
Crap--It Had To Happen

  1. 12voltman59
    OF COURSE--it didn't take long---but the postings of this group didn't take very long to attract the wonderful musings of what I describe as "Trolls"

    I just wanted to apologize about that-----even though nothing I can do about that of course-----just as there are many good things about this site--with the best part being that even if many of us have not ever met and we may never meet----that somehow----we have come together on this site to discuss this part of ourselves----and to come to share some degree of camaraderie here. The bad part of this site is that we get fuckheads like "BiDamon" whoever he or possibly a she--(but not likely is a female) REALLY IS!!!

    In posting up some of my own stories-in here--it is to share them with others for my own enjoyment of doing that----but as much as anything----to provide an example of what I want people to feel free to do----but taking in consideration of the fact that we do have these "trolls" on here----I can understand if people may not feel free to do that------but then again---I say---FUCK "EM and lets go post up our shit anyway and to hell what they might think or say!!!!!

    If we cannot do this here--for many of us----we might not have any other place to do this----so once again--to trolls like DiDamon--I say--SCREW YOU!!!!

    You don't pay my fucking bills, so the HELL WITH YA!!!

    Post up whatever you want til Drew takes it down if its bad enough to warrant that!!! or he suspends the newest profile that you started up just to make such posts this time-----you are the FUCKING COWARD who has to hide behind your too many to name, "personalities" people like you seem to like to create.
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