
All Blog Entries

  1. An Oddity - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I can't begin to tell you how many dicks I've sucked in my life to date. As early as 1975, I realized that I had lost count of the number of men who've shot their loads into my mouth and it was about one hundred at that time. I wouldn't say that I'm a cock whore or a cum slut but, yeah, I do love sucking cock and while I have turned down a lot of offers over the decades, I accepted a shit-load more of them, sometimes to my great delight and pleasure and sometimes kicking my own ass about making what turned out to be a poor decision.

    Here's the oddity: Of all the cocks I've sucked, I've only sucked [B]one uncut cock[/B]! Yes, one. How is that possible? Well, let me tell you...

    Without any offense to any uncut guy reading this, I always thought that dicks with foreskin were just flat-out ugly to look at and, equally odd, the ten of us who regularly did each other were all cut but as my "sexual rampage" extended farther into the neighborhood at large, I started running into guys with foreskin... lots of foreskin. We'd get onto the subject of doing it, I'd get very excited and sometimes start drooling to think about having yet another dick in my mouth; the guy would present his ding dong for sucking and - ew! Foreskin! Ugh!

    So instead of sucking the guy off, I opted to be fucked and believe me, I wouldn't even touch a cock that wasn't cut. As I got older and realized that, okay, some guys were "allowed" to keep their foreskin (and we're born with it), I understood how silly I was being about it but every time I tried to conquer this aversion, nope, couldn't do it and it didn't make a difference to me that a lot of those guys, when they got hard, their foreskin would retract and expose lovely cock knobs.

    I'd talk to girls/women about uncut cocks; some of them didn't mind them, some kinda/sorta liked them, but a lot of them were just as weirded out about it as I was but they'd tell me to just slide the extra skin out of the way - "Peel it like a banana!" one lady told me - and go for what I know and this very helpful information made lots of sense... but, damn it, I still had to see it and, yuck, nope, not putting my mouth on it but you can stick it in my ass even if I wasn't in the mood to be fucked, figuring that if it's in my ass, I can't see it.

    Yeah, I know - kinda cray-cray and the worst part is that I knew it was cray-cray and I didn't like it one bit that uncut dicks bothered me so much on top of not being able to get rid of this aversion.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Fun Fantasies

    My wife and I hosted our weekly 3some last night, had a great time and afterward we laid there exhausted and talking about what our weirdest fantasies are. I have often thought that if i was a women i would be a total whore, she laughed and said you already are a whore and i said no if i had a pussy i would have cock in it all the time. She said she wouldn't want to be a man as she absolutely loves getting laid.

    I for one love both pussy and cock, that said i get really jealous seeing my buddy ramming his cock into her pussy, wishing i could feel a stiff cock ramming me. Anal is awesome but i often wonder how a women feels getting her pussy stuffed.

    How many others are in the same boat feeling they would be a whore.
  3. Yep - Even More - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The next several months was a whirlwind of sex with him but I expected that. During one such session, god, I wanted his big, thick dick in me badly but when I went to ride him, fuck, he couldn't stay hard; disappointing but, okay, it is what it is but what bothered me more was that after years of not wanting anything to do with anal, yeah, I wanted him to fuck me.

    The next shock: My daughter wanted to watch us suck each other. Yeah, I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing myself even though she clearly stated that she wanted to see what it was about us sucking on each other that he was now so head over heels about. So after making it clear that no funny stuff better not happen, she got to see us go at each other and it was fucking weird to know she was sitting right next to us as we sucked each other off.

    I guess it was a few weeks later when he showed up with their girlfriend in tow; apparently, my daughter and he had decided to duplicate the kind of relationship I was now up to my eyeballs in and sharing a lover... and a lover who also wanted to see us blowing each other and, oh, yeah, she also wanted both of us to fuck her. Having her watching didn't bother me as much as having my daughter watching - that was still fucking with me - but between the two of us, we pretty much wrecked that poor girl. After the dust had settled, she said that she understood why we liked to blow each other and that she had one hell of a good time taking on two guys at the same time and hoped to do it again and soon. Even my daughter was happy that their girlfriend was more than pleased with me although I really couldn't figure out why and since I didn't really want to know, I didn't ask.

    I was used to being on the cutting edge of sex... but this? Very, very weird but still satisfying and I found myself once more rethinking everything I thought I knew about love, sex, and relationships. I was just very damned happy that those two crazy-assed kids didn't suggest that they and their girlfriend get with me so the four of us could have sex together. I would have rejected that suggestion but I'll admit that it excited me just as much as it bothered the shit out of me - there are still some lines that should never, ever be crossed.

    And life went on but took another strange turn of events that's noteworthy...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Yep - Even More - Part II

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]My daughter and son-in-law arrives, we get settled, and I ask, "Okay, what's going on?" They're looking just a little nervous and tentative as they kept looking at each other before my daughter finally says, "He wants to know what it's like to sleep with a guy... and wants to find out with you."

    Huh? What? My brain is in overdrive but I hear myself saying, "Why?"

    She replied, "He trusts you and I trust you, too."

    This is different and an understatement. He's my son-in-law and I'm trying to figure out if there's some "taboo" involved here and more so since I'd never heard of such a thing happening to anyone before. I'm still working on this in my head while questioning him about this, pointing out this and that, and even questioning whether this is "right" or not. It didn't really surprise me when he said that he had mentioned to my daughter that he wanted to experience this although it kinda surprised me that she told him that I was bisexual but, then again, it really didn't because I knew she was bisexual as well because we had talked about it.

    Moment of truth time for both of us and I'll admit to backpedaling a little on this by saying that he should really think about this some more and if he decides that having this experience with me is the only way he's gonna get the answers he's looking for, okay, we'll do it. I'll even admit that I had it in my head that once I ran it down like that, he'd change his mind. He said that he'll think about it but for now, they were going back home and i said fine - let me know what you finally decide.

    And I was still working this out in my head, wondering if I'd be crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed... but being very aware that, um, I've crossed a lot of lines that weren't supposed to be crossed - but I wasn't worried because I knew he'd call me and tell me, "Never mind - thanks anyway."

    Instead, he calls me about ten minutes later and says, "I'm on my way back - let's do this!"

    Oh, fuck me. What do I do now? Even as I ran to the bathroom to do a quick wash-up, I reconciled that I'd given my word about it and honor, if nothing else, demands that I keep it because if a man's word means nothing, what does that say about him? I hear him knocking on the door, my mind is still thrashing away over the whole thing and while I'm more than a bit nervous, I'm not as nervous as he appears to be.

    "Are you sure about this?" I asked.

    "More than I've been about anything," he said. "So...?"

    "Come on," I said and led him to the bedroom. We get undressed and, okay, now I see for myself why my daughter loves him so much because his cock really is as huge as she said it was! Nothing I couldn't handle - I'd had bigger and just as big... but this was still outside of my experiences. We climbed into the bed, I got situated between his legs and started sucking his cock into full hardness. During our talk, I had pointed out to him that if we did this, that didn't mean he had to return the favor but, yeah, I was a little surprised when he used his hands to rearrange us so he could suck my cock as I sucked his... and damn, he was doing a number on me. One of the things he had told me was that my daughter couldn't get him to cum like that so to keep my mind off of busting my nuts wide open (and maybe too soon), I focused on getting him to cum, bringing decades of cock sucking experience to bear on his huge dick and sure enough and, I think, to his surprise, he came and brought quite a load.

    Seconds later, I came; I heard him gag a little and looked to see if he was okay; he was but said, "Sorry - I wasn't prepared for the taste but it's not bad!" Kinda stupidly, I asked him if he had told me the truth about not having ever sucked a dick before and he said that he hadn't lied to me and I told him that for a first-timer, he was very good at it.

    As we got dressed and he prepared to leave, he said, "This won't be the last time we do this."

    All I said was, "Okay." My god... what have I gotten myself into now?[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Yep - Even More - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The way I looked at the guy part of my sexuality had drastically changed where fucking and being fucked went but that didn't stop me from continuing to suck all the cock I could get my mouth on. While I was dealing with this change, I was still getting hit on a lot, often in unexpected directions, and the number of younger guys looking for someone to show them around a dick were increasing and by younger, I mean anyone that was more than five years younger than I was. I turned down a lot of those guys because they weren't legally old enough to consent to sex which was 16 at this point in time but the law was such that if a guy was 16 - but you were ten years older, well, you could find yourself explaining that to a judge if problems arose. I knew it... but I could see evidence of a lot of guys my age doing much younger guys and with the thought in mind that it ain't illegal unless you get caught.

    And no one really did. A guy stood a better chance of getting busted getting under-aged pussy than they did under-aged cock and ass and I didn't pretend to understand that. It continued to amaze me how guys looking for dick would just gravitate to me so while I was working on why anal sex had lost its appeal, I was still trying to figure out what it was about me that told other men that if they wanted their dick sucked and their balls emptied, I was the guy to do just that. It vexed me big time but, again, didn't stop me from doing more than my fair share of cock sucking since I'd learned long ago that it was my favorite thing to do with another guy.

    Sometimes I'd be more of a giver than a receiver; if the guy wanted to return the favor, I wouldn't object to it but if he didn't, that was fine because my mind somehow latched on to how good it felt to suck a guy's dick and no matter how long it took for him to fill my mouth with cum. But even that had changed a little; where I would swallow every time, sometimes I'd use my hand to get him off because either I found that his sperm would taste nasty or, um, I just wanted to watch him shoot his load or, rarely, it was the fastest way to get him off rather than to spend a whole lot of time sucking on a dick that, when I started doing it, had me thinking that doing this wasn't the best idea I had at that moment or, "Why did I think this was a good idea?"

    A lot of M2M sex never happened because I steadfastly refused to fuck or be fucked and some guys weren't happy or willing to settle for a good sucking of their dick. I spent a lot of time wondering if I'd made a mistake by taking anal sex off the menu and more so when I was also finding that there were a lot of times I'd want to be fucked or I'd run into a guy who would be, in today's terms, a bottom and he was expecting me to fill his ass with cock and cum. But the jury was still out on that one and like I said, it would take me many more years before I got my head around this.

    Still, there was plenty of cock to be sucked and, today, I sometimes feel embarrassed to put a number to the cocks I've sucked and I'm talking triple-digit numbers of dicks I've had in my mouth. One day, after I'd got done sucking the third different dick of the day, I found myself almost laughing hysterically over the thought of how many unborn children I'd swallowed over the years but, importantly, I was learning a hell of a lot about guys who liked sex with men and no matter if they were gay or bi and driving home a thought I had that you really don't get to understand what men put women through for sex until you have sex with a man.

    One day, I got a phone call from my daughter, who wanted to know if I was gonna be at home for a while because she needed to talk to me about something and was bringing her husband along. She wouldn't say what the topic was but I told her I'd be there so come on over.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Even More Adult Stuff - Part V

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Once I got fully into his ass, I gave him the same courtesy he gave me and fucked him slowly and as gently as I could but as I did so, I noticed that, holy shit, this dude's dick was getting hard again! How was this even possible? My mind was totally blown but it occurred to me that given how I was fucking him and how long his cock was, hmm, if I bent over just the right way, I could suck his dick while fucking him![/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I think he was surprised and while it was kind of awkward to coordinate sucking and fucking him, we both made it work and, good lord, he came again... and it shot out of my nose again! Fuck! How can a motherfucker not only unload so much cum but keep doing it with such force... and it was just dumb luck he was doing it while I was breathing in.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Oh, well. I finally got around to busting a nut in him and I couldn't get over how much he squealed and moaned and so very unlike the guy who, not all that long ago, was expertly fucking my ass with 13" inches of dick and was coolly in control of what he was doing. We eventually got our shit together and got cleaned up and dressed; he thanked me profusely for some of the best sex he'd ever had with another guy and I found myself echoing that. After he'd left, I found myself sitting and thinking about what I'd just experienced and the fact that despite everything that went down, I was now very unsure that I actually enjoyed it.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Okay. I not only sucked 13" of dick, I even managed to deep throat the guy albeit not for very long but, damn it, I did do it! Not only that, I had those same 13" all the way in my ass, his balls resting heavily on my butt cheeks and it wasn't as painful or as uncomfortable as I had thought it would be. Hell, I even fucked this guy and sucked his very big dick at the same fucking time![/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]So why didn't I feel on top of the world about it? It led to me vowing to never be fucked again and I spent a lot of years trying to figure out why I felt that way about it and I mean I just figured it out last year or so. That guy and his stupidly long dick had pushed me way past my limits, deep into unknown territory and in a lot of ways and to the point that where I should have been deliriously happy about what happened that night, it soured me on being fucked and, worse, it really wasn't anything that he did - that was all me and in my head. I look back at that fateful night, examining every moment of it... and deep down inside, it still scares me even though I obviously survived it. This doesn't really explain where my head was and I don't think I will ever understand it or be able to explain it except to say that it took me a very long time before I let another guy slide his cock into my ass and, yeah, I did enjoy it very much, too.

    But that's another story for another time...[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Even More Adult Stuff - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I gotta apologize for all these parts; it seems this blogging function only lets you write so many words!

    I was home alone one night and left to my own devices as the wife and kids were away at some church conference in another state that I didn't want to attend. After puttering around the house all day, I decided it was time to eat but I didn't feel like cooking so opted to walk a few blocks up the street and hit the local Chinese restaurant and one that had some of the best fried rice I'd ever eaten. Once I had my fried rice, I headed home, lost in my own thoughts when this guy stopped me and asked me if I had a light for his cigarette, which I did; I lit his smoke and started to walk away when he kinda went with me and asked me if I'd be interested in having sex with him.

    And, after a bit of thought, I decided that I did and told him so. Once back at my house, we stripped down... and, holy shit! His dick was literally down to his knees! It was rather thin but I barely noticed that as he smiled and said he had 13" of dick - and I didn't believe that until I went and got a tape measure and, fuck me, it was 13"! I knew I was facing the challenge of my life but was determined to deal with it as we settled in to suck each other. Just before he started sucking me, he asked me not to "bust a nut in his head" and, for some reason, that didn't sit well with me after hearing him say that he was looking forward to busting a nut in my head, which he did kinda quickly; I didn't mind that but, good God, was he pumping out a lot of spunk! That first heavy shot was so much that it caught me off guard and was so much that I breathed some of it in and had it coming out of my nose!

    The bad part for him was that because I couldn't get enough air in my lungs to talk, I couldn't warn him that I was gonna cum and exploded in his mouth. I heard him grunt - and knew that grunt meant he wasn't happy about that - but he swallowed anyway. We disengaged and I jumped up to grab some nearby tissues to blow my nose, still alarmed and kinda tickled that he had shot so much spunk into my mouth that it came out of my nose.

    Ya had to be there to understand why I thought that was funny. I thought we were done but, nope, the next words out of his mouth was, "Now we fuck." And for the first time in my life, I was afraid to be fucked by such a stupidly big dick. Now, in retrospect, I knew I could have declined and the reason I didn't was that I'd given my word that we would have sex while noting that neither of us had been specific about how that would happen. I was afraid... but I wasn't a coward and after getting ready for it, he put me on my stomach, mounted me, and started sliding that monstrous dick into my ass.

    And I was surprised at how gently he did it and how easily he got it in me; I barely noticed it going in and he settled in to fuck me and, gods, it was so damned good! I was so relaxed that I actually nodded off to sleep a couple of times as he continued to fuck me very slowly. As a matter of fact, I had drifted off again but "woke up" when I felt him shooting his load into me and, damn, there was a lot of it being unloaded in my ass and I knew that I had never, ever been fucked so good before in my life.

    We hit the bathroom to clean up and as we did that, he was telling me how much he looked forward to feeling me inside him and, honestly, after what he'd done to me, I wasn't sure I could even get hard, let alone feel like fucking him because, damn, he made me cum on myself a few times and my dick wasn't even hard. But, in for a penny, in for a pound. I could get hard again and after getting all lubed up and him on his back, I went to enter him... and wow, you would have thought that I was the one with 13" of dick by the way he was howling and crying out about how much it hurt. I might not have been anywhere close to being as long as he was... but I was most certainly a lot thicker.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Even More Adult Stuff - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One night, my best friend and his girl came by to visit and we were talking about this and that and I don't know how the subject came up, but it seemed that his girl wasn't happy with him because he wouldn't eat her pussy and the three of us were giving him the business because everyone knew that if you didn't eat that pussy, you weren't gonna have a woman for very long. To me, it seemed like the next thing I knew, the four of us were naked on the sofa bed and my wife and his girl were sucking his dick - even though it had been kinda agreed to that she wouldn't participate in my friend's "punishment." But that was cool and, really, I had fun watching them torture his ass, making his scream out their names and even spelling them and making him swear that once they got done with him, he was gonna eat his girl's pussy until she was satisfied.

    The women were all over his dick and I was situated by his head and, often, holding him down and keeping him from escaping their wrath when, he turned his head toward my crotch and just sucked my dick into his mouth! Whoa! I gasped, which got the women's attention and they stopped working on his dick to watch him work his mouth on me and I heard his girl say, "Oh, wow..."

    And here I thought I knew everything there was to know about him - but I didn't know this. The rest of that night found him eating both women and us exchanging partners when it was time to fuck; that wasn't part of the deal but with all the oral shit going on, it just made sense to throw away those restrictions and everyone just do what they wanted to do which included his girl getting her pussy devoured by my wife and doing some devouring of her own.

    What a weekend that was! I saw him a few days later and he happily reported that his girl was very happy with his newly found pussy eating skills and that the weekend we spent in bed together was the best thing that could have happened for the both of them. Two days later, though, he was at my front door and looking like someone had stolen his lunch money and killed his dog while they were at it; seems like his girl ditched him for a woman who proved to eat that pussy way better than he ever could.

    It broke my heart to see him sitting there crying his heart out, the pain of getting dumped being too much for him to deal with and I felt so helpless sitting there watching him go through this, thinking that there wasn't anything I could do or say to make him feel any better... but, wait, maybe there was.

    I got up from where I'd been sitting and went to where he sat, got him out of his pants and underwear, and went to work on his dick - and all without him offering any resistance or protests. We'd been friends for years and I'd never given one thought to having sex with him and felt that, over the weekend, that moment when he was sucking my dick was just one of those "heat of the moment" things... but he needed this and I was the only one who could give it to him. I guess about two or three minutes after I started blowing him, he snapped out of his funk enough to realize what I was doing and we were both on the floor and sucking each other like there was no tomorrow. He came and I swallowed it all without giving it any thought; I came a moment later and while he gagged for a moment, he, too, swallowed.

    Now the awkward moment; we're done busting our nuts and looking at each other and I'm waiting for him to go from being extremely sad to extremely angry but he just kinda nodded like he understood why I'd done what I did and said, "Let's do it again..." By the time we both got dressed and he left for home, I was sure that neither of us would be able to get hard again for at least a day. I had expected him to want to talk about this... but he never did except to say that he understood that it needed to be done and that it proved to him that I was really and truly his friend and one that gave a fuck about him.

    Next: The biggest dick I've ever had.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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