
All Blog Entries

  1. This Time of the Year - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I very much [B]hated[/B] this time of year. And while having both a horny brother and sister was a good thing, sometimes it would get so cool/cold in our apartment that once we were in bed and all nice and warm, getting out of bed to have sex, well, that wasn't gonna happen. The whole building had steam heat and heat delivered by radiators and sometimes the radiators didn't radiate because of air in them that had to be let out and if you know anything about those old-style radiators, you know there was this... thing on them that needed a special tool to open the valve and bleed the air out - and that's provided the stupid boiler didn't break down and had to be fixed and as it often had to be.

    Even lying in bed - alone - and jerking off got to be a problem since, um, doing it completely under the covers meant getting jizz all over the sheets and stuff and risking being asked some questions I would have preferred not to be asked or, worst, getting lectured about the evils of playing with myself. Oh, my parents eventually figured out that I was doing just that and it just got on my nerves for one or both of them to keep reminding me not to play with myself like that because it was a bad thing to do and, yup, I was either gonna go blind or grow hair on the palms of my hands.

    One fall, it got pretty cold and the stupid boiler had broken down - again - so our parents, and probably against their sensibilities, would tell us that we had to sleep in the same bed so that we could stay warm - but we'd better not even think about "doing anything" other than sleeping and staying warm. I think you can guess how my brother, sister, and I stayed warm, right? Yep - we "snuggled" with each other... and really, really close if you catch my drift. On that particular chilly night - and in the moment when my dick was sliding in and out of my sister's very hot pussy - and my brother's dick was sliding in and out of my ass at the same time, I wondered if our parents really knew what we might be doing; maybe they did and didn't think it was worth getting out of their own nice, warm bed to find out if we were really sleeping... or maybe they didn't know.

    But moments like that didn't happen as much as I would have liked them to - and my siblings tended to agree with me on that one. Fall and winter weather just messed up all of the fun.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. This Time of the Year - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]There were exceptions and opportunities, of course; it wasn't all that unusual to wind up at a friend's house and we're studying together doing homework or really studying for yet another test. Sometimes, a friend and I were able to sneak some sex in but most of the time? Not even possible since we'd have parents doing their job and making sure we were studying and getting our homework done.

    It didn't make things any better to be sitting in a room with someone I very much wanted to have sex with - and they very much wanted to have sex with me - and in between talking about whatever we were studying or our respective homework assignment, he/she or I would be whispering about wanting to do it really bad and then being even more miserable knowing that we didn't dare try to do anything - but that depended on the parents in question but even if they weren't the type to keep constantly checking to see if we were doing what we were supposed to be doing, time became a factor and there just wasn't enough time to do much of anything.

    When with a guy, shit - we often didn't have time to pull our dicks out and jerk off in front of each other - what a total bummer! Making things even worse was the fact that during the school year, overnight and/or weekend sleepovers were far and few between. During the week, sure - an overnighter was out of the question because of school and it was very rare for one to happen; there was a better chance of spending at least one day of the weekend if not the entire weekend with someone but, as the weather started getting cooler and cooler, shit - parents weren't all that likely to send us out to play unless we were seriously getting on their nerves being stuck in the house. And that was fine... except the places we routinely went to so we could screw ourselves silly were vacant apartment buildings and, well, they got unbearably cold since they had no heat and, most of the time, didn't even have windows to cut down on the cool/cold air.

    Trying to do the nasty while being mostly still dressed was not all that easy to do. Just pulling your dick out so it could be sucked was more comfortable that pulling your pants down so some fucking could be done and girls? Forget it! No way they were gonna expose themselves just so they could get the dick they wanted or to even have their delicious pussies eaten![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. This Time of the Year - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As a youngster who was now up to his eyeballs having sex with boys and girls, this time of year used to bug the shit out of me. The new school year would be off and running and having to go to school was "bad enough" but with summer gone, it seriously cut down on the opportunities to have sex!

    Okay, sure: As I've written before, I happened to live with a couple of people who didn't mind one bit having sex with me and insisted on it and that was all well and good... but not really being able to go out and hang with the gang - because of homework and sometimes the weather, well, keeping it in-house ramped up the risk of getting busted.

    When I crawled out of bed this morning, I had this on my mind because it felt just like one of the many fall days when, back then, the need and urge to have sex with someone was very strong and powerful... but, yeah, it was going to school and being around a lot of the kids who loved to get together to suck and fuck and eat pussy... and we all felt some kind of way to be sitting in a classroom when we'd rather be at one of our hideouts, being naked, and just wearing ourselves out having sex.

    As such, I'd go about my school day being pretty miserable and to the point where I'd often be asked if I liked fall weather or not - and many assumed that I did just because I was born in late September and the first day of fall tended to fall on my birthday. It wasn't that and my least favorite time of the year was - and is - actually winter but I was miserable because I couldn't have sex as much as I'd been having during summer vacation and all that nice, hot, weather.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. The "Advantage" - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Scariest moment of my life but one that, being real about it, I know has happened in the past and is still happening because, despite the rules, that's just how humans can be about sex and it's one of the truths that we don't want to acknowledge: Anyone - everyone - is fair game even if they don't think they are and now it's just a matter of doing... or not doing and there are some things that, again, just shouldn't be done but not everyone sees it like that.

    All of this is a truth that's hard to take in even with the advantage I have... but it's a truth that's hard to ignore because while there is being straight, bi, and even gay, it's still sex and related things like love and no one is really as immune to it as we're supposed to be. My advantage proved to me that if you wanna have sex, you don't have to chase down a girl to get it... because there are a lot of guys who'd be more than happy to have sex with you and, yeah, some of them just might be someone you're not supposed to have sex with - and you probably wouldn't even if you knew they were game... it's just the truth says that you could if you and they wanted to...

    Just don't get caught.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The "Advantage" - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've been asked if I really have no guilt or shame about any of the sex I've ever had and I actually do but the advantage taught me that it doesn't make much sense to be ashamed or guilty over something that I wanted to do, that and, again, knowing that once you do it, you can't undo it so while it's normal for me to say that, yeah - I shouldn't have been having so much fun fucking my sister, it doesn't ever change the fact that I did have fun and the fact that she did, too. I knew I shouldn't be having sex with any boys and knew I'd broken all of the rules about that and it might be true that one day I'm going to die and I'm going to hell for that alone if nothing else...

    And I just shrug to myself about it because, again, I wanted to do it and I did it and nothing is ever going to change any of that and I'm not ever going to act like none of it happened or, like others tend to do, put up a brick wall between what I did when I was younger and what I do as an adult or tell myself that lie that I didn't know what I was doing... because I did know... and because things happened when they did that gave me the advantage I enjoy today and one that I've never regretted having. Did it make me some kind of perverted sex fiend? I used to think so but then I'd look at everything I learned and came to the conclusion that I was - am - just one of many people who found out that sex isn't just the way everyone says it's supposed to be - it's much more than than that and I had the advantage of finding that out early on.

    Anyone. Anything. Anywhere... but with my intelligence in charge of those things. My advantage taught me that just because you can do it doesn't mean you should always do it, that there are some people you just say no to and that's that. My biggest scare came when my only daughter asked to speak to me one day and I got the shock of my life to hear her say, "If you love me like you say you do, how come we're not trying to have a baby?" My advantage? Well, it didn't prepare me for that one and I almost literally hurt myself making sure to get that thought out of her head and explaining why that would be a very bad idea - and at the risk of telling her that, sure, I loved her with all my heart and soul... but not that much. Never that much. I know I lost some Brownie points with her that day and I don't regret losing them - because I had to take that loss but, again, my advantage did teach me that there's got to be a point that should never be crossed and that was a huge one I got hit with. Many years later and with her an adult with her own children, she brought that moment up - and I had hoped she had forgotten it but she hadn't and the scary part? She meant it; she told me that she was ready to have sex with me right then and there and, yeah, I broke her heart when I said no - but she understood why I did. "I still wanted to anyway, but I'm glad you said no; I felt that you really didn't love me but I figured out that you said no because you did love me."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The "Advantage" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It even bears repeating that thing my sister told me while I was in the middle of eating her pussy and had voiced my concerns about us fucking: "As long as you don't get me pregnant, I don't see what the big deal is..." Or recalling that conversation when my mom caught me and my brother at it and all these years later, wow - that conversation still stings... but even that taught me something that went along with the advantage: Not supposed to doesn't mean don't do it or that it can't be done. There's always the morality and it really can't be ignored because it is what it's always been... but there are loopholes in it and while that morality serves its designed purpose to make us only have sex in the approved way, those loopholes pretty much render the rules useless and can be gotten around [B]if[/B] one thinks it's worth the trouble.

    What's it like to have sex with your wife - and with others in attendance? Lots of fun and lots of problems, too, but still lots of fun. What's it like to watch your wife having sex with another man or woman? Amazing and sometimes humbling but not in a bad way. But for me, the question is one of what's it like to have had sex - and have the desire to have sex - and in ways that would make most people, again, shit themselves or otherwise make them lose their minds?

    Amazing, really, to be honest. Because sex is supposed to be amazing and all that and my advantage taught me this as well as teaching me, again, why people behave the way they do about it, why it scares them or otherwise bothers them and other such things that, today, isn't all that mysterious to me any longer but, importantly, I haven't stopped learning and I don't think I will until the day I die. What's it like to have a bunch of guys standing around waiting for you to suck them off and watching you do it? Lots of fun but physically tasking and, yeah - your stomach is only going to put up with so much sperm in it and upsetting things.

    What's it like to have those same guys lined up, dicks all hard, and waiting for their turn to shove it into your ass? Also amazing... and literally a pain in the ass... and very, very messy. Or to have a guy in your ass while another is thrusting his dick into your mouth? Ditto... and because it's sex... just not the kind of sex not everyone would be interested in and I can tell you that it's not as easy as it might look to be. What's it like to deal with yourself after getting a mouth or ass full of cum and having let your sperm fly, too? Feels wonderful... and can make you feel pretty shitty, too - but I know why that happens and it's not moral guilt and like everyone thinks it is.

    What's it like to fuck another man's wife? Glorious and because it's having sex and not because of the moral implications and the same for fucking that woman's hubby and with her sitting there and watching it. Our morality is important and I'd never say it wasn't... but my advantage taught me about the loopholes and that, really, if you don't mind, it never matters... but you'd also better be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions, to hold yourself responsible and accountable and know that even if you don't, someone can and will take you to task for your actions should things go sideways.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. The "Advantage" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Even when I'd think that sex held no other mysteries, I'd find out that it did and it was teaching me that whatever we were being told about sex, well, it just wasn't the truth and that there's a bunch of reasons why everyone looked at sex in almost the same way and why there were some rules about who could have sex with whom. Even in my youth, the rules made sense but were really a bunch of punishments for wanting to have sex; did grown up have sex with young folks? Sure they did... and I'd learn the history in this, too; imagine my surprise to read and learn that there didn't used to be any rules against it or how in some cultures it was considered to be quite normal for an "old guy" to take a young girl for his wife... and fuck the living daylights out of her and making - and keeping - her pregnant. Or that there were grown men who'd have sex with young boys and under the guise of teaching them how to be a man - and it was allowed up to a certain point and a point that, um, was often ignored and hidden...

    Because humans just love having sex... and despite all the rules and other stuff, human can and always will have sex even if it'll get them into some very serious trouble. My advantage put me into the position of having to decide to "straighten up" and do it by the rules or to go with what I knew and, well, y'all know the decision I made by now. Anyone. Anywhere. Any time. Anything. If you wanted to do it, chances were damned good that I'd want to, too... but if, by chance, I thought or felt it was a bad idea, I wasn't gonna do it - and because I learned, again, from others what can happen when you do it and you knew you really shouldn't have.

    And I knew this before I even became a legal adult. My curiosity, combined with my love of having sex, showed me the way and the truth of things. It showed and taught me that, yeah, there are some things one shouldn't do but it also taught me that there are people who, for whatever reason, don't have that limit put in place... but everyone really is fair game if they want to be - and not everyone does or is supposed to because, again, we all don't learn about sex the same way and our experiences - or lack of them - do shape us going forward.

    But the only limitations that truly exist are the ones we place on ourselves and those are things that we have to decide for ourselves even though there are a lot of people who'd be more than happy to impose their limits on you or, just because they wouldn't do it means that no one should do it. The lies. The imposed fears. The religion-based rules and punishments that serve no purpose other than to suppress and inhibit our drive to have sex and just because it feels good to have sex.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. The "Advantage" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Then again, I had the advantage to have experienced sex in ways that would make a lot of people shit themselves... or make them cum on themselves and depending on what they thought about sex - how to do it, who to do it with, when to do it, stuff like that. That I had the added advantage of growing up with a group of guys and gals who were [I]almost[/I] as curious as I was about sex didn't hurt things one bit. The biggest thing I learned was that you could have sex with [B]anyone[/B] who wanted to have sex with you and no one was all that afraid to... and that we were all made to be afraid to have sex; the adults wouldn't ever dare to tell us what was good about having sex but they sure as fuck would go out of their way to tell us about everything that could go wrong... and I was that kid who wanted to know if it was really as bad as they said it was.

    I'd eventually learn that it could be very bad but my curiosity also paved the way for me to find out how and why sex could be bad and I truly believe that my advantage was such that it allowed me to learn from the mistakes everyone else made. I never caught an STD... but I knew what happened to those who did so I knew I had to be smart enough not to make that mistake and to not, as everyone else was doing, thinking with my dick instead of my brain. The advantage made me... smarter about having sex so when people ask me if I feel "bad" about learning about sex at such a young age, I say - and with a lot of truth - that no: I don't feel bad about any of it. None of it and even when I'd suffer an error in judgement and wound up having sex with someone that, had I really been thinking, I would and should have said no to or otherwise literally run in the opposite direction.

    No bad feelings or regrets and more so even when things didn't go "right," I was smart enough even as a youngster to understand that once you do something, you can't change it and acting like it never happened was just lying to myself and you really do wind up taking the good with the bad...

    Just to be able to have sex. My advantage taught me that what they said about kids not knowing anything about sex was seriously wrong - we did know and we learned from and with each other more than some adult or parent "teaching" us... well, um, that's if they weren't teaching us about sex by having sex with us and, yeah, that happened, too, and for a lot of us, it didn't turn out as badly as everyone says it does but, yeah, sometimes it turned out very bad and while that never happened to me, I [B]knew[/B] about it; I learned it even "at the expense" of knowing that for a lot of my peers, sex didn't turn out to be all that good for them and no matter who they were having it with or who was having it with them.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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