot flew high in the air and I heard it when it landed back on him and the plopping sound it made was really loud... and more and more of his stuff went shooting into the air and, to me, it didn't look like he was gonna stop shooting.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]But he did. He pulled off the T-shirt he was wearing and started cleaning up the mess he made before picking up the phone again. My friend and I just looked at each other, looked at him, looked at each other again and, well, we were stupefied over what we'd just seen and so much that neither of us noticed that he hung the phone up until he cleared his throat and asked his brother what he wanted.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. A Memory - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was checking out the more recent responses to the topic of when one first discovered masturbation and it triggered a memory for me from back in the day.

    I was running around with one of my friends and we went back to his house so he could ask his older brother... something. When we got there, he was on the phone and, apparently, talking to a woman and my friend is trying to get his attention but his brother kept waving him off and telling him to wait for him to get off the phone.

    So we both took a seat to begin waiting. At this point in the story, I wish I could remember what my friend wanted to ask his brother but whatever it was, it was kinda important. Anyway...

    Homey is on the phone and running his mouth, we're sitting there listening to him impatiently while rolling our eyes at some of the stuff he was saying when his brother unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out! My eyes were bugging out so far they might have fallen out of my head because his dick was [B]really[/B] long and longer than any of the adult dicks I'd seen and had.

    He's still talking and stroking his dick... and it's getting longer and longer! I look at my friend and see that his eyes are glued to his brother's expanding cock - I guessed it was the first time he'd seen it. His brother is still running his mouth and slowly stroking his dick and, at one point, he looked over at us - then smiled and winked at us. I blinked a few times and I could hear that he was "talking nasty" to whoever he was on the phone with and the more nasty he talked, the faster he stroked his dick.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Ah, the cold Wisconsin winter

    This time of year there is not much to do outside with all the snow and cold unless you have a snow machine or are just plain crazy about the cold. A pristine couple called Friday night wanting to get together for some warm naked fun. Being in the country we host quite a few swinger parties and this weekend was for some reason fantastic. All were asked to bring overnight bags as we were going to host all weekend, a luxury we rarely do as we never know when our kids are going to just stop in.

    Of the 6 couples we normally play with 2 couldn’t make it, but still we had a wild time. The experience of being naked and acting on a whim is truly an awesome experience. I don’t know how many showers were taken, food eaten, beer and bourbon drank all I know is it was a naked fuck fest for all.

    After everyone one left yesterday afternoon, the wife was sore, my cock was sore and balls were completed drained. Talking over drinks last night my wife thanked me for being so open to our sexual pleasures with others, thank me for what I said I’m able to fuck pussy most others only dream about, suck dick that is awesome and enjoying at with her. Damn what a hot weekend.
  7. Latest porn preference

    My latest porn preference is women doing bukkake. I read an interesting comment recently where a viewer wondered if it
    was the sight of what the women was doing that excited people, or the sight of all those naked men and their hard cocks. I don't know if the writer was referring to those actually present, that is the men looking at each other, or the porn viewer. Either way, I get off on both. The woman sucking cock after cock, not knowing which of the guys is fucking her at the same time, and all those naked men masturbating as they wait their turn. It is all good.
  8. Wait, what? - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I wasn’t sure how he was going to respond, wasn’t sure if sucking his dick would make him feel better but it seemed to be the thing to do just the same.

    I didn’t even know if he’d get hard again as I worked my mouth on him and, yes! His dick was responding and I set to work on it, getting him harder and, hopefully, get his mind off of cumming in my ass without a single stroke.

    It took a while to get him to cum again but I’m nothing if not patient and as he gave up his sperm to me, he seemed... subdued. I swallowed all he had to offer and released him... and just looked at him lying there panting a little and waiting for... what? Wait - was he crying again? Aw, man... this is getting kinda crazy now.

    ”Fuck me,” he said, breaking my chain of thought. “Get it in me...”

    I didn’t say anything - I just grabbed the nearly empty bottle of lotion and applied it to him and myself as he watched. His hole was tight and I was thinking, as he rolled over and got to his knees, that I didn’t remember him mentioning that he want3d to be fucked but, okay, he was ready, I was ready and I got into position, out my knob against his hole and pushed.

    i felt his body resisting my attempt to invade him but I kept up the steady pressure, watching my cock spreading his hole open then disappearing inside of him. I took a deep breath - Jesus, he is incredibly tight - and with my dick fully inside him, I nutted and just as he’d done to me.

    He flattened himself out and I moved with him, my dick still pulsing inside him and I whispered in his ear, “See? It’s okay...”

    We got cleaned up and dressed so that we could hit the hotel restaurant to get something to eat... but his mood was still subdued - he seemed defeated as we talked about what happened. He seemed to be getting more okay about his role in this but I knew that once our meal was finished, we wouldn’t be spending any more time together.

    He did tell me that no one had ever been in his ass before and that he understood that just busting like that wasn’t something to keep being upset about, that you didn’t have to fuck like a maniac to get your rocks off inside someone because the whole purpose was to bust that nut - period.
    Inside My Bi Mind
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