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  1. "Blackmailed" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He stood there and I could see him thinking and it was like I knew what he was thinking; he was thinking that if he dared me to rat on him about what him and his brother were doing and what we had been doing, I would take the dare and rat on him and even if we both got our asses beaten for it.

    "No, I'm not daring you," he finally said. "So now what?"

    I hadn't really thought that part out but I said, "The deal is you don't rat on me and I won't rat on you - take it or leave it. And don't think I won't rat you out because I will and I don't care if I get a beating!"

    "Deal," he said.

    "Deal," I agreed. We spit in our hands and shook on the deal; we both knew that to break the deal we just made would be a very bad thing to do. Yeah, he was the biggest tattletale in the neighborhood but he did have honor and wasn't going to go back on his word or any deal that he'd make.

    "So now what? I really liked what we were doing, didn't you?" he said after another long pause.

    "We can still do it," I heard myself saying. "We can even fuck if you want to... but now you know that you'd better not rat on me or anyone else because if you do..."

    I let the implied threat just hang in the air and waited to see what he was gonna do or say now.

    "Okay," he finally said and a part of me just loved the defeated look on his face. "Um, ah, um, do you wanna go somewhere so we can, um, um, fuck?"

    "Sure," I said. "I've been wanting you to fuck me anyway!"

    We went to one of the hideouts and after spending some time sucking each other, we took turns fucking each other and, yeah, having his dick in me and feeling him shooting his stuff in me was better than I had imagined it would be. When I fucked him, he had admitted it was his first time being fucked and asked me not to stick it in too far. I didn't but once I got some of my dick in him, he told me to put it all in and do it to him - and I happily did just that.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. "Blackmailed" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"That was nice," he said once he let go of me. "I heard you were shooting the stuff and now I know it's true."

    "Thanks," I said; not only was it the only thing I could say, I didn't even know why I said it and felt stupid for saying it.

    "This time, we're gonna do it together - and I know you know how to do that," he said. He turned around and stretched out alongside me and, for a moment, I wasn't going to open my mouth but he was pressing his soft dick against my mouth and it just opened all by itself and I was sucking his dick and not even thinking about it. I felt his mouth close around me; felt his tongue moving around all over my dick and after a few minutes of doing this to each other, I felt his dick getting hard in my mouth as well as mine getting hard in his.

    It was... embarrassing in a way I couldn't explain but at the same time, it was so good, too; it made me feel good and bad at the same time. He shot his stuff first and I wasn't that far behind him and this time, as we laid there breathing like fish out of water, there was nothing to be said... but I was thinking that maybe this was something I was going to have to get used to because he was a tattletale.

    And he proved me right because as I got dressed and ready to leave he said, "Don't forget what I said - any time I want you to or else!"

    I "gave in" to his blackmail no less than twice a day for the next week... and the worst part of it was that it was fun for us to be sucking each other and it would have been even more fun if he were to fuck me and, oh, yeah, I wanted to feel him inside of me... but he'd ruin that thought by reminding me of the threat he was holding over my head. All along, I was still thinking about getting out of his trap and it wasn't until the next week that I figured it out.

    He had caught with me and said - and as he had been doing all of last week - "You know, right?" But this time, instead of going with him I said, "No. Not this time or the next time or ever!"

    "I'm gonna rat!" he said.

    "So am I," I said right back at him.

    "What?" he asked - and I knew I had him.

    "If you rat on me, I'm gonna rat on you," I said. "I'm gonna tell your father how you and your brother have been doing this all along and you know what's gonna happen!"

    The look on his face told me that I did, indeed, have him in the same rock and hard place he had had me in.

    "You wouldn't dare - you'd be ratting on yourself!" he blurted out.

    "Are you daring me?" I asked slyly. I knew that he knew that I wasn't the guy you'd want to dare to do something especially where doing it with boys was concerned.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. "Blackmailed" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I followed him back inside; I still had to pee really bad and now I was feeling sick to my stomach on top of it. I was mad at him, of course, and mad at myself and even my friend because neither one of us paid any attention to what was going on around us but, yeah, it made sense why we weren't.

    "I gotta go to the bathroom," I said.

    "Hurry up," he said. "Don't keep me waiting!"

    I peed and went into the bedroom still thinking about how I could get out of this situation. I saw that he was already naked and his dick was standing at attention already... and a part of me liked what I saw. His dick wasn't as long as mine was but it was fatter and had a big knob on top of it and to make matters "worse," as I got out of my clothes again, my own dick was already hard.

    "Come on over here and suck my dick," he commanded.

    Part of me wanted to run right over and part of me wanted to put my clothes back on and run out of there... but I knew if I did that, he was gonna rat. Shit! So I went over to where he was lying on the bed, grinning at me; I got settled in between his legs, took his dick in my hand - it was very hard and felt really hot in my hand - and started sucking him...

    And "lost my mind" because his dick felt so good in my mouth. I blanked out somewhere along the line because, to me, I had just started sucking his dick and then the next thing I was aware of was him almost yelling, 'Yeah, I'm gonna shoot! I'm gonna shoot!" - and then the feeling of his dick twitching in my mouth and tasting his stuff just before swallowing it.

    He finished shooting in my mouth and said, "Yeah, wow, that was so good! Now I know why you and my brother like doing that to each other!"

    There was nothing I had to say because, shit, I had very much liked sucking him off and now I was mad at myself because I wasn't mad at him because he said he was gonna rat me/us out. I felt like crying but I didn't; I just didn't say anything about what he'd just said.

    While all of this was going on in my head, he gently pushed me onto my back and, wait a minute - started sucking my dick! I was so surprised that I almost shot my stuff right away; none of this was making any sense to me but it didn't take him long to make me stop thinking and get into him sucking me. I yelped that I was gonna shoot and I did; it felt like I was never going to stop shooting and it felt incredible to hear/feel him moaning with my dick in his mouth - and "stupidly" remembering why they called sucking dick a hummer.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. "Blackmailed" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I had just gone back outside after me and one of the guys had spent the last hour or so sucking each other off when his big brother - who was maybe two or three years older than I was - walked up to me and said, "I know what y'all were doing!"

    "I don't know what you're talking about," I said and without even thinking while, at the same time, I had this very sudden urge to pee. "What are you talking about?"

    "I'm talking about you and "Carl" sucking each other's dick, not just once but three times," he said.

    "You're crazy," I said and trying to keep my body from shaking on the outside like it was doing on the inside.

    "Am I? Then how do I know you have a birthmark shaped like an island on your left hip if I didn't see what y'all were doing?" he asked... and if I didn't know he had me/us dead to rights, that was the final proof that he had.

    "Um, uh," I stammered, my brain trying to come up with something - anything - to dispute what he said.

    "I should rat you out," he said; he had this smug look on his face that made me want to punch him in the face.

    "Go ahead," I said, mustering up as much defiance as I could - but even I knew how weak it sounded... and I had to pee really bad now.

    "All I gotta do is tell my father, who's gonna tell your father and both of you are gonna get a beating," he said, his smug look getting... smugger. I knew he was right about that and now I understood what it meant to feel like a rat caught in a trap.

    It didn't feel good at all.

    "But, I'm not gonna tell," he said. "You wanna know why?"

    "Why?" I asked - and I had a very bad feeling about asking that.

    "Because you're gonna suck my dick and any time I want you to," he said, closing the trap.

    I was between a rock and a hard place - and now I knew what that meant, having heard it said so many times. If I refused, it was a given he was going to carry out his threat to rat us out; part of his reputation among the neighborhood kids was he was the biggest tattletale around and liked seeing other kids get in trouble. I thought about fighting him; I knew I could beat him - because I had before - but all that would do was give him another reason to rat on me and then I'd have to explain to my parents why we were fighting in the first place; they'd go to his parents and between the four adults, they'd get a confession out of both of us... and things would get very bad once that happened.

    In my mind, I didn't have much of a choice so I said, "Okay. When?"

    "Right now," he said. Oh, I wanted to punch that victorious look right off of his face! "Come on - this is gonna be good!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. "She Had a Dick!" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We took some time to get cleaned up and she'd made us something eat and drink before going at each other one more time. She had asked if I could stay over and I hated telling her that I couldn't (and I don't remember why I couldn't - I just couldn't). I got dressed - after she sucked me off one more time "for the road," as she put it and I left and as I drove home, I was so mad at myself that I was dimly aware that I'd driven through a couple of stop signs and at least one red light.

    I thought about that day talking to my brother and how pissed off he was... and, again, I knew why he was pissed off. Like him, he wasn't pissed off at the girl who was born with a dick; he was pissed with himself because, like me, every sense he owned got 100% fooled. The woman - man - I just left even felt like a woman; women have a subliminal feel to them that's hard to put into words and she hadn't just fooled my eyes and ears: She fooled that thing inside of me that, before now, knew the difference between a real woman and a guy just acting like one... and the more I thought about it, the madder I got at myself.

    It took me a while to get over it.

    One day, I happened to run into my brother and the memory of what I had experienced that night popped into my head and I said to him, "Remember that day you came home pissed off about that girl having tits, a pussy, and a dick?"

    "Yeah," he said.

    "I know why you were pissed off," I said - then told him what I had experienced like a week ago at that point.

    "Yeah, that's fucked up, ain't it?" he asked once I finished talking. "I felt so fucking stupid when I saw her dick!"

    "I know the feeling," I said, feeling the now-old anger returning along with being highly embarrassed about it. "The sex was fucking amazing, though."

    "Ya know?" he asked.

    After a few minutes spent with both of us in our own head about our similar experiences, he said, "I need some dick... and at least I know you're not a girl..." and we went back to my place to take care of that.

    A month later, I was reading the paper and saw that the woman who I'd had sex with - and had fooled me in a spectacular way - was found dead and, according to the initial police report, had to be identified by dental records. They found out who she was - I immediately recognized both her female name and her male one - and I felt such great sadness; I didn't have to keep reading the article to figure out that she had run into some guy and he found out that she wasn't the woman he thought she would be - and he brutally murdered her and dumped her body down by the river.

    The cops eventually caught him and he wound up getting two life sentences for his crime and I had made a solemn vow to myself to never forget her and the life-changing night we spent together...[/SIZE][/FONT]

    Updated May 7, 2021 at 6:46 PM by KDaddy23

    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "She Had a Dick!" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The sex was amazing and I was finding it easy to forget that this was a guy I was having sex with. We 69'd until we came in each other's mouth and while we were recharging, she explained that she was in the process of changing from a guy to a girl and that she was already taking some medications that would get her to grow breasts and shrink her dick - and a dick there was plans on getting removed and a pussy made for her.

    My head was still spinning over all of this; I had heard of a lot of transvestites who were going somewhere to have these changes made but had thought that it was just another rumor going around. Word on the street was a lot of guys who really wanted to be girls were going to Mexico to get changed into a girl and I hadn't given it much thought or anything like that... until now.

    I took a really close look at her and, I'll be damned; she did have breasts and like A-cup size... and kicked my own ass because I hadn't even noticed them. I looked at her dick again and, indeed, it was really, really small and I kicked myself harder because I had just sucked that dick and swallowed her cum... and hadn't even paid any attention to how small her dick was.

    "Make love to me," she said with that damned seductive voice of hers and giving me that equally seductive smile... and I once more forgot that this was a guy and got busy making love to her just like I would with a real girl. She was even more responsive than most girls I'd had sex with which just added to the illusion because as I lay atop her and kissing her, I could feel that what remained of her... manhood was hard and poking me in my belly.

    "Fuck me," she whispered in my ear.

    I hesitated for a moment, my mind on something slippery to make it go in easier but she said, "You don't need anything - just stick it in me and fuck me..."

    I was amazed at how easily my dick slid into her ass and I almost came right away because his - her - ass felt better than some of the pussy I'd had my dick in. She sighed and so did I as I buried my dick fully in his - her - ass.

    "Give to me, lover," she moaned. "Fuck me and cum in me..."

    I did and if that wasn't good enough, once I pulled out of her, she had me lie on my stomach and got busy licking and tonguing my asshole for quite some time before getting on top of me and somehow managing to get her dick in my ass. Having my ass licked and tongued blew my mind - that had never happened before and, wow, she fucked me really good with what little dick he - she - had left and I couldn't remember the last time I'd been fucked so nicely. And still, I was aware that I had forgotten that she was a guy even with her dick sliding in and out of my ass... and kept forgetting even when she came in me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "She Had a Dick!" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]A whole lot of years later and while I had a job driving a cab, I picked this girl up and took her to where she wanted to go. We got to talking along the way and as I dropped her off, she said that she would very much like for me to come see her when I got off from work because she thought I was sexy and a nice guy and made it clear that having sex with me would be good for both of us. I hurried up and agreed to come back after work because she was not only quite pretty, I liked her whole attitude... and she had let me know how much she loved to suck dick and how much she thought it would be nice to suck my dick.

    I spent the rest of my shift riding around with my dick hard and I couldn't wait to finish work so I could get back to her. My shift was finally over; I jumped in my car and went to her place, thinking that she might have been pulling my leg or just leading me on but, I was already there, figured I had nothing to lose, and knocked on the door. When the door opened, she was standing there all decked out in a lacy teddy... and I thought I was gonna cum in my underwear.

    "I'm glad you came back," she said, taking me by the hand and leading me inside. "I can see that I'm not the only one who's glad you accepted my invitation!"

    She didn't waste any time pulling me into her bedroom and undressing me; she knelt down before me and started licking and kissing my dick before going down further to suck on my balls. My legs felt like limp noodles and I figured she could feel how wobbly they were because she stopped sucking my balls long enough to get me to lie down on the bed... then proceeded to give me one hell of a blow job. It was so good that, a couple of times, I just knew I had busted a nut... but I hadn't. Man, the way she kissed me was just short of being magical, sending huge waves of pleasure through me as her tongue probed my mouth. She had me so riled up that I couldn't wait to start giving her some attention and pleasure, too, and I let her know that.

    She giggled and said, "Okay, if that's what you want... and I'd love it!"

    Then I got the shock of my life to watch her stripping out of the lacy teddy and seeing that, first off, her ample breast were nothing but wads of toilet paper... and when she stepped out of the teddy, she had a very hard dick! And now I knew why my brother had been so pissed off years ago:

    Every sense I owned had gotten totally and completely fooled. Before she stripped, I was 100% convince that this was a girl and got my mind 100% blown to find out that she was a he.

    "Does this change anything?" she - he - asked.

    "No, it doesn't," I said once I got my voice back to working. "I go both ways so, no, this doesn't change anything... I'm just very surprised, that's all."

    "I understand," she - he - shit - said. "Come here; I need you to taste me..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "She Had a Dick!" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"I shoulda known something was up because she was stalling and making excuses why she couldn't fuck," my brother said.

    "Nothing new about that," I replied; even I knew there were girls who'd be game to give a blow job but getting in her pussy wasn't gonna happen and I even said as much to him.

    After agreeing with me, he goes on to say that she finally agreed to let them fuck her and they started peeling her out of her clothes; he said she had some really nice tits and they were both sucking on a titty and getting her all nice and hot before finishing stripping her down and...

    "She had a dick!" my brother said. "She just didn't have dick - she had a big-assed dick!"

    Oh, okay... [B]now[/B] I know why he's pissed but, then again, it didn't make sense to me since I knew for a fact that he had no qualms about playing with a dick, with me or his boys or whoever else he was doing it with. He's back to being agitated and now I'm trying not to laugh at him as he's describing the look they both had on their faces to see this cute girl with nice tits standing there with a big boner.

    "So what happened?" I asked.

    "We fucked her, um, him and she, shit, he fucked us, too," he said and grumbling as he said it.

    "Okay, explain something to me - how did that piss you off?" I asked. "Ain't like you never did it with a guy before, you know?"

    "But she had a dick!" my brother exclaimed, looking at me like I was supposed to understand the significance of this and, being honest, I really didn't. I knew about those guys who acted like girls and some of them would actually dress up like a girl including stuffing toilet paper in a bra so they could have boobs... but since they were still guys, duh, they had dicks.

    "Okay," I said. "But wait - were the tits real?"

    "Yeah, they were," he said and I believed him... then got to thinking about the rumors I'd hear every now and then about girls who were born with a dick or guys who were somehow born with both a dick and a pussy and wound up getting tits.

    How about that? It wasn't just a rumor after all! But I still couldn't figure out why he was so pissed off. To confirm my hunch, I asked him if he - she - also had a pussy and, yep, she did and he even told me how much more he was confused when she - he - fucked them both and didn't even cum, well, he made it clear that he - she - wasn't shooting any cum and because she - he - wasn't, her/his dick stayed hard the whole time they were having sex.

    I'm thinking that, hmm, it doesn't get any better than that but I still couldn't figure out why he was so highly pissed off and more so when he said that him and his boy had a lot of fun having sex with her... or him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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