

  1. bluestar97
    What are your feelings when it comes to male foreskin?
  2. Beefeater
    As a 65 yr old male bisexual , I've been back and forth over the issue of whether I wanted to be cut or uncut. As a young man, I always seemed to feel that I was somehow out of the mainstream when I viewed all the other males around me who had been cut at birth. In my whole lifetime, I've only seen two other males that were uncut. Needless to say, at that time, I wished that I had been circumsized at birth also.

    I once actually asked a Dr. to have the procedure done but he told me that he would advise against it. He told me that as long as I kept the area under my foreskin clean, there was no reason to have it done and to this day, I am still a very happily married bisexual uncut man.

    One of the things that makes me glad that I'm uncut is the fact that I produce a good bit of precum which acts as a wonderful lubricant that keeps the head nice and moist and makes masturbation very pleasurable. I'm able to use the precum to lube the anal openings or vaginas that I come in sexual contact with thus making the sex act with my partners enjoyable for them as well as for myself. Once I'm fully inside my partner, I can feel the foreskin being retracted and upon withdrawing, I can feel the foreskin moving back forward to again cover the glans.

    My only complaint is the fact that I haven't been able to meet and have sex with another uncut bisexual male like myself as all of my male sex partners have been cut.

  3. Sum14fun
    I am cut but I find uncut cocks to be VERY erotic. There look how the foreskin slides back and forth over the head. I so badly want to have one to play with myself.
  4. bi4asplay
    I am uncut and very happy that I am. The head is much more senstive that on an uncut man. An uncut cock to me is much sexier than a cut cock is, at least to me.I enjoy running my tongue around the head while the skin is still covering it.Very hot.I like to see the head peek out of the forskin as it startes to get hard.That does make mine peek out as well.I have never seen an ugly uncut cock. I have seen many ugly ones that are cut.
  5. ohbimale
    I have a cut cock. I have never had a problem with cut or uncut men. As long as the man takes care of daily hygiene I think uncut cocks are sexy.
  6. JuicyJim
    I have an uncut cock and love it just the way it is. When I was younger I wanted to get cut but didnt have the money and the feeling soon passed.
  7. JessicaTO
    As a girl I must say I've been with both cut and uncut men, I prefer uncut by a long shot. The idea of agreeing to or requesting body parts be cut off a newborn baby for no apparent reason freaks me out. The skin was there at birth, it belongs there, and it should be appreciated. I have a husband and a live in boyfriend who are both cut, and one lover who is uncut.... the sex with my uncut lover is far more passionate and the cock worship is much more intense than the others.
  8. DaneJ
    As a cocksucker I would like to say that uncut cocks are so much more fun to suck! I push the sheath back with my lips and use my tongue to swirl around the head, then suck the sheath back and pull it out of my mouth and repeat! Such Fun!!!
  9. bluestar97
    Thanks for all the comments on uncut cocks..There's nothing more exciting than to suck a cock with long foreskin..Sliding back the foreskin to find the head wet with precum..I usually only suck men with foreskin..After doing it I lost interest in cut cocks..Its not the same..My friend has very long tight foreskin and I love sucking his cock..Ill post a picture if you would like..Thanks again
    To bad so many men in the U.S. are cut, Iam glad I live in Europe..Here it is against the law to cut a baby boy and the parents can recieve up to two years in prison..Have a nice day all!
  10. luvcocks
    I too am cut and most of the cocks I've sucked were cut as well. To date only one was not and I must say I was very excited when he dropped his jeans to display his natural man meat. It didn't take a second to be on my knees with a mouthful of hot cock.
  11. ramius
    I am uncut and have always loved that fact. As a kid growing up the guys were pretty much 50/50, cut/uncut I loved the aroma and the looks of uncut the best.
  12. DiamondDog
    Myself and many other intact men who have foreskin are puzzled as to why North American men make such a huge deal out of foreskin, and why some even sort of fetishize it?
  13. Troubleshooter
    The reason is simple - you see damned few of them in the States. I would guess that, religious reasons aside, the vast majority of American men are circumcised.

    I will admit to a fascination with uncut men myself and for that reason, though a man can be cut or uncut so far as I'm concerned. I care about more than just his cock.
  14. DiamondDog
    Yeah well if the only reason a woman or man wants me is because I'm hung and not cut, sorry no thanks! I don't care how hot they are I don't want to be treated like a sex object or piece of meat.
  15. OralGiver
    The first cock i ever sucked was uncut,and i have been hooked every since
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