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  1. It's Happened

    When my buddy and I first met for coffee he was a complete bi virgin. By the end of the meeting I had sucked his cock for a few minutes and he got up the nerve to lick and suck my balls. He did lick the precum from my cock but didn't take it in his mouth. At our next meeting I did suck his cock again but no oral from him and we ended up jacking ourselves off. At the next meeting I did suck him off and swallowed his cum, a first for me. But again he only licked and sucked my balls. At subsequent meetings I would alway suck his cock, sometimes finishing him with my mouth and sometimes with my hand. Finally after about 5 meetings he took my cock in his mouth and sucked it for a few moments. The next time he sucked my cock for a little longer but quit well in advance of me being ready to cum. Two meetings ago he finally stayed on my cock until I said I was going to cum and took the first shot of cum in his mouth but quickly pulled away and the rest shot on my thigh. Well, last Friday it finally happened. In a quick amount of time he has become an excellent cock sucker and had me to the point of cumming very quickly. When I said I was going to cum his sucking intensified and I was soon cumming in his mouth with him sucking each shot of cum from my cock and swallowing as fast as he could. He soon had my cock so sensitive I couldn't take it anymore and I had to have him stop. Only the last little drops ended up on my thigh. He had done it, sucked me off and swallowed just about every drop. He also said he liked the taste of my cum. After a moment of rest I sucked his cock until it exploded in my mouth and I swallowed every bit. After this session we were totally exhausted.
  2. Living with "H"

    Lets Be Honest: Have you ever had or been with someone who had a cold sore or genital herpes?

    I recently found out in writing that I have the Herpes 1 & 2 virus from a full upper lower medical exam.

    I always tested negative in writing for all other STD's since joining the military in 1982 but had a cheating ex with herpes years ago and since dated others who had herpes but played safe once known.

    I know that things happen and that there are worst STD's than herpes which affects many who learn to live with it, manage it, treat it and have a great intimate sex lives with supportive friends and lovers like you.

    Your thoughts on having sex with people who have the herpes virus?
  3. Stop Judging

    It sucks when people get on here and judge other people or their fantasy or preference of people. We all are different and have different desires and attractions. If you dont agree with what someone else finds appealing just keep it moving dont be negative. Someone else may not agree with your desires or attractions but that is on them. Someone that is not into Bi may judge all of us on this site but that doesnt make them better than us. With that being said keep your fucking mouth shut if you dont have respectful things to say on someone elses blog just keep it moving.
  4. Heavy set attraction

    I find myself attracted to people with extra padding (women & men) Something about larger people is a big turn on. My ideal encounter would be with an older heavy set guy or couple. I often think about having a big guy sitting with his legs open with me sucking his small cock and as a bonus have another guy or female letting me slide in their ass as I suck him off.
  5. How do You Know when to make the move

    I have known for a long time that I am into dick but dont know how to get it. I know their are others out here just like me. How can you tell if a guy is into Bi. I am afraid to make a move because if he is not it could turn very sour in many ways. What signs would let me know it is okay to make a move?
  6. How Important is size?

    As I am a newbie. I would like to know from guys with some experience on how important cock size is. I am a little fearful of one to big. I only had one MM experience (oral) the guy was small (3inches) which was not a problem but it didnt get hard which I didnt like. Is stamina or size more important? 5-7inches seem to be a comfotable size. Feed back will help me prepare to start my journey into a world I have been wanting for many years.
  7. T-Girls... Best of Both World

    I have always found Tgirls very sexy (not guys that dress but real tgirls). Something about a beautiful chick with a dick gets me so horny. I am not attracted to men but attracted to dick. Something about tits & dick all in one is so sexy. Can anyone else relate to this?
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