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  1. How to search ‘personals’ by location

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  2. "Perfect" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I held still as he bucked and fucked into my mouth; sweat was stinging my eyes something fierce and my own dick was painfully hard and for a brief moment, I thought about jumping up, throwing his legs over my shoulders, and ramming my dick into his ass... but I didn't. I just held him in my mouth until he got soft, listening to him whimpering and saying over and over, "So good... so good..."

    I reluctantly let go of him and fought a brief wave of dizziness as I sat up just enough to look at him. Sweat had plastered his dirty blond hair to his head and his face was a very interest shade of red. I looked down with some sadness to see his "perfect" dick lying limply in the crease of his leg and I wanted him back in my mouth so bad it wasn't funny. I looked up at him and saw how wide his eyes were and like he was surprised at what I'd just done to him... and maybe he was... but my dick was aching badly and I needed to take care of that.

    I could feel my arms and legs trembling as I moved toward his head, taking a hand and slipping it under his head to lift it up and guided my dick to his mouth. For a moment, there was a look of panic on his face but he opening his mouth to allow me to slide right into it. I started to slowly fuck his mouth, not trying to make him suck all of it but to feel his tongue against my knob and shaft. I felt his hands on my ass, his fingers digging int my cheeks as he pushed more of me into his mouth and I groaned to feel his tongue flying around my dick.

    I looked at him... and lost it and, damn, I could see my dick pulsing between his lips, saw his cheeks puff out a little as my sperm shot into his mouth, felt him "struggle" to swallow it, not that he was trying to get away from it. I let myself just collapse onto the bed next to him and he even kinda rolled over and laid his head on my chest and, jeez, we were both hot and sweaty messes.

    "Jesus, man," he said after a long moment of us just lying together. "I didn't know it could be like that! Did I do okay?"

    "You were perfect," I managed to say; my mouth and throat was so dry and I would have killed for a long drink of water. "You were just very damned perfect."

    He laughed a little before saying, "For a moment, I thought you were going to fuck me..."

    "I thought about it," I said, absently stroking his wet and sweaty head.

    "You should have," he said, running his fingers up and down my body and making me shiver like it was freezing in that hot and stifling room. "We have time before my family comes home..."

    Honestly? I didn't think I could get it up again; I was drained and sated from both sucking him and being sucked and even as he went back down on my - after we both got some water to quench our thirst - I was just happy for us being in a 69 and having his "perfect" dick in my mouth again. I got hard enough to get it in him - with the help of a lot of lotion he had in his room - and if I thought sucking his dick was perfect, so was being inside him. He didn't say a thing as I stuffed myself in his very tight hole except, "Yeah... that's it..." or something like that; I was very busy trying not to cum immediately and I think he knew that because he clearly said, "Go ahead - it's okay..."

    I lost it again and even though I was sure I wasn't shooting much sperm into him, that didn't mean what I was feeling wasn't very terribly intense. Later, we were back to studying for the upcoming test... and like we'd been doing it all along. Jimmy did say, "You know we're gonna have to do this again - and soon - right?"

    "Yes," was I all could say, thinking about his "perfect" cock being in my mouth again and maybe deep in my ass the next time, too.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. "Perfect" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was sweating like a fiend and I could feel my renewed erection trapped between my body and Jimmy's bed, begging for some attention... but it didn't matter whether it got some at that moment because his dick felt so damned good in my mouth and as I continued to suck that "perfect" cock, I was wondering when the last time I had so much fun - and joy - giving head to a guy.

    Jimmy was... long past losing it. I had one hand on his belly and I could feel a layer of sweat between my hand and his body as his belly heaved with every strained breath he took. He was getting close; I could feel the tremors racing along his shaft and I want to both prolong this... and shove him over the edge. For a really brief moment, I thought about which thing I wanted to do - then said, "Fuck it..." to myself and picked up the pace. I wanted - needed - to feel him cumming in my mouth, to feel the pulsations as his spunk flowed from him - and then once more taste the salty sweetness of his seed.

    The room was filled with heavy, labored breathing - his and my own. He's trying to get away from me, squirming on the bed and I just pressed down on his belly to keep him in place and took him deep one last time. His cock swelled in my mouth even as his whole body went as stiff as a board. He cursed and I looked up at him in time to see the look on his face as his cum shot into my mouth and pretty much directly down my throat... and there was a lot of it and my only regret - if you could call it that - was that I had him deep down to his pubic bone so all that delicious sperm never got caught on my tongue.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. "Perfect" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]But that was okay because in those few short moments having all of his dick in my mouth, this was just another opportunity to do it again... and I was going to do it again whether he wanted to or not. I applied just enough suction to keep him from going completely soft, ignoring his moaning and groaning as he recovered from his release. I glanced up at him and while his eyes were open and looking in my direction, I wasn't sure he was really seeing me... but it didn't matter.

    I'd get his attention soon enough.

    I began sucking on him again; I couldn't get it out of my head how... perfect his cock was, from the way it tasted to how it fit so comfortably in my mouth - it was as if his dick was tailor-made for me to suck. As I sucked him gently - but somewhat urgently - I could hear him weakly asking what I was doing and going from this to saying something about not believing this was happening before going back to moaning and starting to fuck into my mouth. He was getting hard again but I wasn't going to rush getting him off again. I could feel his "perfect" knob at the back of my tongue and it was like whatever gag reflex I had wasn't aware that there was a hard dick in the area.

    I felt his hands on my head as he fucked my mouth a bit faster and I just held still, feeling his prick sliding in and out of my mouth; his whole body shuddered every time my tongue rasped against his knob - it had to be very sensitive and making that thin line between pain and pleasure even thinner. I let him fuck my mouth for long moments before retaking control of the situation, grasping him at the base of his "perfection" and squeezing to keep him firm while I paid some attention to his balls.

    Even they were "perfect." Practically hairless - he didn't have much pubic hair to get stuck in my teeth to begin with - and I was able to get both of them in my mouth easily. His body stiffened and I could feel his dick twitching in my kinda tight grip so I gave his nuts one last, good washing with my tongue before going back to eating his dick right down to the bone.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. “Perfect” - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]“Quite a few times,” I said. I guess that for him, that’s all he needed to hear. I didn’t try to stop him when he moved closer to me as we sat on his bed, unzipped my pants, and pulled my very hard dick out.

    ”You’re kinda big,” he said just before he lowered his mouth onto me, making me gasp... and him gag a little. I started to pull away but he shook his head and started letting his tongue flick all over my dick and shoving me quickly to the edge.

    ”Stop - I’m gonna cum!” I said - and Jimmy just nodded and I lost it. To my surprise, he swallowed my spunk, tentatively at first but more... eagerly - I guess the taste agreed with him.

    It had been a while since I’d wanted a guy’s cock like I wanted Jimmy’s... and he didn’t keep me waiting. He wriggled out of his pants and underwear... to reveal what I felt was the perfect dick. Average in every way which, for me, meant not too big or small.

    Jimmy stretched out, breathing heavily and trembling as I scooted over to him and just swallowed his cock whole. He groaned - then flooded my mouth with warm spunk... and for the first time in a long time, I was pissed that he came too soon.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. My Journey (Part III)

    After successfully sucking and swallowing that first uncovered cock, I felt proud of myself for passing that milestone. A month or so later I was drinking at home alone, when it suddenly occurred to me that I'd like to do that again. So I emailed the guy asking if he wanted another blow job. He replied right away, and showed up thirty minutes later. With no formalities, he dropped his pants and sat down on the couch. I dropped to my knees in front of him, and complimented him on what a great looking cock he had, before engulfing it with my mouth.

    The nerves of the previous time were gone, and I could take my time and relish the entire experience. I set about doing just that! I had fantasized for decades about being able to do this, and here was my chance. Having a cock on call excited me beyond measure. I was lost in the sensation of this beautiful cock in my mouth. The sucking itself came so naturally to me that I never had to even question or guess about how to do it. That cock was simply [I]supposed[/I] to be in my mouth. It was like coming home.

    The last time, I had not wanted to release that amazing dick from my mouth after he came. This time he asked me not to do that, and I agreed. That meant I needed to make this last as long as possible. To enjoy having that cock in my mouth as long as I could. And man, did I enjoy it. The sensation of finally having what I had dreamed of for so many years, hungered for for so long, (and knowing that it was okay, there was nothing to be afraid of) sent me into a haze of pure cock lust. I lost myself in the feeling of that velvet steel rod on my tongue and in my throat. This was heaven.

    As he built to a climax, I used a circular motion with my hand at the base of his rod while sucking hungrily, and it began. He warned me he was cumming, and I only sucked harder as he exploded in my mouth, coating my tongue with his delicious nectar. I held him inside as I swallowed and swallowed. Finally certain that I had gotten all he had to give, I released him from my mouth and said "Thank you!"

    A month or so later, I got the urge again.
  7. Jaded - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]What I should have done was say, “Okay, let’s go...” but there was that whole “daddy” thing that irked me... and it shouldn’t have. The inference to incest doesn’t bother me one bit (I once gave my drunken father a blow job just because he pissed me off) - I just don’t find guys using “daddy” to describe themselves in these things attractive and, then again, I know I can be too literal-minded.

    I’m jaded. Spoiled, even. Too used to things being... equal. You suck my dick, you get yours sucked. Why should you have all the fun sucking dick... and does it matter - should it matter - that I love sucking dick, too?

    My wife,when I told her about “Mr. Creepy”, laughed and chided me for what I’d said to him about growing up. “I know you bit maybe ya should’ve let him blow you so he could trust you to blow him?”

    Maybe. But that would imply that I trusted him to blow me in the first place. Trust has to be earned and all that but I know this is a pet peeve of mine.

    doesnt make me any less jaded, I think. Spoiled. That bothers me a bit. So much that when I see him again, I’m going to apologize to him and explain why I said what I did.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Jaded - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]“Well, when you get grown up enough to get your dick sucked, let me know,” I said. “And you called me a youngster?”

    I walked off; I wasn’t angry or even offended - I was unhappy. Okay, he’s a cock sucker... but so am I. I don’t have a problem just letting a guy blow me... but I know how I am and I’m not gonna want to be left out of the fun.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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