
All Blog Entries

  1. Those Early Years - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Leaving the neighborhood showed and proved to me that it just wasn't me and my male friends who were up to their eyeballs doing it to each other and I admit to being shocked and surprised to find so many other guys who'd ask, "Hey... have you ever done it with another boy?"

    Oh, you bet I have! In this, I will once again state that I'm colorblind; I wasn't raised to be racially prejudiced. Having said that, I was totally blown away - and, often, literally so - by the many white guys I'd meet and were so eager to do it with me that it often put the stuff my neighborhood friends and I would do look like we weren't even interested in doing it. It seemed to me that their favorite "ice breaker" - and if they didn't just come out and ask The Question - was playing Show Me... and I could usually tell when a white kid wanted to play although I really can't explain why or how I knew except to say it was always a feeling.

    Once, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours!" came out, it didn't take very long for us to go from looking and touching to sucking and many of my white friends just weren't afraid to say, "Stick it in me and do it to me!" nor were they all that weird about sticking it in me. Shit... I thought I liked doing it with boys... but my white friends? I had more fun doing it with them; they were just so utterly shameless about it. Some of them weren't shooting da jizz when I met them... but I was and they thought it was the coolest thing ever. This one guy, wow; we'd gone off to one of his secret places to do it to each other and he started by sucking my dick and when I shot my stuff, it was like he lost his mind!

    I never got to do anything to him... because he kept sucking my dick and making me shoot until my dick just wouldn't get hard again... and I had to make him stop trying to get me hard again. Still, I was culture-shocked at how many white guys I'd meet who wanted to do it; sometimes it would be due to the fact that none of the guys they hung around with regularly didn't want to or, sometimes, they didn't really have any friends; they knew each other, of course, but that was the size of it.

    Many would often tell me that they'd been waiting for a long time for a guy to come along so they could do it and, yeah, sometimes, because I was Black, that was their Christmas, so to speak or for those already with experience, the cherry on top. They'd often be shocked that a Black guy liked to do it with boys and girls and I couldn't and didn't blame them since even I knew that everyone said that Black people were homophobic... and whatever that meant. In this, I learned something really important: Us horny-assed kids just didn't give a fuck about the shit adults would be losing their minds over where race was concerned.

    We were different in that sense but we had something in common and one important thing: We loved doing it with other boys and girls. Adult can be so dumb![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Those Early Years - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We played House with the girls and especially with the ones who were game to do the things mommies and daddies did... and thought we didn't know they were doing. Amongst the guys, playing Doctor was so much fun! I think we all found out about the same time that when a real doctor cupped our nuts and told us to cough, well, hmm, the hand on our nuts felt pretty good. Sure, the doctor was checking to see if we had a hernia and that both of the boys had dropped down where they were supposed to be but it was hard to be examined by the doctor and not get a bad case of the giggles or be embarrassed should our dick get hard... that happened to me a lot and the doctor said not to be embarrassed and it was a good thing.

    Yep... sure was especially when us "doctors" would get to the "Lemme take your temperature!" part of the "exam" which could happen orally, rectally, and sometimes both since the "doctor" was never really sure if the "patient" had a temperature or not... and it would take a while and often had to be repeated several times if, by chance, there was more than one "doctor" present.

    And don't get me started on playing Hide and Seek! Lemme put it this way: If there were some of the gang who couldn't be found, we knew what they were doing and that they didn't want to be found and, besides, since we all knew the neighborhood like the backs of our hands, we probably knew where they were anyway.

    We started moving away from playing those games in order to have sex... to just doing it. I felt, in later years, that our "group mind" figured out that it was silly to play games to cover up what we really wanted to do and would usually wind up doing. As I've written before, we used to sit around on the days we weren't in school and go through the list of things we could do - and we often agreed on some stuff and would do them... but most of the time, I think our "group mind" figured out that we were just delaying the inevitable; we'd really want to sneak off somewhere and spend our outside time sucking and fucking but I think we felt "better" about it after going through the list and there was really nothing we could agree on... but we could agree to have sex.

    We eventually got away from that, too. Go outside, run into one of the guys and it usually didn't take long for one of us to say, "Hey, let's go someplace and do it, okay?"

    Sure, let's! But, we'd often kid ourselves by acting like we didn't want to. "Do you wanna do it?" "Do you?" "I do if you want to!" "Well, if you want to, it's okay with me!"

    Kids, right?

    We'd take chances doing it like during sleepovers; I think about those days and knock on a lot of wood because I've only been caught at it once... but there were a shitload of near misses. We thought we were being slick and sneaky about it but, later on in life, yeah, probably not so slick and sneaky as we thought we were being; I think parents either suspected or knew what we were doing with each other and there was some kind of "rule" that said as long as they didn't catch us, nothing was going on.

    You'd think it would have taught us to be more careful and, well, it kinda didn't - it actually made doing it even more thrilling and fun even though we all knew what would happen if we did get caught.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Those Early Years - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I write a lot about those early and formative years of my life as a bisexual male because growing up with it isn't quite the same as finding out about it somewhere down the road although I suppose that had I not been an "early adopter," I probably would have eventually wound up having sex with guys.

    I just don't know what it's really like to not have sex with guys. From the very first moment, it consumed me; I couldn't get enough of it; it was so terribly exciting for a guy - or more than one - and myself to get together wherever we could, get our dicks out, and have a field day sucking and fucking each other.

    So very naughty; probably the one thing that I - and the others - realized that would get us into the most trouble and painfully so. Having sex with girls, well, in today's terms, it was da shit and more so once I learned about eating pussy and while girls were understandably funny about giving it up to us guys, yeah... I had an advantage few of my peers had! My kid logic suggested that if I could suck a dick and it would be wonderful and heavenly, kissing and licking a girl's "kitty" couldn't be that bad... and it wasn't. Still, with girls being very leery of getting their cherry popped and getting into trouble - read this as getting pregnant - while other guys would futility chase girls and come away empty handed - and with blue balls - guys like me knew for a fact that if a girl didn't want to do it, there would always be a guy who'd want to.

    I can't begin to explain the impact it had on me, to pretty much get tossed into the world of sex and from both sides of the coin. Better than waking up on Christmas morning and finding a load of toys and stuff under the tree. While a lot of my peers obeyed parental orders and threats to avoid sex at all costs, well, not all of us did and that just made getting together and doing some sucking and fucking even better - and that was before I busted a nut for the first time.

    The games we played just seemed to incorporate sex. We'd play Army or Cowboys and Indians and while we'd often fuss about whether or not we were "shot and killed" by the guy/girl who was standing right next to us, the best part of those games were getting captured and tortured for information, you know, like having your male interrogator fucking his prick into your mouth or butt was all that torturous and, of course, whoever was a prisoner wasn't going to give up any information because if that happened, the torture would stop... or it was supposed to. Yeah, um, well, none of us knew about the Geneva Accords anyway.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Well, Damn! - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I ain’t gonna lie - dealing with that fat dick wore me the fuck out! I went to the bathroom walking like I was on broken glass but it wasn’t my feet that was hurting. As I washed up, I was wondering why in the hell did I think taking on the challenge his cock presented was a good thing? Because he had the audacity to imply that he couldn’t be handled and my ego wasn’t hearing any of that.

    Before I got dressed, I decided to throw caution to the wind and fuck with him by asking, “You wanna go again?”

    He looked at me like I was crazy... and he wasn’t that wrong about that. He shook his head and said, “Nah, man, I’m good!”

    Small favors. I knew if he had said we could go again, I wouldn’t have been able to handle him one way or the other; shit, I’d already learned that I couldn’t even close my hand around his dick - and I could palm a basketball.

    But I felt good and vindicated; he issued the challenge, I accepted it, and took the measure of him and, hah, he didn’t want anything more to do with me, huh? I can’t handle it?

    Yeah, I did even though I knew my body was gonna pay me back...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Well, Damn! - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]once I’d gotten him out of me - and, yes, my ass was sore - I turned to him and ignored the look on his face and said, “Go wash up - I’m not done with it yet.”

    He blinked and I actually expected him to give me some shit about what just happened but he just kinda nodded and headed off to the bathroom... and I spent that time convincing my hole that it was gonna be okay and promised to give it a nice soaking in the tub when I got home.

    He returned and said, “Well, that’s not what I had in mind so now what?”

    ”Now I suck that fat-ass dick and make you cum in my mouth,” I said.

    ”Don’t you wanna fuck me like we agreed?” he asked.

    ”Changed my mind - you telling me you can’t handle it?” I asked and so “sweetly” innocent that I might have given myself diabetes.

    ”Um, uh,” he stammered and I wasn’t really interested in whatever answer he had. I took him by the hand and liked him toward me; I slid over and tugged on his hand to get him to lie down and once he did, I wasted no time getting his dick in my mouth and, fuck - this motherfucker was easier to swallow when he was hard! But I had accepted his challenge and was determined to prove to him that, yeah, that dick was seriously fat... but I could handle it, no sweat.

    Once he started to get hard, that’s when the real work began. He’d already busted a good-sized nut - I could feel it pouring out of my gaped open hole and it was quite breezy, too, so it stood to reason that he wasn’t gonna cum again any time soon.

    It almost an hour to get him to cum and it was a battle. Every time he thought I was struggling with him in my mouth, I’d take him deep to show him that, nope, you not bothering me at all and I can do this all day... but secretly hoping and praying I wouldn’t have to because this was one seriously fat, thick dick I was working over.

    My whole face was hurting and my jaw muscled had served notice to divorce me if I didn’t stop trying to prove to him that I could handle all that dick. But my perseverance paid off and he shot a nice hot load into my mouth; I don’t know if he was happy but I was... but I still wasnt done with him.

    He’s lying there gasping and didn’t resist one bit when I crawled over to him so I could slide my dick between his lips and, to his credit, he did a rather amazing job of sucking me until I came... and I know he heard me snicker when he took in a bit too much of me and gagged.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Well, Damn! - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I backed off until until his fat knob remained in my mouth and I looked up at him and saw him looking back at me with eyes as big as those proverbial dinner plates. Yeah, he didn’t know it was gonna be like that; I knew that he knew that there were a lot of guys who couldn’t even come close to doing what I’d just done to him and just like I knew he thought I was going scream and cry like a little bitch when he stuffed that fat dick in my ass so I sucked and licked his knob for a few moment before stopping and saying to him, “Fuck me; get it in me...”

    He kinda staggered away from me to get, of all things and a blast from the past, a jar of Vaseline. He appeared to regain his swagger and confidence as I watched him grease his sausage; I held my hand out for the goop and didn’t take my eyes off of his as I slathered a big glob of it on my hole and used a finger to get as much of it in me as I could.

    Yep, it was going to hurt like a son of a bitch and that was a given. I turned around and got on my knees and even arched my ass up at him and said, “I’m ready - give it to me, big boy!”

    I heard him snicker and I’m not gonna lie - when I felt the head of his sick spreading my asshole wide open, it hurt like a motherfucker and I did groan and suck in a deep breath. I heard him say, “Yeah, it’s like that!”

    And I asked him, “What are you waiting for? Get the rest of it in me and fuck me!” He was hesitant - pretty sure no one had ever said that to him before - so I just backed up as hard as I could and, holy shit, wow, whew, yep, that was something... but I had all of that fat dick in my ass.

    Just in time, too, because I heard him say, “Oh, fuck, no...” and felt that fat dick pumping away in my ass and,again, whew, oh, boy, yep, that pumping was stretching my hole even further every time it expanded.

    It was delicious and hurt so good! He was done filling my hole with spunk and now came the harder part - getting that fat motherfucker out of me. I could have just moved forward to lie flat and that would do it except the last time I had such a fat dick in me and made that move, the guy’s dick came out of me so fast that my ass muscles actually rebounded - they slammed close, bounced open, then closed again.

    Nope... that didn’t feel good at all and my hole hurt for a whole week. Instead, I just, um, “shit” him out while moving slowly until I felt him slip out - whew![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Well, Damn! - Part I

    [FONT=verdana]Twenty minutes ago, the very naked guy strutting before me in all his naked “glory” had bragged about how fat his dick was and was quite confident that I couldn’t handle it. He was right about one thing: His dick was fat and I mean fat like an overstuffed sausage fat and topped with an equally fat head.

    Lengthwise? His dick was short by anyone’s standards but, yeah, what he lacked in length he made up for with girth... lots of girth. What he didn’t know or even bother to ask was that I’d seen and had fatter dicks than his, both in my mouth and in my ass; he also didn’t know that his bragging was just him throwing down a challenging gauntlet and nothing excited me more than being given a challenge the other guy knew or believed I’d be unequal to.

    He thought I would be in for one hell of a surprise... and I was about to prove him wrong and perhaps surprise him instead. He’d watched me get undressed and I could feel his eyes crawling over me and the moment they locked onto my dick. He said said, “Not bad - a little skinny but you gots some dick there, man!”

    I just smiled at him and watched him continuing to strut around the room and like he was looking for something when I knew he just wanted me to see that fat-asses dick waving around. Oh, it was impressively fat and I knew when he got around to shaving it in my ass, oh, yeah, I’d be feeling a breeze back there later but he wasn’t anything for me to worry about... but I was about to give him something to worry about.

    ”Bring that over here,” I said, nodding and pointing at his dick, noting that my dick was longer than his and he was hard... and I wasn’t - yet.

    He strutted over and said, “Yeah, here... I know you can’t handle this!”

    I said, “Okay...” and pulled him to me, opened my mouth... and made his whole dick disappear and held it nice and deep.

    I think he realized that he was the one in trouble and not me because he tried to pull away from me; his dick was doing that twitching thing that told me that he was gonna cum any second now and I even took a moment to think about taking him out of the game right now or to let him stay in it.

    Truthfully, that fat motherfucking dick was making shit interesting for me; my jaws were aching just a bit too much and breathing was a bit more difficult but, again, nothing I couldn’t handle. For him, this was about getting laid but for me, it was a matter of personal honor.[/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "Can I Suck It?" - Part IV

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]In a lot of my cock sucking adventures - and those that weren't with guys who expected me to suck them - I'd wind up being able to suck dick because some guy would ask, "What would you do if some guy asked you to blow them?" and, depending on the guy and what I knew about him, I'd often say, "I'd blow them..." Sometimes the question would be, "If a dude asked to suck your dick, would you let him?" and, again, depending on what I knew about the guy asking, I'd say, "I'd let him do it - it's not like I've never had a guy suck my dick before."[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]What I had learned was that whoever would pose questions like this wasn't asking for informational purposes only; they were really trying to find out if I was down for sucking dick and now it was on me to decide how - or if - I was going to answer the question; sometimes, to test what I was thinking, I'd answer their question with a question like, "What would you do?" - then watch their reaction which, a lot of times, was funny as fuck watching and listening to them trip all over themselves trying to convince me that just because they were asking didn't mean that they wanted to... which pretty much told me that they wanted to; sometimes, guys can be as transparent as air.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]My protégé asked me how I managed to suck so much dick and I honestly told him that I got to suck a lot of dicks because someone would ask me if I would suck them or allow them to suck me and, again, outside of hooking up with a guy and cock sucking was expected. I told him, "More often than not, I'd find myself being in the right place at the right time and all I had to do was say yes or no... and I usually said yes unless my instincts were screaming at me to turn his offer down."

    Why ask when I didn't really have to? Plus, I can play the game with the best of them and I can, in playing the game, be just as vague as some guys can be when they're trying to feel me out and, yeah, I kinda got this... attitude that if you want to get into some cock sucking, just ask because if I want to suck your dick, I'm going to ask you if I'm kinda sure you wouldn't mind... but I rarely have to ask. And, who knows? I just might say yes.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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