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  1. Okay, what is the next step......

    Through will power, sensible eating, diligence, becoming intimate with the treadmill and weight machines for hours weekly, I have gone from 247 to 188 lbs in the past four months. Waistline has gone from 42 now closing in on 34. To anyone who has lost a lot of long does it take for baggy skin to absorb or go away, and are there anythings a guy can do to help accelerate this process? Parts of me, while much slimmer, look saggy and baggy. HELP!!!!
  2. Today

    I have a *nix shell script which calls up historical headlines. It is set up as an alias.
    All I need to do is type today at the command line. Here's today's headlines.

    [Monday October 15, 2012 07:19 AM -0400 EDT]

    10/15 Pelham Grenville Wodehouse born, 1881
    10/15 First FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual published, 1956
    10/15 Maxim Konovalov <> born in Khabarovsk, USSR, 1973
    10/15 First draft card burned, 1965
    10/15 Evacuation Day in Tunisia
  3. Bi family

    So I am the youngest of 5 sons. All 4 of my older brothers have come out of the closet in the past few years and are now all in homosexual relationships. My oldest brother is 28 I am 20. Has anyone ever heard of 5 brothers all being gay or BI ?
  4. Many Kingdoms

    [Friday October 12, 2012 @ 08:43 AM EDT]

    Me and my wife needed to be in town a few days ago. She asked if lunch
    sounded like a good idea. Of course, I was amenable to such an idea.

    Our town's largest fast food chain is undergoing some major remodeling.
    They won't finish up until next year. This has put a crimp on our town
    as the place served as something of way point and communal front porch.

    The remodeling in mind, our choices were still pretty vast. We chose one
    of the other major fast food places. Me and her agree they have better
    food than what is being remodeled.

    In the place, we found it rather busy. It seemed the manager was
    occupied appeasing his boss, a district manager. The staff on hand
    served us well, the building and grounds looked really clean, the food
    was excellent.

    As we finished up and left, I stopped a moment in route to the door.
    The manger had stepped over to the trash bins located nearby. I put out
    my hand, shook his and said, "Congratulations upon having an excellent
    staff, sir."

    His face lit up with a really sincere and heart felt smile of relief
    and joy. "Oh, thank you, sir. I'm glad you were well served today. Look
    forward to your next visit." At this I excused myself and continued to
    the door and on out to the truck.

    I used to work in many various retail food service places. It isn't easy
    to garner a compliment from me regarding the work, food, or store. When
    you are beholden to such a fine place and great staff with good food,
    hard not to compliment it.

    As I have worked in such a place, I know he would let his crew know they
    were doing well. It showed in his excellent management skills. Good
    managers and supervisors know that crews need to hear their praises as
    well as their flaws.

    Can imagine then at least six folks had better days. Imagine then if
    each of them inspired better days for six more people, and those in turn
    six more and so on. Not bad for a moment's time, a smile, few words of
    praise, huh?

    This is how we create better worlds. These little bits keep adding up
    until soon no more bad bits can resist smiling as well and becoming good
    bits. In a humble gesture, the keys of all kingdoms. :)
  5. New Montana Group sSite

    HI, I've opened a new Montana Bisexuals Group site if anyone is interested in joining. Meet up, chat, disuss issue pertaining to bisexuals in Montana and or any other chat or issues you feel might be open to public forum in this groups posting. Feel free to open up and speak out.
  6. dressing up and sucking cock

    I enjoy sucking a cock while wearing a dress, i have been wearing womans clothes since i was 25, the wife knows but does not approve, I wear panties 24/7. This past summer I started frequenting a place in the town where men go to give and get a blow job, I was in a dress and a guy came over to me and pulled his cock out and started waving it at me, i wasen't sure if i wanted suck it our not, well long story short, I scarfed that cock down like there was no tommoro. I swallowed his load and love it, I have been jerking off and swallowin my own cum now for over 10 years, i just can't get enough cum, if you are in the area, hit me up, maybe we can hit it off.
  7. Whispered Verges

    Whispered Verges

    In the not so distant past
    A humble world only a dream
    When we are merely children
    The die of fate are cast

    Everything was built to last
    Nothing is what it may seem
    To others we are beholden
    Life always burns fast

    We rise up and lash captain upon mast
    In mutiny's eye does an inferno gleem
    Set course for sail to mists of Eden
    Ready now youth's pirates, avast!

    b.k.b [20121010] Wednesday October 10, 2012 07:05 PM
  8. A Prowler's Tale

    Me mum had a prowler at 'er house last night:yikes2:...

    She spotted the sod out of corner of her eye lookin' in the sitting room window:eek2:... calmly she sauntered through 2 the kitchen picked up a frying pan.. not for her fonin an' waiting for the city's finest...walked out back door and began walking round the front ..saw 'im gazing in the den window round side.. next thing poor prowlie was lying seeing stars on path after mum had clattered him wiv frying pan... she stood over the daft gett waiting for him to so much as move ready to give him another whack.. poor guy groaned and his head popped out from under hood... oops... me big bruvva:yikes2:. her blue eyed luffly boy:tongue:... Mr Can Do No Wrong.:impleased... lolllllll... well.. he did wrong when he left his key at his house didn't 'e.. cost him huge bump on bonce and sore knees wen he hit the floor...

    Moral of story.. remember ya door keys 2 mum's house at all times...don't wear a hoodie wen ya go visitin' ya mum spesh wen it's dark.. don't peer in front window and bang away trying to catch mum's attention wile she has earphones on listening 2 Verdi...she iis deaf 2 world at such times... if u c 'er walk through 2 kitchen stop wer ya r and wait for 'er 2 come to u.. stand well away from house and in a light... hood down... don't b daft sod and walk round side in dark... if u must..wear protective head gear... summat moren a hoodie... even then.. hope its an aluminium pan mum picks up not the Le Creuset...

    ...and last but not least.. if u do happen to be such a dummie as to get ya bonce whacked wiv frying pan by ya mum for being an arse... make sure yas not Fran's bruvva, cos trust me.. she will make ya life hell and u will nev hear the end of it!!!! Bang on napper wiv frying pan will b least of ya worries!!!! God..isn't life just grand some days???:impleased
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