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  1. Gay Boyfriends - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I stood there like the proverbial deer in the headlights as he proceeded to undress me and I'm even lifting my legs so he could get my pants and underwear off; he even took the time to fold my clothes and set them aside! He gives me a good looking over, his eyes lock onto my dick - which, yeah, was very hard - and says, "Ooh, that's a nice one!"

    One of those "the next thing I knew" moments and we're on his bed - on the other side of the room, mind you, and I didn't remember moving - and we're in a 69 with me on top and him digging his fingers into my ass and repeatedly pulling me deep into his mouth while thrusting into mine. He cums - warm, sweet, kinda thick - and I'm not too far behind him. Then we're lying next to each other gasping and I'm thinking, "What the fuck just happened?" and he says, "I'm glad we're gonna be roomies! Let's get dressed and hit the chow hall, come back, and do this again!"

    And we did only this time found me on top of him and driving my dick deep into his ass while he clung to me and sounding all the world like this one girl I had had sex with in high school. He was getting so loud that I was sure the other guys in the dorm could hear him and I did the only thing I could think of to quiet him down: I kissed him and snaked my tongue into his mouth for good measure. That quieted him... and energized him, too. He's fucking back against me, his arms wrapped around my head and keeping the kiss going - and I needed to come up for air... and it took me a moment to break free of the kiss.

    Note to self: Don't kiss him while fucking him. I propped myself up on my elbows, still fucking him, and I look down and not only is he hard but I looked just in time to see his cock start spurting long thick ropes of cum, which triggered me to unload in his ass. As I'm going soft inside him, he looks up at me and says, "We're gonna have a great time being roommates!"

    He was wrong about that. There was never an agreement between us to be boyfriends and while I was happy to have sex with him, he took it all very seriously. I'd gone out on a date with a girl I'd met and we'd spent more time screwing each other silly than we did actually doing the date thing. I come in around 1am - 0100 in military time - and he's awake... and highly pissed off. He's demanding to know where I've been; he stalks over to me and sniffs me and really goes off the deep end, practically yelling at me that I smell like pussy. He's now all in my face and I recover from the shock of this outburst and tell him, "Back off - and I'm only gonna tell you once."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Gay Boyfriends - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Technically, I've had two gay boyfriends, one it made sense to me to be with him, one who just felt that because we'd have sex, we were a couple. Man... talk about things being like night and day?

    The first one... well, let's just say that I really didn't expect to be assigned to a dorm room with a guy who was gay since being gay in the military was a serious court martial offense that came with the "Big Chicken Dinner," otherwise known as a Bad Conduct Discharge. When I lugged my gear into the room, he wasn't there but arrived not five minutes after I did. We introduced ourselves and while I'm hanging up my uniforms, he just says, "Hey, when you get done, can I suck your dick?"

    And I'm like, "Huh?" He just smiles at me without saying anything and I went back to putting my stuff away; I wasn't in a hurry to do it when I started and given what he'd just asked me, I was in even a less of a hurry. Now, it's not to say this was because I was... opposed to having my dick sucked; I just met this guy, we're smack-dab in the middle of a military base, and if I didn't know anything else about the regulations, I knew this would be a bad idea if we got caught or it got out.

    At the same time, I recalled something one of the sergeants in charge of us in tech school would tell us every Friday during our "safety briefing" - what not to do on the weekend: "It's only illegal if you get caught." It would make us laugh but the message was clear: Whatever you idiots are gonna do this weekend, don't get caught doing it... or else.

    I'm thinking about this, kinda laughing to myself about it, and realized that I'm done putting my stuff away. Oh, shit... but maybe he was just jerking my chain? I kinda peeked over my shoulder and my new roommate is naked and that quick glance told me that he was nice looking from head to toe... but he's getting ready to hit the shower, right? Uh, no - he strolls over to me, smiles, and says, "Let's get you ready..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. It Bugs Me - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]And the thing that bugs me the most is that over all this time I’ve been alive, we - society - have not learned one damned thing. How utterly prudish we are about sex. How society still thinks that bisexual really means homosexual. That and we pay more attention to what people who aren’t bisexual has to say about it.

    The good thing is that it doesn’t bug me all that often but when it does, it just does. Not men or women - both. Not pussy or dick - both. Inclusive. And casual sex works well for me and as much as relationship sex would work. Why wouldn’t I consider just being in a relationship with a man? I never said I wouldn’t... but I also think that monogamy sucks And, besides, where the fun in being bisexual if you’re only gonna get with the person you’re with?

    Arent you afraid of catching something? Of course I am - I’m seriously horny, not stupid. I will, however, point out that I’ve never caught an STD - and I’ve had probably more than my fair share of cock and cunt and assholes in the raw...and I do have my doctor order tests periodically. Otherwise, no - not much in the way of fear; I take more risks getting in the car and going to the store; I take a sexual risk every time I have sex with my wife.

    And, yes, she knows and approves... and even if she didn’t, I’d still be bisexual.

    Rant over. Had to get that off my chest...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. It Bugs Me - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I’ll be 65 next month... and there hasn’t been a time since I became aware of my sexuality that I haven’t had to listen to stuff like this or spent so much time trying to explain it to others until I just gave up trying to explain it.

    Fifty-five years - soon to be fifty-six of them - being bisexual and, no, I have never felt like my “innocence” was stolen from me because I gave it up willingly the year before I learned about dick. I understand what it’s like to be bisexual... but the rest of the world?

    They're still stuck back in 1964 and asking questions that they can’t or won’t accept. Bisexuality remains an impossibility today as it did back then.

    How can I be bisexual and married to a woman? Um, what does that have to do with anything? I love women and, yeah, I like being married to one. Again, did you just miss what “bisexual” means and literally so?

    What the fuck do you mean I don’t have to get pissy about it because you’re entitled to your opinion? I get pissy about it because your opinion is, well, wrong and you clearly don’t understand a damned thing about this because if you did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and you wouldn’t be under the impression that I’m being pissy about it.

    Trust me... you’ve never seen me really get pissy about it... and you really don’t want to. You should be glad you weren’t asking me this shit when I was like 15 or 16 - I would have chewed a hole in your ass big enough to fly an A380 through.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. It Bugs Me - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]If you like having sex with men, doesn’t that mean you’re really gay? Um, do you even know what the word “bisexual” means? No - I’m not gay. Sheesh!

    How come you don’t like men and women equally? Uh, because I don’t? Because people are different? Why would you think this is a 50/50 kind of thing?


    Do you like men like you do women? No, I don’t. Not attracted to men like that... but I do like and am attracted to dick. And before you ask, no - I’m still bisexual and no matter what you think About my lack of attraction to men.

    The “sexual” part of bisexual is still valid... or did you not understand that either? Do I mean that I’m homoerotic? Heteroflexible? No, I don’t. I’m bisexual and I’m good with that. Heteroflexible my ass...

    Are you a top or a bottom? Depends on how I’m feeling and, yes, I’ve topped and bottomed in the same session. Which do I like better? Why are you trying to get me to make choices that I feel no need to make?

    Does it mean that you don’t like the way women suck your dick? Oh, hell, no - do I look crazy to you? Why would you think that I wouldn’t?

    Oh, that’s right - you think I’m gay. Or you believe that it’s impossible for someone to want, like, and enjoy sex with both men and women.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. It Bugs Me - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]That “either/or” mindset many have about bisexuality. Being asked time and time again which do I prefer or trying to put me in some kind of box by asking me to choose one over the other.

    While I understand that, for some, bisexuality is an either/or kind of thing; for some it’s a measure of last resort, even an act of desperation as well as a replacement - can’t get any pussy? Time to look for a dick until some trim can be had!

    Heard this way back in 1964... still hearing it in 2020. If I had the proverbial dollar for every time I’ve had to say to someone, “It’s not men or women - it’s men and women!” I’d be Bill Gates rich.

    Do I prefer pussy or cock? Yes! If you had to choose, which would you choose? Both, damn it - what part of “bi” don’t you understand? Wait... what do you mean I can only choose one? Are you for real? Why choose one when I know I don’t have to?
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Our Insane Night with Rags, Part three

    Apparently, what she said to Jimmy was, “get behind me and fuck me”. I think he probably thought I would get out from underneath her and I probably should have but before I could move, she raised her ass up and back a little until the head of his cock was just touching her pussy and he went ahead and sank about half of his cock into her. That view and the way she started sucking my cock brought me to the decision to stay put. I think that’s what she had in mind all along. She started rocking back and forth, fucking herself on his cock but at a much slower pace than he had fucked her at earlier and taking my cock deeper into her mouth. At one point, she released my cock from her mouth and in between gasps and moans, she asked, “Are you enjoying the view?” Jimmy and I both grunted a loud yes and Jean kind giggled at that before swallowing my cock again.

    I guess Jimmy caught on that she had meant that question for me because he seemed to decide to take charge of fucking her. He slightly pushed my hands off Jean’s ass and replaced them with his as he started pounding his cock into her pussy harder but at the same pace she had set which was slow. Watching his cock slide into her was incredible. Each time he bottomed out inside her, I felt her body jolt and hearing the slap of him against her ass was again a huge turn on overload for me (and for her, she later told me). She started screaming with my cock as deep in her mouth as she could take it and I could feel little splashes of her juice as on my face as she shook through another big orgasmic wave. Before her orgasm started slowing, she raised her head letting my cock fall out of her mouth and was gasping and cursing loudly. That set Jimmy off. I felt him start shaking but he didn’t change how he was fucking her. Her orgasm was beginning to fall off a little when she felt it too and that sent her tone and gasping back up a notch. I doubt either one of them heard me moan as I watched his cock pulse as he came inside her again, but it was a very erotic and mesmerizing sight for me. They both slowed and he slipped his cock out of her pussy. Again, he fell across the bed, this time hitting his head on the side rail. He kind of laughed and said “Ow” but just laid there catching his breath as I nudged Jean to let me up. She rolled onto her back then reached over and started stroking my cock with her hand. I was still very hard but I was laying there, absorbing what I had just seen and enjoying her gentle, lazy stroking for a few minutes before I sat up.

    Jimmy and I were stretched out on the bed with Jean turned the opposite way in between us and when I sat up, I could see she had that big happy, crazy grin on her face and she had her other hand in between his legs, lightly caressing his balls with her fingers. She turned her head and looked at me, her grin got bigger and she started nodding like she was listening to a song. I rolled over, crawled in between her legs and got into position to enter her. As I slid my cock into her incredibly hot and slick pussy, she wrapped her arms and legs around me. We barely lasted more than a few minutes before she started cumming again and I followed right behind her.

    We all laid there for awhile, talking and laughing, before Jimmy asked if he could still get a ride home. It was then that we realized it was a little after 6am and the sky was getting light outside. Later that afternoon, after we had slept a bit, we had to go load the gear back into where we rehearsed which was the keyboard player's house. We told the rest of the band about the break-in but nothing about the rest of the evening. When we got home later that evening, Jean told me that Sean, our bass player (and one of her occasional lovers) had cornered her while I was hauling gear in, and confessed to being the one that had seen her sucking Jimmy's cock in the bathroom. He jokingly gave her a hard time about it, saying he might have to tell me what he saw. She said, "But I had the last laugh, though. You should have seen his face when I said go ahead, he probably won't believe you because he knows how drunk you were last night". I think the rest of the band guys eventually figured out what had gone on, but I probably won't ever know for sure.

    All in all, it was an incredible, insane, fun night that actually turned out to be the last straw. In the next couple of days, we decided we needed to get the hell out of small town Arkansas and into a more interesting life in Atlanta. Our only regret was that we didn't talk the rest of the band into going with us.
  8. Our Insane Night with Rags, Part two

    As usual, Jean’s intuition for lovers paid off big time. Not only was Jimmy exceptionally well hung but for someone in his early 20’s, he was quite remarkably skilled. He fucked her holding her thighs up like that for a while, then slipped his arms out from under them and fell forward onto his hands. He started fucking her harder and faster. Between the sight and sounds of him fucking her and her moaning around my cock, I was in turn on overload. Somehow, I managed to keep from cumming. I knew it wouldn’t be long, and it wasn’t, with him fucking her like that, before she was cumming and screaming around my cock. That was one of her multitude of favorite sexual things…cumming with a cock in her mouth. She loved trying to get as much of it down her throat as she could as her orgasm waved over her. When her waves started subsiding, she let go of my cock and said she wanted to switch. Jimmy slipped his cock out of her and she rolled onto her hands and knees, turned around, and started licking and sucking the head of his cock. I watched for several minutes as she gently worked just the head of his cock with her lips and tongue and occasionally caressed his balls with her fingers before I crawled underneath her so I could lick her pussy. I felt her jolt a little when I flicked my tongue against her clit and a second later, heard him moan as I assume she sucked him deeper into her mouth. Even though I was having to keep up with her slight rocking motion as I licked and sucked her pussy, it wasn’t long before she was rolling through another orgasm. I held on and continued licking her as she rocked harder and screamed around Jimmy’s cock. When she slowed back down a little, I got out from underneath her and into position to slide my cock into her.

    As I slowly eased my cock into her, my turn on overload went back up as I felt how hot and wet her pussy was and realized that her orgasm hadn’t really faded, but that she was in her leveled off orgasmic buzz plateau. This was made even worse when I noticed the Jimmy was slightly pumping his hips, fucking his cock in and out of her mouth. She later told that that had set her off too. We stayed in that position for quite some time with Jean riding through another orgasm before she straightened upright long enough to turn around. She had a huge happy grin on her face as she rested her hands on my shoulders, then leaned in and kissed me long and hard. She made a very intense eye contact and grinned real big as she went back down to on all fours and took my cock into her mouth. She told me later that she grinned so big because she was really turned on by the thought of me smelling and tasting him on her face. She sucked me in deep as Jimmy pushed his cock into her pussy. I’m sure she could feel my cock become harder as I watched her ass shake, heard the soft wet slap, and felt her body move each time he slammed into her, because her sucking on my cock became very intense. It wasn’t but a few more minutes before I was cumming in her mouth, or I should say down her throat, because she had swallowed all of my cock and was again screaming around it through another orgasm. It was a pretty powerful orgasm for me but she kept me in her mouth and kept sucking as Jimmy kept up his medium but hard pace on her pussy.

    My level of excitement was way more than enough to keep my cock hard, but my knees were getting a little stiff, so I slipped out of her mouth and stretched out on the bed beside them. Her grunts and groans from being pounded so hard with such a big cock were a lot louder now without a cock in her mouth and I think that had a big effect on Jimmy, because after a while he actually sped up his pounding and started moaning and groaning a bit too. It was a little bit of a strange and different experience for me, laying there watching and listening to him cum inside Jean, and being that turned on by it, but it wasn’t that strange. When he finally slowed and slipped his cock out of her, he fell out across the end of the bed, catching his breath. Jean folded her arms in front of her and laid her head in them facing me with a big, happy, glazey eyed grin on her face. She stayed that way for a few minutes, then glanced down toward the end of the bed and saw Jimmy resting on his side. She looked back at my still hard cock and said, “Time for round 2?” as she stretched out next to me. We laid there for a while with her idly stroking my cock and talking to us until she decided to get things going again by rolling over on top me and settling her pussy on my face. I wrapped my arms around her thighs, grabbed her ass with my hands and started lightly kissing her pussy. She started teasing the head of my cock with her tongue and needless to say, I was still in turn on overload with her doing that while she pressed her extremely wet pussy harder onto my face. After a while, I felt the bed shift and realized he was now kneeling next to us. She released my cock from her mouth and I felt her lean over a little toward Jimmy to suck on his cock. As I began licking her pussy lips and clit harder, she began going back and forth between us, sucking his cock for a little while then switching back to mine. It wasn’t long before she was back up on her orgasmic plateau and I was getting more than a little taste of his cum and hers.

    She started pumping her hips and pressing down against my tongue a little harder and I was about to ease her up a little, when she suddenly untangled herself from my arms and crawled down my body. She sat down on my cock, reverse cowgirl and now I could see that Jimmy was still kneeling beside us with one hand on her shoulder and with the other he was stroking his fully erect cock. I put my hands on her hips and started rocking her back and forth gently. We went like this for quite a while with Jean’s hands on my thighs and her head down a little and both Jimmy and I watching her as she rode my cock. She suddenly sat more upright, turned and looked at Jimmy, and said, “Oh yeah, that’s what I need”, as she leaned over and took his cock back into her mouth. In that position, I had a much better view of her sucking his cock and was blown away by how erotic that vision was. Jean knew I was enjoying that but she had another view for me in mind and soon slipped off my cock, crawled backward a little and planted her pussy back on my face. It took me a little maneuvering to get my arms back under her thighs and while I was doing that, she said something I couldn’t make out. Her mouth went back to my cock as I felt the bed shift again until he was kneeling behind her and above my head.....
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