
Visitor Message Conversation Between DD788Snipe and Jazminedress

5 Visitor Messages

  1. If you email me I'll send you a picture if it makes you feel comfortable.
  2. Jaz I love to have a drink with you and just shoot the shit, really. I sold my boat in Chula Vista but I'm back to being a caretaker for friends so I'm down there at least once a month. No expectations. Just really enjoy your post and I think we have a lot in common. I don't want to crimp your style and it doesn't matter to me if you're dressed or not. That didn't sound right bur you know what I mean. If your interested let me know. My email rvtraveler98 at yahoo. Look forward to hearing from you either yea or nea.
  3. Hey Jaz those people that hijacked BiGuy's post with politics are trolls. I applaud you for standing up to them. You and I really do think alike. I've learned to stay away from political discussions online. It just doesn't go anywhere. Most of those people are indoctrinated trolls anyway and nothing you or I say is going to change their way of thinking. I really respect you and I enjoy your post.
  4. Hi Jazmine ��
  5. Yes it's getting better here.
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