
Tired of it all!

  1. Clancy
    Just want to say that I'm tired of it all! Ever since 2013 my worthless life has been going to shit! It has been getting worse every year since! No matter what I do! As of January 8th of 2016 my daughter was taken from me and what used to be my girlfriend of almost 13 years! We had children services take her from us because we failed for meth and weed in our system. My daughter tested positive for THC in her hair. We since then went through iop, a substance abuse program trying to get our daughter back. In the process of getting her back. My girlfriend decided to inform me that she no longer loved me and was no longer attracted to me!over the past few months I found out that she was hanging out with this guy from the na meetings we were going to. This started two weeks after I started a new job. Now we got into a big fight one night before Christmas. I called her out on some shit like her messing around with this guy and going back to using meth. I finally got the truth out of her. But things got worse. I don't think we are getting our daughter back. my girl is actually my ex,I have no family and no friends because everyone has turned their backs on me! As of rite now I don't have nothing left to lose,so I've decided and I'm sticking to it...I'm getting a gallon of antifreeze and 4-5 boxes of sleeping pills and I'm going to my sons grave. I'm taking all of the sleeping pills and drinking about almost half of the antifreeze. Then I'm going to lay with my son and wait til me and him can be together! Nobody wants me and nobody cares about me! I can't keep living this way! I'm nothing but a failure!
  2. rascal2014
    I'm sorry to hear that you have given up on life. We all have had our rough spots in life but taking your own doesn't solve anything. When my daughter was 4 years old my wife of 7 years decided she didn't love me and took my daughter and left me for another man. Yes it hurt but I refused to allow her to take me down. I know you are hurting really bad right now but I can tell you that it WILL get better over time. Try to be strong and not let anyone get the best of you. The best way to get revenge is to get your life in order and show them all that you are better than all of those that have hurt you. If you think killing yourself will get back at all of them especially your ex girlfriend, take my word it WON'T. Find you a good local support group or go to the hospital and tell them that you need help and explain to they why. There are groups out there to help. So please reconsider what you were talking about doing and get help fast.
  3. Clancy
    There is nothing to talk about. I have made up my mind and have everything planed out. She or anybody else don't want me around but to use me..well I just won't be around anymore. I will be with my son who I know wants his daddy. It should have been me instead of him to begin with. All I am to her and everyone else is a burden! Not anymore! I'm just buying my time!
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