
All Blog Entries

  1. At the End of Any Day - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've been bisexual 54 of my 63 years of life and if I've learned nothing about this, it's that it doesn't really matter how you got to be bisexual or even when you did; you either believe yourself to be and are now waiting for that one moment to verify things or you've accepted that it is what it is and are going about being bisexual and in the best way you can.

    It doesn't matter if you're just a cock sucker, a top, a bottom, or even that guy for whom that top/bottom thing doesn't mean shit because either way, it's all good; what does matter is that you're doing something that men have been doing for only God knows how long and something that a lot of men wouldn't and couldn't do.

    Sure, there's a lot of shame attached to this but we, as humans, have always been ashamed of having sex; it's too personal, private, no one else's business except the people involved and it's such a shameful thing that people who are obviously having sex will tap dance all around the fact that they're getting naked and fucking each other. And when you're bisexual, well, these days, it doesn't get any "worse" than that and because so many people are overly concerned about what other people think about this - and people who aren't or couldn't be bisexual - we wind up drinking the Kool-Aid and letting their thoughts, feelings, and opinions affect our desire and ability to get out there and have sex, by any means necessary, and with anyone who'd want to have sex with us.

    It does seem that the older you are, the less of a fuck you give about what other people think about this. Are you some kind of freak because you like pussy and dick? Maybe... and maybe you're doing better than they are because at least you're having sex. Maybe they're not getting any at all; maybe they're not getting enough or not having it in a way that's satisfying... and maybe they're just a bunch of haters because they know, deep down inside, that they don't have the courage to stop relying on a single source for sex - and then think of themselves as being superior because they're only getting pussy or dick.

    It sucks to be them and any problems they have with bisexuality should not ever be a bisexual's problem or, as I've told people, "Don't get pissy with me because I can do something you can't."

    Who am I? I'm the guy who has the nerve to talk about this without any of the bullshit, to shine a light on the things we know that exists but look away from them because a bunch of very dead people said that this is what we should always do and, thus, denying the stone cold fact that we are human and sex, in any form, is part and parcel of being human.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. All In the Family - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Shameful? Heinous? Sinful? All of that and then some... still doesn't change the fact that a lot of bisexuals became bisexual via this route. It's easy to say to one's self that, jeez, ya know, maybe I shouldn't have done it like that even though one knows that you can't change what's already been done; you can only hope to be able to move forward and more so if such... childish experimentation still plagues one's mind.

    Of the guys I read about on Quora who said that this family action was responsible for their current state of sexuality, eh, maybe they were being truthful or just telling a story or even harboring some kind of regret that they may have had a chance at this but didn't really do it. A lot of people commented that the authors were full of shit, denying that the events happened and just outright lying about it.

    But I know it happens and more than people care to think about or admit to. Should modern day parents "give their blessing" to experimentation like this and allow their children to just "get it out of their system?" I really don't think that's a good thing given how shit can just go very wrong; I just know that there's never been a whole lot that parents can do to prevent it except to look for the signs and however they may present themselves and intervene when it becomes necessary to do so - and in whatever way that means to them.

    Did I really feel bad about having sex with my brother? Not one bit. Did I have some reservations about doing what he pretty much begged me to do? I sure as hell did but just as it is today, ya can't get in trouble for it unless you get caught - and we did get caught eventually... but what I've always wondered is if my mom already knew we were doing it to each other and decided in that moment to make it stop? Maybe... maybe not but it serves no purpose in even thinking about asking her about that and, um, we kept on doing it anyway despite the risks of getting busted again.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. All In the Family - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I'd hear of guys (and even gals) being put on the path of bisexuality this way and I never held it against them; it just is what it is (or was what it was). Even on this site - and perhaps any other sites that exists, there are lot of stories about this and while some folks may still carry a lot of shame in this, oddly, it can be "helpful" to know that if you became bisexual in this way, well, you're not the only one. Without consent? Yeah, pretty fucked up because no one should ever be forced into this... but if you did consent and ya had fun while learning some shit about sex in the process, why be bothered by it?

    As parents, we "accept" that our kids might experiment with each other and we do go out of our way to prevent it even though there's no way we can watch them every moment of every day. We even tell ourselves that if we catch them at it, that's when we'll read them the riot act... but you gotta catch them first. I even know my own children experimented with each other; not only did I catch them but when I did, they confessed to it... but I didn't freak out behind it because I expected them to but I did have a very long talk with them about it and a talk that they may or may not have taken to heart. I'll put it like this: I know what they told me and that such experimenting would stop immediately... can't prove any of it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. All In the Family - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]A lot of the guys I grew up with got started this way and to be probably brutally honest and direct, there were a lot of times when I would witness an older brother having his way with his younger sibling and it was no big deal for it to be happening. Once I went to a friend's house, was told he was in the backyard with his dad and when I went there, oops, there was dad standing there, pants all around his ankles, and my friend sucking that dick with a lot of eagerness. The funny part was his dad saw me and said, "Oh, hi - he'll be with you shortly!" and went back to watching his son blow him until he shot his load.

    Later, my friend and I were walking around and he told me that it was pretty much routine for him to be sucking his daddy's dick and he didn't think much of it... and I just nodded my understanding because where we lived, it was pretty routine for such things to be happening. But the thing that stood out to me about this guy is that he wanted to suck his daddy's dick and insisted that he was never forced, coerced, or co-opted into doing it.

    "It's fun," he said once we got to where we decided to go so we could suck each other's dick and do some fucking.

    Even for me, it was no big deal; my little brother wanted me to do it him so, sure, why not, even though we both knew that if we ever got caught or ratted out, all holy hell would be turned loose. The first pussy I ever ate was my sister's; our father told me to never do that, I mentioned it to her and she happily said, "Let's find out why!" Sure, about as wrong as it gets but also made a lot of sense and even like she told me right before the first time I fucked her, "If I can't trust you, who can I trust?"

    Is it shameful? Of course it is; our society has made sure of that over many generations and I used to joke that if you read the bible and the Book of Genesis, first there was Adam, then Eve; they got kicked out of the garden (and the now-shamed Bill Cosby had a hilarious routine about that) and along comes Cain and Able and, well, we know how that turned out for Able. Genesis then goes on to a long list of who begat whom... but the question I'd ask (and get in trouble for) was where did all those other people come from if the only woman alive was Eve? The bible doesn't mention God creating any other women and hitting them with the "go ye forth and multiply" edict... so where did the other people come from to do all this begetting?

    I looked at the science of DNA and biology, which proves that despite our differences, we're all really "related" and more than we're willing to believe. Now, I'm not saying that any of this is an excuse but it does stand out that this human behavior was deliberately vilified and prohibited; family members were doing each other and it just had to be stopped and especially M2M interactions since two guys sexing each other wasn't making any babies.

    Even I figured out that fucking my sister (and later, my step-sister) would only be a very bad thing if I fucked up and knocked one of them up; otherwise, where's the real harm and more so when everyone agreed that it would be a fun and necessary thing to do?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. All In the Family - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was bored silly and decided to open my Quora app and read some of the anonymous secrets people were posting that they'd not post under their name and a lot of it was pretty funny and maybe even figments of the writer's imagination. I saw a lot of incest related stories - guys doing their sister, sisters doing their brother and, at least to me, all pretty typical in that these things do happen even though we pretend that they don't.

    One such posting was from a guy who got "seduced" by his uncle; another appeared where a guy's dad was laying the pipe to them regularly and I started to see other such entries where a brother or cousin was in the mix to both delight them with this forbidden way to have sex and, as a side effect, had some of them wondering if they were really gay or admitting that while they enjoyed it, the guilt of it still lingers in their minds.

    A lot of guys here have graciously shared their beginnings that included the much-forbidden incest and while it can certainly make a guy feel some kind of way to not only break one taboo but two of them, it happens; it's always happened, it's happening somewhere in the world right now, and it will continue to happen. The thing that always caught my attention about this is that for something to be so forbidden, wow, it sure happens a lot and to the point that for many bi guys, it's almost a rite of passage for a family member to introduce them to sex and not just out of "convenience" but perhaps more along the lines that it's better the devil you know than the one you don't right along with a thing about trust; if you can't trust your brother, cousin, dad, or uncle, who can you trust?

    Sure, sometimes that trust gets betrayed and some guys forced or coerced into compliance; sadly, that happens all too often as well but in the decades that I've been looking at this specific "entry point" for bi guys, some guys might have started out having an objection to this "heinous" thing, felt some kind of way about being backed into a corner and made to comply but, hmm, ya know, this ain't really that bad of a thing, I mean, other than it not supposed to be happening at all.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Balls of Blue - Part III

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT]Sometimes, a bro-job isn't about just being horny and wanting to take care of that immediately if not sooner; sometimes, it is an act of kindness and mercy if you do, in fact, know what that feels like; it really does, at times, become a question of, "What would you do to help a friend in dire need of release?"
    From the "guys can be hilarious" department, I've been hanging out with a guy and have heard him change the subject of whatever we were talking about by saying, "Damn... my nuts are starting to hurt!" In my mind, that's code for, "You know, if you were to give me a blow job, I'd be okay with that." Depending on the guy - and if his nuts are really hurting and with severity (and sometimes, his balls are just fine, as it turns out) - I'd at least think about offering a bro-job if I determine his case of blue balls is valid but if he's just being clumsy about wanting me to suck his dick, sure, I'll stand or sit there and watch him fake an extreme case of blue balls because if nothing else, it'll be entertaining.

    [FONT=verdana]I even told a guy once, after a stellar performance, "I'll send you an Oscar later... but if you wanted me to suck you off, why didn't you just ask?"

    [FONT=verdana]"You might have said no," he replied, looking all cheesy.

    [FONT=verdana]"I might have said yes," I said.

    [FONT=verdana]"Um, would you?" he asked.

    [FONT=verdana]And I did... because his Oscar winning performance was really pretty good if I might say so myself and had to be rewarded. I also found out that he was pretty good at sucking dick, too, something I hadn't known about him before his award-winning acting.

    [FONT=verdana]"Next time, just ask," I said after we drained each other dry. He at least had the good sense to look embarrassed after trying to bullshit me and failing.

    [FONT=verdana]Even if you're an avid cock sucker like I am, you don't just jump in there and do something about the other guy's painful predicament; you have to do some triage and assess the situation, take the guy having this insane pain into consideration and determine if easing his pain is worth him finding out something about you that, under ordinary circumstance, you'd rather not let a whole lot of people know.

    [FONT=verdana]But how far would you go to help a friend who's clearly suffering from a major attack of blue balls? Will it fix itself? Eh, sometimes it does but even in my blue ball moments, fuck - that pain just keeps getting worse the longer you let it go unattended. To my "shame" and perhaps "dishonor," I have sat or stood and watched guys suffer with this and it doesn't feel good to do this when I know I can help him manually or orally... but I also know that helping him would create an even bigger problem than his poor nuts being all painfully swollen. We're friends... just not that close as friends, sorry about that - hope you get that taken care of soon.

    [FONT=verdana]A bro-job can happen due to being seriously horny; under extreme emotional distress and duress, and even when one is under the influence of whatever hair of the dog that bit them... but sometimes, they can happen because the pain of blue balls is just too much to deal with and waiting any longer than you want to in order to make that pain go away just ain't gonna work.

    [FONT=verdana]What would you do?[/FONT]

    Updated Mar 16, 2019 at 3:00 PM by KDaddy23

    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Balls of Blue - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=verdana]I don't think I could really put a number to the times I'd come to a guy's aid when his balls were blue but, sure, I wouldn't let a guy suffer with this even if we weren't really friends. I was at the YMCA one day, fresh out of the pool after doing a mile of laps (25 laps, if you're wondering) when a guy who was either getting undressed for something - or getting redressed - suddenly doubled over, groaning in pain and holding his nuts as if some invisible person had just hauled off and punted his balls. I knew immediately what was wrong; homey was sweating profusely, his face flushed a really odd red-purple color and of course I asked him if he as okay even though I knew, from experience, what was wrong with him.

    [/FONT][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]His eyes were wild-looking; sweat was pouring down his face like he was in the shower and his whole body was shaking from the painful intensity. There wasn't anyone else in the locker room so I went over to him and took a peek in his underwear and, sure enough, his balls were a pretty shade of blue.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]"I can fix that," I said gently as I pulled his underwear down and slurped his cock into my mouth and as he vainly tried to ask me, I think, what the hell was I doing. After a few and well-placed and time deep sucks, he unloaded in my mouth and like his pipes had been clogged up for a month - boy, did he ever put a lot of sperm in my mouth and so much I almost couldn't keep up with it!

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I looked up at him as his dick was slowing some really intense pumping; his color was better, he wasn't sweating as much and, as I released him, I took a peek at his nuts and they were back to being a healthy, pinkish color. I stood up and pulled his underwear back up - and just in time as some guys were coming into the locker room. The guy I had "rescued" was still kinda shaky, looking a bit dazed as he followed me back to where my locker was and whispered both his thanks as well as his... consternation over how he got relieved of a major case of blue balls because, hey, he wasn't [I]that[/I] kind of guy.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I just looked at him and in a way that asked him, "Would you have rather kept dealing with that pain?" I guess he interpreted my look precisely, looked a bit sheepish, and said, "Thanks, man - I owe you one!" before going back to his locker.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Just one of many examples of how some bro-jobs happen. You feel that ache beginning and I don't know which is worse - having a bad case of blue balls or having a toothache and while you can't always get some seriously and immediate pain relief from a toothache, to make a case of very painful blue balls go away, you need to bust a nut and the sooner, the better. If you're alone, it's time to choke the daylights out of the chicken; if you have a your lady nearby - and if she's willing to help you - screw her or, if she's of a mind to, get her to blow you if, you know, she even cares that you're experiencing that kind of excruciating, mind-numbing pain.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]If you're with your bro and you think the two of you are really good friends, sure, you can whip it out in front of him (and provided you're not in some public place, of course), apologize for giving him something he can't un-see, and get yourself off... or you can brave asking him to get you off since there are times when this comes on so suddenly and painfully you can't help yourself. If he's that good of a friend, maybe he helps you out... or leaves you to suffer with it but, still, it's one of those situations where a bro-job is called for and one that, if you were previously not of a mind to be sucking some dude's dick, you'd sure as hell make an exception if he came to your aid and played with your dick so you could cum and get those pipes cleared out.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Sometimes, just saying, "Thanks, man - ya saved my ass!" ain't good enough or doesn't really express your profound gratitude. I've aided in blue ball relief and have told the other guy that his thanks is thanks enough and no reciprocation is needed or required... which hasn't stopped some guys from wanting to express their gratitude in a similar way... and, a few times, it would be their first experience with sucking cock either way.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Because you'd do anything to make your nuts stop hurting. I've seen and heard of guys curling up in the fetal position and crying like babies; I've seen this pain hit guys so hard and fast, they sometimes vomit or they drop as if poleaxed, their legs just refusing to hold them up and now it's decision time: Do you do the one thing you know will ease his horrific pain... or do you just stand there and watch him suffer and when you probably know what he's feeling?

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]At the very least, you offer some relief and if he accepts it, fine but if he doesn't, well, hmm, okay - at least I offered and maybe the next time you have this happen and we're together, you might reconsider... provided you make it through the terrible pain this time.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Balls of Blue - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I originally wrote this on my WordPress blog but wanted to share it here.

    [/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]The pain was incredible and appeared out of nowhere; one moment, my friend and I were talking about what kind of mischief we could get into on this fine, summer day... and the next, wow, jeez, this really hurts - why is it hurting down there?

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]My friend looks at me, alarm on his face and he can see the pained and confused look on my face and starts asking me what's wrong; this... whatever it is, hurts so much I can't talk - it's taking every ounce of my will to keep breathing and not start trying. He asked me where it hurt and, unable to speak, grab my crotch - gently because, as I just found out, moving makes it hurt even more.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]"Oh, okay," he says before yanking down my shorts and underwear, getting on his knees, and sucking my dick into his mouth. The pain was getting worse but, wait, is it easing up some? I'm standing there with my friend blowing me as if my life depended on it... and it sure as hell felt like it. It started to feel good, slowly but surely replacing the indescribable pain in my groin; I could breathe again, still couldn't form words outside of my mind and just as I felt my body relaxing, one last sharp spike of pain hit me, only to be quickly replaced by that really good but weird feeling of shooting my stuff.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]The pain was gone. For a moment, I wondered if it had even been real as my friend stood up, licking his lips and smiling as if he'd just done something miraculous and I supposed that he did.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]"You had blue balls," he said, reaching down and cupping my balls. "You feeling better now?"

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]"Yeah," I said with a puzzled look on my face. I know what my balls are but given my complexion, uh, how can they turn blue?

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]"Good. You just needed to shoot some stuff," he said wisely - and wisely for a guy who was only a month older than I was. "Hmm... my balls kinda hurt now..."

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I was more than happy to make his balls stop hurting - and if they were really hurting - like he made mine stop hurting and he seemed to be just as grateful as I had been.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Blue balls. The one thing that can happen to a guy that feels as bad - or worse - than getting whacked in the nuts. Kinda in my defense, I'd heard older guys talking about blue balls and how they seemed to turn blue if they wanted to get some nookie but that didn't happen. I remembered how all the guys who knew about this would grimace and, yeah, just like they all got kicked in the nads - then start laughing about it. My first experience with this... condition, when it hit me, totally disconnected things in my head - acute pain will do that fairly easily. Now, I can say that I didn't feel like I needed to do the nasty before that incredible pain landed on me like a freight train but what my friend did - an early version of a bro job - was what the "doctor" ordered.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I investigated this blue balls thing; think of it as "backed up pipes" for simplicity's sake and the reason they call it blue balls is because when this... backup of blood happens to white guys, wow, their balls really turn an interesting blue color.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Who knew? Later, I learned that one can relieve a case of blue balls - and one that usually happens when one gets sexually excited and, um, nothing happens - by jerking off to clean the pipes out (and if you're wondering how that plumbing phrase made into the sexual lexicon) but since that was supposed to make you go blind and grow hair on the palms of your hand, well, okay - if you were hanging out with a male friend and a case of blue balls was upon you, for immediate and welcome relief - and if you can - ask the guy with you if he would help you.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Now, um, sometimes, if you did ask him for help and he wasn't of a mind to assist you, he'd just look at you with sympathy and pretty much tell you that you're on your own and good luck with that. But, yeah, sometimes the guy you're with has had some experience with blue balls, knows how painful it is and it's just an act of mercy to get you somewhere private and give you an "emergency blow job" to ease your pain... and more so if he knows that you'd do the same for him, you know, being good friends and all that.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Wasn't a big deal, didn't mean you were gay or anything like that but among friends, just an act of kindness and mercy... and provided ya didn't tell anyone how you got rid of your case of blue balls. Now, if you were hanging out with him again and managed to have another painful attack of blue balls, maybe he helps, maybe he doesn't and that all depends on how he felt about helping you that first time and, um, how you may have shown your gratitude for his timely aid when you, er, um, made sure that he wouldn't come down with a badly aching pair of balls.

    Inside My Bi Mind
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