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  1. Newbies - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Guys would be coming out of the woodwork, from those I knew to those I didn't and while it's considered rude to kiss and tell, it had me wondering if I was getting "students" by word of mouth - "If you wanna do this, go check out Rob (my real name) and he'll hook you up!"

    But not until I attempted to talk them out of jumping off this particular cliff. Why would I do that?

    Because I'd seen guys go through some very bad first experiences that were handed out by more experienced guys and even guys who thought they knew what they were doing but really didn't. I'd see how totally devastated they were and it pretty much fucked up everything about them and mostly because the guy who introduced them didn't bother to really explain to them what they were about to get themselves into, both the good and bad of it.

    Many guys I knew personally got their world rocked badly behind this behavior and even at the age I was when all of this occurred to me - I was 12, believe it or not - I vowed not to be [I]that[/I] kind of guy so whenever a guy came to me and made it clear that this was what he wanted to do, my first question would be, "Why do you wanna do this?"

    I learned that the most important aspect in this wasn't whatever I might say to them - it was patiently listening to them telling me why they wanted to do this; I had to develop the ability to listen and figure out if what he was saying was the real reason why he wanted to do something he was told never to do. Does that sound crazy? It really isn't because a lot of guys would [B]think[/B] that they needed or wanted to do this but their words lacked a certain... conviction so the more uncertain they sounded, the more I'd try to talk them out of it and in very explicit and graphic detail.

    In later years, I'd realize that I was literally trying to scare them straight.

    I'd tell them of my own beginnings and what I'd experienced and, again, all the good and bad - and sometimes very bad - things I'd let myself get into. I'd share with them what I knew and saw with other guys (without revealing any names) and what they had to say about their first time with another guy and that if you've come to me thinking that it's gonna be everything you ever dreamed of, well, if you decide to do this with me, I'm gonna do my best to make your dreams come true... but don't be surprised if your worse nightmare shows up instead.

    Guys would ask, "How hard can it be?" and I'd tell them that sucking dick or being sucked is the easy part; I'd learned, in those times when giving a guy his first time went horribly wrong, that his body might be having fun... but his mind wasn't. I'd tell them how many times I had a guy just freak out in some way, to being so afraid that they pissed all over the place (and me) to throwing up (and sometimes all over me) as well as breaking down and crying.

    Guys would shudder but say, "That's not gonna happen to me!"

    And I'd put on my straightest, most serious face and say, "Yeah... that's what they said, too..."
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Newbies - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've long since forgotten how many guys who came to me - in some way - to have their first M2M experience, usually to be sucked off by a guy or to suck a guy off. I'd have to say that it was rare - but not unheard of - for a guy to come to me because he wanted to suck dick and get fucked; I don't recall ever running into a first-timer who wanted to plunge his dick into another guy's ass. What I never forget is how much care should be used when you're about to change this guy's life forever for the good or bad.

    The thing I've never been able to figure out is how or why these guys knew that I was the one to introduce them. From time to time, a guy would approach me and introduce himself and let me know that we have a mutual friend and that friend had his first cock sucking experience with me and, as such, the mutual friend recommended me to this guy, a situation that often had me wondering just what the hell was going on but, on the real, I understood it.

    When a guy is standing on the ledge and ready to jump off, he wants to have the best experience possible; he needs to be assured that he's not making a mistake by giving in to his desires and, of course, the whole world ain't gonna find out that he did the unthinkable and had sex with another man.

    I'm thinking that I just had one of many signs plastered all over me and one that said, "If you wanna know what it's like, I'm the one to talk to!"
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. first time with a gay top

    7 years ago i met a gay top on cl when i answered his ad he asked for my phone number he called me and told me where he was staying if was a motel i knew well with a bar so we met there after a drink he gave me his room number and said wait 10 minutes and come to the room he wearing a robe told me to get naked and lay across the bed which i did next thing i saw was his big cock at my mouth 8 +inchs and thick with a big cock head he gagged me twice and then he said put that ass up you gonna get that ass open up he used plenty of lube but it still hurt some could feel my asshole opening up as that big cock head went in then he buried it in me all the way he screwed like a bitch for at least 30 minutes and put 2 loads in me when he pulled out of my ass could feel the cum running out of my asshole he cleaned up first and then i did had a drink with him and left never saw him again
  4. Cock Magnet - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I turned 36... and my magnetism seemed to go away; now well into an open marriage, it seemed to reverse itself and instead of attracting dick, it was attracting women - single, married, whatever. I was mystified in the earlier days because while I now had permission to fuck any woman I wanted to, I was still getting used to having been put into this situation by a wife who needed pussy more than dick so I really wasn't trying to bed other women... and wound up doing just that and, a few times, having sex with her and her husband or boyfriend who wanted to learn what it was like to suck dick and to be fucked by a guy.

    Being a cock magnet didn't completely go away; there were still dudes hitting on me and sometimes I'd take their offer and sometimes I didn't... but I did learn to pay more attention to anyone who might be paying "too much" attention to me and to the point where I could feel them checking me out and once I identified who was setting off the "alarm" in my head, sometimes, it was like I could "hear" them thinking about approaching me or not... and if they came toward me I'd say to myself, "Damn... here we go again..."

    I'd ask some guys what was it about me that got their attention and many said, "It was the way you move; not feminine but a kind of grace..." Some said it was my voice, my eyes and one guy said, "You had a nice print in those jeans that I wanted to see more of!" Who knew? I sure as hell didn't. I never thought of myself as moving gracefully but when I thought more about that I realized that years of martial arts training had taught me to move with a certain economy of motion, to be more fluid and, shit, gracefully.

    What I didn't know - what I wasn't aware of - is what the way I moved said to other people. Some said they could feel the "hidden danger" inside me that said not to fuck with me or get me angry. But many said that it scream sex and sensuality to them and, well, shit, I can't say that I really bought into it but I just learned to accept what they were seeing.

    Even the woman who lived across the hall from us told me, after we'd got finished literally breaking her bed, "I don't even know what it is about you that makes me want to fuck you so, hell, yeah, when I found out that I could, I didn't hesitate to get you into my bed!" I didn't know either... and I didn't as much complain about it as it sometimes had me wondering just what the fuck other people were seeing when they saw me, whether they knew me or not.

    "Wait a minute - how did you find out?" I'd asked her, my brain finally catching up with what my ears heard.

    "Your wife told me, um, right before, uh, we got down with each other," she said - and if she could visibly blush, I'm sure she did. "That girl can eat a pussy - and you're not bad at it, either!"

    Well, damn.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Cock Magnet - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]To this day I couldn't tell you why I agreed to his proposition and the shocking thing was the "old guy" lived across the street from me. It was even shocking to be sucked by him; it was like he was starving for dick, going at me with furious intent and making me pop my cork a bit more earlier than usual - but that didn't bother him or stop him. He swallowed down my load and kept going until I got hard again and delivered another load into his mouth - and he wouldn't let me suck his cock, which was big and fat and I found myself wanting him in my ass but, no, he was happy to just have me jerking him off and I was kinda unhappy because he came and left a whole lot of sperm untasted.

    We went back to the sub shop, I ordered - and we were only gone for 15 minutes (another shocking moment) and he paid for my order and as he said he would and left... and now I was trying to figure out how I was going to explain to my wife and my lover why it took me so long to return with the food. When I told both of them, I expected at least one of them to be pissed off... and they weren't. My wife laughed and my lover, after hearing how big the man's dick was, asked me, "What house does he live in... and is he home now?"

    I even talked to my lover about being a cock magnet and he had said, "Well, there is something about you - why do you think I got so attracted to you in the first place? When we first met, it wasn't love at first sight... but I sure as hell wanted you - I had to have you."
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Cock Magnet - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I remember talking to my wife about all of this and it wasn't like she wasn't having sympathy for but she thought it was funny as hell just the same. When I mentioned having a huge sign painted on me, she laughed even more and stopped long enough to give me this: "You don't pay any attention to how sexy you are; other women see it and they might want you so doesn't it make sense that a lot of guys would see it and want you, too?"

    Fuck. It did make sense... and I was kicking myself because I hadn't looked at it like that. Worse, I was all caught up in it and didn't even catch on to why it was happening. It took me a couple of days to work this out in my head... and a couple of days that saw me sucking five more dicks - three newbies, two total strangers. That was about the same time I learned that quite a few of the men who lived in our apartment complex liked to suck dick and take it in the ass and, not to long afterward, I had that life-changing experience of falling in love with an effeminate gay man.

    You'd think that at that point, whatever sign I had on myself would have changed from "Available" to "Off the market..." and you'd be wrong. My gay partner wasn't opposed to sharing me with other men and he even introduced me to a couple of his friends who were just like him, telling me that, "I think you're perfect to give them a positive sexual experience!" The guys in the complex were after me to give up the dick to them and I still couldn't leave the apartment to do anything without some guy hitting on me.

    Like the guy I ran into at the sub shop around the corner; he was in the store when I walked in and while I was waiting to have my order taken, the somewhat-pudgy and somewhat older Black guy just came over to me and whispered in my ear, "I'll pay for all of your stuff if you come with me right now so I can suck your dick - sound like a good deal?"
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Cock Magnet - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Between the ages of 25 and 35 - what I called my "grown-up bisexual experiences" - I seemed to be what the title of this says: A cock magnet. I couldn't go anywhere without some guy hitting on me and if it wasn't "bad" enough that a lot of the men wanting to get me naked were men I didn't know, a whole lot of guys I did know - either personally or via their reputation - were rolling up on me and asking if I'd be interested in having sex with them.

    And I'm not talking about the guys who already knew I was bisexual, either. In one week alone, jeez, I must have sucked twenty dicks, got fucked four times, did all the fucking about ten times or so. Black guys, white guys, Hispanic and Oriental guys; young guys who were at least 18, guys my age, guys in their 40s and 50s. Humongous dicks, average dicks and even a few not-so-big dicks.

    It made me paranoid and had me wondering if I had some kind of sign on me that was telling all those horny motherfuckers that I was the guy they wanted to have sex with. It was strange yet kinda exciting to have some guy I didn't know come up to me, strike up a conversation, then proposition me for sex; in yet another whole week, I wound up giving ten guys their first M2M experience... and of the ten, I only had knowledge about two of them; another was recommended to engage me if he wanted a good first experience by a friend of a friend of a friend.

    What the fuck is going on? I mean, once out of the "childhood years" sure, there were guys looking for dick and ass to play with but, to me, they were becoming far and few between, that and I'd learned a few hard lessons about being too easy to have sex with and moments where I walked away wondering why I had thought it was a good idea to do it with them. And the kicker was...

    In that ten year period, I really wasn't looking to play with men and wasn't even looking. For me, when I went prowling for dick, more often than not, I came up empty and after a while, I said, "Fuck it - I got better things to do..." - and the dicks were coming out of the woodwork.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. To breed or not to breed

    Yesterday I met with my fuck buddy. We had a great fuck fest, I always bottom for him. Whenever we meet I never know where hes gonna cum, in my ass, in my mouth, my face, anyplace. I was wondering, does anyone else LOVE to be bred? I like to swallow my mans cum, I'll take his cock straight from my ass to my mouth if thats what he wants. Theres no more satisfaction than going home and seeing his massive cum load dripping from my ass to the toilet. Does anuone else feel such a turn on from having another mans seed in your ass?
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