
Visitor Message Conversation Between DMercator and Visexual

2 Visitor Messages

  1. It sounds like you need to contact a certain friend soon. And I'm so overdue for a nice day at Camp David that I might just go alone if Dave can't get away. We both need some relief, huh?
  2. Thought about you as I was writing this week. Good to see your comments. Just make sure you don't leave the web page open for the wife to see. lol

    You're right about trying to talk to Pole_Smoker being a waste of time, but I've enjoyed making her / him my bitch this week. They're not the brightest bulb in the box. For the life of me I can't imagine why the moderators don't ban them from the site.

    Oh well. I'm horny. It's friday. And no relief in sight. Pretty much the same as every other Friday. Have a good weekend.
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